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November 07, 1913 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-11-07

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a distinction abou~t

4t Bloch 8CQothes
thatstamupstheir3;Qual ityad.,
S tasSueir Teprcsaes
o it er than cote ,ot igarlW

NXy1ea tgJ y candy buy the best. R94 o
much more and it gives much more pleasure.
ajhenew packages and assort-
mentb-Up to $5.00 a ox. f
r hUrm''cy


Liie3 aretd{ neWcut and tailoredl
a it yt pert %workmnen ill
,. a~tiuss. $~c_; les, fit and workmi
ship than yosi get elsewhere. Costs
ziip l1 bt orth a lot more. Try theta a

Reule, Coilin &Fiegel

i ' ;5
i ' ,'
: , E




d r Ic




brhet6-3 tww n 1iz, edby
-Competition z l rstudents for 1 e, FW VI A, '14 an C M
' shortest surname m is declared a dr ,. 1 4f,, Tine , pnge )"name: g e o.
by th ep e Oirtort'. E i sa$,_e t4 ~4
sons of the e e mpire are t ctP~r wi n p he gir
for first honor,("ac h having two 14 tos-q1~fi~ ~
ters im4t~a ~ idenits eare 2A $t~~ h'aye
1. K. ' ,t } 7 0 E. s. v, tSknn 1r of "wiw ;t h 2 'The. .Thason


All correct shades In Gloves vallw~
°'_loo and iup. II d'U


4414 , dI' *W . 4


. Vsn a ar : - a --IfTf

x EIiLM:%CKaO*

3 s)




64E. Liberty 5t. The Sor

ull line,"o"
and fountalin drinks at
- ~Will- move
306 South
Stae S., one door's

f -

." .

0 0 1, $3.0,9+ . v . y M AY- i+" 'l 'ri7 IU ''r 3A~ h1 [ 9 a"A'f5
o c.Q15, D. it ,,li C. 1mmIn1fY ~dis' ifi fgi cfrr!
&,:. I~ij~1i I> ~feelinb the need of f the m,1 wille
ne rg L 4e Ti J4eAPV Ghvr'wil1. bebe Mt t L
ik Wtere a- Dolar Dots tsDuty The re Ilr e egof [f;1hdf6tls.Itbd1y y W4' tomjdrrz,'A asa oer pitQ1 t
i ha i~u, Iservices of an exert otometirit
Alp A Nu iJbq dtJo norrow nig attend the se $ainhttI; me 0*9iamg M: Pie
to ig in ~~~A m erican. Institute of A ctuaries, whichlro t o h 1iy d b t ng t il b u d i h .i nt n a c r y x m n o s
VII r °1es 1 t _ 17Jivrs y ade withot l19 #of time or iinet1 no iilt :' o e
withI fej v day , terday at the homeopathic hospitl for 1;.f. Arol, otone rist wit iArnold ~0 DETROIT STREET
flV £lh~~~l,~ will meet his classes today. apfn1iiTh'. A spedyii l'Vc is { 2 Yt i
, l{I~~~it~th&~iun"Ptflre ernt U)( k- 9 upuent combined with shop facilities Te ink between Collge adir 01 'dd lJeQsusd<Pfkxttfur1ogidless oehr ihyas
z4 ' tindewll eCdOcOsn of the o rid lnse, ogeherwieh ear o
liens , tietir lt "tth Aitifrc"Cdi ra4'r'e C ao~i t~~hr~~xperiencc as refractionist andI oIT U"FI
Cosm poltanAlub at 7bt acrieped b Vihe xemb e ake his Optical Sy ,tem: the logica I I I . I
y, iso w° l o ~ rani~I J8 I& t it itn i;' > lace to 1uy glasses L ~
OUR LEAMEAS Lt i s .A Lt eivp Aplica g tt. ff tlAs& Ps6I1 ~~t
'.tiotlss i Afl/be freo ted dr tatiMiation - tr .c,7y220 ut am stet We Aerve ot1Lun
r., .J"D _ '-"The MAin e491hnId (t~l Ct aclp tAl____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _
Turl3h-'. tt~ :eAS i1411 >rn ;(ie. ub c «,Ia peEe r~l 4tiateqd nrne f lew~
o$CJ1ai)C~I bi/td Pb rhy( PifA:dkh er1a ts idra~t %Ir ,of the-fe r
hone 000R. Alen at 8:00 o'cldaol thfhtaatth tle Tio ,.ni s~yr A t ev.rnifnC r.
r j ;, :' Airst 3#pt1rt Chriv; li:a .11 -lt.M. /,r ll, init& eBib n '
124 Sotuth-Main "Sreet fX10 / ll I ]brtwy z<)aetL us will hold its annual banquet at ltP1 N
ly ~~completed'tlme replacing of btEr4ha Tuller at 8:00 Qc4o(k Saturday night t fc
last ,Sl~ingj J *t w bQks{hg >A r wf .1t~ s fe '~int d# -
a ", n ents. - Wik)tW Ct??p.f.r1) 3~a4x pf M O
,wtriylCo. fi r,,rr, r it 117 E. Liberty St. Varsity Tailork"
i toue-w-,~~~~~~tome ~gimeringt :c>d rtjlle, '9~a y sit~. j4J~~~ rpY ______________________________
* ave"A .:or8alSiite>=r in ' ' Ct b irtle presented seleetis from "The Mer-j
j# :-T t + }-}f-p}{ plr_-_ mang neatly and prompt
tt.rgnT. -,~eentoa- ;s Bd l4J1 hoifl '' 3So ;Tha
emoarily:locaed.ins30 oimtfi rr25:e~r-;tith0 wiv ltW #ItW ?hrg tt 4 1ro f~fl'1i YI1y4i. ---- ----- r
emorriy octe n $ot1 "ttir) ;r:ltrt~ir 0Ekt, # Ile mM .', e .d n 1~y d=ost-Thursday, gold-filled watch,_
s th f b uWr ilding .',= "" triai+ Assooia4Jp'il ~tf -Stte TT :Y r i Lit-WA I 1p4 d Waltham 17 jeweled movement,oene:n ri utrsadMn
z t________________-ies nei~tr fly anrudf sa . ,zic afternoon at 4:0¢rg1q C4 )l~ll l?1A faced, engraved case, on State stret fi ssold at 'Schaebrle & Sn's Mini
-Ann Arbor high nscl QI)J- , l i P1 a ics laboratory tq .-discuss the canej or thereabouts. "Leavest.a1)JtW MI
-- Muskegon at the -fair grounds Satur z p ir; aA } A,} ,ei Yltdtioi fle and receive dew t3 ~
"" - PT2'e faitttings; xilii Vit tJbme ti t4e tt ) ,J Ios-Mnd eenigNo.s Best she shine, hat cleaning a
'_; + ,rtmtrialcl k: 4~Irltle tl(, ' s~ c e ,.tai tt S Tr ,tr,,:.t:j oblocking next to W gn s
nave ~v~fllJ 1~h~j2~ ~ li(3I~W ~~'A* ~rium, a small, old-fashioned gold--_ _____
A- w inK x~tlatnopC neijjxvw kA~ti - - -: :'/ r -' ' C~v m
-- -he sIldfin detbj11 th ' 9f atpr y The growing popularity of 'Lbd 73cWshenw veue . u
1 y4 - preeltd':f a n erf1 ikkAt449))Re-,concerts ws well attested -last nightpoe26L324 usawo;an .
-MacTaggart, '151, in a cllision~t S ll i- p<: thc,}p!{g;,chloauSu
ackard street -July 16, from appear- f in t , ' i . ,sr 's .s Omwe
(Fr S ~hiiij~~EatUie~i~~ll~~v~ iia '2 t-IM lto Finest Cu
nnlerng ni ~n~yser~a1~ el y # pr t ng11l tsR ji.a gold chain. Reward. fel phorc
- - rat rl, he wa z-u nial~ed; l. let lia ~n ~jf o 1,9~c--------Mi~4
r ;ott,,guiktyi .heg trl~jt <::i t1 songs, and a& Ghulert selection by the''____
We~hescw m~i~f~g~, an ,11yd~ w ~~ ~~r~tu~~e x~ll ~c~v~ Buy your films at the nearest place
t . 431.actV 1 V~rf~ggxtad ~'trter ad Ot rr~~ i,(-blit for careful frnil3~ r r Yqt Wy s many places,b
.)ll-' - al btf( l cla~hc{ oungh an added movement to the'to 1-lope, Photographer, 619 East Lib- you pay the same her o rs a
" r Ai ~~~---The weekly "Lounger'>-.w~rif bl ei hl uartet came as a surprise to the a- rty St. Pest printing pal i"1'Ai00 V if ll ak filmrs. Lyndon. Wed e
tonight at 7:00 o'clock at the Michi-1 fence. Earl Moores acorpanimen s __________Because_
nig nd not cheapness. " " 3-34 Mr., and Mrs. R. A Dlph, Funler
-Kentucky club will hold its second _$lt ^" d ~ ~ -tTF 't 3fation l; ' ~ tpvJ~rc
sxglsO ik f ,tk lYeRatthp 0-A~~t AiLEFii.F1E D PEN(IiSIiSN Photographer EHo i i W bt iahlJ atrrctli sr1 1 1
,; ° tigt titf8 : dale g ) ,ew:'Ane fa Aqm { 1 * E O
;t tiit , muke, }omftier toi,,be~ p"(An - is or t tj IU-Kempf-Music Studio, 12
r ? llg t-tfae fb 1n he alec pijI5 arnatui5 1 Division St. Phone 212-J Patt
et of good business-it tappez sseieyi Rtl4Iea''O'o' n$St esterday under the auspices of t t -- -
"qtr urday yihl us kadoof 'it4 id bi, s-# ichigan Children's Home Socie t
Jse t _ n".t ":s - '° 1ti plainfted T wmt fr, hoi, Yrrsltyfrdei-mounted to 34.24, Ithrprt r
is a commercial ho rin i[ ru-n it t-ngteinwil he hleid1 oI4 -r .c wo sellers outstanding. This mon ryday se -g
-blend cigarette. The expert - tehfrq hl4:"law hiss atkv7ilj,,rhijI e ~ y t e o in w #Its p
- ill 'e u e obtq qasocB allit
as as o,a~khld net;M,4ndiYas betm f providing for homeless -mhir0P drrnz
)lekk asdox -batter!- Fa0i -l4 a- - ~~i pmroug 4° P l's --1
th plg on-h t~~t--Have also Ilt received the t
fined "them Winners.1Toda i - .rI/ ,I (y
sellin g ciete Iin hs tuntr. _i_$m
ure, good, ichoice tobacco-no e __ h- ' TL~adA
(age-qallty all rnYie ti 1I -g bon lacing to be wiC ii~ i
l4iln heracsois ow heel Pump-the very -Itet. - Will be
Gidfl peased to show hem to Y j. -j.;3 .M
4 3 Ca1~j~ ~~~Jr Playe - dA
Terms reasona c. J L
rutOU H KLEND, . a .3ifPl 3f
£IGAE TIF - Grinnell Bras., 120-122 E. Llbenty ~ii r ' 119 E. iberty st. IllJI I lM [lIU

~~a--- ~ 2fla~a >4 a
i Is
'If there ever wva
Fatimra, the Turkisi
{ w~o conceived this 1:
istlfined 4out in
Wy gmiickly procla
Fatimia is the- biggest
The secret is-p
.exp nse -intke pack~
20 6vb

- - . da !


kc 4t

- - -- gi"W m -th m m E- AM e





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