FADING T TAILORS I 11 We,' offer to you the tailored suit possible ie, most suitable price. 'kmanship the best. ,y suit built to fit, stock of woolens of iighest quality. The .st assortment in the to select from. He wue coo 311 S. State *St. Foot Ball GO ODS Shoulder Guard.,, $4.00 Foot Ball Pans, $tm~ Shoes - $30 Mead Gears, $2.00-$4,00 Foot 'Balls,__$1,,00=$0.00 GYM SUPPLIES A Cow pfete Outfit for $2.,23 SHEEIIAN & CO01 STUDENTS' OOK TORE THlE ICHIGAN DAILY Official newsspaper at the Uiversity of Miich- igani. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan under Act of Congress of March 3, :879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $.50; by mail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard .and State. Phone: Bell, 960. Maurice Toulme.......Managing editor Adna Johnson ............ Business Manager youW Ideed. TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt, and second- hand, For Sale, $0.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPE WRITING 0. o. MORRILL r Over Baltimore bunch J "A swi .a& i for the big game. We carry the best liie of AUTO SWEATERS, S6.oo and $7.50 each Michigan-Pentan Colrors Banners, Pennants, Aim Band, Etc. Souvernirs of all kinds, at 0i I 4T UNITED LINES' ARBOR~ TIME TABLE Express Cars for Detroit-7 :10 hourly to 6:io p. in., aso :TO' ir Detroit-5:4o a. mn., 6:06 a. i., wo hours to 6:06 p. in., 7':o6 p. Mn., 9:10 p. in., and 10:45 P. Tn. ti only, 11 :15 P. im., 12:L5 P. m. 1z:oo a. M. sfor Jackson-7:46 a. mn. and ours to 7:46 p. m. r Jackson-s :12 a. in., 6:51 a. ~M., :wo hour-s to 6:51 p. mn., also 9:20 5 P. nii. ym Here is one of the Season'Bx swell shapes in $2 and $3. CROSS, on Liberty News Editor Sporting Editor 11. Beach Carpenter Gordon Lldredge Assistant to Manager Fred Foulk. F'. Xil. Church . ..ssislant Sporting Editor LeonardIRieser.....Intercollegiate'Eio Robert Taitnahill ........ .Music and 1)rania Hlarold Abbott ..........Cartoonist NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett . REPORTERS Carkt,i Jenks IBernus 'Kline Y.V. F J. Hsu Chester' Lang F. F. McKinney 11. C. Runmmel ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Marry Johnson John Leonard BUSINESS STAFF ',Iyron Watkins T'. G. Millard .\ ri~u H. 11. 'I.rrv W. ..Carpenter WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1913. Night Editor-Leo N. Burnett. A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR. Seldom is it the privilege of the stu-! dent body to listen to a personage of such intern~ational fame as Prof. Jos-, eph Redlich, of the University or Vi- enna, Privy Councillor of the Austrianf Empire, and a member of the Austri- an Parliament.. He is :prominent, not only because of his official and polit- ical position, but, also as a legal writ- effect will be more inspiring, if the at- tacks are changed, frequently and quickly. LAYING THE GHOST. Rumor wagged our tongue, and we confess she did excite us, a bit with the prospect of a post-season game with M. A. C. Now that we have had time to consider the matter, we are glad that Michigan has not challenged our recent conquerors; such an act. would have been at war with every conception of sportsmanship. M. A. C. won her game fairly, be- cause she was better than we were at that time. Whether she is as good as we are today must remain an unset- tled question. The talk of a return game to settle the supremacy is un- just to us both. M. A. C. has nothing to gain by playing us again this year; she would merely risk a victory that is already hers. We are glad that the matter went no further than a suggestion. WAHwR ' " UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES $15.000SV Boys we are making a specialty of a full dress suit at $35.00. Owing to the fact that we bought 3('0 yards vf a very fine dress suiting, has enabled us to give y{ u a $50.(0 dress suit at a saving of $15.00. We give you the very finest of workmanship, fit and style with a pure silk lining in both body and sleeves. Conec in and examine the coat we have made pup, then. place your order now. A telephone call will bring us to your house with a sample of our work if you find you are too busy to call. 300 yards will not last forever--place your order at once. Suits to order at popular prices $17.50 to $250.0 The Quality Tailors E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. Raincoats, Mackinaws, and Shirts to Order COX SONS&& VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF' CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. 'arkson Harrison Soule, f . ; ( * * '* * 4 * * * * * OF INTEREST TO W'OMEN. Edited by Stylus. * 4 * Junior women's section or Deutsch- er Verein meets at 7:30 o'clock .to- nighit. ^V. President L BANK rich. 10. $65,ooo. er. The beneiflts of hearing such a man A , to Go ,for "Lunch 'usy Bee. ig Ltunch Before that 8 o'clock e the BEST CUP OF 'COFFEE In Ann Arbor are manifold, and are not confinedt to DeatnMr B. Jordan has received any particular department. a uniform set of house rules from the --National Pan-Hellenic association, THE I EPERTOI13E.# which is oqoperating with women Several ne('w yells have been added deans of universities, in working out to Mlichigani's yell reportoire during self-government systems. 'these rules the last few weeps. The present finds do not prohibit local house rules, pro- us were concerned with the execution vidinig there is no conflict. In geni- of others, eral, the uniform house rules provide A communicant has made the sugr that the chapter house be managed by gestion that the old "Ypsl" be again a house committee, two members of put on the honor roll, but under the which shall 'always be the house caption. of the "Wistle" yell. The chaperone and a mature local alumna. yell is of course of Michigan extratc This committee shall regulate all so- tion, but for years was used with the cial engagements, house entertain-' "Ypsi," and not gliveni withi any se- juents, calling at the house, and shall A' Pure brugs The Season Is Ripe for Hot Water Bottles SHOE REPAIRS ? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIR~ING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Official Shoe Doctor to Michigan's Footbull Team B anquets, and CLUB DINNERS )R. TO MEN OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS H-AVE / UALITY that QUALIFYS' * ICKLY versity Ave,.,HENRY& CO* riousness. If it scan be revived, under# make ge~eral rules for hours of study a new caption, and nmade to end with and quiet, men callers, closing of "Michigan," many of its -old faults# doors at night and limitation of social would be done awa,,y with, and It engagements for freshmen women. would be a wlcom'e addition to the The chaperone shall enforce 'house Michigan lists, rules, an4d have au1thority in matters At the present time we have the fol- of social engagements. lowing yells that are distinctively The rules provide for a permanent Michigan, "The U. of M.," "JLocomlo- 'scholarship committee, whi11 shall tive," "Yea, Varsity," «$iren," "hilaw- secure individual grades, and report to aian War Cry" and the "Whistle." the chapter at least twice v (semester; _____-a permanent inance committee, to TR'Y 'EMV ALL, regulate and audit all household ex- Michigan now has a worthy yell penses; and a social culture commit- repertoire. The next step, and it is tee which shall regulate the social comparatively simple, is to have ti l life of the women as regards their entire list at our' tongue's end. morals and manners, On Friday nighit Michigan will hold its last full dress rehearsal. Under Penn Gamie Programs Ont Friday the guidance of Yellmaster Haff, each The souvenir program for the Mich- individual battle cry will be led 'forth igan_ Peunsylvania game has gone to for execution, and unrestrainied sav- press, and will he ready for distribu- agery. will run its course for the time tion 'Friday afternoon. It will be fea- being. tured by an account of "Twelve Years Many a Michigan rooter will yell ' of Yost," It will also have pictures himself hoarse, for the last time, as of both the Michigan .and Penn teams. an undergraduate. The cover design, in five colors, was The voice will wear better, and the 1designed by a Detroit artist. All, Guaranteed Quarry Drug Co.' The Druggists. on the Corner Are served in best of style iat M a ks T a c kAlso Dinners, Lunches or Refresh inernts. Open 8 a. in. to5 p. iii.-on Satur- days till q p. in . rchestra munsic Saturdays, noon andi evenI ig. Ladies' Rest Room in Connection.. SECOND FLOOR C O Main Street pp L hYLE S I1 Special Algexits Forj Fwalls Fork Dipped Chocolates Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. The best candlies~ we have ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PHARMACY, 703 Packard St. ANN A.RBOR DYE WORK. ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEMAII CLEAN ERS Cloth hop othesthatare TailoredRigh "o h s h tTha's the kind that we make," A call is solicited. Phone 824 204 East Washington 607 E. William St. Second Floor J cons oliotiton UNIVERSAL GLEANING WORKS T. E AI ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS 6. H. KUHN WE CALL AND DELIVER Ann Arbor Savings Bank IStock $300,090 Surplus $xoo,000 Resources a$3,000,000 Abl 1e general Banking Business Transacted an, Vice-Pres, M. J. Fritz, Cashier I YoiOLLAR: A04 qr' w wiM M ilett, Peabody & Co:, Inc. Makers ''RI!rSS VfD i+ tIMATMARDX71ST. IApr-oass toam PM~ats THE- MEW, chose cut Flow err Fine lot of Palms and 'Ferns for Decorating r. 12th St. and S. Univ. Are. Phone 1.15; -e ,ANOK'! Michigan Song Book Now on Sale i zS I Every Student Should Have OneI j I AW1 more for Pack's Portraits, but you will tasteful artistic quality in them" RANDALL I & PACK, P1H0TOG RAPHIERS~ S 121 E. WE