THE MICHIGAN DAILY r. , There is a distinction about Stein Bloch Clothes Just Rooelved Aimothver Shipmenrt of SOO MACKINAWS In the solid colors Gloves in all grades, unlined and fur, wool and silk lined, priced from $1.00 to $5.00. CLASS TOQUES Don't put off getting your Mackinaw, Underwear, Gloves, Toque or Muffler until the last moment, get them now before the (ame Saturday. TINKER&CO.Cor. STATE and T KC WILLIAM STREETS Furnishers and Hatters' that stamps their Quality and Style as Superior. The prices are no higher than clothes not nearly as good. Our IACKINAWS the talk of the town. r i Reule, Conlin & Fiegel Co. CORRECT CLOTHE They are designed, cut and tailored S9 the finest and most expert workmen in business. Better styles, fit and workm ship than you get elsewhere. Costs f more, but worth a lot more. Try them you will see. \ Adler Rochester Clothei Prices $18 to $30 Styleplus, $17 All the new things for fall await you hi in Men's Furnishings. Every new st1>anptericunghefmsM E: hattans, at $z. jo, $2.oo, and $2.50. All correct shades in Gloves, values $1.0o and up. Neckwear, Underwear Trousers. Raincoats ADLER ROCHESTER _______:THE BIG STORE, PHONE 1 ,11, I Lindcnschmidt, Apfel & Company J KEEP WARM Prepare for the Pennsy Game and the cold winter. Ladies, here is what you need: Sweater Coat, Cood Warm Gloves, Wool Knit Hood or Cap Setsnug Union Suits, etc. For Sale at H. S. Pinney & Co. 614 E. Liberty St. The Store Where a Dollar Does Is Duty 11 Schlanderer & Seylried Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date DRY GOODS STORE Royal Worcester AND. Bon-Ton Corsets OUR LEADERS Schroen Bros. Phone 1000 124 South Main Street Full line of "M" GoodsI Pass the Rest, Try the Best Fresh home-made candles, crackerjack and fountain drinks at MAC'S 613 E. LibertyI CAMPUS IN1BREF. -T~au Beta P gaite a dance at the Packard academy yesterday evening. Professor and Mrs. H. E. Riggs and Professor and Mrs. H. H. Higbie acted as chaperones. --Dr. A. S. Warthin, professor of path- ology, will lecture Sunday, at Hart, Michigan, on "Sexual Physiology and Pathology." -President W. T. Foster, of Reed Col- I lege, Portland, Oregon, visited Ann Arbor and the University, recently. --Louis Eich, assistant in oratory, and I member of the Lyceum club will pre- sent "The Merchant of Venice" in Han- over, Michigan, tonight. This is a numbercon the Hanover high school lecture course. --Arrangements have been made whereby students having prescriptionsi from the University Health Service, to be filled, may present them at room 372 on the third floor of the Chemistry building and have them taken care of. -Miss Mary Yost, of Staunton, Va., a former instructor of Vassar College, is now enrolled in the university, as a post graduate. Miss Yost is on a leave of absence from that school and while here will make a special study of freshman rhetoric. -Wilfred B Shaw, secretary of the Alumni association, left yesterday morning for Chicago, where he will spend the week end attending a con- vention of the Association of Alumni Secretaries. Mr. Shaw is secretary of this organization. --Owing to the absence of Mr. Horace G. Prettyman, the compaign commit- tee for betterment of the Ann Arbor boarding houses will not meet until next week. -President Harry la Hutchins will return from New York this morning, where he has been attending a con- ference with General Leonard Wood, U. S. A. in reference to summer train- ing camps for students. --Professor A. A. Stanley ' the school of music, will give a group of "Folk- songs" with piano accompaniment be- fore the Collegiate Alumnae at 2:30 o'clock Saturday in Barbour gymnasi- um. * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. * * Edited by Stylus. * ** * * * * * * * * The first of the series of luncheons for junior women will be given at the Michigan Union December 13. Tickets will be fifty cents. Senior society women will entertain the new senior women at Newberry hall Saturday from 3:00 to 5:00 c'clock. The women's league will conduct an auction sale at the party this after- noon. Members are asked to contrib- ute inexpensive trifiles of any sort, or candy. Whitney Theatre ONE NIGHT Tuesday, Nov. 25th Jacobs and Beverage Preseits MR, HERBERT O'CONNOR as MEPHISTO Iu a snper scenic ilectrical Mechan. ical Revival of Goethe's Greatest Tragedy s D Faustus Famous Old Labora- tor' The Cathedral of Nuremberg The Electrical Rose arden Fiery Hades, the Broeken The Gloomy Dungeon The Vision of Paradise Dazzling,Territying, Enthralling A wierd object lesson to the sinner. PRICES - - - 50e,35c,25c FRIEE Concert Outside Theatre, 7:30 Mortar Board initiated the following women Wednesday night at Newber- ry hall: Ilda Jennings, Grace MacDonald, Irma Hutzel, Alta Welsh, Mollie Franklin, Mildred Taylor, Soph- ie Herrmann, Phyllis Dunn, Maude Mills. The alumnae of the University of Michigan, hold their annual luncheon in Detroit on Saturday. They willdis cuss residence hall plans and the methods by which the work is being accomplished. They have asked for a report upon the need of a depart- ment of household economics in the university curriculum, and will con- sider the means by which one might be established. The president of the Association is Myra Port Cady. Omega Phi will hold its regular meeting tonight at 4:30 o'clock at the Alpha Phi house. Stylus met last night atsPark Ter- race with Miss Judith Ginsburg Totem Initiates Eleven Freshmen Totem, an organization of Detroit eastern high school alumni, initiated eleven freshmen at its regular annual banquet at the Michigan Union. J. M. Black, '14, presided, and C. J. Netting, '15, gave the addresses of welcome to the freshmen. The following men were initiated: I. M. Allan, '17, J. H. Engel, '17E, W. C. Gerndt, '17E, R. G. Grylls, '17, K. S. Keyes, '17, M. F. Wagnitz, '17E, F. R. Walter, '17, and G. W. Wiard, '17E. 1 S TUDENTS wearing glasses or feeling the-need of them will be pleased to know that Ann Arbor has a modern optical shop where services of an expert optometrist and optician can be had. Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without drugs, appeals to all who demand accurate eye examinations; made without loss of time or inconven- ience of having muscles paralyzed by drugs. Z H. Arnold, optometrist with Arnold & Co , is a recognized leader in advanced optometrical work. His complete office equipment combined with shop facilities to grind lenses, together with years of experience as refractionist and optician, make his Optical System the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold 'Optical System 220 South Main Street ROW E'S LA 406 DETROIT The Link between College at TUTTLE on State Stre Serve Hot All We Ka( of is the BE We Dress Suit nichigan Jewelry and Souvenirs Pins Spoons Novelties Fobs Tie Clips Rings Special-Sterling Silver University of Michigan seal tea spoon $1.25 Haller Jewelry Co. 306 S. State St. Phone 534 At a special price $50-the besi material used int this garmen, Max Krutsch Varsity Tailor All suits kept pressed tree tow one year. 117 East Liberty r ,_ 1. Matinees 2 P. M.;3 Evenings 6:30; 8.00; 9 Admission Adults - - Children 'he House of FeatV 3:30 P. 8:30 P. - 14 A N O THE R I G FE A T RE MONDAY AND TUESDAY NOV. 24-2 THE LAST DAYS O i .43 ;. . f. . w Four - Parts - Four People -1000 Produced at a cost of $100,000 Special music for this * great histgrlcal Phot Play-Always a feature at the house of feature q4q p.' Th 20 ie Secret of Good] is similar to the secret a to some and just misse If there ever was Fatima, the Turkish-b who conceived this ble was first lined out in th body quickly proclaim Fatima is the biggest se The secret is-pur expense in the packag -"Twenty." Batting of good business-it happens s the others. a commercial home run it's lend cigarette. The expert nd was some batter ! Fatima ie college towns-the student ied them winners. Today elling cigarette in this country. e, good, choice tobacco-no ;e-quality all in the smoke naa co Thirty-Two Years of Success There's a Reason!2 GIVING THE BEST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY Try us and be convinced Everything In the realm of music Phone 1707 Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St. Ii Q My" for Men English Stlyes and Women are right in style a price. Leather or ru ber soles. Ladies' $3.50 to $5.00 per l rlen's $4.00 to $6.00 pergI . , ', y+{ e I a , ; 11 119 E. Liberty St. Our Men's Furnishing Dept.i Carries everything that is strictly HIGH CLASS AND FASHIONABLE We are Headquarters for all kinds of Class Toques. u I irI5 0 "Distinctively Individual" MACK & CO. We have everything to make a stu- dent's room attractive and homelike; appropriate curtains, rugs, chairs and desks. Martin Haller. W. H. Smith sells Victor Typev ers. Second-hand Royals and Un woods. 102 E. Huron, over DawS Call 2380-L for demohstration. dents insurance 35 cents per hund T f "rir rcom m . F1W r_- ..' . EW 4 1w 'Is SPO: 119 4 U' 11