U; IT TAILORS i W1e offer to you the tailored suit possible he most suitable price. rkmanship the best. ry suit built to fit. stock of woolens of highest quality. The, est assortment in the to select from. .W O311 S. State St. MIT UNITED LINES IN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit--7 :zo nid hourly to 6:io p. in., also S:io sfor Detroit-5 coo a. mn., 6 :o6 a. In., y two hours to 6:o6 p. InI., 7:o6 P. i . .,g io . .,and 1045 p. rM. in., s3:00 Ra. i. ars for Jackson-7 :46 a. Im. and ,o hours to 7:46 p. m. for Jackson-s :12 a. In., 6151 a. n., °y two hours to 6:51 p. III., also 9:2o 1:15 p. iM. Cox SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MARIUS ,OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. IMEJIS AND MECHANICS BANK. .103-105 South Main Street Foot Ball GOODS Shoulder Guardp,' $4.00 Foot Ball Pants, $L60O Shoes - $3.6 Head Gears, $2, 00-.$4.10, Foot Balls,__$1 .d$f0 GYM SUPPLIES A +Complete Outfit for $2.25 S HEE HAN &c 'O# THE MICHIGAN DAILY lessly butchered b)y tllilli<; \windsr From ther north. Official newcspaper at the University of llich - Hev wolnipmtu ufer igan. anld oiled bro4ans hatve been r turnedi Publishzed every morning except Monday dur- fo trg nase otedsrs ing thie university year. signals. IEv erywhe1.>re are telli'g ins Entered at thie ostoflice at Ann Arbor, Micha- that bespeak Ltle sovereignmty 01 w in- igan under A'ct, of Congress of Marcih 3, ter. r 879" C~fice An Aror res Buldig.And the toque, the tuethat is so ftrlAnrrisn Arbor Press....... Building. ~ nfy .,rm:tTl S' ,1 c fl flf Af YOU WillA Need for the big gamne. WiNe S;WEATERS,r carry the best line of AT u00 anld S7.50 etch Ll STUDENTS' BOOK T ORE a LJsciion 1 tice: By carrier, $2.5o ; by mail $, .oo. NWant Ad Stations: Press Building; Q3uarry's lharmac ;Unvesiy lPharmnacy; C..dDvis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 960. Maurice Toulie ..........Managing 1Editor Adna Johnson............. Business Manager News Editor Sporting Editor 11. Beach Carpenter Gordon IEldredge Assistant to Manager Fred Foulk. F. Mi. Church ..... .Assistant Sporting Editor Leonard R~ieser ........Intercollegiate Editor .Robert Taiinaiil. ........ Music and lBranita Harold Abbott........... .... Cartoonist NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett REPORTERS Carh~i Jenks Bernus Kline 1 , F. J. Hsu Chester Lang F.F. IRlcKinucy Im. C. Runitnel ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson John tLeonard BUSINESS STAFF Myron Watkins r. G. -Millard Arthur 11. Torr;.y%% . iR. Carpenter Itu~el .A. Run}=an TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1913.. Night Editor--Henry C. Rummel. 3Peetintg of the reportorial staff and tr,)outs .iilit' he ~itoriall otlices tPIN af. telft-ioiiiii t4:311 o'clock,. Edlitorial -wr;t ers flmeet at i):00)o'clock. that alone, of all headgears, can keep its seat in the face of w indy opposi- tion? The toque that mruffles the ears Iso completely and bids defl ance to frost? The class toques are idividu- al of Michigan; practically, they are - cheap, durable and comfortable. UNIVER SEY BOOKSTORES "OF iNTUEREST TO WOMEFN. * Edlited by Stylus. *: * * *, H E 6'i!m¢da'ee r k' s4v - 'I Banniers, P'enniants, Aim Banid, E!tc. Souveneirs of all kinds, at (I,' I I ; That the collegiate bureau of occu- pa tions in Chicago, is now ready to do for college women in the middle west, what similar bur(,au;s in NewYork and Philadelphia hatve already beguni in the east, is an announcement which will be of interest to many college women. Graduates of Vassar, Wellesley', .and other Pastern colleges, as well as the great western universities are working' out a bureau ef employment to whinIh young women of collegiate training may ap~ply for voca tions other than teaching. Secretarial p~ositions, man- agerships of women's clubs, all situa- tions, in fact, where there is need of women of culture and education, may be obtained th rough this butrear. Those interested may obtain the exact ad- dress from Mrs. Jordan. A committee has been appointed, I recommend Ed.V. Price & Co. There are none betterj fit; ,j 4 "'WE WANT PREXY." $100,000, ',$69,0001 .... 10 Place to Go for Lunch' i * 'usy je/ Our Morning Lunch Before that 8 o'clock We Promise the BEST~ CUP OF COFFEE in Ann Arbor Frankly, we would like to see lres- consisting of Jessie Cameront, repre- 4dent Hutchins occupy a position on; senting the independent wom- en, a-ind the mass meeting program Friday Genevieve Riggs, representing the sor- night. orities, to cooperate' with thie comumit- On its face the suggestion is rather tee on faculty teas in woringl out a startling. Nothing of the kind has oc- plan at. home for college wo:,eIn, to curred within our memory at Michi- be held at the various sororitis and gan. But at the present time we are league houses, during the college wondering, even more than you are at year. our suggestion, why it is not a custom, This is the world's week o1 prayer, rather thant an unexpected suggestion. observed by the Young W omien's Chris- Only last week President Lowell,. tian Association all over the world. spoke before a Harvard 'mass meet- Services are being held every day this ing. Several times during the year, week at 5:00 o'clock in Newberry hail. our exchange papers have told of mass Each day the work of the association meetings with presidential attendance. 'in a different country is considlered. But our suggestion is not based up- Aill college women are earnestly t:rg- on ai desire to ape others. We have a ed to attend. deeper motive.I M1ass meetings are held that we may MUIC 514 AM)l)RAMlA. worship Michigan. Our loyalty cre-- ates an ideal for us, that ideal being a Trentini l0.11 is P'ostp)oned. perfect Michigan. Is this worth while?~ The engagement of "The. Firefly," Yes, if any of the +finer appreciations with Mlle. Trentin)i at the Whitney the- of this lack-a-daisical life are worth. atre, has been postponed from Mon- while. day, November 17 to a date in Decem- Michigan loyalty is as delicate as the. ber. This will be announced as soon most delicate flower, a subtle, and as impending negotiations have been tender' passion. As every other deep- completed. seated feeling, it is easily perverted, )t1idamec Sans-tGene. easily trapped or misled. Unless un- Today's performances, matinee and derproer are ~.mas metin isnight, will mark the end of the en- likely to become a mere lung exercis- gagement of "Madame Sans-Gene" in er. W motion picture form, at the Majestic The Michigan mass meeting has a theatre. This offering is notable for nobler purpose, none can be nobler. the appearance of Madame 'Rejane, the Then does it seem out of place to have ! famous French actress, who plays the President Hutchins present? . Is not ' part of the heroine. he, who has labored so successfully for - -- ___I-T Michigan, and is so deeply respected RE-CORD HERALD PLACES TWO by Michigan, the very person to blaze M MEN ON ALL-TIME ELEVEN. the way for us? Boys we are makirg a .specialty of a firlcircass suit at $35.00. Owing to the fact thaat we bought 3(,0 yards cif a very fine dress suiting, has cm-ablhd.us to pia c yc u a$5,0 dlress suit at a saving of $15.00. We give you the very finest of wort' nanslii, fit and style with a pure silk lining in bothr body anld slcevcs. Come in and examine th~e coa--t Nve have made up, thecn place your order now. A telephone call will brng us to y'our hDeuse with a sample of our work if you find you are too budy to cal. 300 yards will not last forever-place yo rrdter at once. Suits to order at popular prices $)1t7* to$25,600 The Quality Tailors 209 E. L..iberty St. RaIncoats, CMackinaws, and Shirts to Order Made in the inost sanitarv facloiy in the wtoild. '!Ihe best calndic we hav e er harndled. VAN DO~REN'S Pt1ARAAY, 703 P'ackard fit. George Bischoff ~5i~sJaJ Liberty znd Main Sts. 220 Chapin Sireet rPhone 809-L Chioice cut flowers a--.d plants A Most ,Convenient Place for Your Banking 1 , By T'he Best. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR Fountain Pens "Guaranteed" WE REPAIR ANY 'MAKE WHILE YOU WAIT ,HIGAN AND DEPARTMENT STATIONERY AND ENVELOPES' Ve Repalr Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Drawing Instruments VING F. SCHLEEDE, '3405S. STATE STRI EST GAS uOOKING For Fraternity and Club Houses URCHFIELD & CO. FINE TAILORING TRADE SOMETHING WARM.I The Nor'westers have descended upon us with all the fury of elementalj nature, with all the suddenness of the terrorizing Persians. Our autumnal complacency has been routed, ruth- Michigan was accorded her due in the selection of two of her stars on an all-time football eleven selected by the sporting staff, of the Chicago Record Herald. Heston, captain of the '04 team, was placed at left half-back, and flenbrook, captain of the 1910 team at left guard. Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Tlelephlone for our Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Equip-. m en t. astnw a or n We can and do give you the limit of excell- ence in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete line of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders in our line. respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. HEAVY Roll Collar "SW EATERS LAIRD'S MODERN REPAIR DHP The Shop on the way 3 down town. 217 East Washington shreet 0k M-m C OLLIA R Fle illiner at reasonable prices 721 East Huron Across from High School The Mrs, Rickey &EveIls LO1NGON GIi~OOD POIl'ITs by the rx kers of In SPALDING and WEBBER Makes MACKINAWS all Wool GLOVES NECK WEAR RAINCOATS HOSIERY Call I'aXI 15,50 Suits and 'Coats, Made to Fit From $20.00- to $45.00 Parties a Specialty Quick Service The Varsity Toggery ShopI 1107 S. University Avenue.I Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. flain Street ou may pay a little more for Pack's Portraits, but you will satisfied with the tasteful artistic quality in them" RANDAIL & PACK", PHOTO GRAPIIER~