.THE MICHIGAN DAILY. x L LYDON, T r Hill Auditoriu NEY w -11 1N' Regal. Shoes Latest English Lasts Kodak Films Finishing IVIEW BOOKS POSTAL CARDS Photographer of Convention t' __ . Indian Moccasins More Comfortable than',lippers I WUNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR Ready to wear U T ntePplrVlesadPubs' and Dress HATS 1i _thePopularVelvetsad________ RECORD IS SET IN RUN TO YPSI \ l dss ross country jaunt to Ylslanti was negotiated in faster time _than any similar trip in many years . Ju t. exactly 51:08,' which is two minutes and 30) seconds faster than thn time made by thte team the last time the run was made. The 'fir'st 12 men that finished came in together, awhile the -second squad, which was given a five minute lee- way, was never even sighted by those following;. Coach Rowe and Captain Brown are especially pleased with this showing, not only because of the exceptionally fast time, but also be- cause of the unusually large number of runners who were able to finish. Last night's jog consisted of a short two mile run, merely to keep the men in shape for the handicap race on Sat- urday., Eight runners will start from the scratch. These are Capt. Brown, ~MmP L E H EATH E Down Town on Main Friday, Nov. 6 FEATURE ON NGH ~~yON NT lO l 'Y Nov. H MORT SINGER'S k~DERN EVE I EPE6 115 Liberty Efast DANA RICHARDSON PHONE 16 We want you to know our lunches are, ttthat just right kind" the kind you've always wished for. 116 SOUTH MAIN STREET FILM. "lhe Jcwclcd Slipper". A Gripping Story Admission - 5 Cents No urt!F ",r ( .x ..ar. Balance U0el. Ia IIIlanc :iofB.l.......... . Fox, Cummins, Watt, Carroll, mnan, Shipiro and Lamey. G rau - .. , . . . O. If M.1 FIRICEs \r st lFour R!o s sl3. coxy..........10 Nt Fur ows uleny.................... Se at Sale O1pens SaturdCay.,. Mil Ordet s now. III I. II: lay Seats Frid-ay, 1 0 A.I y h'girL°.:.3 a:vL: .l_ __.... : . <.u:'L Iii...a¢ I'L3P. :,-.-.y r ~f Coffee -Roasters and I I INTERCOLLEGIATE I Watch for the Sign F "9 UNiVERSITY ('Al2ENI)AIL Wholesale Grocers. CJ-ICAGO, Nov. 6.-Special- hundred and forty-two. new bers and over $1,000.00 -Three mem- have ir-lik, ears& Co., Ltd., 214 S. Main Sft. LET THE RESH MAN Press Your Clothes WE DO LADIES' WORK . been. announced as the results of a one week membership and financial campaign by the Y. M. C. A. at the University of Chicago. !Of the money pledged, $200.00 came from unnamed outside contributors conditionally upon the raising of $800.00 in the association. The last $140.00 was pledged at the final lunch- eon of the week. Since the campaign .$150J.00 additional has been contrib- uted. Elections for class officers this year c;Alled out an unusually large. vote from ev ery department. All offices were hotly contested, a margin of two or three deciding in several cases. The senior class ballot totaled over 200. Charity at Chicago benefited last week: when :$265 .00, one fourth of the1 net. receipts at last year's Bl1ackfriars play xvas divided between the Univer- sity settlement back of the Chicago Union Stock aYrds and one other phil- anthropic institution. Activ Acie steps have been taken by the Reynolds club, the men's organization at Chicago, to lprovide a library of 500,- selec ted volumes before the close Arf the year. Drawings are soon to be submitted for d book plate of student design. F. L. ShannI~onI,'1091, Will Give Lecture F. 1L. Shannon, '09P, state analyst, will give an illustrated lecture in the chemical amphitheater at 7:30 o'clock tonight on "Fake and Fraud." HeI comes under the auspices of the Pres- cott club, but the public is invited. Nov. 7.- Formal Fisher Party at the Michigan Union. Nov. 7.---"Lounger" night at the Mich- iganUion. Nov-. 7.-Opening party of the Womu- en's league at the Barbour gymna- sium at 4:00 o'clock. Adtdress by President H'i. B. Hutchins. Nov. 9.-Marx L. Margolis on "the Pli- ble in the Making" at Newberry liall at .7:30 o'clock. Nov. 9.-IDr. Vaughan will speak to the women at Newberry hall at 4 :3 o'clock. T. W. C. A. PL-kNS SALE OF01; {'IiRYSA THEM1CI '1'M FOR (~AM Chrysanthemums for the Pennsylva- nia game may be purchased at the F. W. C. A. The flowers are to be ship- ped from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Ellen Moore, '12, general secretary of the organization, has appointed a comomit-; tee to take charge of the sale, which will be conducted in front of Newber- ry hall. The larger buds will cost 50 cents, while the smaller size will bring 35 cents. Paris Lecturer to 't'alk on French Art.: M. Paul Vitry, a graduate of l'Ecole du Louvre, Paris, will speak in French on "French Art," November 24. 111. -Vitry is one of the non-resident lec- turers now traveling in the United, States, addressing various universi- ties and chapters of the Cercle Fran- cais. Prcf gtoi :46115 Rerre; e ts MIiigl rII. P~rof. Albert T. Mills, '99-'08 A.M., will represent theJ university at the inz- auguration of Dr. George E. Fellows as president ofE Decatur CollegefDe- catur, -111., December 9. Prof. Mills is professor of history and political sci- EXT RA This Altroon andTonight"L ego "I r, cred With ~ttc eada inspiring lua pctill o tte t t wil b sown At the Mt' i ne :Tonihti- n L Y 'IkW iiney Theatre I ~THREE DAYS S Nov. 6,.7, 8 Itatie Vfriday and Saturday GIRLS GALORE { e eMntre ad 13Rows" Orchestra - - - 50 cents F falance Orchestra - - 35 cents 4 Rows Calcony- - - - "5 cents B'alanice Balcony - - 25 cents - Seats Nowe Selling C. 1. KIDD, 317 Lit. 1530-J 1112 S. University Ave. WILLIAM E. DIETERLEI ~ ~ HETR~Garick Thete ! Dr-.TG O IT, Ii(IAN 'Fie 1M'usic re-Aivalt ~THE TAKER" ~Litlle is Brwn (l-- c-rvi~onday MdFiiyI.l. Pt it ,-ofl-,by appoliin ent. Al1 laic- a; rx;.. ,; x i b pc l augh. Ponze,19850 .D1-570 1.: FORMERLY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR wishes to announce that he has opened a tailotinig establish- ment in IDetroit at 94 WEST FORT STREET With a Complete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS Special attention given to niy College trade. The same prices with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. The Overcoat Question You can't, dodge it Don't shiver and snuffle DIIETERLE-VARSITY TAILOR Cove r' up now WAOMWIM ,I I I PLA NT INSTIALLED) TilS WEEIK The fire protection plant of the uni- 'versity will be completed this week. The plant. costs $18,000, and has taken more than a year for its construction. ' at consists of two high powered elec- tric motors, water pumps, and a Sys- tem? of water mains, which reach ev-. ery part of the campus. An operator for the motors will be kept on dutty' day and night, and the motors are connected with both the city and the university currents. Prof. B. F. Bailey, head of the elec- trical engineering department is dire?- tor~ of the installation. Quiklyatd AcaratlyCompountded Specil ,al f.' Sne week oiy. G0119LD i 3TAL, S rfTTIONEY best gradle 25ebox . M[4 iAN rt'SEAL C(WR' 0 i} ".: )ENCE CARDS 25c box. GOULDIN & WIKL 1219So. University Ave. Telephone Us 416 for a ljox uf Mar a shigto Cady Shirts & Neckwear Ili in Distinctive and Original Treatments SMART ENGLISH RAINCOATS A Complete Showing of Acc c cics tc Mr.'s W For; Including Most Recent Importations IPORTrERS' Anger& Kanouse We are well equipped to serve you. WAGNER & CO.. II Importing Tailors State Street ~to ageFurniture Pianos C. E. CODFREY t3" N1 ;en'4 n 4'is r~ eth ' ic~m i o f~.a I SHIRT MAKERS curve Up and Tyy George's iChop Suey Dteitcious Clf:ne.,e ud American )%s 0 ME BANK BUILDINU DETROIT 410 N. 4th Ave. Phone 82-L 1 FAt y 9-2 Are Sure to Please by G/ it I