. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 LYNDON " At the Sign of The Kodak " Regal Shoes Latest English Lasts Kodak Films Finishing Flashlights and Groups Telephone 458-L 719 North University Avenue' Indian Moccasins More Comfortable than Slippers UNER & 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR /4 OFF ON ALL MILLINERY Beavers Excepted, at- SLiberty East DANA RICHARDSON HONE 166 IT P I IMU TOOU If you wish to insure certain satisfaction let us handle your ICE CREAM AND PUNCH ORDERS 16 SOUTH MAIN STREET toffee Roasters and Wholesale Grocers CAMPUS IN BRIEF. -Prof, W. J. Hussey of the astronomy department, is now studying the south- ern heavens at the La Platte Universi- ty in South America. He will not re-t turn for work in the second semester. --After the mass meeting tonight, Un-i ion members are urged to attend the1 regular Friday night lounger at the clubhouse. The committee is making special arrangements to take care of, a large crowd. Various card games will be played, informal discussion will be held and lunches will be serv- ed in the dining room at regular ham- burger rates.; --Arrangements are being made ' to handle a large crowd at the Michigan Union during the week end. Many visitors will probably arrive today, so that an open house will be featured, lasting right through until Sunday. Alumni and other visitors are urged to make the Union their headquarters. Meals will be served in the large room -s well as in the regular dining room. A committee has been appointed to decorate the building, Saturday morn- ng, in the Pennsy and Michigan col- rs. --Prof. Aubrey Tealdi. junior profes- sor of landscape design, will lecture on the proposed plans for improving Palmer field, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall at 4:00 o'clock today. The lecture will be illustrated with stereoptican views. -"Recent Developments' of Electrical Engineering" was the subject of an in- teresting address given by Prof. 11. H. Higbie, last night in room 348 of the engineering building. This address was given under the auspices of the American Institute of Electrical En- gineers. -Records of student scholastic stand- ings will be sent to the parents of every lit student at the close of each semester. This innovation is the re- sult of many complaints of parents who say that they have no way of as- certaining the actual scholastic stand- ing of their sons and daughters. -Dean Shailer Mathews, of the Uni- versity of Chicago divinity school, will talk on "Militant Idealism,"Sunday ev- ening, in the Methodist church. This is the second of the Wesleyan Guild lectures. Regent J. E. Beal and Prof. Filibert Roth will leave tomorrow to represent the university at the National Conser- vation congress to be held in Washing- ton, November 18, 19 and 20. The questions of forests and waterways will be the principal topics to be dis- cussed at the conservation congress this year. Professor Roth will prob- -Paul Weinlander, '14E, suffered from loss of blood Wednesday night, caused by the removal of one of his wisdom teeth that afternoon: Dr. W. 0. Pickard of the Homeopathic hos- pital, checked the hemorrhage, which lasted six hours. -X_ --Direct communication to all the leading newspapers of the east and west, giving results of Penn-Michigan game, will be furnished by the West- ern Union and Postal Telegraph com- panies. At least 30 operators will be stationed at Ferry field, forwarding the game, play by play. -X- -Totem, an organization of Detroit Eastern high school, elected ten new members at its meeting in University Hall last evening. Arrangements were made for a dinner to be held at the Michigan Union some time next %veek, and it was decided to hold an informal dance some time before the Christmas holidays. -Vulcans held their fall initiation dinner at the Union last night. Speech- es were made by some of the old men. The following were the initiates: J. C. Bogue, W. H. Schomburg, L. J. Keli- her, 11. L. Mueller, A. Eckert, F. Can de Laare, H. W. Lichtner, A. Roth, W. D. Baker, C. W. Howell, D. Dudley, E. L. Bentley. -A. H. Goldman, '16L, has been called to his home in Cleveland, O., by the death of his sister. -More -than 100 senior lits attended the "Cafeteria Hop" held at noon yes- terday in the parlors of Barbour gym. After a serve self luncheon, dancing continued until 2:30 o'clock. SENIOR LAWS HEAR TALKS ON "PROBLEMS" LAST NIGHT "Problems of the Young Lawyer," was the subject of the address, given by Prof. Robert E. Bunker, at the sen- ior law smoker last night. He outlin- ed some of the questions which prove vexatious to the beginner in practice. Prof. John R. Rood spoke on, "The High Cost of Justice," and pointed out the enormous expense occasioned by our present judicial system. Robert J. Curry, as president of the class, announced his policy and the social committee plans. FORMER "DAILY" )IAN STOPS OVER FOR PENNSY BATTLE ably speak upon the local phase forestry work. of WHITNEY TWO DAYS ONLY THURSDAY FRIDAY Nov. 13-14 MATINIE FRIDAY The Famous Cartoon With MASTER RICE SEE T IGE MARY JANE 30 - PEOPLE - 30 I Mi Brown 'IHE SEASON'S BIG LAUGH FESTIVAL With Original Company ond Pro- duction Direct From 4th Street Theatre..Ntw Yosk City. PRICES 13 Rows Orchestra - Balance f 4 Rows Balcony - Next°4 Rows Balcony - Balance $1.50 1.00 1.00 .75 ,50 Prices: 50c, 35c, 25c r Garrick Theater DETROIT, nICHIGAN Emma Trentini (Varewell appearance in Comic Opera) ' The Fire Fly" WAI KING LOO Come Up and Try George's Chop Suey Delicious Chinese and American Dishes. 341 South State Street Phoe-1244-L COCHRAN WILL PL AY IN PLACE OF TRAPHA(: C:N. (Continued from page 1.) ran was in the line first for AlImen- dinger and then fo: ,ontias. Tfhree more alumni coaches, Harry Hammond, Walter Carter and "Bot- tles" Thomson, joined the staff of alumni coaches yesterday afternoon. RESTRICT SALE OF TICKETS TO. UNION SMOKER. (Continued from page 1.) will be made in Barbour gym. The doors of Barbour gym will be open early in the evening, but Waterman gym will not be open until 7:30 o'clock, the program beginning at 8:00 o'clock. ONE NIGHT ONLY Tuesday The One Big Record Breaking Success Al. Rich Comedians And Entire Metropolitan Prouction In George Barr MCultcheon's Famous Story Brewster's Millions Dramatized by Winch Smith and Byron Ongley, with the Most Thrilling Yacht Scene Ever Staged Absoluely Continuous Laughler Praised by Fvery Dramatic Critic in the Country. PRICES Four Rows Orchestra............$1.50 Next Nine Rows Orchestra.......... x.oo Balance of Orchedra...........5 First Four Rows Balcony..75 Balance of Balcony..........50' SS WhitneyTheatre Matinee and Night Saturday, Nov. 15th She's Bringing Joy to Town WILLIAM A.BRAD Offers Litl )ean & Co., ltd., 214 S. Main St. t .t LET THE RESHMAN Press Your Clothes WE DO LADIES' WORK SWILLIAM E. DIETERLE FORMERLY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR wishes to announce that he has opened a tailoring establish- ment in Detroit at C. I. KIDD, '17 Lit. -J 1112 S. University Ave. 0 uokft 1 1 Why Walk nthe Floor All Night? The Overcoat Question You can't dodge it Don't shiver and snuffle Harold Titus, '11, who was news ed- itor of The Michigan Daily during the year 1910-11, and was elected man- aging editor for the following year. but forced to resign on account of ill health, is stopping over in Ann Arbor for the Penn game. Titus is on his way to New York. Since leaving college, Titus has been writing short stories. Several of his contributions have recently appeared in Collier's Weekly and The American Boy. Enrollment Shatters Former Record. With the enrollment of more than 1,000, the freshman gym classes sur- pass by125 members the largest class on record. An extra class has been organized to meet every Tuesday and Trhursday. at 3:15 o'clock. The supply of lockers has practi- cally given out. Upperclassmen will not be allowed to engage the few that are left, as they are being saved for fthose taking compulsory work. Two Special attention given to my College trade. The same prices with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. With a Complete line of DIETERLE-VARSITY TAILOR BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS 94 WEST FORT STREET 1 Shirts & Neckwear Take home one of our HOT WATER BOTTLES And be comfortable. A large as- sortment of bottles with prices that will appeal to you. ALL. GUARANTEED TWO YEARS. UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL 1219 So..University Ave. We develop and print pictures. Give us a trial. i Cover up now in Distinctive and Original Treatments We ar" well equipped to serve you. WAGNBR & Co. SMART ENGLISH RAINCOATS A Complete Showing of Acccssori t o M(rs W r, Includir.g Most Recent Importations IMPORTERS Anger & Kanouse Importing Tailors St ate Street hundred steel lockers have been or- dered, and will be installed in the ii IlI east end of the basement. i SHIRT MAKERS DIME BANK BUILDING DETROIT mawmqmwxmmmwmm s I Furniture Pianos Storage Merchandise 1 ONE-STEP, TANGO, HESITATION and the latest approved dances will be properly taught atthe PACKARD ACADJr .Y every Monday and Friday, 7 P. M. Private lessons by appointment. Roduosd rates on Hall Rentals. Phone 1850-4 570-L Will Journey in Foreign Countries, has been connected with the state de- H. R. Hewitt, '14, and G. S. Lasher, partment of public instruction at Lan- '11, will sail tomorrow from New sing will make a study of educational York for a trip abroad, visiting Egypt, conditions and problems in the foreign the Holy L'ands, Turkey and most of countries. the European countries. Lasher, who . I C. E. CODFREY 410 N. 4th Ave. Phone 82-L 1 Dean Shailer Mathews Methodist Church, Sunday, '7:30 P.M. )1 aits by Are Sure to Please SEE E.