I '. WILD O. THE LEADING ?RCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the : tailored suit possible he most suitable price. >rkmanship the best. zry suit built to fit. r stock of woolens of highest quality. The hest assortment in the to select from. H. W-D C0 311 S. State St.: I 11 Special This Week A fancy Box of initial stationery with your Iitials in gold. II 11 THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNITARIAN CHURCH Official'newspaper at the University of Mich- State cor. Huron' igan. Published every iborning except Monday dur-R. S. LORING, Minister ing the university year. Morning Service at io:3o *nte dt the nnc ffirn nt Ann AU,- Uf I.JCIP I I Basket Ball A I 25c III, Former price 40c SHEEIAN &4CO. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE UI W1IT UNITED LINES NN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7 :10 and hourly to 6:io p. n., also 8:zo rs for Detroit-5:40 a. m., 6:06 a. m., ery two hours to 6:06 p. m., 7:06 p. 6 p. mn., o:i0 p. in., and 1o:45 p. mn. silanti ony, 1:15 p. M., 12:15 p. M. Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and wo hours to 7:46 p. m. rs for Jackson-5:12 a. in., 6:51 a. in., ery two hours to 6:51 p.in., also 9:20 11:15s p. in. I -.. WAIT 1llensTo s COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave, NEW YORK MAKERS Oi CAPS GOWNS & HOODS For All Degreces May be Ordered from MACK & CO. _L STEP IN AND-SEE THE NEW BLUE SOFT HATS JUST RECEIVED rnerea at te postomece at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan.under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. subscription Price: By carrier, $a2.5; by mail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy ; University Pharmacy ; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 960. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson ............. Business Manager News Editor Sporting Editor Li. Beach Carpenter Gordon Eldredge Assistant to Manager Fred Foulk. Leonard RieserI.......intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill .....Music and Drama Harold Abbott ................. Cartoonist NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett REPORTERS Carl tn Jenks Beus Kline Y. F. J. Hsu Chester Lang T. F. McKinney H. C. Rummel ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherood Field Harry Johnson John Leonard BUSINESS STAFF Myron Watkins F. G. Millard Arthur H. Torreys A . R, Carpenter Mussel A. Runyan SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1913. Night Editor-F. F. McKinney. THE STUDENT COUNCIL.a The Michigan Daily is thoroughly democratic in its ideals and principles. We believe heartily in student self government, and we will always cham- pion the self government cause. At the same time we realize that$ the price of student government is eternal vigilance. Student government means to us, government by all the students. Some authority must be delegated, but as far as possible each and every student must be made to feel his responsibility. Each and ev- ery student must have the opportunity to be intelligent on the issues of the day. For that reason, The Michigan Dai- ly stands opposed to executive ses- sions by the student council. For that reason, The Daily criticised the coun- cil because of its stand on Friday night. On Tuesday night, The Daily will go; before the council to state its position and ask to have the executive ses- sion motion taken off the books. Pr I Sermons on Browning His Idea, of Man YOUNG PEOPLES' SOCIETY At 7:30 The City Ugly Campaign SPEAKER MR. J. L. RICHARDS $15.00 SAVED I Are you going to play the game? We hove just received a full supdly of BASKET BALL EQUIPMENT GYM GOODS OF ALL KINDS AT I' Boys we are making a specialty of a full dress suit at $35.00. Owing to the fact that we bought 300 yards of a very fine dress suiting, has enabled us to give y( u a $50.00 dress suit at a saving of $15.00. We give you the very finest of workmanship, fit and style with a pure silk lining in both body and sleeves. Come in and examine the coat we have made up, then place your order now. A telephone call will bring us to your house with a sample of our work if you find you are too busy to call. 300 yards will not last forever-place your order at once. Suits to order at popular prices w A HR'IS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES I I voters. Most of these are freshmen. Very few first year men who vote in a university election have any real interest in seeing any one candidate elected. They simply vote because they are directed by their friends who wish to see certain persons elected. The difficulty would probably be done away with to a great extent if all the freshmen were eliminated from these elections. They would then be compelled to wait a year before vot- ing and could study conditions. Dep- rivation of the ballot for a year would make the first year men appreciate the, ballot more when they were en- franchised. $1,5o to $25.00 I I, The Quality Tailors ne S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule t Cashier V. President ' NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor. Mich, Capital $roo,ooo. plus and Profits, $65,000. E. C. FLANDER S 209 E. Liberty St. Raincoats, Mackinaw, and Shirts to Order ;I i 4 K 61,00 THAT CHEST. ....: __ .:.. J Place to Go forLunch Busy B eel )ur Morning Lunch Before that 8 o'clock We Promise the BEST CUP OF COFFEE in Ann Arbor F ORS TO MFN OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS H AVE UA LITY that UALIFY DICK L University Ave. IIE3N RY & CO. V L w FOR MICHIGAN. Friday morning The Michigan Daily started a series of articles on Michi- gan and her greatness. Michigan is a great university because she is sym- metrical, great in education, great in athletics, great in humanity, great in numbers and great in spirit. It is our purpose to show this many- sided development in articles that are to appear at regular intervals for the next few months. We do not care to say just how great Michigan is in comparison with any particular uni- versity. Rather it is our purpose to show that Michigan is great, and com- parisons are not only odious, but un- necessary. Suggestions from persons interested, will be greatly appreciated. At best we have many things to learn that might be at your tongue's end. At this season in the year begins the danger period in the health of ev- ery student. Now, if ever, thin chests and spindling limbs need to be reen- forced against disease. Michigan offers to her hundreds of health imperilled men the finest equip- ment for physical salvation. That gymnasium was built for you, Mr. Spindleshanks. Those dumb-bells, Mr. Thinchest, were not designed for Olympic victors. They were purchased as a necessity, and the necessity is most obvious in many cases. -How- ever much we may lag behind Euro- pean universities in individual physi- cal training, still we have the appa- ratus if you are wise enough to use it. So don't let the chest sag! A hear- ty vigor will mean more for you in fu- ture life than all, the intellectual ad- vantages of university training. THREE BIG MEN. In Dr. Theodore G. Soares, Edward C. Mercer and Graham Taylor, the uni- versity Y. M. C. A. has secured for its Sunday meetings three of the most effective reformers and speakers in the country. Their message should be particularly powerful when given to audiences of university men who are keenly alive to the problems these men have dealt with. Don't loaf on the street Sunday night, after supper! Drop in at the Majestic meeting and hear a vital mes- sage from a big man. WAI KING LOO Come Up and Try George's Chop Suey Delicious Chinese and American Dishes. 341 South State StreE tPhose 1244-L Request Mutual Wireless Tests. H. S. Sheppard, University wireless operator, has received communica- tions from the wireless departments of Pennsylvania State College, and the University of St. Louis, inquiring as to the feasibility of carrying on mu- tual tests of apparatus, in connection with the wireless research in those schools. Michigan is already handling tests with the University of North Da- kota at Grand Forks, and will branch out into the east and south accord- ing to Sheppard. Penn State has an experimental license similar to that held by the local station. Hot WateBtle All Guaranteed The Season Is R for Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner IPure Drugs I ij MYLES Speatal Agerate For ells Fork Dipped Chocolates Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. The best candies we have ever handled. VAN DUREN'$ PHARMACY, 703 Packard St. I I I. Clothh OP lothes that are Tailored Right "That's the kind that we make." A call is solicited. FRESHMEN. The Michigan Daily believes that one' reason for the general dissatis- faction with elections in which the whole university participates is that there is such a mass of uneducated ANN AIRBOR DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAI CLEANERS Phone 628 UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS TE. WAHi Consolidation 204 East Washington ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS 6. H. KUHN 607 E. William St. Second Floor UI WE CALL AND DELIVER irr 1' [he Ann Arbor Savings Bank pital Stock $3$0,ooo Surplus $oo,oo0- Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted ficers: Chas. E. Hliscock. Pres., W. 1D.liar- riman, Vice Pres., k .J. Fritz, Cashier ]Flowers Cousins (;.Hadi Cho.o. Cut Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Car. 12th St. and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 11S5 A RROW YoICOLLAR Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers ANOKA iZifor2 tnverzt Abufflrsc lHouse PRIS&S VILDINtG MAYNARD ST. Aceos from Majestic THE.NEW Michigan- Song Book Now on Sale Every Student Should I A w ~ a - "' T . r-I&I A T T ,%__ 14