Souvenir Football Extra
14' l s,.iu<e Put Up A Winning Fight
Agaiiit Aggressi e Rivals
'roni Philladelphija
SvAI s vxiurv 1TAE ATTA CK
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
!~ N ~ U'l
Playe-'r. i'0itioIL ire, Weighit. Year.
Raynsl'ord .......L.E....... . . ...,..,...185 .. .. .Seconld
Musser ............... 1aT... ,.... 2.. ..... '0..........Second
Cochran ..............G..........19..........218..........First.
Paterson, Capt. ........C..........2 2. ....... 210..........Third.
Aihumendinger.......... R.{x......... 2.2.........198 ......... ,Second,
Pontius ...............R.T........ . .22. ....... 190......... hird.
Lyons ................ R.*E.......... 21t.........170 .......... First.
Ifughi tt...............Q.B..........20,.........1441..........Second.
Torbet ................F.B..........24.........172..........Third.
Galt ..................Ri-I.........2_2...... ....162..........First.
By direc wre fromi Ferry Field.
Sourte'Ay of 31101galSMate 'T'elhoke
"onip an.
(By ( anion Jens.)
Both stnds were wel filled by 1:30
and crowds,,Nwer arriving in thou-
sands. A light wind blew across the
field from the east. At 1:4') the Mich-
igan band marcebd thru the goal posts
and across the field. hey were loud-
ly cheered as they maneuvered back
and forth. "PI" Sullivan ex-cheer
iaaler and vasiy base-b all captain
alternat ed with "Ha~ip 1(a f" lading
the cheers. Yellow chrysanthemums
werel in great niuubers in both stands,
Pennsylvania being repiesente l by a
smatll contingent of root rs.Light
flurries of snow have caused sonic
concern for the weater conditions
pt the gatme, but stopped before 2
'ploek, leaving the feld dry ad fair.
kt 2 o'clock Nith te roW d stil ar-
iving the north and south stands
erCIe filled, ad 1n0 roomi was left 0n.
the staliding bleachers of the east
and wet ends. Tii Pennsylvania
band came onto thn id at 2;015). Three
Pnns1~ylvania cheer leaders led a yell
fop° ;Nichigall and then for Pensyl-
va la.
°1 lap Iall'' returned the courtesy
lay leading a cheer for Pennsylvania
from the Michigan rootng section.
At 2:15 the crowd still awaited im-
patiently for the appearance of the
Pennsy team on the fld. Captain
Paterson led fthe Michigan team onto
the field at 2:20. They ran tuna
sharp sign a drill. Pensylvania led
by Captain Young followed closely be-
hind the appearance o1f the Michigan
team on the field and ran thru a sharp
~igraJl practice liughitt lpracticed
wiane punts with P.'atepsou passing and
latand Caig receiving. Ntl change
Were fjwide .al thea line-np as a~nonn-
ed yesterday. Captain Paes5oi w04
teos 10n5d,~ chose to defend the east
goo 1.
Young ktickced off afid lyos re
turned the ball ten yards to the 440-
yard line Glt was stopped for no
g n. Torbot madte four yards thin
right tackle. Jjughit circled fleusy,
vania's right end for six yards. Craig
made eleven yards thinu the line Gat
added three. Michigan penalized 15
yards for holding. Craig failed to
gain thru the line. Avery grabbed
Torbett's forward pass Pennsylvania's
ball on her own 40-yard line. Avery
smiashe d off Aiichig in's right tackle
for two yards. Avery made three more
on the other side. lill wa s thrown
l'_01 a loss. Avery punted to Galt who
returtie~lti ie ball eight yards to Alich-
igan'rs 3-yarn limt. Gat skinned
Plen's left tackle for z yarf. ih
laaant'uolhiW d butIliughitt recovered.
Iflughitt launut o~ut of bounds on
florj's :3tyard line. Ave y 1. iroj
for x~ogt1'i in an attemupt tru Pon
tuns. Mierrill imnau, fifteen yards
9uttfJ id in's end. Young f iie
ga in. 11111 Nam-de fouri'thru lsser.
Average age-21' 2 years.
Average weight-1~821/K.
Average Weight like---196~.
led t11 olnverines agaiist the ip-
Morrill #idesid two y-ard i li the same
place. Avery p1 ilted out of bound on
MVichigan's 18-yard line. Iiughlitt made
20 yaird; around Murdock, Craig
M\urdock........11JiI. .
Jiourney .............. I.0'...
Carter........... C..
Simpson ............. L.G... .
Harris............. .T..
Merrill Q.
Young (Capt,) ,....h...
Averatge age--20.
Pciiii'.'iyt. YitA ".
. 1-9 . ... . .. ....First.. .
22....... ...175...........First.
....2 ........185..........Second
....20 .........198..........Second.
,....20......I...180.1..1..... First.
Avera-e weight backfield---166t.
"III 11 iii 1 E" C R1 IE .
made 3 yards arourid Koons.
Produced 15 around Murdock.
fl ug-
Olllc-lals---Referee : Walter Ekes IChicago.
Umpire: Everett Wrenn, tlar yards.
ilead] Linesman: Carl Mlarshall, Harvard.
Time of Quarters -- 15 Minut es.
Mitt aain circled Koons for 31 yards.
Craig gtiped two yards thru center.
Galt made 10 yards on a delayed pass.
Torbett plunged thru center for eight
yards. Michigan's ball on Penn's two
yard line. Lyons failed to make the
distance. Craig dove over the ie for
a touaeltdowni. Patersoni kicked 'goal.
Score, Michigani 7; Penn d. Carter
picked off to Craig on Michigan's 15-
yard, line.. He returned the ball~ 15
yards. Hughitt made 25 around&MuiA
dock's end._ Craig added 3 yards
around Koons. B~olger replaces Hi
at right half. Bolger rtexc~ptecq .
forwa~rd pass,. Beln's )lnl h 1r 9Wz
'5:yard I1ije. ;pia y ards loant~y 1'enu
can a punlt formation. Wirst quarter
ended. Score, ."ichigai7; Pein !!.
Second qnarte~r beigan. Nioeal sqh-
stituted for 1(oonis at righit end. Penn's
ball second down with 20 yards to go:
Avery gained three yardp aroulnd litre
on a picot formation. On the next play
Avery punted to Galt on IMiclhig~n'6
40-yard line, Galt retura'ned the ball
5 yards. Craig made four yards off
tackle. H-ughitt failed to gain, Penn
penaized 5 yards for off side. Craig
made four yards thru center. Lyons
made three yards thru center. Lyons
made first down thin center. Hughitt
was stopped for no0 gain. Craig gain-
ed one yard thru center. Torbet over-
threw a forward pass and the ball
was called back. '4 second attempt at
a forward pass from Torbett failed.
Thia play gave Penn the ball on her
ovwn 31-yard line. P ~np tvjmbfed but
recovered at a dusk} ef h Ya1.ds. 13o1-
!gear made twoQ off tackle. _Avery punt-
ed out. of bpuii on .ichigau's il-yard
line. Hughitt thrown 1,,r no g~1rj
Hughitt made six yards aroun~d right
endl. Craig found a hole thru guard
for four yards. Michigan's first down.
Bloom takes Murdock's place at left
end. Gait failed to gain thru the line.
Craig made five yards thru tackle.
Craig repeated for the same distance,
making it first down. Galt made six
yards thru the line. Lyons made six
yards thin Penn's left sidle. Wolf re-~
places Carter at right guard. lyons
fails to gain. Njichigail fumbled but
recovered the Fall Without 1(15. Craig
unable to g~iig. A4nghitt painted out
of bounds Qun Pnn-s 3.1-yardt line. The
ball was cell led h aek hind Penpna
ized live yards for outside. Michi~
gapt's first down, Qalt made 3 yar ot
thru the line. !salt added 6 yards
on the second attempt. Torbett. 2
thru ceitex, A forytip'd pass 1-f ughitt
to Lyons netted Michigan 25 yards.
Michiigajn's hail on Pein',- fivt, yard
the lane for atst tclitlin, Paterson
kicked agan st the Crossbiar, failing to
niake goal. Scare., Michigaxt 11; !Penn
0. 'McC 4ll -ick ed off to Galt on Mich-
igan's 10-yard line,. Gait ret urned the
ball 20 yatrds, The flrst hialf'eended
here. Score, ichigan iitpenal ')-
A light snow commenced to fall.
The Michigan rooters made a block
"M" with yellow flags against a bacR-
ground of blue flags; the spectators
stood wAith bared heads while the Yel-
low and Blue was sutng. The, Michigan
band made a circuit of the field play-
ing The Victurs. Michigan a.nd Penn
botlj app~earedl on tte jt It for the
biegi~ing of tWe second half. Marshall
replaced Merrill at quarter for Poiln.
iliuds3,WE lt l111«at fillbit kin place of
Avery for Penal.
Mussei! kicked to ?itarshall whO ran
the ball back fifteen yards to his 40-
yard line. Carter went back in the
game at right guard for Penn in place
of Wgolf. Blankets were held around
Craig while he pulled his c,,stumne to-
gether after the, last play. lMiids' for-
wvard pass was i t completed. ,Minds
p~uteci tq Galt oiln Micigan's 25-yard
line, tox Gait ywhlo retiuleo (tile ball 20
yards;.(Cra j nade live yards off right
tack]; : lughit~t plunged, thie Penn
line for eight yardls. i-Hlghitt repeated
for tie same. distance. Gait made 14
yards thru the center. Michigan
fumbled tlxe Bali and Pennairecovered
it.. len ii's ball on hrr own 35-yard
line. Marshalil made five yards around
Miehlgan's left end. Craig intercepted
Minds forx vd pass, Michigan's ball
on her 47-yard line, Gait failed to
gain. llghitt railed to gain. Craig
rail 20 yards on a delayed pass play.
Mlichigani received penalty for off side
pla.byons nade one yard thrn the
line. Craig it off' right tackle for
fOLur yards. Captain Paterson attemlpt-
ed a p~lace hicl: fromu the 20-yard line.
This play developed Into a run from
this format ion w ith Hughitt crossing
Penn's goal. The ball was called
back and Michigan penalized 15 yards
for holding. Gait failed to gain thin
the line. Catlett replaces Galt at
right half. Toriett's. farward' pass
was not completed and Penn took the
ball on lier. own 30-yard line. Yaung
made LO -yards around Ly(lna . Penn
fumibled the bhall blot recoveredl for no
loss, sery who wais playin~g at. right
half in place of Bfcdge i ade a for-
ward pass to Bl4oom.. Penn's ball on
t iciiiganz's 48-yard lliw.. A second at-
tempt at a forward pass was unsuc-
cessful. Michligan's ball in the cen-,
ter of tho flold. Craig gained two
Star r MiChigain halfback who plaed
his last ganme of football today.
yards off tackle. Catlett added two
thru Wolf. Craig was down for no
gain. 1-Iughitt punted to Marshall on
Penns 20-yard line. Marshall was
dlowned in his tracks by Layons. Minds
tailed to gain. Third period etj ded.
:Penn's ball on her 20-yard Score,
Michigan 13; Penan Qe.
Merrill returned to the gamze in
place of Marshall at quarterback for
Penn, Penn's attempted a forward
pass was uncompleted. Minds punted
out of bounds giving Michig an the
ball on her own 42-yard line. Craig
made one yard thru guard. Hughitt
was stopped for a ten yard loss by
Simpson. Marshall again returned to
the game in place of Merrill. Hughitt
punted and Penn back fumbled. Pon-
tins fell onl the ball on the 40-yard
line. Catlett made two yards off
tackle, Bolger replaced Minds. Craig
struck off left tackle for five yards.
Hughitt made two yards. Catlett
went thru tactkle for five yards. Craig
was downed for no gain. Quinn was
substituted for Torbett at fullback for
Michigan. Hughitt's forward pass was
gain resulted. Young made five yards
on a. lin@ buck. Avery's forward pass
was not completed. Avery punted to
Catlett on Michigan's 42-yard 11.n e.
He returned the ball 10, yards. Cat-
not completed. Time wa., ttkeni out
for Simpsqu. As j result of an un-
completed pss by Hughitt., Penn took
the 'fall on her* own 32-.yrd# line.
Avery passed to BIQm anld a 12-yard
Lett made 10 yards thius Harris.
Quinin plgnges five y;ards thru center.
Oraig ftiled to gain thrui center.
Craig lade tour more thru center.
Ml ale treplacos Cochrane at lef
guard for Michigan. Ilughitt punted
to Penn's 18-yard line. Avery failed
t.o the grime in place of Marshall. A
forward pass from Avery to :tc Call
failed to gain. The last quarter end-
ed without score. Score, Mfichigan 13;
Penis 0.
lBrillhatFlei en play s Islt'ast ante
A fter A. Season Notable For
The 'lrue "Conte-back"
AMieb igami Loses Valuable Players, Btt
Next year's Varsity Ilasq
line Nucleus.
By . iH.rTapping.
Another brilliant Michigan team
passedI out of history this afternoon
on Ferry field.
The Mlaize and blue has boasted of
many fine teams in its history. Some
of them. have gone through a season
undefeated and[ with a wonderful re-
ords of glorious victories. Ours
have comie up out o1' the ru early-
season revers'.s ari 'hive won their
way t °high place in the football.
ladder of fame by their powers to.
overcome obstacles and fight through
to success over strong elevens. The.
1913 Varsity belongs to this ltter
class and its claim for a place high
among WVolverine teams is just for
this reason if no other.
Above all else, the team which has
represented Michigan in the past year
has been well-balanced. In this has
rested its main strength, It has had
its stars andl they have been men
whose calibre has in the past, and
will this year. win themi recognition
among tho country's best gootball
players. Men like Craig, Paterson,
1iughitt, Pontius and Allmendinger,
have earned places on those mythical
"best'* elev ens' and will probably 'et
Michigan started the season with a
whoop by winning a brilliant victory
over Case. In that first battle the Wol-
verine showed as near perfect class:
as could be imagined. The scoring
mnachine was running on high gear and
the defense was impregnable. Every-.
one was predicting the brilliant vie-.
tory which later camne but which
struck a snag in the next two weeks..
Mount Ujnion sent her collegians to
Ann Arbor for the November game
and the youngsters caught the big
Michigan men unawares. They 'hed
them to a close score,
Then came the M. A. C. lead-
ed for bear, with Michigan still off
guard and riddled with injuries. A
makeshift backfield was sent against
the whirlwind Farmers and the first
defeat in the history of a M. A. C.-
Michigan battle was the lot of Ann
Arbor and her rooters. It threw the
camp in a gloom which only the ge-
nits. and spirit of Yost turned into
the brilliant victory which followed
at Vanderbilt.
Michigan wvent south on that first
foreign invasion expecting a tight
game in view of the defeat of the week
before. The overwhelming vietory
sent the campus crazy. Syracuse
camne to Ann Arbor the following Sat-
urday andl the Michigan team lived'
up to the reputation it.lhas established
before. Never for a moment were the
easterners a factor in. the clash. The,
Michigan defense was working on~
high gear and the scoring machine
had been wound uip to the last notch,
The victory earned that day took the
Wolverines out of the rut into which
the critics had placed her and caused
(Continued on page 4.)
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