LYNDON " At The Sign of The Kodak " IiI Kodak Films is a great overcoat shop. e delighted with the 1913 i in overcoats we are 'ml Finishing Flashlights and Groups L 719 North University Avenue Telephone 458.1 Matinee and Night Saturday, Nov. 15th She's Bringing Joy to Town wi1.rinu A. BAxvv Offers li Europe and A- wonderful fab- rking at our chosen our customers full ney back if they'd "RAINCOATS AND MACKINAWS" L MALCOLM MALCOLM BLO riw. CK 4,..r.,.... 1 Tailors go New York to your order $18, $20, $2160, $20 and $30 iaguificent line of made to ordrr clothers. We wnt to .woolens and newest styles for bal and Winter. >rder we save you from $; to $io. FRESHMAN COACH GIVES NUMERALS Coach Douglas has selected sixteen members of the All-Fresh squad as worthy of the honor of wearing their 'class numerals in gilt letters. Most of the men chosen were measured for their sweaters last week, but the list was not completed until yesterday. The sixteen letter men will meet again with their- coach in the near future when they will pose for the group picture. . The following men were awarded the sweaters and caps: Capt. Maulbetsch,Splawn,Calvin, Zie- ger, l uebel, Cerney, C.A. Skinner, Nie- man, Rehcr, Finkbeiner, Dunne, Des Coudres, Graven, James, McNamara. Cecil Skinner. MIDNIGHT DANCES' MAY BE TABOOED Dances lasting over midnight will fall under the campus ban if the stu- dent committee, to be appointed, re- ports satisfactorily to the non-athletic committee. At a meeting of the non-athletic committee and student representa- tives Thursday, the non athletic com- mittee representative suggested that a committee of students, representa- tive of all campus organizations and classes, organize a "moral uplift" movement, the idea being to close all dances at midnight, to supply a better class of music and to employ a better system of chaperoning. MICHIGAN MEN PREPARED FOR FINAL BATTLE. (Continued from page 1.) prosecuted. A. few seats, about 250 in number, will go on sale at the athlet- ic association office this morning. These are the seats which have been held for the students who had not yet. exchanged their year books. The game is to start at 2:00 o'clock. The 'gates for general admission will be opened at noon, and it is expected that a large crowd will be waiting to get the best seats. The following is the probable line- up oftthe two teams: JS BOOTERY I Opposite Mustos' .r Bowl uonery st assortment of nd Son Bans e Creams for Partea daes after the Theatre TRAFFIC REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED BY POLICE. Because of the immense crowd at Ferry field this afternoon, the police department is making preparations to relieve traffic congestion on State street immediatly after the game. No vehicles will be permitted to stand before the entrance to Ferry field, and all automobiles bound for the campus or eastern part of the city must leave via Arch or Edwin streets and then north on East University. Zoological Club Holds Regular Meet Professor A. F. Shull, of the zoologi- cal department, reviewed Bateson's "Problems in Genetics," at the regular meeting of the Zoological Journal club yesterday morning. Miss Win- nifred J. Shepard, '14, gave a review on Mitchell's "Heredity in Asplama- cha Amphora." After the meeting, the members of the zoological faculty took luncheon at the Union, as is the established custom. The next meeting of the club will be on Friday, Novem- ber 21, at 11:00 o'clock in University hall,. REGENTS VOTE DOWN RETURN TO CONFERENCE. (Continued from page 1.) vited Michigan's return and its hope that there be fostered in all education- al institutions a high standard of sportsmanship and manhood. The board believes that ,the present status of athletics at Michigan is in many respects satisfactory, but will wel- come, and as far as expedient, co-op- erate in any changes in college ath- letics that will further the objects for which the Conference was origi- nally founded. NEW TRADITION MADE OFFICIAL BY RESOLUTION. (Continued from page 1.) to certificates issued to training school nurses. Action was taken providing for the housing of nurses in the two bungalows in the rear of the hospital. This will allow the transference of the nurses from the second floor of the maternity ward so that the chil- dren's department at the university hospital will be enlarged. An official Maize and Blue button was accepted by the board as the uni- versity badge. The buttons resemble those of the Union save that they have 2 Blue background with a gold M, A petition was received from several faculty members, and students, re- questing that the stage in University Hall be fixed to allow student theat-. ricals to be presented there, in pref- erence to the Whitney. The petition was referred to the building and grounds committee. It is probable that Hill auditorium will be recom- mended for such use. Ralpht Carson, '17, was awarded the PhII'lips Classical scholarship. Ross McLean was appointed an assistant in history. Chi Omega, a national sorority, pro-r posed that each sorority chaperoneG be made a university fellow, and that PRICES 13 Rows Orchestra - Balance " 4 Rows Balcony-- Next 4 Rows Balcony - Balance " 00 Miss 1 The way to a man's heart is imu his stomach. Our lunches I find the way to yours.' "Pop" Bancroft Cor. Monroe and Thayer WILLIAM E. DIETERLE Brown THE SEASON'S BIG LAUGH FESTIVAL With Original Company and Pr. duetton Direct From 48th Street Theatre, New York City. " The Fire Fly THE STATE SAVINGS BAN Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus and Profits $1 00,000.0 ANN ARBOR, MICH4. Win. Arnold Win. J. Pooth C. John Wo Vice-Pres. President Cashier George. Biachofi Frlorloet 220 Chapin Sireet Phone B Choice cut flowers and plants Louis Del Pre The Merchant Talk Over liberty Barber Shoj You may rest assured that y left with us R ill be' done in k t own shop. We guarantee absolute satisfaction with every garment. CLEANING AND REPAIRING NEATLY 0 . FORMtRLY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR wishes t4 announce that he has opened a tailoring establish- ment in Detroit at 94 WEST FORT STREET With a Complete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS $1.50 1.00 1.00 .75 .50 m Street G. L. WOOLFOLK Announces the Following Novelties of the Street English Clothiers de Overcoats and Ulsters : $25.00, formerly $35.00 de Irish Homespun Top Coats, $22.50 formerly $34.00 Corduroy Hockey Coats : $10.50 formerly $16.50 it Shop at 326 S. State Street ACK'S TEA ROOM' unces for Saturday, Nov. 15, all day BLE D'ROTE DINNERS ead of the usual a la carte S rvic$.0 ~eef, Chicken, Turkey, 5(Jc, 75c, $1.00 Special attention given to my College trade, The same prices with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. DIETERLE-VARSITY TAILOR Wha-Mai-Lou The New Chinese and Ameircan Restaurant The Finest dishes of both nations, served in the finest style. Tables aliron the first floor Oriental Curios Chinese Tea We solioit your patronage 611 E. Liberty St. Phone 1649-L G. S. O. CHEN, Prop. E" flichigin R ay nsf'ordl. .. . ..L.Ei. Musser......... L.T. Cochran.......L.'.G. Paterson (C)... . C. Alimendinger... R.G. Pdntine.........[.i.. Lyons.......... R.E. E i'ughitt.. ....Q. B, Craig... .. .. . ... Li.. Galt..........R.H. Torbet............. 'ennisyht'ania .Bloom .. ..... Crane .Carter ...... Snmpson .......Journey ....Harris . ..Murdock .Marshall Young (C) ....Avery .Minds this matron live in the house contin- ually and be a university graduate. The regents approved this, but said that there should be no monetary sti- pend. HUTCHINS AND YOST TALK AT BIG YELL FEST (Continued from page 1.) and gave a stirring speech. Harold has been assisting Yost for the past two weeks, explained how the Michi- gan spirit clings to a man no matter where he is. Carroll Haff, '12-15L, led old and new yells. The Hawaiian yell was the feature of the evening and the stu- dents readily accepted it as a valua- ble addition to the Michigan reper- toire. Edward Kemp, '12-'141, led ,, j FOM FLOOR MACK &CO.A TEA ROOM 2nd FLOOR The Overcoat Question You can't dolge it Don't shiver and snuffle I , th' singing of several new songs writ- P. Titus, 11, also gave. a pep-arous- ten especially for the Peansy game. ing" talk showing how the men of Lyndon was on hand with his usual the Michigan teams have always been well selected bill of slides, and the real fighters and guaranteeing to the band furnished several selections that audience a decisive victory today. gave evidence of the faithful pract h- "King" Cole of the team of '02, who ing they have been doing. I _. .... Cover up now icanSavir B a and Main Sts. i Place for Your Banking Modern Methods give me best re- suits for printing and developing. Vis- it our work 'room and see for your- self. Lyndon. eod. W. H. Smith sells Victor Typewrit- ors. Second-hand Royals and Under- wvoodsi. 102 E. Huron, over D~awson's._x Call 238O-T, for demonstration. Stu- dents insurance 35 cents per hundred. tf Order your Chrysanthemums for the Big Came Full line of Pennants, Arm Bands- Michigan Souvenirs W I Full linef Pennat..rm Bas ids.... M .ua+ir, as 4N ,vi ir norse's and Gilbert's Candies We are well eq',pped to szrve you WAGN1R & CO. Students' lish your floors with old English r Wax. Major & Co., 203 E. Wash- mn street. Phone 237. 39-41 Phone us, We Deliver the Goods. IPSn13-tore Phone 1 331 -J Importing Tailors State Street 1111 So. University Ave. HOM E OF 1 '' 0 rt Schaffner & Marx Clothes We have those H. $ & M. Mackinaws at $12.00 and $15.00. Other makes at $5.00 to $10.00. WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY. 0 LUTZ CLOTHING STORE 0 00 217 S. Main St. 1 ainun Portraits by r rrr Are Sure to Please SEE Your Friends THE Studio: 319 E.