! 1 1 G.. ............... . i W N. WILD co. THE LEADING IRCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the t tailored suit possible he most suitable price. >rkmanship the best. :ry suit built to fit. r stock of woolens of highest quality. The ;est assortment in the to select from. 31 S. State St. ii Special This Week A fancy box of Initial stationery with your initials in gold. I 25c Former price 40c OIT UNITED LINES N ARBOR TIME TABLE d Express Cars for Detroit-7:ro d hourly to 6:io p. m., also 8:ro for Detroit-S: 40 a. i., 6:o6 a. m. y two hours to 6:o6 P. in., 7:o6 p. P. mf., 9:10 p. in., and 10:45 p. TO. anti only, 11 :15 p. m., 12:15 p. m- in., i:o a. n. ars fortJackson-7:46 a: m. and ohours to 7:46 p. mn. for Jackson-5:12 a. m., 6:5z a. mi., y two hours to 6:51 p. m., also 9:20 :15 p. in. PAN 1 STUDEN'TS'BOOKSTORE A suit that is correctly designed for you and ar- tistically tailored will cost about the same as those that are not, and "men who know" say they are the most economical to buy. Leave your measure today.. '(- .- O a THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning excepteMonday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $z.5o; by mail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy ; C. ". Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 960. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson............"Business Manager THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913. Night Editor--Chester I. Lang. THE PALLBEARERS. The Michigan Daily has been a pallbearer. We have played a most im- portant part in burying that conten- tious party known as the Conference discussion. For years, he has rankled us, for years we have itched to see him set- tied for, for all time to come. Since back in 1905 he has haunted us, divid- ed us, excited us and occupied us. So in this year 1913, we got after him, we cornered, him and we saw him done for. Now, we have the future before us, a clear sky ahead. We can give our at- tention to bigger things than athletic squabbles, better things -than disa- greeable contentions. GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP. Our intercollegiate athletic relations are to a great extent at the mercy of the representatives of the metropoli- tan press: In general, there is fair- ness. It is seldom that the represen- tative of the big newspaper has any loyalty to misguide him, in discussing the relative merits of two teams or the relative merits of the two contest- w LONG ON GOOD POINT S by the rr akers of TROY'S BEST PRODVCT LAIRD'S MODERN REPAIR SHOP The Shop on the way down town. 214 East Washington Street in 1911 and in 1913, for the Philadel- phia Press. If so Michigan need not make any attempt to investigate the reports of 1911. Michigan will know that the reports of 1911 can be judged by the reports of 1913. WILL-0-THE-WISP. "What is student cpinion?" asked a jesting philosopher, and. then "beat it." Student opinion, we hesitate to at- tempt it, or to tempt it. Student opin- ion is the wind, an airy, vague sub- stance; powerful, yet weak in its greatest power. Powerful because it attacks with a fury, a lashing uncon- trollable fury. Weak in its greatest strength, because it is easily misled, easily perverted, shamefully imposed upon. Student opinion is nothing, nothing because it exists in contemplation, yet T HE N EW C O LLA R UNIVERSHY BOOKSTORES $15.00 AVED Boys we are making a specialty of a full dress suit at $35.00. Owing to the fact that we bought 3C0 yards of a very fine dress suiting, has enabled us to give yf u a $50.00 dress suit at a saving of $15.00. We give you the very finest of workmanship, fit and style with a pure silk lining in both body and sleeves. Come in and examine the coat we have made up, then place your order now. A telephone call will bring us to your house with a sample of our work if you find you are too busy to call. 300 yards will not last forever-place your order at once. Suits to order at popular prices ' Basket Ball Comes Ne) Are you going to play the game? We hove just received a full suply of BASKET BALL EQUIPMENT GYM GOODS OF ALL KINDS AT A R'S COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. ~$1. to $25.00 The Quality Tailors I ERS AND MECHANICS BANK 03-105 South Main Street i Capital, $100000 $69,000 Profits, I h 4e Place toGo.for Lunch y Our Morning Lunch Before that 8 o'clock We Promise the BEST CUP OF COFFEE in Ann' Arbor WPY RENT YPEWRITERS? We have the Oliver agency. We sell on ne or cash. Call in and see us and save non. We repair fountain pens and drawing in- uments. VING F. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. STATE STRI ET ing universities, it cannot be contemplated. One min- But there are exceptions, and in our ute it is here, the next there, the third, relations with Pennsylvania the ex- where? ception has proven the rule. Two years ago, the Philadelphia papers made much ado about the rowdyism of the 'AMPUS IN BRIEF Michigan rooters toward the eastern visitors. Yellow stories, reeking with -Tickets for the Union memnbership the spleen of a dirty code, appeared, dance on Saturday night, will be plac- telling of cowardly attacks on our ed on sale this afternoon, at 5:00 Pennsylvania rivals. Arm bands were o'clock, at the desk. The committee in torn from the followers of the Red charge consists of Carroll Mills, '14, and Blue, the bunting on the special chairman, Sidney Steen, '16E, E. S. train was ripped off and trodden ixi Bigelow, '16E, George McMahon, '16, the sod and vicious attacks were made and C. H. Lang, '15. upon Michigan's guests. Michigan --Fresh laws will get together for the won in 1911. first smoker of the year, 'at the Mich- The charges were made. No one at igan Union at 7:00 o'clock tonight. Michigan seemed to know anything! Professor Joseph H. Drake, and other about their authenticity. None of the members of the law faculty will .speak. E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. Raincoats Mackinaws, and Shirts to Order Special Agenits For I ils Fork Dipped Chocolates Made in the most sanitary factory in the worl(l. The best can dies we have ever handled.' VAN DOREN'S PHA PMAGY, 703 Packard St. I I T 209 South steste street other papers knew anything about them. The Philadelphia papers did, however. Then in 1912 Pennsylvania won a glorious victory. The Michigan stu- dent council Immediately' sent for- ward a congratulatory message to the Pennsylvania students. And now in 1913, Michigan won again and in 1913 the Philadelphia Press carries another story. Again the Michigan rooters continually mocked and insulted the Quaker team and Quaker rooters. Chester Minds failed to show his usual form and ev- erywhere in the Michigan stands there was a roar to take him out. The Pennsy rooters were not allowed to cheer, the Pennsy team was roughed after the game by the Michigan stu- dents. We might go on interminably, the Press did, but it is needless. We would like to know if the same representative appeared on Ferry field Smokes and eats will be provided in sufficient quantities. -C. W. Cook, instructor in economic geology, will speak on "A trip to the Mesabi iron Range," before the open meeting of the class in current liter- ature at 7:30 o'clock tonight, in Rus- sell seminary room of the museum. -Roy Cerney,'16L, who has been con. fined in the University hospital for ten days, following an injury to his ankle in the Alma-Fresh game, was able to leave yesterday. -Class bowling teams composed of five men will open the annual bowling tournament at Huston's at 7:15 o'clock this evening. --"The Revelaiion of God Through Nature," is the subject of Prof. Thom- as M. Iden's lecture, in the Bible Chair building at 6:30 o'clock tonight. The series of after dinner classes will be conducted every Tuesday and Thurs- day evening at the same hour. Gives clean, wholesome board at $4.25 per week. Smfe drinking water. C. C. Freeman, Proprietor I '6H E SMOOTH EST TOBACCO URCH FIELD & CO. FINE TAILORING TRADE We can and do give you the limit of excell- :e in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete e of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders our line. Respectfully, Sam BurchfielA & Co. .... . . ... ..m....,, ..... ,_. , " . ' 43 ," HEAVY Roll Collar "SWEATERS" In SPALDINQ and WEBBER Makes MIACKINAW$ all Wool RAINCOATS GLOVES NECKWEAR HOSIERY Suits and 0'Coats, Made to Fit From $20.00 to $45.00 A CHECKMATE to your smoke that biies and bums! Velvet-the selected tender middle leaf--aged in the leaf over two years-producing a mellowness that only the measured pace of time can encompass. A flavor and smoothness treniendously goodI Pipe smoking with velvet is a revelation- proving that time only can make tobacco what 'we would all have it-smooth. "Your Movel" At all dealers. 'he Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Avenue.