CHE mi'C DAILY., e .-.2,.z .'HE MIC IJA r -SriLj X.r li A I LYNDON, Two doors iAutou 9 BEAT OVERCOAT WEATHER And this is a groat overcoat shop. You'll be delighted with the 1913 fashions in overcoats we are showing. New weaves from Europe and A- merica. The most wonderful fab- rics ever, produced. We're still working, at our chosen task of giving our customers full value and money back if they'd rather have it. Kodak Films' Finis hin VIEW BOOKS POSTAL CARDS I Photographer of Convenition Arbor, 69 to 0.' November 1-University of D troit at Detroit, 39 to 7. November 8--Alma College at Ann Arbor 45 to 0. The total rpoints made by the:,All1- Fresh team is 255, while tht tt'ld iof the competing teams is only 7. Whitney Theatre I I TW DAYS ONLY ThURSDAY N~11 FRIDAY UHil13-14 The Factous Car,-oon 30 -PEOPLE -3 t'A ONE NIGHIT ONLYNo.1 ~MORT SINGER'S A OERN EVE 6.0-PEOPLE- 60 NO"TICE I "SHIRTS TO ORDER" "RAINCOATS AND J. KARL MALCOLM 604 EAST LIBERTY ST. MAL MACKINAWS" LCOLM BLOCK "1 Th e Royal Chicago Tailors New York Suits and 0'Coats to your order $18, $20, $22,60, $20 and $80 We are local agents for this magnificent line of made to order clothes. WAe want to show you the big line of woolens and newest styles for Fall and Winter. One every order we save you from $5 to $10. CAMPUS, BOOTEiRY 308 S. State St. Opposite lustons' The Suekr Bowl Coznfectionrery . NOTED AUSTRIAN TO, Prof. Joseph Redlich, of the Univer- sity of Vienna, who is a Priv-Coun- cilor of the Austrian Empire, and a member of the Austrian Parlia ent, will give a lecture on "The Racial Conflicts and Parliamentary .ilnstitu- tions in Europe," at 4:15 o'cloc!K, to- morrow afternoon, in room C of the law building. The lecture, which is being given under the auspices of the combined law and-political science de- partments, will be open to all students of the university. Professor Redlich, who is porfessor of Public Law in the University of Vienna, has written several volumes on law and parliamntary procedure, one of which, "Procedure in the House of Commonos of Enigland," in three volumes, is used in one of Prof. 'Reev- es' seminary courses in Political Sil- ence. Another of his important works is "Local Government in, England. CLUB TAKES BACK $100 PRIZE OFFER, i F TREtITINI The Date for in "The Firetly" has been postponed! New Date will be announced later* 300 STUDENTS ASK More Walld)300 posp ectiveteache~rs attended the meeting of the appoint- inent committee in Tapp~an hall y ester- Jay afternoon. Prof. Davis outlined ' he work or the committee, explin iing Ile m thod of enrolling with the com- mittee and outlining the prospects that tre: before the students. Permanent enrollment may be made Prices-, WASHINGTON THEATRE Detroit, Mich. IN ""Thy Hoes Nevxt Dorp" I 5Qc, 36c, 25c t PRICES Rfllnrc rchestra....._.................1cu 110r" 1Four Rows Blcony.......... ...o0 Ncxt Four Rows Balcony...........75 I;.aiance Balcony.............. .......50 ''in tht: hay'....................S Seat Sale("pens Saturday. Mail Orders xnow. i, Matinee and Nih Saturday, INov. 1,5th Se's Bringing Joy to Town WILIrAm A. BR .nv O'fors 0a We have the best assortment of Choco ates m.nd lion.lBons All kin~ds of fegacy %Ice Creamns for Partleas Try our Frult Susndaes after the Theatre M.aimStreet VA G. L Announces the Street WOOLFOLK Following Novelties of the English Clothiers Bond Ballymede Overcoats and- Ulsters: $25.00 formerly $35.00 Ballymede Irish Homespun Top Coals, $22.50 formerly $3400 English Corduroy Hockey Coats : $1050 formerly $16.50 Exhibit Shop at 326 S. State 'street W. F. Smith sells Victor Typewrit- rs. Second-hand Royals and Under- oods. 102 E. Huron, over Dawson's. all 2380-L for demonstration. Stu- ets insurance 35 cents per hundred. tf THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE 'OOTBALL SOUVENIR FOR THE EAR IS THE PENNSY-MICHIGAN EIXTRA." FEATURE SPORT STO- ,lIS, INDIVIDUAL PICTURES OF HE TEAM, AND THE DETAILED :EPORT OF THE BIG GAME OF THE. EAR STRAIGHT FROM FERRY TELD. BUNTING IN EINNSYLVANIA ARD. MACK & MICHIGAN COLORS, 5C CO. AND PER 36-40 who compares more than favorably with any booter on this year's Varsity squad, a forward pass thrower of abil- ity, and a good end runner. Coach Yost uses punts, passes and end runs from the same formation, and with one man who can do all three things well he should certainly ,be satisfied. Zieger is a go~od field general and a heady player.' On the line, Rehor, the only 200 pound man of the squad, showed himself to be a guard of great promise, Cerney and Finkbeiner were worthy tackles, while Nieman at center, and Skinner and DeCoudres at guard, were also re- liable. Three injuries marred the season of the youngsters. C. Skinner, an end, broke his arm before the season open- ed. In the Alma game Saturday, Cer- ney had the large bone in his right ankle broken, and Huebel seriously sprained his right ankle. The two ac- cidents occurred in the third quarter, within a few minutes of each other. Within a week the numerals will be awarded to the chosen ones, and (the season of the yearlings will then be officially over. The record of the fgames, fol low : October 11-Michigan State Normal College at Ann Arbor, 26 to 0. October 18-Hillsdale College. at Hillsdale, 76 to 0. October 25-Adrian College at Ann Owing to the fact that none of the Saudyvon.nrlmni ob fourteen plays submitted to the com- made in the office of the registrar, and edy lubhavebee demed uitblea fee of one dollar will be charged for for local production, the executive ,,.ery enollnit made alter Satur- cormnittee of the club has decided not play. Every student in the university to award the $100 prize, offered to thewh has any intention of teaching is student or alurmni author of the chosenh strongly urged to enroll at once. En- play' rolimenlts ma ty be withdrawn at any The $5.00 rizefor te bett ime, if the applicant desires to do so, play submitted will be awarded, how-, thus making it possible for students ever. The prize committee, consisting o receive the benefit of the work o of Professors Scott, Strauss, and Lloyd the committee, even though l they have have narrowed their choice down to not fully decided to become teachers. three mansuscripts, and the finfal de- Students who are qualified to, teach cision will be made this week. v.ocational subjects, oratory, and other These three are of such merit, that less commnon subjects, and who have. they will be submitted to David Belas- the ability to coach, are especially re- co, in New York, who has agreed to' quested to mnake these facts known on have them read before anl audience of their enrollment blanks. The demand1 pofesoa producers. Should any for teachers of these subjects is unu:s- of the managers deemr any of the man- ually large compared with the supply, uscripts worthy of serious considera- and higher salaries are paid for these tion, the authors will hear from the positions. interested manager directly.___ _____ The reason the executive committee -professor R. 11. Curtis, of the uni- of the club decided the plays were im- vriyosraoyhsse h e possbleof campus production were comet discovered, by Zinner, in Ger- varied. A majority of the plays were many. It is visible through a small of the problem type, while the others tlsoeadcnb bevdfo either had too elaborate settings, or Ann Arbor between 8:00 and 10:00 were too intricate for working up in! o'clock in the evening. the short time left the club. The club ___ has not sufficient time to re-write any UN~IVER~SITY CALEIjNI)AR, of the manuscripts, and will therefore___ choose another play for its annual Nov. 12.-Prof. Joseph Redlich, of the production. The choice will be made University of Vienna, one "Racial at once. Conflicts and Parliamentary Insti- tutions inl Europe," in room "C" of the Law building at 4 :15 o'clock. -Nov. 16.--Prof. Shailer M1'afhews at The Overcoat Question the Methodist Episcopal c'hu rch, Youcant ddgeit7: 30oo'clocak. O~art dode itNov. 18.-Annual Union football smo- Don't shiver' and snuffle ker. W~e've here to Serve yosi dive 'uIs a Chan~ce et op" Bancroft Cor. Monroe and Thayer THE STATE SAVINGS BANK L s cr t Capital Stook $60,0 00.00 ou Surplus and P!ofits $100,000.00 Th; ~ ecatTio Wmn Arnld i XVm. J. 13oot1 C. John V olz,, Jr Vice]'re. ir~saent OnsiieOver Liberty Barber Shop Garrick Tetr DE~TROIT, ICIiGAN tlharewell appearance ;u Comiic Oper-a) -R e Fire Fly You may rest: assured that work. left with us wAill be done in our own sho~p. We guxarantee aibso lute satisfaction with every garment. GLEANN AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE S k i Bro THlE SEASON9,SBI LAUGH FESTIVAL With Original Comipasny u nd Pro- -ductioiu Direct from 4811 Strect 'Theatre, New York City. PICES 13 Rows Orchestra - - $1.50 Balance tt - 1.04) 4 Rows Bialcony - - - 1.04) N.vxt 4 Rows iBalcony - - 075 Balance - - .50 ss Monday and Tuesday Rejne IN THE CGR EAT DRAMA IN 4ACTS BY SARDOUJ Wednesday and Thursday $1000 PICTURE The Master Cracks Mani. Cast of 2000 People in 4 acts. IT WILL BE "YELLOW," YOU CAN- OT MISS IT-THE BIG FOOTBALL EXTRA." IT IS BUILT FOR A SOU- VENIR AND WILL FIT RIGHT IN V OUR SCRAP BOOK. ALL-FRESH ROLL UP 255 POINTS TO OPPONENTS 7. (Continued from page 1.) ter on more than one occasion. Splawn the right half on Douglas' coring machine, is a player of exact- $' the type to fit into the Michigan tyle of play. The Texan is a punter anamam kknow Cover up now , i Full line of Pennants, Arm Bands, Michigan Souvenirs Morse's and Gilbert's Candies We are well equipped to serve yot;. WAGN EI & CO. I Stu'dents Supl Phone us, We Deliver the Goods. : Store Importing Tailors St ate Street 1 1 11 So. University Ave. J Phone 1331-Jf I Hart WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY. Schaffne [may 1 ye( 7 3, ± 4 r ,f fY - hJ-o -es We have those H. S & M. Mackinaws at $12.00 and $15.00. Other makes at $5.00 to ;3100. 0O L S z 0.Man t latinuin Portraits b 1 ; Y l Are Sure to Please SEE Ii