__._...___.,r. IiReule, Conlin & distinction about Stei n Bloch Clothes that stamps their Qduality and Style as Stuperior. The prices are no higher than clothes not .nearly as good. Our MACKINAWS the talk of the town.r Lindensclidt,Apfel &Companly Just Received Ansother Shipmnent of SOO MACKoINAW 11M th'a solid colors Gloves in all grades, unlined and fur, wool and silk lined, priced from $1.00 to $5.00. CLASS TOQUES. Don't put off getting yiur Mackinaw, Underwear, Gloves, Toque or Muffler until the last moment, get them now before the Game Saturday. T INKER & CO. ICor. STATE and WILLIAM STREETS Furnishers and Hatters CORRECT CLOI ., Th Tiefr GentIoni Theyaredesigned, cut and t, ~ \ the finest and most expert workil, I. k :> business. Better styles, fit and / 1.ship than you get elsewhere. / ~i~ Imore, but worth a lot more. Try .:~" '" ~fiyou will 'see. ~ - Adler Rochester Clh .r, Prices $18 to $30 I Styleplus, $17 I!; All" the new things for fall await in Men's Furnishings. Every n -- I tti f n pttr, ncu in te fanhattans, at $T.,so, $2.00, and $2.50. All correct shades in Gloves, $1.00 and up. . Neckwear, Underw __-- FTrousers. Raincoa COPYRIUGHT ADLER ROCfI IER THE BIG STORES, PH' I OF tNTElEsT 1TO IWOMEN. Genuine Martin Guitars lins sold at Schaeberle &; House. and 'Mando- Son's Music tt i KEEP WARM Prepare for the Peunsy (Gaixie and the cola wrinter. Ladie's, here is what yo u eed': Sweater Coat, Good Warm Gloves, Wool Knit Hoof or Cap Setsnug Union Suits, etc. For Sale at H. S. Pinney & Co. 614 E. Liberty St. the Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duly &Seytried of I'M" Coods Try the Best' :andles, crackerjack In drinks at 613 E. Liberty1 Visit the Newest and Up-1o-Date DRYS GOODS STORE Royal Worcester. AND Bon-Ton Coil at$ OUR LEADERS ScIhroell Bros. Phone 1000 124 Soutlh Main Street Proposed improvements on Palmer field will be the subject of ann illus- trated lecture by Professor Aubrey Tealdi, junior professor of landscape gardening, to be given at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell 'hall. Dancing will follow the lec- ture. Each woman living in the Newberry hail residence will have a single room and the use of, a large parlor, accord- ing to plans announced by Dean Myra B. Jordan. The flew structure, ac- commodating 60 persons will be ready for occupancy next-October. The en- tire building will, be furnished at the expense of the Newberry estate. The eqluipment includes a sew-ing rom and laundry, which will be avila4ble for general'-Use. You can buy films many places, but you pay the same here for Fresh East- man Kodak ;films. Lyndon. Wed eod Polish your floors with old English Floor Wax. Major & Co., 20,EWNash- ingtpn street. Phono 237. ~4 Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to. Wagner's. tf We set glass in all parts of the city. Call us by' phone 237, Major & Co. 39-41 WE SELL GOOD CLOVIING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $1.00--All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00--Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf R. A. Dolph Funeral Director,' sue- cessor to 0. At. Martin. Business es- tablished in 1857. Private ambulance. Phone 98. eod Polish your floors with Old English Floor Wax. Major & Co., 203 E. Wash- ington street. Phone 237. 39-41 We set glass in all parts of the city. Call us by phone 237, Major & Co. 39-41 I3'UNT1NG IN PENNSYLVANIA YA IID. MACK k li Rest, :h homie-made ci and fountali MICHIGAN, COLORS, 5C Co. AND PER 36-40 Polish your floors with old E-nglish Floor Wax. -Major & Co., 203 E,. Wash- ington street. P'hone 237. 39-41 LOST -A. brown mackinaw belt on State or Huron street Wednesday evenin~'g. Return to 9.20} Monroe St.' Reward. 40 LOST-A call taken from library. Pleaiso return to 808 Oakland Ave. 40 LOST--Small sorority pin set in pemrls. Rkeward. Finder notify M.S. :Hnger, 1004 Oakland. 1789-J. 40-42] FOUNDF-Wa:3tch fob. Owner can have samue by lpaying for this ad., Call 11911-L, 35. C. Melaniphy. 40 ',A NTEIiD-W'tould like to trade four < tts in RR1, south stand for fouar fairly good seats in North stand. U'. T. Mac:k, phone 16. 426 N. Ingalls St. 40 \V1ANTED, -_-A 'bob-sled large enough for twelve or more. Call 762-.. 38-40 WAN.1TED-Hlave two fairly good tick- ets for Penn gamze which l will trade for two better ones and pay- someting to boot. Call for Wood, 611 Chmrch. Phone 1703. 39-41 WAN TED)-Studenzts to act as sales'- m en during spare time. Call be- tween 8:00 a. mn. and 5-:00 p. mn. to- day. L1. 1-1 Prescott, 527, Thompson St. 3 9-40 W. Fl. Smith sells Victor Typewrit- ers, Second-hand Royals and Under- woods. 102 E. Huron, over Dawson's'. Call 2380-I. for demonstration. Stu- dents insurance 35 cents per hundred. tf Ii SQTUDENTS wearing glasses or '-feeling the need of themn will be pleased to kiiow that Ann Arbor has a 'modern optical shop where services of an expert optometrist and optician can be had. Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without drugs, appeals to all. who demand accurate eye exaininations, made without loss of time or inconven- ience of having muscles paralyzed by drugs. ] . H. Arnold, optometrist with Arnold & Co , is. a recognizedI leader in advanced optometrical work. His complete office equipuient combined with shop facilities to grind lenses, together with years of experience as refractionist and optician, make his Optical Systemi the logical place to bxy, glasses. Arnold Optical System 220 South Malin Street All We of is the The Link~ between Colic TUTTL on State Stre Serve Hot ., We ROWE'S I 4 06 DETRO I mffi Krutlsclh &Pracht Have dissolved partnership and the I ness will be continued ]hereafter by Mr. Krutsch Points scored by varsity players, including Cornell gami Hughltt, 48; Craig' 30: Patterson, 28; Quin Flichigan Jewelry anid Souvenirs Pins Spoons Novelties Fobs Tie Clips Rings Special --terling Silver University of Michigan seal tea spoon $1.25 Hailey Jewelry Co. 306 S. State St. Phone 534 i I SlACK'S TEA' ROOM Announces for Saturday, Nov. 15, allday TABLE D'HOTE DIUNNER~S Instead of the usual a la carte service. Roast Beef, Chicken, 'Turkey, 50c, 75c, -$1.0 are Thirty-Two Years of Success There's a Reason ! GIVING THE BEST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY // 4, _ _ .tn There, are a hundred or more varieties beckoning to you from every smoke shop but there is only one that is "Distinctively Individual" the purest and best of to- baccos -delightful flavor --mild and satisfying! Your college chum.. J EA R~OB MAC&CO Try us and be convinced Everything in the realm of music Phone 1707 Grinnell Bros., 120-122_ E. Liberty St. I TEA 2nd. / 0" i _ .. l , U Ulliversity School of Music Albert A. 'Stanley, Lirector rlaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mui. A School of Music which offers courses in all branches of innu highest standards, Students may lake regular couirses leading to graduation, or they take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying some branch of music, please c, the office and get 'a copy of the school catalogue which gives full inf ation. CHARI1ES A. SINK, Secreta: 20 for 15a TCIGA1ZTTES T 14110, 1 ®'l" for 'MCIn English Stlyes iand Womenl are right its style price. Leather or r ber soles. Ladies' $3.50 to $5.00 per lien's $4.00 to $6.00 per x .'o. All Next Week at the Orpheum The management of the Orpheum Theatre have se- cured the "Girls' Orchestra of Ann Arbor,$$ who will be at the Orpheum all the week. Do ¢not miss. this big attraction at the house of features. Mrn FJr 'r1s soldP in ths Country than any otther cigarette! 119 E._ Liberty St. _ I k- I IMOWN"' ! 141 "' IN .W 4 AM