.THE MIC1IGAN DAILY. a !. .t .1 r SLNDON At the Sign of The Kodak'" Regal Shoes Latest English Lasts Kodak Films Finishing Flashlights and Groups I Telephone 458-L 719 North University Avenue1 I ! W itneyTheatre MATINEE-NIGHT Se .ttzrday, O NovembherA2 The Peerless Musical Success of Three Continents The tQuaker WHITf CAM1PUiS IN BRIEF. Indian Moccasins More Comfortable than Slippers UNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR /4 OFF ON ALL MILLINERY Beavers Excepted, at- 15 Liberty East DANA RICHARDSON PHONE 166 IT IS UP TO YOU If you wish to insure certain satisfaction let us handle your A I E CREAM AND PUNCH ORDERS L16 SOUTH MAIN STREET -The )Iiclian Gamma chapter ofc Tau Beta Pi will hold its annual in- formal party, at the Packard academyt this evening. -Drs. 3T. L. Ward and E. T. Loeffler,1 of the dental school, have gone to the Battle Creek Sanitarium at Battle Creek Michigan, to attend a meeting of tho Southwestern Michigan Dental3 Society. -D~r. 3. L. D'0oge, president emeri. tus of Greek, returnedfrom an extend- ed trip abroad, last night. --President Harry B. Hutchins left for New York, yesterday afternoon, to at- tend a meeting of the advisory com- mittee of summer military training camps, of which he is a member. He will return Friday morning. -. Paul Vitry, curator of medieval and modern sculpture, in the museum of the Louvre in Paris, will lecture on contemporary French sculpture,' Monday evening in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall. M. Vitry is on a lecture tour of the country under the auspices of the Alliance Francaise, and will speak here as a non-resident lecturer of the fine arts department. -The meeting of the Forestry club, scheduled for last evening, will be hield tonight at 7:30 o'clock., in room 407 new engineering building. A. A. Griffin will speak on "Volume and Yield Tables." -Porf. Albert Stanley of the School of Music will give a lecture on Occi- dental music, at 7:15 o'clock Saturday ing at 8:00 o'clock at the Chubb house. I -At a meeting of the first ensign's committee of the Union boat club, yesterday afternoon, December 11 was decided upon as the date for the smok- er. The program and other plans will be announced shortly. --Wellington It. Tinker, of the Y. A.L C. A., has recovered sufficiently from an operation for appendicitis, so that he has been removed to his home at 427 East Uniiversity avenue. -The Alpha Na debating society will hold a special freshman program Fri- day evening. The subject of debate is: "Resolved: That the modern hob- ble-skirted woman can run just as fast as the old time hoop-skirted woman." ---This week will murk the close of the chrysanthemum exhibit in Memorial hail. The exhibit may be seen any day between 8:00 o'clock in the morn- ing, and 10:00 o'clock in the evening. -All men from Pennsylvania, who are interested in the possibility of organ- izing a Pennsylvani club, are request- ed to meet at the sn'on tomorrow af- ternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The meeting is to sound the sentiment in regard to a permanent organization. MfUSIC A ND DRAiMA. WITH I Victor MOrley And Original New York Company including a company of 85 PEOPLE - 85 AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA ONE NIGHT ONLY Nov. 21 Frriday, f John CFisher's 10 EMUSICAL s s R 65 65 BOOK &yRIsm usic a rHtPR IS1 esS TH ATR& CHica GARlRICK( TREAT VhE-Phadepz TREMONT HEAT RE-oston PRICES Thirteen Rows Orchestra........ ......$1.50 Balance Orchiextra . . ...........i x First Four Rows Balcony......E..........00 Next Four Rows Balcony.................75 Balance Balcony........................50 Top Gallery ...,........... 50 a PRICES Thirteen Rows Orchestra.......$2.00 Balance Orhestra............... 1.50 Four Rows Balcony........... .1.00 IBalance Balcony. ................. .75 Gallery............................ .50 Matinee Sc to $1.50 11 whifn ey ------------------------------ ONE NIGHT II II MAJESTIC, THREE DAYS ONLY MondayNov7 Tuesday .1,81 Wed'd'y 9 toffee Roasters and I THURSDAY NOVEMBER Wholesale Grocers an Co. Ltd., 214 S. Main St. 11 rirer r LET THE' RESHM A Press Your Clothes in McMillan hall before the 'Chinese Students' club. A discussion on the difference between Oriental and Occi- dental music will follow the speech. '-H. J. Smith was elected baseball manager yesterday by the sophomore engineer class. -Freshman gymnasium classes will be resumed tomorrow at 11:15 o'clock, Owing to the preparations for the football smoker, no classes have been held this week. -A committee consisting of about twenty seniors has been appointed to conduct a campaign among the facul- ty to secure members of the Union. The members of the committee who did not attend the first meeting on Monday night, are requested to meet at the Union tonight at 8:30 o'clock to receive instructions. -Men may sign up now for singles or doubles in hand ball tournament. For information call S. L. Ferguson, 990-J. -Plans for the betterment of the san- itary conditions of the boarding hous- es in Ann Arbor, and shortening work- ing hours of the student waiters, will be formulated at the initial meeting of the campaign committee this even- Have you noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting Offers Twilight Recital. Before an audience that overtaxed the first floor of Hill auditcrium, Earl V. Moore, head of the organ depart- ment of the school of music, initiated yesterday afternoon a series of twi- light recitals, complimentary to the public. A rare opportunity was then offer'ed to hear the Frieze Memorial organ, one of the finest instruments in the country. The program, a happy combination of standards works and new compo- sitions, was given with telling effect. Mr. Moore thereby justified high ex- pectations, playing at all times with taste and feeling. As an example of achievement, the assembly march from "Tannhauser" stands out conspicuous- ly. More than once in this number the impression of a full orchestra playing Wagner's music was produced. For the present Mr. Moore's twi- light concerts are announced for ev- ery other Tuesday at 4:15 o'clock. Af- ter Christmas holidays further an- nouncements will be made. FIVE PROFESSORS TO GVE LiECTU S THROGHOUT STATE Prof. R. D. T. Hollister read Ten- nyson's "Maud" in Dowagiac last night, as one of the lectures of the university extension ecurse. Five lec- tures will be given Friday. Profes- sor R. M. Wenley, in Alma, on "Chang- ing America;" Professor Reuben Pet- erson, in St. Joseph, on "Rights of the Unborn Child;" Professor W. H.Hobbs, in Grand Rapids, on "Volcanos;" Pro- fessor E. C. Case, in Detroit. Professor F. W. Kelsey will speak Saturday in the Detroit Museum of Art, on, "St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome." With a cast of REPRODUCTION OF The Miniature Musical Comedy The Red Bir Popular Prices 30--Bins ahd Boys--30 13 Rows Orchestra - Balance - - - - 1st 4 Rows Balcony - Balance - - - - - - 500 - - 35c - - 35c - - 25c I THAW'S POSED CLEVER ESCA E ACTORS In Motion Pictures taken on Actual Scenes COMING November 20, 21, and 22 Blanch Walsh IN 'e Resurrection" SEATS TUESDAY, 10 A. M. All Seats - 10 Cents I.M.a r, WE DO LADIES' WORK C. I. KIDD3 '17 Lit. ST EMPLE HEATR E Down Town on Main Wednesday Nov.19 KALEM FEATURE 530-1 1112 S. University Ave. What Kind of Shaving Soap are You Using. I MATINEE-NIGHT MONDAY NOVEMBER Special Matinee, Monday. 3 P. M THE CYCLONIC COMEDIENNE EVA TA N SQ AY And Her Own company in Volcanic Vaudevill 10 - ALL STARS -10 Miss Tanguay's New Songs Miss Tanguay's Costumes Miss Tanguayas SALOME PRICES 'thirteen Rows orchestra ......... $1.50 Balance Orchestra..............1.00 Four Rows Balcony.............1.00 Next Four Rows Balcony........,75 Balance Balcony............... . Matnlee 25c to $1.00 "THE Dress Suit Did You Ever Try . We have the Shaving Cream, Soap, and Powder. gives one? This is the only kind we make.. Our fabrics are the newest. WAGNER & CO. Tailors State Street All garments made in our own shop. Nov. Nov. of UNIVERSITY CALENDAR 19.-1914 "Lit" dinner. 20.-Meeting of the men's section the Deutscher Verein at 8:00 o'clock.- Nov. 20.-1916 Lav smoker. Nov. 21.-Jacob A. Riis on "My Neigh- bor" in University Hall. Nov. 21.-"Lounger" night at the Mich- igan Union. Nov. 25.-Bishop Charles D. Williams at the Episcopal church at 7:451 O'clock. I I MIDNIGHT. MESSAGE" University Avenue ADMISSION 100 I III A P A I Pharmacy Coulding & Wikel - miPianos, Furniture Trunks, Merchandise C. E. GODFREY 1219 Soute Uuiversity Avinue SHOE REPAIRS? Garrick Theater FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING DETROIT, 1lICHIGAN JOHN H. LAMBERT MESSRS, SHUBERT AND BARKER PRESENT 613 EAST WILLIAM Football Team . Be-NYd FIRST LA Y OtliialShoeDocor o Mihign's George Bernard' Shaw's Greatest Comedy GIVE VS A TLRTAL T Phone 82L 410 N. Fourth Ave. I University School of Music Albert A. Stanley, Director Mlaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Micb. I I I A School of Music which offers courses in all branclies of music of highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation, or they may take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying some branch of music, please call at the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives full inform- ation. CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary. . A. H. S. Annual Party Given by the Athletic Association 7:30 Friday Evening, Nov. 21st ALUMNI ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Bill: For Centlemain and Lady - - - - 50 OWMNNMMPW. every Monday and Friday, 9P. Al. Reduced rates on Hlall Rentals. Private lessons by appointment. Phone 1850-J 570-L G' ONE-STEP,TANGO, HESITATION and the latest approved dances will he properly taught at the PACKARD ACADEMY Purchases comfortable investments. tin Haller's. that make your room and attractive are good Chairs, Tables at Mar-. WAI KING LOO Come Upand Ty George's Chop Suey Delicious chinese and American Dishes. 241 Sou-h State Street Phone 41-2 K Are Sure to Please I l