YOU XA:LN&IV 7GOOD USEl HEII hEALTH SERV1CE'1 The Michigan 1{1 E ?1CIB H, IL~L~i1y.T I_______ BY YOlUR VCS. logo . -. _ . --._ _ Vo .j I.t.LV p No- '.'~'" ANN {ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCT-Beft 8, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS Vol. 1 WOLVERINES ARE ANXIOUS 1 i 1 SOCCER MEN (40iTO YPSI TOD)AY. FOR BIG FRAY! Mlchigian Elieln llas Peppery Work- out on itobt i Colleg f&riion. cticed C'ailiNELL 1 OUTWEI E I) BY F4) R POU(NDS PER MAN. ('oaches of led Teaumi 1Develop Phiys Expcled 1 to 'lea:-up Yost' Openi enter, r .i i i (Special to The Michigan Daily.) ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 7.-Michigan's squad arrived at Geneva this morning at 11:10 o'clock, and after making its headquarters at the Seneca hotel, went to Boswell field, the athletic grounds of Hobart college, for a light workout. Yost limited the "limbering up" re- hearsal entirely to passing and kick- ing. The Wolverines will reach Ithaca shortly after noon tomorrow, and go directly to Percy field, where they will clash with the Ithacans, in the first great battle of the season be tween the east and west. Supporters of both teams are equally confident of victory, which is shown by the fact that all betting is even. All the Michigan men appear to be in prime condition, with the exception of Benton, who is nursing his injur- ed foot. Sharpe's team will be great- ly handicapped by the absence of O'Hearn at his regular position at the right wing. The Michigan team and followers will remember the quality of the spee y end's football, which he displayed on Ferry field last year. All week long the Cornell coaches have driven the red team through hard signal practices and long scrim- mages, in an endeavor to improve up- on the form shown so far this season. In the practices, they have developed a peculiar attack to be used tomorrow against Michigan's open center, and they believe that they have solved the weak spot in the Westerner's defense. Barrett is the man whom the Itha- cans are relying upon for the victory. The left halfback has been the chief ground gainer in previous games, and it was his line plunge that scored against Harvard last Saturday. The sturdy backfield man is also a star punter and it is believed that his boots can keep the Wolverines at a safe dis- tance from the goal line. Michigan outweighs her opponents four and one hal pounds to the man. The western athletes average 177 1-2, to the easterners' 173. The backfield that will probably be sent against Michigan averages 164 1-2 against the 159 average of Yost's backs. No final lineup has been given out from .the Cornell camp, but it is a pretty sure bet that the same men who started the game will oppose Michigan, with the exception of Rees playing at right end instead of O'Hearn. Yost will start his regular lineup with Torbet at fullback. The probable lineup follows: (Continued on page 4.) Send Freshmen Wari ings in Rhetoric. More than 100 r etoric warnings have been sent out by that department to freshmen doing unsatisfactory work. This notice gives the recipient three weeks in which to improve his work, and if it is not satisfactory at the end of that time he will be trans- ferred to section A. Upon entering section A the student is required to pay a fee of ten dollars, and at the end of the term will receive no credit for his work. The trans- fers will take place November 20. Medical Museums Open for Inspection. In the medical building three mu- seums are open to the public at all hours that the building is open. The Pathological museum is located in the southeast corner of the first floor. Along the corridors of the third floor i are cases containing old books and rare documents. On the walls are drawings which have been made by students at various times, l'noficial Tea Will Represent u'ni- versiy at Normal. A soccer team made up of students of the university will journey to Ypsi- lanti this morning to meet the associ- ation players of the state normal col- lege. While the game will be the first .that the university men will en- gage in, the wealth of speedy and ex- perienced foreigners on the local team indicates that the contest will not be a walkover for the normalies. Almost thirty men, including Sever- al Chinese students, who have played the game in their native country, have reported for practice during the past week and Director Rowe, who has the squad in charge said that the present team would undoubtedly prove to be- the best that the university has turned out. Two contests have been schedul- ed and several prospective bookings are in sight. The following men -will meet at the corner of State and Packard street at 1:00 o'clock and make the trip: Captain F. J. Watts, Manager O0 Glenny, Pan, Tripolitis, Banky, Rob- ertson, Coryell, James, Brown, Hager, Stallings, Donnell, Kolb, McDowell, Newling, Dunlop, Deliefelds, Kiel, and all others who have reported for prac- tice. ENEED MORE MUSIC FOR UNION OPERA Competition for writing the music for the 1914 Union opera, will be re- opened, at a meeting of all members who desire to try out, on Monday night at 7:00 o'clock at the Union. It was decided to do this at the meeting of the Mimes Thursday night, in crder that everyone may have a fair chance to compete. The original trials were held last spring, just before the close of college, so that only a very few took any interest in them. The opera committee desires to have all men, who are at all interested to attend this meeting, at which time lyrics of four or five songs will be given out, for the men to work on. The music will not then be due until December 15, from which the final choice will be made. Several men have already started work. Arthur Cohen, '14L,, resigned as dra- matic manager of the Mimes at the same meeting. A committee consisting of Gordon Eldredge, '14, chairman, Bernus Kline, '14, and Waldo Fellows, '14, was appointed to arrange a Mimes skit for each Union dinner, the next one being scheduled for December 3. PROFESSOR REEVES CHANGES INTERNATIONAL LAW COURSE Professor Jesse S. Reeves of the economic department, who has long been dissatisfied with the amount of ;round covered by the past courses in international law, has had the study changed from a semester to a full year course. The course as given heretofore has not been extensive enough to give the student a fair un- lerstanding of the entire subject. "Before the student was well along n the road to a better understanding of the subject, and was beginning to comprehend the significance of it," de- clared Professor Reeves, "the semes- ter was at an end and the course fin- ished. By making this a full year course we hope to remove this evil, and teach the student three times as much law as he would have learned under the old system." The textbook used this year is Law- rence's "Principles of International Law" supplemented by cases on the 1 subject by F. B. Scott.I WAITERS DISCUSS PLAN OF CAMPAIGN 1Melvin E. Ca e P romises Fair Play in Effort to Obtain Reasonable Conditions, U TV ElSIY WILL LEN) : All). PAI llII(IPAN11TS N UMf3It C,2,I. DISTANCE MEN TO STRUGGLE TODAY Annual handicap Race to Start From Waterman Gym at 10::31) O'clock. Fifty representatives of student The annual cross country handicap boarding house employees met last ev- race will be run this morning at 10:30 ening in Newberry hall, and perfected o'clock, and 62 men will participate. an organization, and plan of cam- the race is the most important of the paign, to insure sanitary conditions, season, as the personnel of the team gootl food, and reasonable hours at that will be sent to the eastern cross their places of employment. Melvin country meet depends upon the records E. Case, '15E, presided at the meeting, established -today. A distance of sev- "We wish to be entirely fair," he en miles will be covered, and the start said. "There are two sides to this and finish will occur at Waterman question. We must give our employ- gymnasium. ers a square deal, but they must give Following are the handicaps that us the same treatment. There will be have been decided upon by Director no strike; 'the keynote of our cam- Rowe and Captain Brown: paign will be publicity." Four minute handicap: Manahan, Dr. H. H. Cummings, head of the Bernard, Bennette, Buxton, Carpenter, University health service promised the Darnell, Mass, Pear, Werfel, Schein- cooperation of that body, and urged man, Dillan, Stone, Simson, Bleckey, the students to report all cases of un- Tollenaar and Bailey. sanitary conditions. Frank Olmstead Three and one-half minute handi- and Carl Guthe, secretaries of the Y. cap: Peddicord, Fitch, Allen, Monroe, M. C. A. and Union employment agen- Landis, Abbot, Allaire, Collier, Miller, c(ies, gave short talks on the condi- Boyce, Waterbury and Howard. tions as reported to them, and urged Three minute handicap: Robinson, the formation of a definite organiza- Sawyer, Kilburn, Reising, Schlott- tions hauer and Schulten. Following a general discussion on Two and one-half minute handicap: the plan of action, it was decided to Hoak, Lopez, Vance, Futlwer and appoint a permanent committee of five, Do'wney. to see that the working students were Two minute handicap: Angier, Kel- given fair treatment. The committee ly, Amekee and Aldrich. will be self-perpetuating, and will One and one-half minute handicap: consist of the employment secretaries Johns, Davidson, Glassier, Pfeifer, of the Y. M. C. A., to represent the Johnson, Young, McKay, Grauman and students, Mr. C. C. Freeman and Mr. Kruivenen. H. G. Prettyman of the boarding house Scratch men: Trelfa, Cummins, Fox, proprietors, and one member of the Shapero, Carrol, Watt, Brown, Carver, faculty, Dr. William Moriarty of the Lamey and Walter engineering department.- Besides attending to student difficul- CO MTUNI3CA'iON. t:es in boarding houses, the commit- tee will attempt to interest a factory (The 11ichigan Daily assumes no res- in coming to the city that will employ sponsibility for sentiments express- students desiring work. ed in communications.) --Editor, The Michigan Daily:- EN(NEERlN A31AGAZINE 'TO Anyone who has spent an hour in BE REORGANIZED ON NEW PLAN the forenoon at the university library has experienced difficulty in finding a The Engineering society met last place where he can study undisturbed. night and discussed the possibilities The scraping of feet, the whispering, of reorganizing the "Technic" upon a and even talking in loud tones, are in- new basis. cessant throughout the morning. Plans were drawn up, and submit- Does it not seem as if Michigan men ted to the faculty advisory committee and women ought to have too much for approval. They provide for the respect for themselves and their fel- appointment of a faculty manager low students not to practice a cus- with two students as managing editor tom, which is not only annoying, but and business manager,and other mem- selfish in the extreme? Have we not bers of the Technic board to be ap- prided ourselves upon our well-bred pointed by a committee composed of men and women? Surely, the truly, these three. well bred man would not scrape his feet, when a book is dropped on the Cosmopolitan ,Club Elects :Members.. floor, any more than the truly well- Forty new members were elected by bred girl would wish to make herself the Cosmopolitan club at a general conspicuous through constant whis- meeting last night in the Cercle Fran- pering and talking with her compan- cais room. Plans for an entertain- ions. We do not wish it to be said ment and meeting to be held November that Michigan students are discourte- 21 were also discussed. Copies of the ous and ill mannered. Neither do we October number of the Cosmopolitan believe that we have reached the stage Student were distributed to members where a monitor system is necessary, and all those who have not received to take the place of our dignity and one should see the secretary, Fred B. self respect, in the effort to maintain of rho nffLL L of Xff k Ik' iohio-nn I n.aI a and rderl library. ENGINEERS MAY BE CHAMPIONS Winner of Sopbomore Lit-Medic Biatlei Will Meet Senior Lits, With the campus football chamipionz- ship nearing the final stages, the sen- I ior engineers loom up formidably as contestants for inter-class honors. Several other classes are still in the running, prominent among whom are the junior medics. The senior lits and senior laws have won their respective department. title. The winner of this morning's sopho- more lit-sophomore medic game, is scheduled to meet the senior lits. The victors of this contest will then play the senior laws, and the aggregation successful in pulling down the verdict, in this encounter will be one of the teams due to play in the champion- ship fray. Just who their oppenenfts will be for inter-class honors, de- pends upon the outcome of the senior engineer-junior medic combat. A STURDY FRESH t F i ,, ; i' I Kentucky (lub Initiates Members, Kentucky club initiated 12 members at its second smoker of the year at the Union last evening. At the busi- ness session, plans for the annual banquet to be held Thanksgiving even- ing at the Union, were outlined. SCRUBS AND BAND LEAVE FOR ITHACA After being sumptuously dined last evening by "Dave" Willets, 22 scrubs1 and Coach Kennedy embarked at 7:301 o'clock on the special train en route, for the scene of the big tray with Cor-£ nell.l Accompanying them on their long journey were 35 bandmen, "Hap" Hafft in the capacity of cheer leader, Mr. P. G. Bartelme, athletic director, and about 60 excited rooters.. The trip is given the members of the reserve squad as a reward for their1 faithful services during the season; and is a reward, of which they have1 proved themselves particularly deserv- ing this year by the effective manner1 in' which they opposed the varsity in the practice scrimmages. FORMER PROFESSOR HELPS To SEND BAND TO CORNELL Contributions toward sensing the Varsity band to Cornell are still com- ing in. Yesterday a letter was re- ceived at the athletic association from former Prof. Gardner S. Williams en- closing $35.00, subscribed by himself and his office force. Mr. Williams was formerly connected with the engineer- ing department of the university, but for the last two years he has been de- voting his time to the practice of con- sulting engineer. Any other money still outstanding from the tag sale may be left at the athletic office, or with J. 1. Lippincott at the Michiganensian office. .JUNIOR LITS TO HOLIJ FIRST GET TOGEThER PARTY T )DAY Junior lits will have the first oppor- tunity of the year to get together at their informal dancing party in Bar- bour gym from 2:00 to 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. Reports of the Cor- nell game will be given out, and other features are promised. Prof. and Mrs. Gordon Stoner will chaperone the par- ty. Music will be furnished by Fish- er. Tickets may be secured at the door, or from the social committee, which is as follows: L. F. Harris, chairman, H. R. Rice, E. Connely, L. Covey, W. Thom, H. Gault, and the Misses M. Foote, L. Markley, D. R. D. Roehm, . and N. Norton. Seniors to Discuss Adiiory Systemi, At the meeting of .the senior literary class Monday afternoon, at 4:00 o'clock in the west physics build- ing, the senior advisory system com- mittee will present its report. Plans for the future will be discussed in- cluding the porssibility of another smoker, or a luncheon before the Christmas holidays. Karl B. Hoch, chairman of the committee, is particu- larly anxious, that all senior advisors attend this meeting, as several im- portant questions will be discussed. ELEVEN MEETS *ALMA_-COLLEGE One ofM ate's Strongest ggregi ons Wil Test Brawit of First nel' Teuunin Finmal Sruggle. 00O,611A1:COUN1TS ON SPLAWN ANI1) 3! AULHETSEII FoR SOES Yogsters Are in Good Condition aind Rae Been Coached in Open Style of Ilay. Rain interefering with an outdoor workout, yesterday .afternoon, Coach Douglas led his sturdy freshmen to the second floor of the field house, where he tutored them for an hour or so on the intricacies of the game, In flnal preparation for their struggle with Alma College. Alma brings to Ann Arbor today un- wiestionably the strongest college ag- gregation in the state outside of l\. A C. For this reason, the last game of the Michigan youngsters promises to be the snappiest of the year. The Adrian team which was humbled by the All-Fresh 69 to 0, recently rai up against Alma, and was defeated 66 to The Douglasites have been coached to play an open game, replete with trick plays and forward passes, but should the field prove too wet for this style of play, they should have little trouble putting up a hard game of straight football, with such artists as Captain Maulbetsch, Calvin and Splawn in the backfield. In the person of Splawn, Coach Douglas has unearthed one of the classiest bcoters ever seen on Ferry field, his value being acknowledged since a well placed drop, or place kick, has decided many a close con- test. Maulbetsch needs no introduc- tion, he being the young gentleman (Continued on page 4.) COMIITTEE ON APPO1NTMENT OF TlfA(hERS TO MEET MON)AY A meeting of the teachers' appoint- ment committee will be held Monday, November 10, at 4:00 o'clock at, which time all students, intending to teach next year, are requested to be present. The 'meeting is of importance, and it is essential that all aspirants having classes at this time make arrange- ments with their professors to be ex- cused. Prof. C. O. Davis will have charge of the meeting, which will be held in the lecture room in Tappan hall. All prospective teachers will enroll at this time, and instructions relative to the cooperation of committee and student, in obtaining future positions will be given. Last year the entire en- rollment was 330, out of which, 28 received positions. Chess Alen Choose More Officers. Additional officers have been elected by the Chess and Checkers club, as follows: William T. Adams, '17, vice- president; William G. Given, '16E, re- cording secertary, and Hampton H. Irvin, '17, checker secretary. 3IICIIG AN FENCING TEAM MH VENTER CHICAGO MEET The rapid progress shown by the men, who are appearing regularly for fencing practice, indicates that a fenc- ing team will be sent to compete in tournaments held under the auspices of the Illinois Athletic club, of Chi- sago. Future dates have been arrang- ed for the meeting of the Detroit Fencer's club in Waterman gymnasi- ulm. An increase in the, weekly prac- tice will be made, as soon as the night classes start in the gymnasium.. The foil aspirants will meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock and Monday and Thurs- day from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Because a faculty man has not been secured to fill the vacancy made by Coach C. L. DeMuralt, of last year, in- experienced men have been instructing the classes. lDaily. a ueS aTD . y . STUDENT. Do You Believe In Names. If Not Just Look At "Percy! "What's in a name?" queried some I closed in cleated and spiked shoes. pseudo philosopher, back in the age The stands have rocked in unison with k hen dinosauria did watch dog duty, the mortal cries from mangled masta- dons, and the tears from the eyes of z~iri rafr.I4ft2' Idinrr. cxj~r1 V~ triV I1lULiIthpvbl in w o , -----___._aor___emateornric the proverbial weeping warrior, who* IV. It. Shaw to Attend Aluminni Mee ing Said question demanded and received has been taken from the game,. have Wilfred B. Shaw, secretary of the a derogative answer, which has pass- flooded the sod as does an April show- Alumni association, will attend the ed down to modernity as an indisput- er. second annual meeting of the Associa- able axiom. We thought so too, but' Cornell history has been made on tion of Alumni Secretaries, which is after reading the telegram from Ge- that spot. World famous sprinters, to be held in Chicago November 21 n'tva, we switched from pro to anti. all-American football men, and em- and 22. Mr. Shaw is general secre- There is an athletic field, in, around, bryo Ty Cobbs have fought battles, nary of the association, and will con- and about Ithaca, upon which count- which brought undying fame to their duct a question box at the meeting. less bloody battles have been staged. alma mater, and newspaper notoriety L. B. Johnson, secretary of the Mmi- The earth is stained an aureate red to themselves. They have done well. nesota alumni association, is presi- by the ebbing life's blood of Cornell's, They have shown grit, determination, dent of the organization. He and alum- warriors of the gridiron, diamond and a world of stamina and fierce fight. So ni secretaries of many other promi- croquet inclosure. The grass is tramp- be it. nent universities will address the led, and torn from the crushing con- And what do they call this field? meeting. jt.ct of countless twinkling feet, en-j PERCY! !!! 0 mercy!