TAILORS i C offer to you the red suit possible >st suitable price. nship the best. Ait built to fit, k of woolens of st quality. The ssortment in the PENNSYLVANIA' Pennants Arm-Bands We have a com- plete line of pen- nants and banners. Special Sale SWEATER VESTS Get Our Prices SHEE HAN 0& CO, STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- PuI'ished every morning except Monday dur- ing the University year. ,'itered at the postofhce at Ann Aror, Mich- 7iganunder Act of Congress of March 3, Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscrintion Price: By carrier, $2.50 ; by mnail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmtacy; C. 1. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 96o. Maurice 'Poulme .......... Managing Editor Adna Johnson ........Business Manager FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1913. Night Editor--Y. F. Jabin Hsu. Fr ITPWRITERS ' New, rebuilt, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rant, $2.000 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPEWRITING L . D. MRRILL LOver Bltimiore I,uuch A You W Need 0 for the big game. We carry the best line of AUTO SWEATERS, $6.oo and $7.50 each Michigan-Penn Colors Banners, Pennants, Aim Band, Etc. Souvenirs of all kinds, at CAMPUS IN BRIEF. w A H R'S aM select from. I S. State St. I. WANTED, :==e ED LINES TIME TABLE Cars for Detroit-7:io o 6:io p. m., also 8:1o --S:40 a. in., 6:o6 a. in., s to 6:o6 p. in., 7:06 p. Sp. m., and 0:45 p. m. 11: 5 p. in., 12:15 p. m.1 M. ckson-7:46 a. m. and :46 p. mn. s--5 1 a. m., :51a. -. 3to 6:51 p. mn., also 9:2o COX SONS & VINING 72 Madisn Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS &AIOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. Picture Yourself in a nice custom-tailored Autumn Suit, that doesn't throw your Individuality "out of focus." Q If you have the "settings" for the kind of a suit you wish for Autumn, let us develop your ideas and finish the picture. Q, You'll look pleasant when you know our prices. \anted-Five thousand calloused throats that will not be hoarsened, that will stay clear under yelling or- ders given every five seconds for fifty minutes, without relay. Wanted-Five thousand voices, that can sing and yell intermittently, without fag or discord. Wanted-Only men, only the hus- kiest men, men with the bull dog ten- acity and endurance, men, who can' make a big noise, and keep on making a big noise. Wanted-Five thousand men who will report the day after to repeat the performance of the night before. Successful candidates will receive a worthy reward. -George C. Thomson, fullback and captain of the 1912 varsity football; team, arrived last night from Saginaw to add his quota to the coaches at Ferry field. He will remain for the big fracas on Saturday. Thomson is now representing the Yours Truly Company in the northern part of the state, and is located in Saginaw, Mich. -Owing to the Penn game mass meet- ing, the regular weekly meeting of the Adelphi society has been postponed. -Baptist Guild will entertain their friends at a Halloween social to be given in the church parlors this even- ing at 8:00 o'clock. Eats, stunts and spooks are promised. -A meeting of the zoological journal club will be held this morning in the club rooms at 11:00 o'clock. Prof. A. F. Shull, will give a review on recent books in the field of genetics. Miss W. J. Shepard will also give a short review. -- -An exhibit similar to the one held by the engineering department last spring, is under the consideration of the authorities. -The chrysanthemum exhibit in Me- morial hall is being rearranged and prepared for tomorrow's visitors. The dried leaves and faded blossoms are beingclipped; and the display will be in the best possible condition for the visitors to the big game. $1500SAVED Boys we are making a specialty of a full dress suit at $35.00. Owing to the fact that we bought 300 yards of a very fine dress suiting, has enabled us to give y( u a $50.00 dress suit at a saving of $15.00. We give you the very finest of workmanship, fit and style with a pure silk lining in both body and sleeves. Come in and examine the coat we have made up, then place your order now. A telephone call will bring us to your house with a sample of our work if you find you are too busy to call. 300 yards will not last forever-place your order at once. Suits to order at popular prices $'7.50 to 2 00 The Quality Tailors E. C nFLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. Raincoats, iackinaws, and Shirts to Order ' UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES i on Harrison Soule V. President VAL BANK r. Mich. ,0,000. its, $65,000. , , . . r s i _r----- - --- Place to o for' Lunch BxisyBe Morning Lunch Beiore that 8 o'clock Promise the BEST CUP OF COFFEE in Ann Arbor, THE DRUM MAJOR. Michigan will have a band for the Penn-Michigan game, a real honest-to- heaven band. Already, we can fore- hear the unsuppressed glee and sur- prise of the returned graduates. Several features will make a special appeal. For instance the drum ma- jor is bound to draw general appro- bation, and he will deserve it. We doubt if there is anyone on the cam- pus, who could fill his shoes. He has had experience in the position and we can only hope that he will acquit himself as well on Saturday, as he has in the past. Those who have worked in the dark will receive little open recognition from the crowds. But we, who have been behind the scenes for sevejral months, and witnessed the develop- ment of the band will give no small amouit of credit to Manager Hoexter and Earl Moore and the various mem- bers of the student council, who have given hours of their time towards x Michigan band. The very success of their protege is sufficient thanks to them, but then a word of encouragement and congrat. ulation is not amiss. SANENESS IN CELEBRATION. We have a "hunch" we are coming off victorious tomorrow afternoon. That means a townfull of riotously gleeful students tomorrow night. That means many things. Earnestly, do we hope it shall not mean disorder, destruction and dis- grace. In common terms, those things1 get, us .nothing and give Michigan a black eye. Earnestly, do we hope there will be delight, demonstration, and decency., VNIVER'4ITY .NOT ,I ES. ®. TO MFN SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE" U ALITY that U I AL FYS UICKLY y Ave. HENRY &CO* -Chrysanthemums for the Pennsyl- vania game are for sale by the Y. W. C. A. Eight hundred blossoms are being shipped here from Fort Wayne, Indiana, and will be on hand Friday night and Saturday morning. New- berry hall is the main distributing point, but nine other stations will be established.. -Dr. C. B. Stouffer, who is in charge of the course in first aid to the injur- ed, has just received Esmarch band- ages for members of the class. The bandage consists of a triangular piece of cloth on which is stamped 32 dia- grams for its application. -Many students have had their pre- scriptions issued by the University health service filled by the Pharmacy department. To insure against errors a triplicate system is used in check- ing the prescription. One number is given to the student when he delivers the prescription, one is put on the label of the prescription, and the third is pasted on the outside of the pack- age. -Dean J. R. Effinger left this yester- day morning for Baltimore, where he will visit his auilt. Returning, he will stop in Buffalo to visit former class- mates. He is expected back Tuesday morning. NPrc Drugs The Season is Ripe for lot' Water Bottles SHOE REPAIRS? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM ofticial Shoe Poctor to Michigan's Football Team in official Pennsylvania and Michigan colors 5c per yard All Guaranteed Quarry DugCo. The Druggists on the Corner MACK &CO* Main Street pp .... ... ... .- ...... -.----- ,. r MYLE- Clot1hShop othes that are Tailored Right " That's the kind that we make." A call is solicited. Members of the band report in1 uniforms at dill auditorium at o'clock tomorrow evening. their 7:30 Special Agents For I Falls Fork Dipped C ocolates Made in the most sanitary factory in the world , The best candies wehv ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PHARMACV, 743 Packard St. ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAM CLEANERS i Phone 628 Consolidation NIVERSAL CLEANINGWORKS T. E. WH 204 East Washington ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS Ge . KUHN 607 E William St. Second Floor WE CALL AND DELIVER ..,__ ie Ann Arbor Savings Bank tal Stock $300,000 Surplus $xooooo Resources $3,000,000 General Banking Business Transacted ers: Chas. F.rHiscock, Pres., W. D. iHar. !man, Vice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier Flowers otssinsl ( Hdl1 Cho.. Cut Fowers fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating r. 12th St. and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 11 5 ff Yff YAno .Yf A RROW VYcCOLLAR Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers ANOKA2w rniv eit bl1u~tiHOIuse PRESS BVILDING MAYNAR D ST. Aerosa frora Majestic THE NEW *Michigan Song Now on Sale Book Every Student Should Have One y a little more for Pack's Portraits, but you will with the tasteful artistic quality in them" RAND ILL & PACK, POT1 )GR I is