'I'lE MICHIGAN DAILY = - - Have you looked at ouir winter footwear and our Iarge assortmnt ofhious slipper? We have rub= bers with heels wide e= When you buy candy buy the best.. It does not cost much more and it gives much more pleasure. Whitman's Candy always pleases. Thle prices vary according to the assortmeats, hoc, Soc and $i.oo a pound. We have all the new packages and assort- ments-up to $5.00 a box., Society Brand Clothes Have "that different air"s of dis- tinction that places them in u. class by themselves, If you've vainly hoped that some day you would find a suit that measured up flush with your ideas, your desires will be more than. realized in snappy models we are showing, Styles that smack with the smartness of the boulevards and college campus, yet are In strict keeping- with refinement, See them today, 71. I nough to fit tlhe flange heels. full Calk4i ns'Phar macy1 324 South State street Gilmore Shoe, Store Made 11~ S. Main Street j j q, (-.~, ~1 dol Yesterday, today and likely to- mnorrow almost evr- ery store, big and little, wvill scream "W e've got the. best!" Just sup- pose you take a look at Wadhais. & Co. SuRts, Over- coats, Ma kinaws, Flats, Caps and Furnishings-0 mm 'ADIAMS .121-123 South Main Street moo lw CO TRADE ~IN . is Ambition to CxcC1 in ally sport m ren Ball dered entiier by being ro 9t erly cequipped. it A. G. Si41ng , BI3OS. arc all Outfitter., tO Ch ;1a1in p i Onits, p whOre 1111 leineuts mulst be I-Ball invatriably right. Qua lU ty JO cournt-s. Spalding's Cafalogue Lis no~v uent ready- free frithasking. A. G. Spaldirg' & Bros. 'ood-ward Av'e. coif, Mlicht, i r MARQUARDT, a rMrrri ('A11l1U"S IN BRIEF. -- il tIJI sby lr". Henri Haas and Al fredl H. l'ovah will feature the meet- i'ug of the Baotanical Journal club,_tc be held niext 'Tuesday, at 8 :00 o'clock, vii, room 106, south wing, University 1hall. -Play inthe annual LUnioni bridge tounrnamet w gill start at_ the lounger, n ext. FIrid(ay night. Thirty memnbers signe d up at the lounger last night, and began practice with the partners th ey will have in the tournament. Ou -a&to 600 lPenmisy prograns tput on Sale Tuesday, 4:50 have been sold. They can be obtained from 'now on at the IAnn' Arbor Press building. --Ai iW.w sy sten of' tickets has beeni airranred for the Saturday night mem- bers hip dances at the Union. Hereaf- . r a coupon will be detached from ('8Ch ti(:ket and given to the holder who will be asked to present it }when- ev er entering the hall. This is to overcome misunderstandings that have resulted in determining the original ticket holders. There are a number of tickets left for the dance tonight, and nimbers who desire to attend are uirged to get them early today. - l'rof. Albert A. Stanley, of the School of ,Music, will lecture on Occidental -music before the meeting of the Chin- rese Students' club this evening at 7:15 1o'clofk. A discussion on the differ- ence between Occidental and Oriental will follow vthe speech. - _All1 vyoyils for oratoric al01' debat. >>l, contests Must show eligibility girds to the chairman of the commit- tein Charge. --Prof. Willioan C . Hoad, of thae eugi- neering department, and Mr. Gardner S. Wii's of Ann Arbor have been appoi~inted as two of a committee of isceen, which will prepare a national wa-:ter law for the American society, of civil engineers, -1seorgeaIF. Sv ain, of the graduate schkool, has taken a number of fine p:hotog raphs of the recent chrysanthe- mum ne_ hibtit in Memorial hail. There are six different views of the flower, larrangemrent, which will be placed- on sale in the near future. The univer- siyexpects to use the photos for slidles in extension work. ---Piif. 'Thlomas C. rrueblo odg of tlic oraitcry department, will be chairman of thel, public speaking section of the Na t ional Council of Teachers of Eng- lish at their convention in Chicago on. -: ovenbey 28. lie will go there from Prieeport, Ill., where he is scheduled to give a lecture-recital of "Hamlet" on November 26. --Thle tXellii debatig society will meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The surbject of debate is: "Resolved: That tht commission form of government is lireferable to the present system." _A colyte"'shonorary 1ph1iloso)ph ical So.- n4- 'i Ym .t ,.cnrS1 o x on in on Dr. R. for beforehand. 1ris S. Olson, '16L, John Carmody, of .'Detroit, and J. C. Chipman of Ann Ar- bor, the parties arrested in cnnec- t ion with last Saturdaiy night's riot on Main street, will be arraigned in Jus- tic e Thomas' court at 90:10 o'clock this Smorning on a charge of creating a dis- turbance on. the public streets. At- storney Arthur :Brown of this city has been retained as counsel for the de- tfendants, and Prosecutor George J. y Burke will represent the state. e-(-totnplete seltedales fo1- classes ill rhetoric have' been made and posted iin west hall. The outlines give the - cD you realize within a few weeks y'otm will. lea\ve f, r that Chiritirn LisNvacatio)n ? D top in .while down town and look over our line of IAolidaty suggestions, Michigan Pin-, Fob~i, Bars "and Spoons !Silver Purses and Mesh Bags Vou will be impressed, with the high qluaJity of goods at prices that will appeal to )ou. ANDi Army Surgj Pocket Se SUDDEN DRUG I30)2 S. STATE SITRE V cwyril* 1913. auw 1wkr 4 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR, GAS C OOKIP For Fraternity and Club Hou: Bargains IN Microscopes ,J. F.WUERTH Co ,a i oin Increases Cleanliness and Efffciency. Telephone for Representati~'e to call and give you ex I.ert advice for your Kitchen Eq Washteinaw Gas Con Suits Cle.ianed and Pressed an id repaired Car. Mlain aid Hyron---Over Farmar's and Mchanic's Bank. WILLIAME IEE FOR ld RLIV THE VARSIT TAILOR OF ANN ARMOR wishes to announrce that he has opelltd a tailoring e ment in Detroit at To improve our telephioie service wi wve installed a two phone system whbich is compelled us to change our present lone number 1550 to 21280. Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. Nair -Street I '11'o TSalk on Foreign C'ustomns at Union Prof. John ht. Allen of the engineer- ing department, will be the speaker on the Sunday afternoon program at the Union tomorrow. His'subject will be "Foreign Customs," as observed during his stay abroad., In addition there will be several musical numbers. A trio consisting of Rt. A.: Parke.', '16, cellc, NW. Fort, '15, piano and H. C. Rumniecl, '14, violin, will render a fewy selections. George Becker of the school of music will sing. R. A. Park- er will also give a cello so o. 94. WEST FORT STREET With a Complete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS x ,, Th rough Electric- Lighted, Carz i 1 1-- 1, A I I TO November 23rd. 1913 Newvork IralISC Detroit toJ ksnie Lv. Detroit 10:20 p.m. dl_.y L, 1Toledo,2:5)igt dily Ar. Jacksonville 9D:20 a.m. 2- moningr Tickets at JLOiW WINTE TOUR lISTFz; So al al until April :30th, 1914. eunlmtJie1t 94 TO PITS IN Mississipp i~,ePrvdneNwMeioNrtCr- Slira, South Carolina, 'tieQ-uS, For particulars const ! - icigan Ce..ntr l C TicketAgent C11(11\- , I-CL T, -II-11uk .uay 'evt *- i . vi 4 : 11. Slas, of the' philosophy depart- iment, read a' paper, on "The Growth of Justice." The n t meeting of the ;soi xi' ''ill be held December 2. f --'o cls_3 'swill Meet onl rrhlln-igv.- big; dayi, but regular sessions will be ;- smimned on Friday. Absences from classes on the daybs preceding or fol- lowing the vacation are treated by the authorities with more than the usual severity. Excuses will not be accept- ead from students, but mist come from tim leans of the departments. No ex- uss vxill be given ou't except "upon- salicitause, and should he 6applied . W T h e r e 's g GIlVING THE BEST LEAST Try us and k i Everythinginteramo Grinnell Bros., 12t itus ---uuc 0f keys between _ Majes- tic and Huston's and Cushing's. Finder please return to Daily office. F'ound--A Laughlin fountain pen wvith- out cap in front of Press building. fOwner miay have same by calling at D~aily office and pay fom- ad.* 47 'Lost-Exchanged by mistake brown Erain-coat at Football Smoker-. Phone 74f}4. 47 I Appotianment ('.omiitee pictures Sr. rates at G. C. Maedel's down .town, 119 E. Liberty street. Phone 1911. 47-49 .ars of Success a. Reasons r VALUE FOR THE MONEY be convinced if music Phone 1707 0-122 E. Liberty St. Modern Methods give ome best re- sults for printing and developing. Vis- it our work room and see for your- ,,elf. . Lyndon. eod. Liggett's Gilbert's and Fenway choc-, olates in perfect condition. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 S. Main St. - tf If you wtiant the best in chocolates, try igg;ett's, Rdsill's R1exall Drug Store, 122 So. Mlain St. eod Best shoe shine, hiat cleaning and 'loeking next to Wagner's. tf Night luniches delivered. Call 51-L, 301 S. State, Greene's Lunch Room.' tf Genuine Martin Guita~rs and Mlar !llns sold at Schaeberle & Son's Ml ,,House. WE SELL ('001) CLOTHING Suits at -$10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand t ored. Suits at $20.00--Adler's Make Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest C tom:,work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES$ STOI Main Street. - W. N. Smith sells Victor' TypEw ers. Second-hand Royals and Und woods. 102 E. Huron, over Dawso Call 2380-L for demonstration. S: dents insurance 35 cents pier hundri Special attentionY given to mny, College trad'e. The same prices with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmnanship. j DIETER LE-VARSITY TAILOR W a-Maio u The New Chinese. and Ameircan Restaurant The Finest dishes of both nations,'served Iin the finest style. Tables all on the first floor Oriental Curios Chinese Tea We solicit your patronage 611 E. Liberty St. Phone 1649-L G. S. 0. CHENi, Prop. I li ALP -- ~1 c PA,