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November 15, 1913 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-11-15

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(Continued from page 1.)
these wise ones to reckon the Ann
Arbor team among the best in the
The trip and game at Cornell was
but a repetition. At no time did it
look like a Cornell day. Hopelessness
was apparent in the stands as well as
on the field and it was simply a case
of the invaders being a stronger team.
Six men passed out of Michigan
football history with the game today.

erson, Torbet, Pontius, Allmendinger,
Musser and Craig. Every man of
them was a star and of each Michigan
is proud.
Those who remain will form a nu-
cleus around which Yost will build
his 1914' machine. There are "Tom-
my" Hughitt, Gait, Traphagen, Lyons.
Raynsford,,Cochran and maybe Licht-
ner of the men who have been most
prominent in the varsity 'squad. Bush-
nell will also be back as will Watson,
:Mead, Catlett, McHale, Benton, James,
Bentley, Bastian and others among
the substitutes of this year. The All-
Fresh will also furnish stars in such
men as Captain Maulbetsch, Splawn,
Calvin, Zieger, Dunne, Rehor and NMe-

In that half dozen were Captain Pat- I man.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Try Our Famous Coffees and Special
103 Blend Tea

SeaSon's Success lIie to Sounmd lHsi-
ness Basis Estalblishled by
Student Council
Musicians Make Great Shoiwinug ait all
Football Gameis on Ferry
The best Michigail band ever
marched down the Ferry Field grid-
iron today, touching the heart-strings
of rooters, with the strains of "The
Victors," The varsity bapnd was placed
on a permanent basis with a sound
system of management this year for
the first time.
Early in the season, the student
council took action on the band ques-
t~ton, and appointed a. comnittee, to co-
pperate with the athletic association,
to tie formnlation of plans for the es-
tab~li ifme lt of a lnan)which would
be aln honpor to tine ujuveysity. ,Lke

attempts have been made in former
years, but without success. This year,
however, things seemed to be favor-
able to such a projiect and prompt, ac-
tion on the part of the committee soon
put. the band on a firm basis.
At the first of the year, in answer to
the demand for music at the games,
an unofficial band did duty and, con-
sidering its lack of training, rendered
an excellent account of itself. As
soon as the reorganization took place,
however, tryouts were held and ac-
tive work in the line of development
and training was taiken up. New uni-
forms were provided and the band
worked diligently, not only in the
musical line, but at marching and
counter-marching, a phase- of band
work suggested by the remarkable
appearance of the M. A. C. band, at
Michigan's annual clash with that in-
stitution. By the time of the Syra-
c use game Michigan was represented
by a band that was a sight for sore
eyes. They brought cheer after cheer
from the stands as they marched _up
and down the field led by their drum-
major, G. M. Olsen, '17, a "find"
among the freshmen.
And now, with the students all en-
thusiasin, there arose the question as
to how the band could be sent to the
ornell game. The athletic association
was unable to finance the trip, but
with the old saying "Where there's

a will there's a way," as their motto
the students conducted a successful
tag day, and sufficient funds were rais-
ed to finance the project. Tfhe band
was sent "to help the team" and the
hit they made with the Ithacans more
than warranted the efforts in their
behalf .
To the student council is due the
greatest credit for the wonderful suc-
cess of the band this year, but the un-
restrictedi support of the faculty has
also been of great assistance, and Ike
Fischer ras done excellent work as
Those who have composed the or-
ganization this year are: D. J. Wicher,
'17; C. E. Miller, 17;G. J. Curry, '13-
'15M; 1). O. XX althall '15M; P. V.
O'Hara, '15; M. A. Norrs, '16E; S. R.
F'rederickson, 'ITE; C. B. orth, '14E;
F. C". Wheeler, '15P; XW. N. Smith, '17;
L. C. Cortright, '17; J1. A. Martinek,
'14E; R. G. Trisler, '16E; J. W. Sher-
rick, '14M; It. Monroe, '15; M. A.
Lange, '15; J. J. Hardeeberg, '17P;
W. E. Mathews, '15; 14, M. Klein, '151);
W. N. Johnston, '161,;:It. J. Miiaer, '16;
C. '. Olsen, '17; L. 'Thomas, '16L;
K. F. Boucher, '15; W1. L. Farrell, '16;
C. E, Otter, '15; XV'. C. Breidenbach,
'16; G., 1. Strawn, '151); C. G. Frye,
'151); L. P. Diederick, Spe; M. D.
Haag, '16; G. ~Rich, '16D); E. M. Brady,
'15E,; A. R. Lewis, '151.; M. C. Cut-
ting, '17E6; It. Gray, '17E.
You can buy films many places, but
you pay the same here for Fresh East-
man Kodak films. Lyndon. Wed eod


IPhone 304

116 E. Liberty St.

vading Pennsy forces.
R. A. Dolph Funeral Director, suc-
cessor to 0. M. M2a'r'tin. Business es-
tablished in 1857. Private ambulance.
Phone 98. cod
Good Eastman Kodaks for rent, 10c
per day. Lyndon. Sun.
For Kodaks and photo supplies, open
every evening until 9:30. Sundays
9:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 3:30 only.
Lynodn. "Wed Sun.

r -
3~~uirnrs.0fit fit.jtutic%~f

Press Building

Pres BuidingMaynard Street

Across from Majestic

Song Boo k
Containing Hits from all College Operas
and other Michigon Songs
Now on Sale
The Viest Souvenir of the
Atich igan-Pennsylkania
Two New-
Michiga~ o~
"Win for Michigan"
"Michigan's Men of Steel"
Gilbert's and MacDiarmids
'We have ordered this lot of chocolates to be fresh
for the big game. The "W olverine," Gilbert's
latest hit, is a dandy; it is put up in an elegant
padded box, tied with "Michigan Blue" ribbon.
117 S. Main St. Phone 270

to ...
Exclusive College Styles
The cold, wet weather approaching will necessitate a change in foot-
wear. Are you supplied? If not, come in and let us show you the
new Walk-Obers for men and women.
Your Goond'haste for Style
judgment of workmanship, and our up--to-date methods of fitting feet
to measure, will surely tell you that you should wear


W A ~ w VR 4The accompanying cuts are exact reprocducti(ns of boots now
on our shelves, and. show three of the season's most popular
The smart low hieel blucher above is a new English Walking:
Boot to be had in black and tan. Price $4.50 and $5.00.
The button style above is our new Carlton last English. But- e
ton for street or dress wear, in fine black calf skin. Price
The spool-heel boot at the right is a popular new Fall style,
and much admired by the ladies. To be had in Patent and
(gun Metal. Our Price $4.00.


,, ....mss


115 South Main Street

r -s-

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