wl I' anted=Rooters WHITMAN'S CANDY One thousand double throated horns to be given away Friday at the Gilmore Shoe Co., 119 5. Main St. Get a horn free and be a Mich- igan rooter. I When you buy candy buy the best. It does not cost much more and it gives much more pleasure. Whitman's Candy always pleases. The prices vary according to the assortmeats, 6oc, 8oc and $i.oo a pound. We have all the new packages and assort- ments- up to $5.00 a box. Calkins Pharmacy - 324 South State Street Gilmore Shoe Co. THOMSON TO TALK ON TUESDAY NIGHT Pingree Made 119 S. Main Street. I STUDENTS We can save you money by trading at our store. We carry the best line of Men's Suits, Overoats, and Raincoats. We also carry the largest and most com- plete line of Men's Furnish- ings, Hats and Caps. Ask to see our line of all wool Mackinaws. W A DHAIS & CO 121-123 South Main Street 0 *rrvQ Y/ F MARK Tennis Ambition Golf Base Ball dlereteasier t l t eing prop- Cricket erly e(lippet A, G. Spalding & Bros. are Football outfitters to c11am pions, whole implements naust be Basket-Ball invariably right. Quality Athletic counts.i Spalding.~'s Catalogu is noly' Eqiiipment ready-freefr zie asking. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. A. MARQUARDT ilen Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor. Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. Judge Robert F. Thomson, '93L, of will occupy the four floors on the east Canandaigua, N. Y., will speak at the ( side, facing the Chemistry building. -x- football smoker Tuesday night, ac- --An entirely new cover design is used cording to a telegram received at the on the November issue of the Alum- Michigan Union yesterday. Judge nus. The new cover consists of a sim- Thomson is known to the student body ple design in red and black, and will by his appearance at the smoker in be used exclusively beginning with 1911. this issue. Mr. Frank P. Graves, '93-'95L, pres- - ident of the Chicago alumni associa- The first of a series of five dinners tion, will be the other faculty repre- for 1914 lits will be held: at the Mich- sentative, and Prof. John R. Allen, of igan Union at 6:00 o'clock Wednes- the engineering department, will rep- day night. Tickets for the series are resent the faculty. Karl Mohr, '13- on sale by members of the social com- '15L, will speak for :the student body. mittee for $2.50. President Harry B. Hutchins will al- Owing to the fact that the Oratori- so be present, if he does not take a cal association has several strong num- contemplated trip to New York ne, bers booked for December, it has been week. The athletic association has decided to postpone Professor Rich- not yet chosen a representative to ard D. T. Hollister's reading of "The award the "M" insignia to the Varsity Rivals" until some time in January. football men. -The new emergency fire pumps at The tickets met with a rapid sale the engineering building will be start- yesterday among Union members. ed at 8:00 o'clock this morning, and Smoking tobacco, cigarettes, pipes, students working under the direction souvenir cups, cider and doughnuts of Prof. S. J. Zowski will test the in- have been arranged for by Edward crease in pressure made by the pumps. Saier, general chairman. They are a part of the $18,000 fir protection system which has been in- MUSIC AND DR AMA. stalled by the university. -Tickets for an overflow dance at the "Little Miss Brown." Michigan Union tonight will go on For the performance of "Little Miss sale at the desk this morning at 11:00 Brown" at the Whitney theatre to- o'clock. The 300 tickets placed on night, the football squad, coaches, and sale for the big dance in Waterman trainers will be the guests of the ath- gym were gone Thursday night, and letic association. Judging from. the since then there have been many re- sale of tickets, an enormous audience quests for tickets is expected to be present. * * * * * * * * * "The Quaker fAirl." * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. * A cast of unusual merit will pre- * dited by Stylus. * sent "The Quaker Girl" at the Whit- $ a : * * * * ney theatre, Saturday, November 22, matinee and night. Victoi- Morley, Professor Tealdi of the landscape pleasantly remembered for his work in design department gave an interest- "The Three Twins," and "Louisiana ing lecture on the possibilities of Lou," plays the part of 'Tony Chute, Palmer field before the women's the gay young American attache at league yesterday afternoon. "There is Paris. The role of Prudence, the a great deal to be done on Palmer Quaker girl, is in the hands of Ber- field," said Prof. Tealdi, "and the mon- nice McCabe, who was in the original ey is now available. The most im- cast at the Adephi theatre, London. portant work at preent is to fence A large orchestra will interpret the in the grounds, which will probably musical numbers, chief among which be done this season." are "Come to the Ball" and "Tony Mr. Tealdi emphasized the need to from America." buy up the lots on the east and west borders of the field. Until this is done C. C. C. OPPOSES DETROIT "Y" there is no hope of beautifying it, he IN CROSS COUNTRY TODAY says. Palmerfield is a part of the boule- The cross country race between vard system, says Mr. Tealdi, and in Michigan's distance squad and that time the university grounds will be representing the Detroit Y. M. C. A., extended to embrace it. He plans to is due to start from the gym, this add to the natural beauty of the sit- morning at 10:00 o'clock. uation with shrubs, flowers and wind- The course is the same as that over ing walks. A club house, situated on which the novice race was run. Eight- the side hill just south of the tennis een men will run for the visitors, courts, will be erected in the future, while Coach Rowe will turn ,into the and possibly a skating pond will be field the entire C. C. C. team, which is formed in the south-west portion of composed of all men who have been the field. running with the club. Coach Rowe ? Mr. Tealdi eagerly desires sugges- did not spare his men last night, the tions for the proposed improvements. squad maintaining a fast jog through- "The women ought to be directly in- out the run. terested," he said, and I cannot un- The officials for today's race are: derstand why they do not seem so. referee, Dr. J. B. Modesit (Dtroit); Here is a wonderful chance. Let us finish judges, C. A. Crowe and J. C. make te most of it." Spaulding; timers, Dr. Modesit and * * * Steve Farrell; starter, Floyd A. Rowe. Wyvern Society of Junior girls initi- Places will be kept and the time of ated fourteen new members last night each runner taken. at the Alpha Phi house. . Call Taxi 1550 Parties a Specialty Quick Service Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. sain Street ESTABLISHED 1818 @G L OT IN BROADWAY com.TWENTY-SECOND 5° NeW YORK. Our representative, Mr. Gorman, will be at The Pontchartrain Hotel, Detroit, November 18th and 19th with Winter Suits and Overcoats Ulsters, Fur and Fur-lined Coats English Haberdashery Hats and Shoes Thirty-Two Years of Success There's a Reason! GIVING THE BEST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY Try us and be convinced Everything In the realm of music Phone 1707 Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St. G. C. iA EDEL, High Class Portraiture 119 EAST L1