:QIi i 37.,, I WILDJ CO. LEADING NT TAILORS I We offer to you the best tailored suit possible at the most suitable price. Workmanship the best. Every suit built to fit. Our stock of woolens of the highest qjuality. The largest assortment in the city to select from. G,5 Hl WRil)CO.! 311 S. State St. I .1 ,pci A° fancy box o[' fr11tsi stationery with your initiaft in-gold. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at tke University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the .postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan under Act of Congress of March 3, s$79. THEI N EW C OL LAR1 Basket Ball Comes Ne) Are you going to play the geme? "We hive jist- received a full supoly of BASKET BALL EQUIPMENT G Y' -GOODS OF ALL KINDS, AT .I I Offices .Ann--Arbor Press. Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $z. go; by mail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy ; University Pharmacy ; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and =State. Phone : Bell, 960o. 25c tlA Feruer pilca.46e Maurice Toulme......... Managing Editor' Adnat Johnson ........... Business Manager' News Editor- Spotting Editor H, -Beach Carpenter Gordon Eldredge Assistant to Manager Fred Foulk. Leonad Riser. ...Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill ........ Music and Drama Harold- Abbott................ Cartoonist NIGHRT DITORS Leo Burnett. W A H R'S S-HEEHAN & 00o. LTUOENSs BOOK9@33 -I Carlton' Jenks Y. F. J. Hsu REPORTERS Bermus Kline Chester Lang DETROIT UNI'TED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE' Limited and Express Cars for 'Detroit-7:i a. m. and hourly to 6:xo p. in, also $ zo p. m. Local Cars for Detroit-5 :40 a. nM, 6 :o6 a. m., and every two hours to 6:o6 p. in:, 7:06 p. mn., 8:o6 p. in., 9:10 p. in., and t0145 p. M. To Ypsilanti only, 11 :15 p. M-0., 2:3 5 p. m. 32:30 p. in., : oo a. mn. Limited Cars for Jackson-i :46 a. in. and every two hours to 7:46 p. mn.I Local Cars for Jackon-5:t2 ia. m., 6:51 a.tni., and every two hours to 6:51 p. mn., also 'g;2o p.mi., 11:15 p.mi. COX SONS & YIN ING 12 Madison Ave., NEWAYRK. '7. MAKERS Or CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees ° Dlay be Ordered from S MACK & CO. THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-103.105 South Main Street c . Y. 1ncNinney Ii. U. Hummel II ---- @ I! t J I' if ASSISTANTS O BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson John Leonard BUSINESS STAFF Myron W atkins V. G. Millard Arthur It. Torrey WV. ',. Carpenter Russel A. Runyan TU;ESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1913. Night Editor-Henry C. Rummel. ;ieeting- of entire reportorial and ttryouts ,inuoffices tWay at o'clock.t staff 4:301 L~ONG ON GOOD POINTS by th rvbakera of TROY' 85BEST PRODPVCTr LAIRO'S MODERN REPAIR SHOP The Shop On the way down town. 214 'East, Washington Street INVISIB3LE GOVERNMENT. Invisible government is exceedingly distasteful to the. American state of mind. The purer the democracy, the less the secrecy. Democracy is' fun- damental with English speaking peo- ples. When this privilege is invaded, the public is stirred to its depths, A feel ing akin to suspicion is immediately aroused. The only antidote is public confidence in the agency that has found the secrecy necessary. It the public is assured that. the tribunal_ thinks clear- ly, . earnestly, fairly and deliberately there is a partial restoration of con- fidence. President Wilson has been able to. gain universal approbation in his Mex- ican policy. Vet the public has been kept in the dark, to some extent. But before' this could be done, President Wilson had to show the American peo pie that he was worthy of their con- fidence. IPUNISHMENT VERSUS REFORM. Our deepest and most sincere sym- pathy goes with the students who have been or will be punished for the dis-; turbances after the Penn game. It is' A matter of no small inconvenience to be sent away from the university in the midst of. the semester; the dis-- a. $1500SA MIS UNIVERSII Y BOOKSTORES Boys we are making a specialty of a full dress sul 1$35.00. Owing to the fact that we bought 300 yards very fine dress suiting, has enabled us to give y+ u a.$5 dress suit at a saving of $15.00. We give you the very finest "f workmanship, fit style with a pure silk lining in both body and sleeves. Come in and examine the coat we have made; up, t .place your. order now. A. telephone call will bring us to your Douse, wit sample of our work if you find you are too busy to, 300 yards will not last forever-place your order at once Suits to corder at popular prices "Don't say cheap tailoring to me a- gaini It Is to laugh at. Ed. V.Pih Co. custom-tiliored clothes are)~ the °on- ly kind that galna respect." The cor- rect Autumn fashions are now ready. Step in mnd seei the most exciO-e pt. terns ever displayed by us:. Capial, SI 00k00 i - ___ t'4 __ ___r1__h him 11. in Il and Profits, $69,0001 THiE STUDENT COUNCIL. The Michigan Daily is consistently constructive. We have no desire to criticise the. studente'ouncil, simply to criticise, nor have we ever done so. We will never do so. We are always- seeking for efficient, teffective and genuine student self-gov- ernment. Possibly, we have attached our Dapple cart to a star; the ideal will be' most' difficult to attain.. The fal- ure- of one scheme or the- partial suc- cess of another must not cloud the ul-. timate ideal or slacken our effort. Flexibility, originality and persever- ence have gone undefeated so far in social movements. TONIGHT. Tonight will witness the biggest Glee and Mandolin club concert in the history' of Michigan. A few years ago, 'Glee club audiences were measured by tens;; last year every home concert! attracted hundreds; the affair tonight will be enjoyed by, thousands. $1toS50 to $25.00 The Quality Tailors E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. .g 11 The Place to a Go for 11111Gb Try Our Morning Luidch Before that 8 o'lok' We Promise the BEST CUP of COFFEE In Anim Arbor special Afenatz For 1 11*,For- Dipped ChooeIa . Made ini the mnost 5anitary factory in th~e world. 're beat caudie we have ever handled.VAN pOREN'S PnAfthACV; 793 Packs grace is greater. Yinfortunately, the action seemed necessary for a better Michigan. The twentieth century method of correc- tion is reformative rather than puni- tive. There must be a basic, example, however. This has been furnished, we, - ThCbb *A live program has been arranged;' hope, for all time to come. far removed from the old stereotyped Five years ago two students were gepes of musical club entertainment, sent away from the university for, Admissioh has been placed at a mod- hazing. Since. that time hazing has erate figure, and there is no reasonI almost completely dited out. W'e hope' why Hill auditorium should not be that that experience will be dupicte packed t( the rafters. In thiiroting cases, 209 Soa~s t.1. street Give 1s lar, whol agrzboard a#; perwoek., Smf* adrh-tkIng wetar.. IY RENT TYPEWRITERS? C. Cir. -r~mwProprietor. We have the Oliver °agency. We sell. on time or cash. Call in and see us and save mnon-" ey. We repair fountiin pens and drawing .in- ' struments.t IRVING. F. SCULEEDE, 340 S. STATE SI'RIET* RAMBLING. The Xichiggg Daily congratulates the two communleantg in this morn- lug's issue. Both have gara~thipg to say and they say it and then quit. They have saved space for us and time for you, Our communicants ust.ually ramble. It takes a microscope to find the point, and as few of us have microscopes, thea point 'goes on' and on unstopped. It. Is seldom that The Michigan Daily re- fuses a communication. When* it does, it is not because it disagrees with u, but because it ranmble# and keeps on rambling, O Ur readers must be pro- tected. Don't ramble. Brevity is the soul cj common sense.s (1A)PUIN (I1-RIEF Soph1 his will 11014 a "Thanksgiving 'Recuperation' party" at Barbour gym- nasnm, on ' aturday afternoon fol- lowing Tl nkrgiving dpy, November 29. Dgncing will begin at 2 39O'p'eloc-k and will egintinpe untll 5::a901P'Lp light refreshments will be §erved. Tfickets lre- on s~.lq at $5 cents each. -Ii bga #ig will tolit s traditional "rabbit ^ho nt" gtu reay, December .6. The affair tak~es the form of an qutitig, And will take place at Whitmore Lake. -Tckets for flpMatjjee diance at the Uniion, Than1tagvingafternon, will gp Op sale at thie 4elik today, At 590p c iOCk: 'They will be limited to 100 as osuab Dancipg will last from 2:30 a I BURCHFIELD & CO. to 5:30 o'clock. --The senior engineer cakne ceommittee which has been announced by Presi- dent George Paterson, is: as follows : H, J, Trum, chairman, C. A. Barnett, ft. D. Jlarnest, and T, E. Wheat. The committee will begin its work immedi- ately and is to make an early report. -ieiior laws will 40l4,&a Thanksgiv- ing 4isnee at, the u~nion Th-ursday even- i~lg, from 8:30 to 12:00 o'clock. "Tick- ets, Which are Pw An sale for $1.00, may be securled from mnembers of the social committee. -Tho Student volfftil will meet at 8$00 §'clp~lk tonigbt, in the north wing At University hall. The meeting will! he devod almost entirely' to the in- Yostigstion of riot charges, so it will probably he an @xeciotive session, while the, charges are being considered. FINE TAIIUORING TRADE We can 'and do give you the limit-of excell- ence in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete line of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders' in our line. Respectful ly, Samt Burchfield &>Co, IHEAVY RollColl a r "S WE ATERS" 1I[ ,IV AINDPRALIf In S.PALIDINO and. WEBBER Makes MACKINAWS all Wool RAINCOATS GLO VAS k ECKWKAR ;UOSIMKY Mia~estitTheatre., Tonight's perforMnce pf "Satan"1 w ill arkli te- nd of its engagement ,t the 9jestic theatre, This thrilling moving pictur'e production recounts the 'advenltures of the PTrince of Dark- ness An ea.rth, in the guise of an Ital- i an, It Was produced. by t he same company 014t gav@ to the w~rld "Quo Vadis" 4nd " rhe Last Days of Pom- Pell." On Friday and $aturday, November 28 anid 29, p ictureS of the ichigan- Cornell fooftbal game will be shown at the Mjajest p: This week'F attraction At the Gap- rick theatre, Detroit, is hivelyn Nesbit Thaw In a French musieai divertisso- anent, "Mariette," by Maurice Volny. One of the principal features of the production is a ballet of isixty under the direction of Emil Agoust, of the Alhambra theatre, London. IT'NVIEBSTTY NOICES. Astronomy 3 will meet at 11;00 o'clock this morning, room 10$, Tappan hall, Choral Union ushers report at west door, Hill auditorium, at 7,00 o'cl~cci tonight, for Glee and Mlandoliu echub concert. Commerce club~ will meet tonight in the economics building ait 7,00 o'clovv, Prof. David Friday will speak Rn "Public Accouintancy," Oratorical association ticklet sellers report to the treasurer between 4:00 and 5:00 p'cloek today, at the box of- fice in Uiniversity hall, All reports must be in today, Fresh pharmics will moot at 4:00 o'clock today in room 303, chemistry building, ;to elect president and tre44- user. Senior pharmics will meet at 1, 00 o'clock today In room 303 chemistry building, to elect a secretary, Fresh dents will hold their 'drats smoker at the Ullon tonight at 7:00 o'clock. Several talks will be givati by members pf the dental facpity and class officers. Fresh fits will meet in the economics building at 4:30 this afternoon,. Comedy clilb will inept for ri~earl at 4:04 q'clppk this 4ftern§§n in the Cercle Francais rggm1 Junior l0aWs will meet at 41 00 ocelockt today in ropm 4C, law building: itJapk-the-.peeper" jAarms Rf14s4ts ttes~depts and students living in the vicinity of Ann and Ingal str~t s. have lately been alarmed over the act- ions of a "hack-the-peeper" negi'Q, who has been caught in the act of peering in the windows of the houses, Sat- urday night he was discovered by stu- dents, wvho pursued him to the Huron Suits and 0'Coats, Mace to Fit From $20.00 to $45.00 The Varsity Toggery Shop "1107 S. Univorsity Avenue.