I ITMNSCNY Have you looked at our winter footwear and our large assortment of house slippers? We have rub= bers with heels wide e= When you buy candy buy the best. It does not cost much more and it gives much more pleasure. Whitman's Candy always pleases. The prices vary according to the assortments, 6oc, Soc and $1i.00 a pound. We have all the new packages and assort- ments-up to $5.00 a box. I Society Brand Clothes Have "that different air" of dis- tinction that places them in a class by themselves, If you've vainly hoped that some day you would find a suit 'that measured up flush with your ideas, your desires will be more than realized in snappy models we are showing, Styles that smack with the smartness of the boulevards and college campus, yet are in strict keeping with refinement. See them today, td N'° nough to fit the flange lheels. full Calkins' Pharmacy 324 South State Street I r Gilmore Shoe Store Made. 119 S. Main Street litNNWTS We can save you money by trading at our store. We carry the best line of Men's Suits, Overoats, and R~aincoats. We also carry the largest and most com= plete line of Men's Furnish= ings, Fiats and Caps. Ask to see our line of all wool Macki naws. Gunn desks and Macey book-cases are assets to any student's room. to be bought at Martin Hailer's. Lost--Stick .pin, turquoise, matrix, in shape of scarab with green anid gold wings. Return to J. B.. Waite, No. ILaw Bldg. Phone 530. 45 Lost--Raincoat at Football. Smoker. Has two buttons missing on front, one of these was in pocket. Finder please call 1278-L. 45 Lost-Wednesday "'afternoon between:i S. Ingalls and Unitarian church, la- dy's small bag containing purse and key. Bring to 233 S. Ingalls St. and receivec reward. 45 1Yii ied-Board ers at the Cody Board- lug house at 107 S. Thayer. Every- thing, new,.and up to dlate. H1ome cooking, good service. Opposite Hligha schiool. To anyone cutting out this ad will allow 50 cents on first week's board. Change of menu daily and weekly. 45-6 WH ITNEY EWENT OF SEASON TWO DAYS ONLY F I A o 2MATINEE SATURDAY 3 P. M. Henry W. .,avc Offers The Tremendous Dramatic Spectacle [50 -PEOPLE- 150 Special Symphony Orchestra Largest Musical and Draniatic Orgarization Ever Toured PRICES Tlhirteen Rows Ofehzestra.......... $2.00 Next Eight Rows Orchestra....iS Fihrst Four Rows .Balcony........oo Next Ninie Rows Balcony.......... .75 Gallery.......................5o MATINEE - - - - 50c to $1.50 NOTICE-Owing to the importance of this evenlt and the enormous demand for seats, free list will be susonpded. Buy your tickets by mail in advance. W1E SELL G~OOD) CLOTHING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tomn work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. ti Jo B. E IB LE R 109 W. Liberty Street Across from Mack's side entrance JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices. Watch Repairing, Skilled and Trustworthy. Optical Supplie s Eyes Scientiially Fitted Do you realize within ,a few weeks you. will leave for that Christmas vacation? Drop in while down town and look ov-er our line' of Holiday suggestions. Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons Silver Purses and Mesh Bags You will be impressed with, the high quality of' goods, at prices that will appeal" to you. IBargains IN i . F. WU ERT H OM Microscopes ,'nritJrtt rabOl pruighs i9i.IL. Ahbd V.O.s AND Army Surgical Pocket Sets SUGDEN DI I302,1S. STATE STl VADH AfIS &CO 121-123 South Main Street e 1 Wanted--A couple join zither club Phone 583-L. of zither players to at 410 S. Main 8t. 44-45 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR m GAS COOI 0 TRADE 0 4 MARK Tennis Ambition Golf to excel in any sport is ren- Base Ball dered easier by being prop. cikt erly equipped. A. G. Spalding & Bros. are Football outfitters to c'h ami.p i oens, whose implements toust be Basket- Ball invariably right. Qualilty Athletic coulnts. r*~ Spalding's Catalogue is ,soh' Equipmnent ready-frre fr the asking. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. UAMARQUARDT For 8:l6-Full dress suit, size 36, in good condition. Will sell cheap. Phone 2144-J. 44-46 For ,Sale-Piano, ,must be sold at once. Bargain.. Phone 1394-J. 43-4-5 l'yewr'iters For Sale-One Hammond, $15.00. One Mlonarch, $35.00. Both in first. class' shape. 0. D. Morrill, 322 S. State St. 45 For Fraternity and Club Houses alfin Increases Cleanliness 'and' Efficiency. Telephone Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitche: inent. Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor, Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. Thirty-Two Years of Success, There's a Reason ! GIVING THE BEST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY Try us and be convinced Everything in the realm of music Phone 1707 Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St. Washtenaw Gas C r A~ Modern Methods give me best re- Liggett's Gilbert's and Fenway choc- suits for printing and developing. Vis- olates in perfect condition. Edsill's it our work room and see for your- Rexall Drug Store, 122 S. Main St. self. Lyndon. eod. tf 1- Fills Itself And just one simple thumb- pressure does it, too. TIhere's no fountain pen lEke a f Conklin for simplicity. Merely a pressure on the " Crescent-Filler " and it fills itself at any inkwell. Self -Filling -- - Fountain Pen. L ARK: 4± Off~ Cleans itself while it fils itself. That's the reason it never clogs or "balks." $2.50, $3.00. $3.50, .$4.00, K$5.00 and vD. For sale vy ANN ARBORA : yeti c; The Conklin Pen Mfg. Co Toledo,! NOTIC To improve our telephone service have installed A two, phone system whi has compelled us to change our pres phone number 1550 to 2280. Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. Ilain Street W, Hl. Smith sells Victor Typewrit- ers. Second-hand Royals and Under- woods. 102 E. I-huron, over Dawson's. ICall '2 80-Ij for demonstration. Stu- clouts insurance 35 cents per hundred: A Liberty and MV Jets who appear in the second act of the musicaLcomedy success,THE QUAKERCIRL, which comes to the ATRE, Matinee and Night, Saturday, Nov. 22nd, and promises to be the real musical gem of the seasons bookings. The cast is haded by Victor Morley and Includes most of npany of 85 people. Reserved seats now selling. Most a "I