; .1
.e from "Little Miss Brown," at the Whitney theatre,
November 15.
Whitney Theatre.
. 10.-Freckles,
11-A Modern Eve.
13-14--Buster Brown.
. 15-Little Miss Brown.
. 17--The Firefly.
. 18--Brewster's Millions.
. 21-The Red Rose.
. 22-The Quaker Girl.
. 24-EEva Tanuay and company.
. 10-11-Madame Sans-Gene.
(with Madame Rejane.)'
. 12-13-Tigris.
emacolor motion views daily.
lanapolis Is One of Il.uny Cities
'l'o Like Philip Bartholomae's
Bright Contedy.
ome idea of the enthusiasm that
ttle Miss Brown," Philip Bartholo-
e's successful comedy, is creating
y be gained from the following
icism of a leading newspaper of
lanapolis, where "Little Miss
awn" played several weeks ago.
is sterling'attraction will be at the
itney theatre, Saturday, November
but that agreed with Mr. Dennison and
acknowledged that she was a d-d
good little sport.'
It would seem that Philip 11. Bar-
tholomae is fond -of finding unusual
situations clustering about life in a
hotel. He gave the American stage
one of its best farces in 'Over Night'
and he has equaled his record with
'Little Miss Brown.' The locales of
both pieces have been hotels, and per-
haps Mr. Bartholomae knows what he
is talking about. At least one Indian-
apolis hotel clerk who attended the
performance last evening testified that
it was all possible, though he failed
to state whether it was quite probable.
There is one thing certain. If the
;uests of a hotel in which such a situ-
ation developed could have as much
fun as did the audience at the Murat,
hotel life wouldn't be so bad after all.
Little Miss Brown, arriving in town
before she is expected and knowing
no one but her fiance, whose office is
closed, goes to a hotel to spend the
night. 1er purse has been stolen and,
with only 5 cents in her possession,
she applies at a hotel for a room.
Not knowing the residence address of
her fiance, she is unable to communi-
cate with him until morning. At the
hotef she is mistaken for a married
woman and in the excitement of the
moment permits the idea to remain
in the minds of the hotel people. The
-nan whose wife she is supposed to
be arrives. So does his wife. Like-
wise his uncle and aunt, who are
.bout to confer a legacy upon him.
Star of "A Modern Eve" Owes Success
To at Keen Appreciation of
Comic Values.
The excruciatingly funny suffra-
gette husband, Casimir Cascadier,-
laughingly remembered in the cities
visited last year by "A Modern Eve,"
-is acted this season by one of the
present generation's most original
and unique light operatic character
comedians. Especially happily recall-
ed is his Crooky Scrubbs in "Sar-
geant Brue," with Frank Daniels, and
later his eccentric comic stage classic,
the Chimney Sweep, a part that com-
pelled a unanimous press division of
honors with George Damarel, the star
of the musical comedy success of
three seasons, "The Heart Breakers."
Mr. Edward Hume has been a rec-
ognized factor in musical productions
for some time now; his personality, or
magnetism, or hppy face, or funny
legs, or methods, or whatever you
will, have placed im well at the top
in his profession. lie has been almost
a demand with New York and Chica-
go musical first-nighters for a decade,
and in consequence Edward finds the
"welcome" sign on the inner sanctum
door of every prominent theatrical
proucer these days. Time was, how-
ever, when the popular comedian
knew naught of the glad hand and the
fat figure contract. Then the office
boys were barriers too great for him
:o pass, and his final certain advance
came partially through a confident
>ersistence- to show his talents and
partially was thrust upon him.
One September morning about a doz-
en years ago while on his.usual office
rounds to the big. ones,-for be it
known Mr. Hume was ever ambitious,
never much shared in the "big fish.
small puddle" view, and seldom deign-
ed to visit the establishments of any
.but the great,-he met in the elevator
one of the then newer but rapidly
growing, successful stage producers.
Now, at that time, Mr. Hume looked
anything but the .struggling aspirant
for stage comic fame; his appearance
indicated more the neat professional
office attendant, and for such the mag-
nate mistook and thought he recogniz-
ed him. Pleasantly the manager nod-
led a good morning as the elevator
started. As it shot upward the young
actor managed to regain his speech
sufficiently to return the morning
greeting and timidly to say, he was
then on his way to the great one's
office. Before he could voice the na-
ture of that errand they had arrived
at the desired floor, and hastily step-
ping from the ear the manager sig-
.naled, rather than spok#, for Edward
to follow. Striding quickly off. with
our hero at his heels, he reached the
main offices, entered the outer door.
passing through the inside railing
gateway, wended his way among sev-
eral attaches,-gaping in wonder at
the boss' racing companion,-continu-
ed along past a series of smaller in-
side offices, and with clever slacken-
ing pace, finally emerged into a large
elaborately appointed private apart-
ment at the rear of the spacious suite
At this big desk the producer halte
so abruptly that a rear-end collision
was only just averted by his keenl
slpeedling pursuer. While t he comedy
of this situation appealed equally to
both, to Edward Hume the opportun-
ity before hi-ppealed the stronger,
so, when the manager began laughing.
Hume began talking. Plunging into
a set speech, he briefly related his pro-
'essional road experience and fruitless
previous efforts to gain an audience.
The manager was naturally sur-
prised, but accepted the situation good
naturedly, and promised a hearing
with his geperal stage director. An
appointment was immediately made
by telephone for II umne to attend a re-
hearsal then in progress. The direc-
tor gave him a small comedy par-t,
professionally known as a bit, which
up to this time had been rehearsed by
an actor who played another small
role. For three weeks rehearsals con-
tinued and many changes in that time
were made. Hume's part was twice
re-written by the author, Flume hin-
self was invited to suggest new busi-
ness and interpolate several original
comic sayings, and a chorus song num-
ber was selected for him to lead.
The opening performance was in At-
lantic City, and Hume made more
Manster ice of "Buster Btrowint Coin.-
pnsty Seet, Difficultie,.
"Why should a man get married,
anyway ?" This is the question that
Master Rice of the "Buster. Brown"
company, which comes to the Whit-
ney theatre, Thursday and Friday,
November 13 and 14, is asking just at
present. Not that Master Rice has
just been married-that's another
story. No, he only engaged an apart-
nent in Chicago while he was re--
hearsing for "Buster Brown." It was
a nice apartment, though rather large
for such a small person as its -occu-
When one has an apartment one
naturally has to eat in it, and to do
that one has to cook. This was
brought to thet attention of Master
Rice by his common sense as well as
by his appetite, so he promptly hied
himself to the corner grocery, and
ordered many of the good things of
life. Ile gave his address and, of
course, his name-and that'e where
the trouble began. The grocer's clerk
was evidently thinking about his
sweetheart instead of his customer,
because in about half an hour the
wagon brought to the Rice apartment
a package of rice, then some more
rice, and shortly after that some rice,
and then to make a variety--some
riG{, w.
On the floor below there resided
(an old maid never lives) an elderly
ilnmarried female, who saw tho rice
and at once jumped to the conclusion
.hat a wedding was in progress. So
She bought some rice. She told the
iresmaker on the first floor, who told
.he bank clerk's bride on the fifth,
who informed the janitor, who told
he doctor, and so on.
When Master Rice arrived from his
:ehearsal, worn, weary, and with (lust
,i his tongue and an appetite like
a crab's, he saw the rice and he felt
.t. In one joyous thrcng the old maid,
-he dresmaker, the janitor, and the
wank clerk's wife surged around him
md presented him with enough rice
:o feed the entire Chinese nation.
lereafter he is more than careful to
I phasize the Master bef 'e the Rice.
Popular prices will prevail during
.his entertainment, which will be for
wo days only.
Celle st-alton.-Por~ter's Powerful Nou -
ei Is Eqdly 11Siicees,111ill
A. G. Delamater, who prides himself
upon being a producer of clean plays.
was asked in a recent miter-viewv how
the idea occured to him to dramatize
"FrecklVs." le replied that he had
asked his twelve year old niece which
was the best book in her Sunday
school library; she answering without
hesitation, "Freckles." Then he askeJ
her to tell what the story vas abcut,
as it apparently had made a deep im-
pression upon her. She gave such a
vivid and interesting synopsis, 1 hat
he became interested, and bought a
copy of the book at the first opportun-
ity, and after reading it carefully,
believed that "-Freckles," the plucky
waif who guards the Limberlost tim-
ber leases, and dreams of Angels, is
a character destined to live forever
in American fiction, and become one
of the best loved heroes that has ever
appeared in a story or upon the stage.
That his judgment was riight is proven
by the fact that "Freckles" has sold
a half a million copies as a book and
has been greeted by crowded houses
wherever the play has been presented.
"The Quaker Girl" Coming to Whitney
At last the long awaited musical
comedy success, "The Quaker Girl" is
to be seen at the Whitney theatre,
Saturday, November 22, matinee and
night. Coming here after a year's run
at the Park theatre, New York, the
big organization of eighty-six singers
headed by Victor Morley, will arrive
in state on a special train. Concern-
ing "The Quaker Girl" but little need
be said, so widely have its praises
been sung. The score is by Lionel
Monckton, the book by James T. Tan-
ner, and the lyrics by Adrian fRoss and
Percy Greenbank.
C e.411e, Famiowi s French .Atress, Will
Be Sell in vr
15, matinee and night. When one re-
members that this is the date for the
Pennsylvania football game, and that
the production retains its original
cast, crowded houses may be assured
for both performances.
"'Little Miss Brown' is a play with
a purpose.
No, it teaches no direct moral les-
son, nor does it turn the white light
of public scrutiny upon any social
problem. No attempt is made to delve
into the psychological and it is not
being used as an aid in the propa-
ganda of a newr thought. Yet 'Little
Miss Brown' is a play with a purpose,
nevertheless, and this ,purpose is to
amuse, to make fun, to create hilarity
and to send an audience home in good
humor with itself and the world at
A large audience saw it, laughed at
it and left the theatre in a happy
frame of mind. If there was any dis-
appointment at all, it was that, of the
man who expressed the hope that
Little Miss Brown would drink at
least three of the Manhattan cocktails
she had ordered, because she discov-
ered that she liked the cherries. Well,
she didn't; but the hotel maid failed
to stop at three. She drank six, her
tongue wagged accordingly and a mys-
tery was cleared up. Little Miss
Brown remained sweet and serene,
and although she found herself en-
tangled in a network of complications
which only a skillful 'author of farce
could unravel satisfactorily, there
was no one who followed her through
the most exciting night of her life,
Then cqmes m9 lawyer, called
,he wife.
in by
More ,complications.
The lawyer is the fiance of Little
:Miss Brown.
The wife refuses to listen to expla-
aations, and so does the lawyer-fiance.
tinter another lawyer. He is a for-
,ner friend of the demure miss who is
:ausing all the trouble. He believes
n her and it is with him that she is
revealed under the glow 'f a nice ro-
aiantic-looking lamp as the curtain
decends on the last act.
There are of course, reconciliations
And explanations. Little Miss Brown
proves herself a 'real heroine, well
deserving of the eulogy uttered by
Mr. Dennison and quoted above, but
Ji entire action is so permeated with
good humor that no one has any idea
of taking it seriously, despite the pre-
dicament in which Miss "Brown finds
herself. It is all laugh from start to
finish, and so clean and wholesome is
it that it makes one glad that the
author has not found it necessary tc
borrow any suggestiveness from the
modern French school of farce in or-
der to bid for public favor in this
The cast measures up to the stand-
ard of the production and Miss Madge
Kennedy makes Little Miss Browr
about as winsome a character as we
have found in a farce comedy in a
long time. She is the equal of hei
sister heroine, the little bride in
'Over Night,' and that is saying a
good deal.
"Freckles," at the Whitney theatre
Monday, November 10.
than good. The part was again added
to, and the critics at the Broadway
opening five nights later discovered a
new comedian, the "White Way" regu-
lars put the box office stamp of ap-
proval on the critics' discovery, and
the successful producing managers al-
ways concord generously with the
opinion of their press and public. So
there's a reason for the "welcome"
Edward flume.
Albert Brown, who plays the part
of, Mr. Dennison in "Little Miss
Brcwn," is an actor of wide exper-
ience. One of his most notable suc-
cesses was in "Paid in Full," in which
n'irillin; Drama To Show On Screen.
A ball room scene in which over
3,000(people take part is the feature
of "Tigris," the thrilling photoplay to
>e seen at the Majestic theatre, Wed-
:iesday and Thursday, November 12
and 13. The effect of so many people
at one of the masque balls is stag-
;ering as is the kaledioscopic array of
costumes that rival a king's court for
beauty, and the magnificent settings
f the immense room.
Tigris is a French arch-criminal
whose fertile brain stands the entire
:olice force at bay, until a clever de-
tective by a chance stroke of luck out-
wits and captures him. The play is
n four parts, each of which is filled
'o overflowing with thrilling suspense
and surprises. It has rightly been
called the "masterpiece of melodra-
natic photoplays."
he originated one of the characters.
Previous to his present engagement,
Mr. Dennison played with Henrietta
Crossman in "The Peacock and the
Goose," later renamed "The Real
A three act version of Viclorien
Sardon's "Madame Sans-(lene" in mo-
tion picture form will be the attrac-
tion at the Majestic theatre, Mlonday
and Tuesday, November 10 and 11, to
be shown at all performances. One
of the greatest actresses in the world,
Gabrielle Rejane will act the part of -
Katherine, the good-natured but un-
couth wife of one of Napoleon's gen-
erals. The quarrels between the for-
mer washerwoman and Bonaparte's
haughty sisters are the gems of- the
play, though the scenes in which the
Emperor himself figures aro note-
Madame Rejane may be said to be
an international artist, for her ap-
pearances have by no means been con-
fined to France. In 1894.she preesnted
"Madame Sans-Gene" in London, mak-
ing an instantaneous success. During
the following year in the same play
she appeared at Abbey's theatre, New
York, where she more than dupli-
cated her London triumph. The play-
ers that support Madame Rejane in
the film play are identical with the
company that enacted "Les Miser-
ables," recently seen at the Whitney.
A chorus of "A Modern Eve," which c omes to the Whitney theatre, Tuesday, November 11, singing "Rita, My Margarita."