,: iii c, inr.: i vn'
Vol. XXIV, No. 38.
_ -
Cram; ;1" P11nter and Hughitt as Drop
I icker Made Practice Work
on Baseball Field
Seris Were Taught Quaker Forma-
tions by Coaches Schultz
and Cole,
Behind closed gates, Yost yesterday
began the last stage of preparation
for the season's final game with Penn-
sylvania. The development of Craig
and Hughitt as a punter and drop
kicker, respectively, were the features
of the day's practice on the snowy
baseball field.
Craig's spirals are equal to those
of H ughitt in distance, but have a
greater elevation on them, giving the
ends considerable advantage in run-
ning down the kicks. Hughitt's show-
ing as a consistent drop kicking artist
from the 35-yard line was a promising
performance, ask the Michigan teams
have not had a drop kicker in several
years. At Ithaca Saturday Yost un-
veiled a new attack for the Wolver-
ines, when Paterson booted a perfect
goal from placement, and it would not
surprise local critics to see both forms
of field goals attempted Saturday.
The players were taken out on the
baseball field yesterday, where the
scrubs walked through the Quaker
formations, as taught them by assist-
ant Coaches, Schultz and Cole. Al-
though there was no regular scrim-
mage, Yost carefully instructed his
charges in the proper manner of
breaking up the eastern formations.
The two day rest has served to give
Trainer Farrell sufficient time to
nurse the Michigan cripples back to
condition, but Lichtner's side is in
such shape that he will be unable to
get into the Quaker clash, and Rayns-
ford will appear at the left flank, as
the coach has decided to keep Torbet
at full.
Scott was taken over to the Varsity
squad yesterday.
Prof. Joseph Redlich of the Univer-
sity of Vienna, a Privy Councillor and
member of the Imperial Parliament,
will lecture on "The Racial Conflicts
and Parliamentary Institutions in Eu-
rope" at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in
room C of the law building. He is an
authority on international and parli-
amentary law, and has written sever-
al volumes on these subjects. His
work on "Procedure in the House of
Commons" is now in use in one of
Prof. Reeves' courses in political sci-
Accompanying Dr. Redlich is Dr.
Alfred Reed of the Carnegie Founda-
tion, who is making an investigation
of legal education in the leading col-
leges of the United States. Prof. Red-
lich will also' report his findings on
the study of legal education, from a
foreign student's point of view, to the
Carnegie Foundation.
The, lecture, which is given under
the auspices of the law and political
science departments, will be open to
all students in the university.
Fresh Medics Adopt Honor Pledges
The honor system has been unani-
mously adopted by the freshman med-
ic class. Their pladge is: (1) I shall
not cheat. (2) I shall not help others
to cheat. At a meeting to be held at
5:30 o'clock Monday, November 17, in
the amphitheatre of the medical build-
ing, the details of the system will be
discussed. Committees will also be
announced, and the social program,
which includes several skating parties
at Whitmore Lake, will be given out.,
"Cafeteria Hop" plans were com-
pleted at a meeting of the senior lit
social committee yesterday afternoon.
The affair will be held in Barbour
gymnasium tomorrow. The luncheon
will begin at 12:00 o'clock, and danc-
ing will continue from 12:30 to 2:30
Already more than 100 tickets have
been sold, and plans will be made for
nearly 150. The remaining tickets
are on sale by members of the social.
committee at 35 cents. Dr. H. S. Mal-
lory and Mrs. Mallory will act as
With the south end of Ferry field
snow bound, the senior engineers and
the junior medics stand ready to play
for the campus championship, as soon
as the battle ground is in shape for a
Coach Rowe stated last night that
the game would probably be staged
Saturday morning, if the field was in
shape for a tilt of championship cali-
ber. The recent sophomore medic-
sophomore lit tie game will be played
again. The winners of this engage-
ment will take on the senior-lits, and
the victors in this contest will play
the senior laws for third position in
the campus encounters. The senior
lits are crippled because of the loss of
a couple of their men, but are expect-
ed to put up a determined fight for
Pennsylvania will leave for Ann Ar-
bor on Wednesday night feeling safe
that there is more than even chance
to defeat the Michigan team in spite
of the good showing of the latter elev-
en against Vanderbilt, Syracuse and
It is true that Michigan won, and
Pennsylvania lost on Saturday, but
there is no comparison between the
strength of the two elevens met by
these teams. Dartmouth was very
much stronger than Cornell, and the
fact that Dartmouth was scored on by
touchdowns on three occasions, shows
that Pennsylvania must have a very
strong attack. The three touchdowns
show up all the better when it is re-
membered that the two extra touch-
downs scored' by Dartmouth, were due
to fumbles by Pennsylvania. Each
team earned three touchdowns, and as
Dartmouth is now recognized as the
best team in the east, this means that
Pennsylvania is a strong eleven.
The game served to show up some
weaknesses in the Pennsylvania line
and backfield. The tackles were too
easily drawn in, so that plays outside
of tackle were good for long gains by
the Dartmouth backs. The backs
gave the poorest exhibition of handling
punts that they have shown this year
and the loss of the game can be at-
tributed to this factor more than to
anything else. The other glaring
weakness of the team was the end
The coming game with Michigan will
be important, as it is felt here that a
victory over Michigan and Cornell
will still leave Pennsylvania very near
the top of the ranking column, as
Dartmouth is sure to be found on an
equality with Harvard, or leading her
at the end of the season.
In a last effort to keep up the old
Michigan fighting spirit, the commit-
tee in charge of the mass meeting to
be held in Hill Auditorium at 7:45 on
Friday evening, is leaving nothing un-
done, and everything points to a "rous-
Carroll Haff will be on hand to lead
the cheering, Edward Kemp will have
charge of the singing, and Earl Moore
has been secured to produce the music
for the affair. He has promised to
render the same' selection which made
such an impression.at the convoca-
Many old stars have returned to affil
in the polishing of the team for this
final contest, and it is expected that
the committee will be able to get some
of these former M men to address the
While Coach Fielding H. Yost admits
that a second game between Michigan
and M. A. C. is. out of the question,
he nevertheless has something to say
regarding the suggestion, purporting
to emanate from Lansing, that the an-
nual battle be staged as a big cham-
pionship encounter next season.
"If the M. A. C. game is to be' staged
as a championship battle next year,"
stated the coach, "M. A. C. should not
play freshmen, transfer students and
four year men, as she has been doing."
"Follow a Winning Team to Ann.
Arbor," has become the watchword
among the Pennsylvania men who are
arranging the details for a special
train of rooters to come here for Sat-
urday's game.
The committee in charge is conduct-
11 Iing the stiffest sort of a campaign for
11 I'BARBOUIll(:g fl SA TURI) AY
ia big Penn rooting section, and is re-
In f the g Satud ceiving the heartiest support from the
. In p ace orhie regu ar teur ay undergraduate body.
night membership dance at the ich- More than 50 students have already
igani Union this week, a big ,ance bought tickets on the special train,
will be held in Barbour gym. It will d with the delegation that will reabh
be a Penn game party, similar to this city by other means, the Quaker
those that have been held in pastthscybohemanheQkr
ars at thetime otheig ga o 1 hteam promises to be well supported
year at he ime f th bi gam ofwhen the stands fill on. Saturday.
the year. _______
Tickets, which are limited strictly to Medic Grauate Dies hn New York City
250 in number, win go on sale at 5:00 Dr. Clarence G. Clark, '99M died in
o'clock Thursday afternoon. at the New York city Tuesday. He has been
Un__ds.practicing medicine there since his
Jackson Prison Chaplain Will Speak graduation.
E. H. Lougher, chaplain of Jackson 'C1 MERCE CLUB rwrTATES
prison, will be the speaker on the Y. 2 I'NDEIR1Ai'DrATE MEMBERS
M. C. A. series Sunday at the Majestic
theatre. His subject is announced as Commerce club initiated four tac-
"The Shackles of the World." Moving ulty members, and 32 undergraduates.
pictures will be shown preceding the at its initiatory banquet at the Michi-
d gan Union last night. J. J. Lechner
spoke on "Spring Trips," Roscoe
MOK R I E TS Spencer explained the benefits of the
SMOKER TICKE S organization to the, new men, while
Professors E. D. Jones and David Fri-
ARE NOW ON SALE day spoke on "Organization." Charles
A. Culver, of Detroit, editor of the
"Little Stick," spoke on "Boobology."
Tickets for the annual football The faculty honorary initiates are:
smoker, to be held at the gymnasiums Professors J. W. Glover, and I. L.
Tuesday, November 18, were placed Sharfman, assistant Professor W. H.
nn ~t. theMiichioan Union Hamilton, and Mr. H. G. Hayes.
Soph Lit -nd Fresh Law Politicians
31iist Face Bribery Charges
Before Investigating
Resolutions Are Adopted by Student
Council ai, Meeting
Last Night.
Charges that money was paid for
votes, and that other forms of bribery
were used in recent soph lit and fresh
law class elections, were brought to
the attenfion of the student council at
its regular meeting last night. A corn-
mnittee was appointed to act as a grand
jury, to determine whether or not the j
evidence obtainable would warrant an
inestigation by the council. If the
charges appear to be based on facts,
the council will sit in executive ses-
sion, to consider the charges in detail.
In an attempt to prevent as much
disorderly conduct as possible on the
night of the Penn game, an effort will
be mamde to close the city saloons at
6:00 o'clock on that day. That ig-
norance may not be pleaded as an ex-
cuse by students who may be accused
of such a charge, the council adopted
the following resolution:
"That the student council give no-
tice to students through The Michigan
Daily, that disorderly conduct will not
be tolerated on the night of the Mich-
igan-Pennsylvania game, and that
charges preferred against students
shall be thoroughly investigated, and
summarily dealt with."
A committee was appointed to in-
quire into the status of the fresh ar-
chitectural class, which is requesting
the privilege of organizing as a class,
apart from the remainder of the first
year engineers. The matter of giving
student council representation to the
graduate students who are not affiliat-
ed with a regular class, was put in
the hands of the council graduate
school committee.
Neil McMillin, Varsity quarterback
during the seasons of 1910 and 1911,
arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday after-
noon, and will remain in the city until
after the Pennsylvania game.
McMillan will join the ranks of
gridiron veterans, who are giving
their services in aiding Yost in the
final rehearsals for the final clash of
the season.
Students of Alma college will have
a special train to carry them to Ypsi-
lanti on Saturday morning, where they
will watch their team play the Nor-
malites, after which they will come in
a body to Ann Arbor for the Michigan-
Penn battle on gerry field. Few
seats, however, have been mailed to
Alma, and it seems that the collegiate
warriors and their adherents will be
compelled to stand up at the game.
Hillsdale has moved the date of its
game with Kalamazoo from Saturday
to Friday, so that the players and
spectators can see Michigan play
All of the tickets sent to Pennsylva-
nia have been disposed of, and this
Tact means that at least 480 Pennsy
men will come to Ann Arbor with the
Cerele Francais Plans for Annual Play
The annual play of the Cercle Fran-
cais has been tentatively decided up-
on, subject to the approval of the fac-
ulty; by Mr. Talamon, director of the
production. Plans for the course of
speakers are rapidly approaching
completion. Several new members of
she society gave their initial speeches
at the meeting Monday night. The
next meeting will be held at 8:15
o'clock next Monday.
Prof. E. C. Goddard, of the law de-
partment, will deliver an extension
lecture in Clinton tomorrow evening,
on "Law as to Women." Prof. A. R.
Crittenden will lecture in Detroit Fri-
day night before Detroit Museum of
Art, on "Civic Center of Ancient
Rome." Prof. S. L. Gingerich will
talk in Grand Rapids Saturday, on
"Wordsworth." Dowagiac is to hear
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister Sunday, in his
reading of Maud."
Associate editors of the Michiganen-
sian may be eledted by a, different
method from that used last year. Pre-
viously associate editors have been
chosen directly by a vote of the senior
classes of the respective departments.
If the proposed plan is ratified by the
board in control of student publica-
tions, Robert Sturtevant, '14, managing
editor of the Michiganensian, will ap-
point double the number needed, and
from these, the seniors of each depart-
ment are to make their choice of the
necessary number.
The engraving contract for the year
book has been let to the Bureau of
Engraving of Minneapolis, Minn., the
firm which has done this work for the
last two years.
Fraternity and sorority contracts
for space in the book have all been
filled, but all of the copy has not been
turned in. The management requests
those organizations, which have neg-
lected to attend to this matter, to do
so at once, as all copy should be in
before November 15, and is now al-
ready past due.
John Lippincott, '14, business man-
ager, has issued a call for more try-
outs for the business staff, as the
number, which has reported, is unus-
xally small.
Next Union Dinner to Be Held Dec. 3
A cabaret chicken dinner will fea-'
ture the next number on the Union'
dinner series, on December 3. Besides
some musical numbers the Mimes will4
give a skit. Prominent faculty men
will speak.-'f
U1 )l Lhl!IIlngu Unulm luy,
and several have already been sold.
Last year more than 2,000 tickets
were disposed of, and the committee
expects even a larger sale this year.
No tickets will be sold at the door
on account of the enormous crowd at
the entrance, and all who expect to at-
tend should procure admission cards
at once. If the sale at the Union desk
is not sufficiently large, the remaining
tickets will be placed in the hands of
committeemen later in the week.
The cartoon contest will be contin-
ued and the artists will have until
noon Monday to submit drawings for
the competition. Cartoons received
at the Union by Thursday will be used
at the mass meeting, if deemed ap-
propriate by the committee. Prizes of
$5.00, $3.00 and $1.00 will be given,but
all the artists must submit at least
three drawings to be eligible for the
prizes. All drawings should be made
on an 8 x 10 scale, and should be drawn
with heavy lines.
The program, consisting of speech-
es by prominent alumni, faculty mem-
bers and students, and music by the
musical clubs and the Varsity band,
has been nearly completed by the com-
mittee. Edward Saier, general chair-
man, has nearly completed the de-
tails for smokes, cups and other ac-
cessories. At a meeting of the com-
bined committees at the Union this
week the remaining details will be
Membership of Boat Club Reaches 250
The membership of the Michigan Un-
ion boat club has now reached 250,
with prospects of more than 300. The
membership campaign has been in
charge of third ensign, C. S. Blom-
sheld, '16E. Membership is open tc
all Union members at $1.00 per year.
A smoker has been planned for De-
cember 11, at the Union. Prof. Henri
Hius has been elected to serve with]
Prof. J. E. Reighard, as the faculty
representative on the executive board
of the club.
Receive Wireless Message of Wreck
A message was received at the uni-
versity wireless station yesterday af-
ternoon to the effect that a steamer
had grounded at Gull Rock, on Lake
Superior. The cabins had washed
ashore, and the boat was pounding to
pieces on the rocks.
Kiyo Sue Inui, '06, the famous Jap-
anese orator, will speak in Ann Arbor
:ecember 8. His subject is, "The
Japanese and California." Mr. Inui,
while a senior in this university in
1906, won the Northern -Oratorical
League contest. Although this lecture
is an extra on the program of the Or-
atorical association, regular course
tickets will admit.
The next lecture before the Orator-
ical association will be by Jacob Au-
gust Riis, the well known philanthro-
pist, on November 2.1 His subject is
"My Neighbors."
Dates of Society Debates Changed.
At a meeting yesterday, thetorator-
ical board decided to change the date
of the debate between Adelphi and
Jeffersonian from November 24 to No-
vember 25. The Alpha Nu and Web-
ster societies will debate on November
The selection of the play for the
annual production of the Comedy club
is now in the hands of the Senate com-
mittee on dramatics, the club having
selected three possibilities from the
list presented for consideration.
While nothing definite is known
concerning the selection, it is expect-
ed that the play this year will be an
innovation in campus dramatics. For
many years the executive committee
)f the club has been considering the
possibility of -presenting a strictly
auodern play, but this year is the first
time the opportunity has been present-
Another innovation of the play this
year is the fact that the production
will not be coached by a professional.
This means that Bert St. John, who
has drilled the last four plays for the
club, will not be retained. It is ex-
pected that the graduate syst ni will
be used by the club. According to
this plan the production of the play
will be placed entirely in the hands
of the older members of the organiza-
tion, while the newly elected mem-
bers will fill the parts:
Freslman Traditions Will Be Upheld
A tradition committee, empowered
to force the freshmen to observe all
campus traditions, will be appointed
at the first meeting of the fresh lits to
be held at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon
in the economics building
(raduate Writes New Football.Song
"Michigan's Men of Steel," a new
.song, will be put on sale Friday at.the
University Music House. The author
is Roy Dickinson Welch, known as- the
writer of many "hits." The new song
is dedicated to "the men who play,
and the men who cheer for Michigan."
~ ~
LIbi ary Chimes Furnish Theme
For New Song by Earl Moore
Earl V. Moore, '12, has written a
new song entitled, "The Chimes,"
around the theme of the university li-
brary chimes. The song is now in the
hands of the publishers, and is ex-
pected to reach Ann Arbor within a,
The new song will be featured at a
local vaudeville theatre, being played
at each performance during the motion
pictures. It will also be used at the
Sunday afternoon programs at the
Union, and at the Friday evening
The words will be thrown on the
screen at the mass meeting Friday
evening, and the author will present
the music on the Columbian organ,
Edward Kemp leading the audience in
the. first rendition of the new song.