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November 25, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-11-25

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91 siliftl In iFpper HoweA 'T1is
Year, Nine Received Early
't'rialiing at University
The Michigan Daily For Michigan
Mlech1gn- has led in the United Stat-
es, i0nate:forthirteen, yprs.a
More Michigan graduates were elect-
ed t thle upper house of the 63rd an-
nuat congress, than alumni of any
other university iin the country. This
is not the rebrd of a single year, for,
since the beginning of the present cen-
turyf Michigpi has maintained ,.the
smea ndngn-.

Freshman History (lass to Give Plan
-First Trial This Morning.
The mid-semester examination in
English history under Prof. E. R. Tur-
ner, will be held .this morning under
the newly organized "honor system."
This system was adopted last Thurs-
day after two weeks' consideration by
the members of the class. It provides
that the students shall certify on the
blue book, that he has neither given
nor received help on the examination,
and shall sign his name to this effect.
The vote on this phase of the sys-
tem was nearly unanimous, only 12
out of the class of about 360 voting
against it. Another phase, providing
that every student shall report to the
committee, any other preson whom he
sees obtaining help, will be taken up
by the class at a later period, and stu-
dent opinions upon it will be given.

Matt Foley, of the Chicago Inter- en the call over ,the Wolverine, but in-
Ocean, has offered the first of the.All- asmuch as the Chicago boy is the ap-
Western football elevens for general ple of the Maroon eye, and as 'doubt-
digestion. Mr. Foley picks two Michi-f
gan men for his first eleven, one for I less Mr. Foley has not seen Captain
his second team, and overlooks one Paterson play, this choice is account-
bet. ed for.
Foley places Craig on the ,first elev-' But why did Mr. Foley leave "Tom-
en, and gives him the left halfback's my" Hughitt off both his .elevens:?
job. Pontius he puts at left tackle, ir- There is the question. Dorais of No-
respective of the fact that the "Brute" tre Dame is a good quartefback. 'He
is a right tackle. But this mistake is, is mentioned in the same breath with
of course, pardonable. Captain Pat- tMiller of Penn State. . B.ut so is Hugh-
erson is placed at the pivot's post on itt. And surely Hughitt deserves men'-
the second team. Des Jardiens is giv-' ton on the second eleven.

bioosting" University Society Now
Boasts Membership of 100.
"Boost the University of Michigan
while in the 'Thumb' district, and
boost the 'Thumb' district while in
Ann Arbor," is the slogan of the
"Thumb" club which is being organiz-
ed. All =tudents .are eligible whose
homes are located in the "Thumb" dis-
trict of Michigan, and more than 100
names have already been secured, in-
cluding.some of the most prominent
men ou the ampus.
As soon as the club .Is orghnized,
copies cf: The :Michigan Daily will be
sent to the h.igh schools and public li-
braries of those towns represented, so
as to keep the prospective college~men
of those towns in touch with the cam-
pus affairs of the university. Arrange-
ments are bing made to hold a smoker
before the holidays, and during the
holidays a Michigan dance will be held
at Port 'Hu pn,-the marketiace of the
"Thumb" district. Students interested
in the club can obtain information by
calling William Kronner, A.T.Graham,
ar Rodger Sylvester.


Noveties Including Every
Harmony Specie to Mark
Concert in Hil


First Team


Of the 98 senators sent by the va-
rious states to the national eapital last'
April, nine were men who had receiv-
ed their early training at the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Seven of this num-
ber received degrees from the depart-
ment of law, one specialized in polit-
ical economy, and the other spent
three semesters in the department of
literature, arts and the sciences.
Senator John D. Kern, '69L, of Indi-
ana, enjoys the greatest political rep-
utation of any of the Michiigan men.
Senator Kern was democratic candPa
(late for the vice-presideny on a tick-
et hea4edy lliam Jennings Bryan.
H esi noW t11e drhocratic leader of the.
senate, and was the most: prominent
legal light in the state of Indiana.
Henry F. Ashurst studied law and
F $pbitlIal econoiy at the University of
Michigan. From Ann Arbor, he went
west, where he worked as lumberjack,
Cow o 4clrl: bank cashier, reporter,
and'finallY began practicing law. Be-
o_ hewas sent to the senate in 1912,
he vas~,peakepr of the Arizona assem-
Bo o the .present 'senators from
Colorado received degrees from the
Michigan department of law. Senator
Charles S. Thomas, '71L, was governor
of Colorado from 1899 to 1902, and was
chairman of the Democratic National
Convention inf1900. He is now the
senior senator from the silver state,
having been elected in 1912. The jun-
or senator from the same state, Jphn
'. Sliiafbt , '7; ilos occuplied the gub-
e-natorial chair for two terms, having
been elected in 1908 and 1910. He
was. sent to the senate for the first
time by his state in 1913.
Gilbert M. Hitchcock, '81L, ex-law-
yer. and .present owner of the Omaha
World Herald, was elected to the sen-
ate in 1911. For six years previous to
that date, he was a member of the
house of representatives.
Porter J. McCumber, '80L, senior
senator from North Dakota, has held
tle office of sensator longer than any
other Michigan graduate, having been
elected as senatorial delegate in 1899
and being now in his third term of of-
George Southerland, member of the
famous law class of 1863, has repre-
sented the people of Utah in the sen-
ate since 1905, and previous to that
date' was a member of the house of
r'epresentatives for seven years.
Senator Charles E. Townsend, of
Michigan, who spoke at the last' Union
football smoker,' spent the year of
1'877 in the literary department. He,
was forierly 'tepresentative from
,fichigan for ten years and was elect-
ed to the senate in 1911.
IHenjamin F. Shively, '86L, the junior
senat6r from Indiana, was a member
of the house for seven years. and has
been in the senate as a colleague of
Senator Kern since 1909.


Rockne, Notre Dame ...........L.............Pogue, Illinois
Pontius, Michigan.. ... ....:. L.T.............Kirk, Iowa
Rosenthal, Minnesota ...........L.G.............Harris;' Chicago .
Des Jardien, Chicago............C. ..........: terson;' Michigan -
Keeler, Wisconsin .............. R.G...... ...... Routh, Purdue ' -
Butler, Wisconsin .............. R.T... . ........Gifford, Michigan Aggies
Ofstle, Minnesota...............R.E. .....'.....Solon, Minnesota
Dorais, Notre Dame .............Q...........Hightower, Northwestern
Craig, Mlichigan..............L. .............Purdy, Nebraska
Norgren, Chicago ............... R.H........ .....Oliphant, Purdue
Nichenlaub, Notre Dame..... ....F.B.............Julian, Michigan Aggies

Seats in iGalleries to Sell at 25 Cents,
While Seats on Main Floor
Are a0 'Cents.
Novelties of various kinds, including
every known species of harmony, will
mark the popular Thanksgiving con-
cert of the Glee and Mandolin club, to
be held at 8:00 o'clock tonight in Hill
auditorium. . Ragtime will be featured
in the selections of both the Glee club
men and instrumentalists.
"'Ta Dum, Ta Dum," the hit of "Cul-
ture," the second Union opera, will be
revived by the Glee club. Various oth-
dt opera favorites will also be intro-
duced by the' 'Varsity quartet. The
numbers used by the Mandolin club
will -be. largely taken from musical
comedies now playing in ,the eastern

Uihersity of lIichigan Aspirant sFor
Scholarship Awards, Fail to
Qualify, According to1
- Oxford Dispatches.

Five Candidates Chioseu, From Whom
Board Will Select State
Hope College, of Holland, Michigan,
placed two men on the list of eligibles
for the 1913 Rhodes scholarship
award, while all of the University of
Michigan aspirants failed to qualify,
according to the announcement of win-
ners received yesterday from the Ox-
ford University authorities by Presi-
dent Harry B. Hutchins.
Alma College placed one student,
Hillsdale College another,and- the Uni-
versity of Detroit furnished the last
of five men from whom the winner of
the coveted prize will be selected. The
following is the list as given out yes-
terday: R. Kroodsma, Zeeland,. Hope
College; W. F. Rennie, Hillsdale Col-
lege; L. Hekhuis, Holland, Hope Col-
lege; S. P. Cook, Alma, Alma Col-
lege; and F. J. Kennedy, Detroit; Uni-
versity of Detroit.
From this list, to which any eligible
men of those who have passed the ex-
aminations in previous years may be
added, will be chosen the man who
will receive the Rhodes scholarship
for the state of Michigan. Selection is
to be made by a board consisting of
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
James H. Steer, President Harry B.
Hutchins, Dean John R. Effinger, Pres-
ident B. W. Anthony, of Adrian Col-
lege, and President Samuel W. Dickey,
of Albion College. The meeting of
this board for the purpose of making
the award will be held probably some
time in December.
According to the communication
coming from the authorities at Oxford
University, where the examination pa-
pers were sent for correction, the
winner may be chosen from all those,
eligible, each one having an even
chance so far as the scholastic re-
quirements are concerned. The man
who will ultimately be chosen will ,be
tested according to his popularity as
a student and man, as well as to his
ability in athletics and in other colle-
giate activities.

0'.flUN IC A'TION.
(The Michigati Daily assumes no re-
sponsibility for sentiments express-
ed in communications.)
Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
The "canny Scotchman,"," who, af-
ter the habit of his folk, has been
abroad, thanks you for your editorial
leader of November 21. 1 need not
rouble you even with "interesting con-
victions." But, 1 may say this. Foot-
loose, at last, from the Conference and

its dropsical laws, we can reconsider
our eligibility rules. For,-as I am in-
formed,the eastern institutions- have
moved. And, l,.for one, would cry con-
tent were the Yale regulations to -be
adopted. I undestand that they are set
forth in a single sentence. Any." stu-
dent certified to be in good standing
is a "Yale man," and therefore eligi-
ble. It would seem that simplicity and
common sense,"here as usual, go' to-


Eva Tanguay was sitting on a big
trunk at the side of the Whitney thea-
tre yesterday afternoon, swinging her
feet over the edge. Johnny Ford was
there, her leading man, and so was
her favorite bull dog, but little did
they wot that in the background there
lurked no less a one than Cupid suc-
cessfully disguised as a stage hand,
masked in a-week's growth, who wres-
tled trunks the while. And across the
street, the tempter, hung in the guise
of a shingle, two by twice, and labelled
"Justice of the Peace."
"Eva," said Johnny, "do you see that
sign?" She saw it.
"Eventually," he said, "why not
She demurred; then she said, "All
right. Come on."
In the middle of the street she stop-
ped. "I don't want to get married,"
she said, and ran back to her place of
refuge on the trunk. Then sb chang-
d her mind,-a peculiar thing to do,-
and this time they got into the office.
"Have you a license?" asked the jus-
tice. Alas, love is not only blind but
absent minded.
"I'll get the license," said Ford, "yod
wait here," but Eva remembered that
she must dress soon for, the matinee,!
and she wanted to think it over before
she got married anyway. - She had
never been married before and she
didn't want to do anything foolish.
"Never mind," said Ford, "I'll get
the license and we can think it.over
afterwards," so he went across the:
street to the court house and County.
Clerk Beckwith fixed him up with'a
1913 model,and all the newest fixtures.
Eya thought it over during the show,

and evidently. came to some very defi-
nite conclusions for twice she called up,
Justice Thomas and told him not toy
leave the office until she arrived. ,
The wedding -party came at last,-
the leading lady and the leading man,,
three witnesses and Eva's favorite
"Do you want to get married now?"
asked Justice Thomas.. .
"I don't believe so" said Eva and
started for the door.
That was about 5:45 o'clock. At
6:45 o'clock her misgivings were en-
tirely allayed and the ceremony pro-.
ceeded. It was over in a minute and
Johnny said, "Aren't you glad it's all
over?" and Eva said "'I don't care,"
and while Ford slipped the justice a-
ten spot Eva made a quick getaway.
with the bulldog, and the wedding par:
ty with the three witnesses coming in1
a bad -.third disappeared around. the,
corner, at double quic4.
After last evening's performance Mr..
Ford said, "You may be sure we are
the two happiest people in the world.
This even will not change our plans in
the least and next year we expect to
be back here in a big musical comedy."
Miss Tanguay said, "We have been
thinking aboutthis for some time but
with that sign string us in the face
all afternoon wet couldn't stand the
strain. I have always liked Ann Ar-
bor and I am sure now that I w'ill nev-
'er forget it."
Mr. Ford..as'one time husband of
Mamie Jerue who appeared here with
'Kittie Gordon, in The American Girl,
but it is Eva':s first offense. Miss Tan-
guay claimed Ili years of discretlgn
and Mr. Ford admittgd 32. ,

Coniutittee- of Working Students Will,
Attempt to Secure 'Factory-Which
il.. - 1 Employ Students
SAn inOdd ours.
Investigalion - of Boarding Houses
Shoms. Most Conditions
One thousand students may be ad-
dpd to the universityyif the plans,
formulated last night at the meeting
of the .campaign committee of the
working students in Ann~ Arbor, are
carried into effect. The committee will
canvass the faculty members on their
attitude towards the enlargement: If,
the faculty and general cam-
pus opinions, favors the in-
flux, it . wil '-'co-operate with the
Ann Arbor Civic association to bring
some factories to Ann Arbor, which
will be .able to use help during
the students' odd hours. The commit-
tee will also draw 'up rules governing
the time and compensation of the stu-
dent workers, and will attend to all
complaints made by students about
boarding hpuses. - .
Mr. Horace G. Prettyman, of the'
Prettyman boarding house, who is one
of the members on the committee, be-
lieves that 1,000 working students will
rush into the universiy, if sufficient
opportunity for workingais furnished
by some basket-making or shoe-man-
ufacturing companies. Mr. Frank All-
mendinger, president of the Ann Ar-
bor Civic- association, is in favor of
that project, and promises to lend his
support in furthering the movement,
if the&cafnpus considers it desirable.
Frank Olmstead, and Carl Guthe,
vxere appoiht'ed a coramittee'to prepare
a questionaire to be sent to the board-
ing houses in Ann Arbor, as well as to
the working students, regarding the
length of work required by the differ-
ent houses, and brand of food served
to thes-t'uddets. While reptiits of'the
sanitary conditions in many boarding
houses-and fraternities,have been sat-
isfactory, five cases have been investi-
gated upon some complaint. 'Three
were. not serious, antd-two showed that
the fault was.on the-part of the st-

"The String Scrapers' Trio" is the
name of an organization composed'of
three instrumentalists-three, count
'em, three-which will specialize in
anti-classical harmony. The brand of
shoulder music dispensed by this ag-
gregation is said to be unusual.
Tickets for tonight's concert will be
on sale all day at the book-stores, or
may be obtained at the Hill auditorium
box office between 3:00 and '5:00
o'clock this afternoon. The box office
will be open preceding the concert
this evening, the doors being opened
at ::15 o'clock.
Seats in the two galleries sell at 25
cents, while seats on the main floor
are 50 cents. No seat reservations are
made. The sale so far has been large,
and it is expected that the immense
Hill hall will be well filled for the
(The Michigan Daily assumes no re.
sponsibility for sentiments express-
ed in comniunications.)
Editor,Thel Michigan Daily:-
In all the discussion of the 'riot fol-
lowfing the Pennsylvania game no one
has pointed out that Mayor R. G. Mc-
Kenzie was partially responsible for
the disorder.,'
At the last meeting before the Penn-
sylvania game the student council ex-
pressed itself in favor of closing the
saloons at 6:00 o'clock on November
15. On the morning of that day, in
company with another student I in-
terviewed the mayor, and requestedq
him to close the saloons at 6:00
o'clock. We pointed out that drunken
students had frequently disgraced the
university in. the past in downtown
celebrations, after big games. We
maintained that most of these stu-
dents usually became intoxicated. by
drinking In the saloons from 6:00 t
8:30 o'clock in the evening.
The mayor refused to close the sa-
loons until the actual outbreak of dis-
order, maintaining that the people of
the city had voted for saloons,: and
should not be denied the privilege of
using them because of the weakness
of certain students. As a result of
this action several students became in-
toxicated by drinking at the saloons
between 7:00 and 8:00 o'clock. The
investigations of the student council
(Continued on page 4.)

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Tonight at 8:00


iu Concert





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