THE -MICHIGAN ,DAILY. 1. U. WILD. CO. THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS I Foot Ball GOODS We offer to you the best tailored suit possible at the most suitable price. Workmanship the best. Every suit built to fit. Our stock of woolens of the highest quality. The largest assortment, in. the city to select from.' 3 11 S. State St. I II Shoulder Guatt~, $4.00 Foot Ball Pants, $LbO Shoes - $30 Head Gears, $2,00-$4.00 Foot Balls,__$4.60-$0.00 GYM SUPPLIES A Complete Outtit for - $2.25 SHEEHAN & CON THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- iganl. Published, every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year., .1;ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, A~dich- igan under Act of Congress of March 3, x879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.5o; by mail $3.00. 'Want 'Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharrmacy; university Pharmacy; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 960. Maurice Toulnie.......... Managing Editor Adna Johnsoun..........Business Manager News Editor Sporting Editor 11, Beach Carpenter Gordon Elldredge Assistant to Manager Fred Foulk. C. Al. Church . . ..Assistant ;Sporting Editor L~eonard Itieser ......Intercollegiate E;ditor ltobert '1'aiinahil........Music and Drama 11arold Abbott. ... ......Cartoonist NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett REPORTERSI Carht ,Jenks Bernus' Kline V, P. J. 1-Thu Chester Lang 1 . 1". AMelinney 11. C., Rummnel ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Shcrwood Field Ilarry Johnson John Leonard BUSINESS STAFF t yron Watkins ' . G. Millard, Unitarian Church STA'TE cor. HURON Rev. P. S. LORING, Minister MORNING SUBJECT at 10:30 Churchill's New Novel AND The Church and Social Wrong YOUNG PEOPLES SOCIETY AT 7:30 SUBJECT Industrial Progress and Chemistry SPEAKER PROFESS OR WHIT E IYou Will Ne A Sweal L for the big game. WU4e carry the best line of AU'TO SWEATERS, $6 oo and $7.50 eacha ichign-Penn Colors Baniters, Pennants, Aim Baud, FEtc. Souvenirs cif all kinds, at. I W A HR I STUDENTS' BOOK 'TORE CROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE d and Express Cars for, Detrot-7"o0 and hourly to 6:to-, also 8:10 Cars for Detroit-i :40 a. m., 6:o6 a. Mn., every two hours to 6:o6 p. In., 7:06 p., :o6 p. mn., 9:Io p. m., and 10:45 P. 'M. epsilanti only, 1ii:is p.i., 12:L5 p. im. Dp. MU., :0ooa. m. dCars for Jackson-4--7 :46 a. m.: and Ftwo hours to 7:46 p. m. Cars for Jackson--s:12, 6:51 a. in., very two hours to 6:st p. in., also 9:2o ~I : Is p. Ill. COX- SONS & VINING 12. Madison Ave., NEW YORK w -MAKRtS 0of CAPS,, GOWNS &wooDs Fbr All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. K in ue S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule det Cashier V. President VST NATIONL IANK of Ann Arbor, Mich, Capital $100,000. Surplus anid Profits, $65,ooo. -I i irgigull ! [ELM - For Sale, $10,.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.0 TYPEWRITING 0. D. MOR RILL Over Baltimore 1Iinxch B~oys we are making a specialty of a full dress suit at $35.00. Owing to the fact that we bought 30 yards of a very fine dress suiting, has enabltd us to give ), u a $50.00 dress suit at a saving of $15.0. We give you the very finest of, workmanship, fit and style with a pure sillk lining in both body and sleeves. Come in and examine the coat wve have made up, thcni place your order now. A telephone call will bring 'us to your house with a sample of our work if you find you are too buoy to call. 300 yards willi not last forever--place your order at once. Suits to order at popular prices La Salle Junoir Overcoat It's a young man's model and is the very latest thing. We'll be more than glad to show it to you any time you care to drop in., Our prices are right- quality considered. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1913, THE HOME STRETCH. Again Michigan has "humbled the Big Reed team by superior fighting. And the team comes back today, Take another lozenge and meet the team with a megaphone! We are on the home stretch now and any cessation of enthusiasm will be fatal. Pennsylvania never forgets to fight. Pennsylvania defeated uts last year-under the most humiliating con- Oitions. Watch out for Pennsylvania? CONGRATULATIONS. The All-Fresh football team ended a glorious season yesterday with ai glorious victory. Michigan has reason to be proud of its gridiron represen- tatives of the class of 1917. From the very first of the season hard work and magnificent fighting have made the freshman team one of the most successful in years. Every victory has been well earned and ev- ery game has been a decisive victory. To the men, who were injured yes- terday, at the very close of a victori- ous season, Michigan extends the warmest sympathy. To0 the 11 tij 3-U f Do you feel a trifle tender about that failure to make the honor society of your dreams? Then put yourself twenty years into the future and loot; back upon your university career. You will see that honors are but the shad- ow and not the substance of genuine development. the substance is the effort. Consist- eut striving is the formula for tilti- mnate success. RAYMOND ROBINS. Only seldom do we hear a Christian reformer who combines a«; rm heart and broad intelligence with a thick red neck and a huge fist. Such a roan is Raymond Robin§ who speaks here tonight. His reputation, his great per- sonalt power, and his remarkable life story make him admirably fitted for addressing any student audience. $17U5 to $25.00 The Quality Tailors Em C. FLANDER'S 2+09 E. Liberty St. Raincoats, Mackinaws, and ;Shirts to Order 11 E .11 I A 'I A he Place t-o Go for Lunch 11 Pure Drugs B'syBa Try Our Morning Lunch Before that 8 o'clock We Promise the BEST CUB" OF. COFFEE In Ann Arbor "rAIL ORS TO ME-N brilliant team, which has upheld the 1UNTIYE1RS~ITY NO(i' 'E . honor of its class and the university,i Totem ii hold an important meet- we extend our hearty congratula- ing in the north wing of University tions. And to Coach Douglas, whose hall Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock untiring efforts have made the team's to discuss and act upon plans for the success possible, we give much of the icoming year. credit for the season's victories. EMBRYO MARINES MODEL BOATS THE GOATS.I Small wax models, representing 21 At last the sheep have been sep- distinct types of ocean vessels, are arateti out from the goats and the now in the course of construction, in campus honorary societies have gath- the naval tank room, at the engIneer- ered the chosen into the fold. And ing building, now is heard the secret mutterings of The largest nmodel that. will be made the goats as they gaze wistfully, upon in the naval, laboratory is to be 11. the sheep. feet long, and the smallest nine. The But recognition does not create models are being turned out at the ability. WVith our college communi- rate of one every eight days. Buy, Pass Around and Eat GILBERT'S and CRANE'S CHOCOLATES SHOEPA REPAIRS ? FIRST CLASS SHOE RI PAII ING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Otilcital Shoe Ptoclor to Mictigain' Foutball'Team Banuts and CLUB DINNERS Are ,etrved i n best of ;ity'le at Mack's Teai:Room Also Dininers, Lutnchetsor trefresh siiuts, Open 8 a. in. to 5 p. 3n.-ou sat nr- day, till 9 p.mi. orchiestra music Saturdlays, noon and eorning, Ladies' Rest Room in Connection, SECOND FLOOR MACK & COO Main Street I OUR SPIECIAL $30.00 SUITS "AVE UALITV that UALIFYS QUI CKL V Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner I 711 N University Ave. HEINRY &CO.* ppp 11 Clotes that are Tailored Rih That's the kind that we mnake." A call is solicited. ty hemmed in by the walls of scholas- ticism and impetuous, unreflecting youth, the discernment of true ability is always a difficult task. It is upon the great body of students that win no university honor that Michigan must rely for reputation. In all times some of the gr'eatest of leaders have come from college obscurity or failure. Swinburne and Shelly never won colP-ed g ee . B eh rto k pe s r in. trampling on his curriculum. CLASS WOMEN AS BOILERMAKERS Six women are taking work in the engineering department this semester. All expect to put their technical knowledge to practical use when their course is completed. This is the large- est enrollment of women that the en- gineering department has had. Only four women have graduated since the department was founded. Architec- tural courses are the most popular.- Van oren PhamacyWe Garry a Fine Line of Conk- van D ren' Pharacy in's Fountain Pens, 703 Packard Street. from $1.50 up. Come in and get fitted. ANN ARBOR DYE WORK ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAPI CLEANERS Phane 62$ 204 East Washington Consolidation UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS T. E. WAHL G. H. KUHN WE CALL AND DELIVER A~irors froir. Hajoaic 60 E. William St. Second Floor A I 1 m The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital. Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Resources $3,000,000 A General' Banking Business Transacted Officers: Chas.. 4.' Hiscock, Pres., W. l). liar- riman, Vice-Pres., M. 3. Fritz, Cashier I Fowers I ARROW YoCOLLAR Cluet, Peabody & Co., Into. Makers ANforA WIN The New Song FOR, MICHI'GAN Now on Sale Cho.o, Crest Flowers Fine lot of Palm's and Fern! for Detoraflng r. Il2thWStandi S.4Iniv, Are,. Phone.-1. 15 Send a Copy Home s Port but you will UANDA4I i& PA CK "-'V