THE MICHIGAN DAILY. J 1.. r I 9I 15 a Kodak LYNDON "At the Sign of The HodakC Finishing Flashlig hts and Groups Films It Telephone 458-L 719 North Univrsity Avenue nice 15 oz. Blu- Serge, a bea ntiful shade acid soft finish, at wvill not gloss readily". We have a forty yard cut on nd. Every manl needs such a suit, 'make N ourself a etas present of one. It is none too early toplace your 'der-give us time to tailor a suit as it shoudB- Winter is coming "su"sm o why not. have your O'Coat ade as you want it ieadly for tlhose co'd days. . , . I I J. KARL MALCOLM KST LIBERTY ST. IANN ARBOR d "Tie Chicago } Tailors New York As and 0'Coats to your order $18, $20; $22060, $25 and '$30 elocal agents for this i agnificenut line of nmade to order clothes. NWe want to show you the big line of wioolens; and naewest rtyl1r; for Pall and Winter.. Oke devr orer twe saxer yoil from $ to Aso. State St. Opposite liustons' cor f'ctlo n lo ery, W,. imhcy t C'e bsts asortrfic-l t of ChocolIr.tes -eand Bov Botts All kcitids of fe..ricy lee, Creans for Parties T y our FrIxIt Suidaes ufter the Theatre FIFTY WILL GO TO HUGE CONVENTION F+ifty Michigan students will repre- sent the university at the Internation- al Convention of the Student Volun- teer Movement at Kansas City during Christmas vacation. Michigan was al- lowed only 36 delegates, but throu-h the sp)ecial arrangement of, the Uni- verstiy Y. M. C. A., the number has; been increased to 50. Half of the rep- resentatives have already been select- ed. The remainder is being sought by Frank I. Olmstead, '15, who is in charge of the matter. All foreign stu- dents at the university wvill be counted as delegates from their respective na- tion, and not as Michigan del- elates, so the number will reach more than 50 in the Ann Arbor delegation. The convention will be the greatest student gathering ever held. Seven thousand delegates from 800 educa- tional institutions throughout the world will gather in 'the Kansas City convention hall. It' is held once in every student generation : four years. 'The practical aims of the con- ference are "to better the world's -sit- uation of missions," and "to bring °the, master-minds of Christendom into" close touch." Tphe convention will last from De- cemiber 31 to January 4. Lodging and the morning and evening meals will be furnished by the citizens of Kansas City without charge. Arrangements will be made to have the Michigan delegation (ine together. 1, 1'111 (Q'~i~lI TEE MIS 4TO ( 1: T" 41)iiF A CLT4Y X11':i 1l?.i: r l)all,' 1111 11,11e Enirolled Tat of 40 F acualty, Men at 1iebigan From the 50 members of the facul- ty, only 110 have thus far become members of the Michigan Union. In an effort to have at least 490 faculty men enrolled on the 1913-'14 books, a mem- bership committee of 20 is conducting a., canvass this week. Every member ot the faculty will be approached, and final reports will be..made A a a eeting of the committee at the Michigan Un- ion at 4:30 o'tlock tomorrow after- noon. There are 65 faculty men who were Union members last year who have not yet signed uip this year. The corn- inittee aims to maize the faculty mem- bership larger than ever before. With the present Union enrollment at 2,739, it is expiected that the 3,000 goal, which was set at the beginning of the year, NA-,1. readied. V NI VERS'TY 1NO I'CES. WHITNEY Thanksgiving Day THURSDAY NOVEMBER. MATINEE - - 3 P. M. H. H. FRAZEE"S GREAT ASTOR THEATRE PRODUCTION InI By Eugene Waiter Author of "Paid in Full", "Easiest Way (Century PRICES $1 .50, $1 ,00, 75e and 50o MAIL ORD)ERS NOW Whitney ONE NIGHT Wednesday THE GREATEST PLAY IN YEARS The Noted Author and Dramatist *THOMAS DIXON Announces His latest and Greatest Success Father With.Original Company including Mr. Chas. G. Grady ITS SUCCESS IS GREATER THAN "The Clansman" A POWERFUL DRAMA Intermingled with Clean, Bright Comedy 11 II, I AUGMEN4TED OR( HESTPRA Whhe~ i PRICES 4 Rowes Orchestra - Balanoe Orchestra 4 Rowes Balcony - Balance Balcony . l!I MATINEE-NIGHT Noavenmbe 2 The Peerless Music-1 Succcss Of Tihree Continents lhcQuakcr G i $1.50 * $1.00 - 75c 500~ PRICI S Thirteeni Rows Orchestra.........$?.00t Balatnce Or~lhestra .................19.50 Founr Rows Balcony........... ...1.00 Balance Balcony ................... .75 Gallery ..................... .....50 Matinee 50C to $1.50 All Reserved wil M r IVictor Morley 04 M~iz~ Street MA CHIERE iTHETl SDOWN TON ON MAIN STREET y:Saturday, November 22nd ~ seBI FEATURE FILM ; ya..adW. 'A ~ non of liue SA Lively Comedy. tA DM I SS'iI O"N I c t .A- A -4 w J e{r' 1 ~' t ' including a company of .101V 'Inlf V - ' Q WHITNEY EVENT OF SEASON TWO DAYS ONLY, FRIDAYNov282 SATY MATINEE SATURDAY 3 P. M. fienry W. a'c Offers TeTremendous Dramatic Spectacle 150 -PEOPLE- 150. Special Symphony Orchestra Largest Musical and Dramatic Orgartizat ion E'ver 'Toured PRICES Thisrteew Rows Orchestra..,........$.00 Next Fight Rows Orcliesira.........50 Fairst Four Rows Blicony........... i.00 Nest Nine Rows Balcony............ .75 G a ery.. .........................5 MATINEE - - . - " 50eto a.50 NOTICE-Owing to the importance of this eveint and the enormous demand It rmeats, free list wtlI be susenpded Buy your tickets by mall in advance. P 11l Whitney Tear ONIE NIGHT Tuesday, 'Nov. 25 th Jacobs and Beverage Press nt MR1 HERBERT O'CONNOR as MEPHISTO Inr a snperl) cenicE llectrical Mchlan.- ical, Revvaliof ('Oct Ih ~(at et Dr. Faustus Famous Old labora- t o1 y The Cathedral of Nuremberg The Electrical Rose Garde xn Flery llades, tee Brorlen The Gloomy Dungeon The Vision of Paradise Dazzllog,Terrllylng, Enthralling A wjerd object lesson to the sinnter. l"RICES -- - S, 35c, 25c FREE concert (Outside -ITheatre, 7:-o it you more than w ordis can tell- "d you-7I who knew so well tuelr warm wth of your embraCe. -d you in yourNN ointed place, you. may nestle on my breast; That I may feel your willing armus; And know again your close caress. For mouths I have forgot your-charms, Bunt now I need you, oh, ma chere! My VASSARt, winter underwear. oxhbatShop at 3265S. State Street &hitneyNight Mon., Nov. 2 EAT AT ttPOpfP The Place Where Things Taste Like lomie Pop"' Bancroft Cor. Monroe and 'ThayerI Tremenadous Ovations-Laughing Audiences Everywhere THE CYCLONIC EVU an U/ And Her Owa Company Ini 10 Big Acts of1 VOLC ANICVAUDEVILLE EVA TANGO %Y WILL GIVE IIFR FAMOUS VERSION OF And wear her jeweled COStUMes bar her songs. be A meeting of the Comedy club will eheld at 10:00 o'clock; this morning x theo Cercle Francais room. Ferris club will meet in Webster hall, lawe building, at 7 :30 o'cloclk this evenin,. -The first class in aeronautics will be held in room 24$ of the new enigi- neeoring building this afternoon at 1:00 o'clock. Everyone interested is invited to attend. The band will hold a rehearsal at 2:00 o'clock in U. Hall. Members mtust com'e in full unifornm. There will be an important meeting of the senior girl's section of the Deutscher Verein at 7:00 o'clock MVoni- day evening. Refreshments will be THE STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock $50,000.00 1 urplus and P-ofits $100,000.00 ANN ARBOR, MICH. Win. Arnold Win. J. Tooth C. Jahn \V012, Jr. Vicees~. President Cashier George Bischoff FlrI 220 Chapin Sreet Phone 809-i Chioice cut flowers a dl plants Icerman-American.. is Rlk Garrick, Theater DIETROIT, rICIOAN MAESSRS, SHUBERT AND BARKER PRESENT, CFANNY'S FIRST PLAY' Ceorge Bernard Shaw's Greatest Comedy 01% Fizlt or Overcoat We build fine Clothes right in on our owen shoes out of best of materials at prices worth your while investigating. Crop in on your way down tawn and we will explain howe we do it. Wa clean and "repair both ladie's and gentleme-n's garments with gr ea t care. Give us at trial. Louis Del Prete Fine uTailor 105 E. Liberty St. Have you noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting The Adelphi literary societ y will( Liberty and Main Sts. meet this evenin at 7:30 o'clock, in its rooms, U. hall. ; A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking Dress Suit .t Prices Thirteen Rows rChetra......._$1.50 Balance Orches tra ...............$100 Four Rows Balcony............1.0 Nr5ert or Roue s Balcony ........75 SEAT SAILE OPENS h1irteen Rows Orchestra .........$.00 Balance ( retie"^ra................... .75 Four Rows Balcony................ .75 Gallery, ............................. .25 gives one ? This is the only kind we mnake. Our fabrics are the newest. WAGNER & CO. Tailors State Street All garments made in our own shop. The AQuality, SrieadPrice our line of Local Viewv Post Cards and View Books leads them all. WVre also have the pleasure of offering to our trade a full line of Crane's Lint n ILtwt.. Phone 1331-J supply 11 1 , So. University Ave, FRIDAY, 10 A. M. __I n ;, %YLa.t .vF:1 . , '_:5,.L...: HOi"-M E_" OF--... Hart",... ht YTrss ch.aff ner k; : d -a rx Cloth - es I lWe have those H. S&M. Mackinaws at $1.2.00 and $15.00. Other makes at $x.00 to $10.00. WhIERE A DOLLAR "O 00 LUTE CLOTHING 'STORE 00 21 7 S. N1V [ain Ron