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November 07, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-11-07

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Iaily./ BY



Vol. XXIV, No. 34.

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.y Use of Ifltaaean 'Iacics Reserie%
4Seore TuTcidown on Regulars
in Scrimmage Yesterday
FirAl l iven Gans Another Counter
From i5-Yard Seamper
by Galt.
Using Cornell forward pass forma-
tions, the scrubs scored on the Varsi-
ty in yesterday's scrimmage, the final
practice before the Cornell battle at
Ithaca Saturday. The play which
scored the touchdown was not itself a
Red formation, but the means by
which the reserves got within striking
distance of the goal line were Cornell-
ian and distinctly successful.
All this happened with nearly a
complete string of Varsity men in the
lineup. Galt and Craig were playing
at hialves and Lyons, Musse, Pontius,
Paterson and Traphagen were in the
line. But even this combination was
not sufficient to stop the scrubs. Tim.
after time a forward pass sailed true
to its mark, and a substantial gain
was the result.
Once, however, one of these passes
went wron. It lit in the hands of
Crai, and before "Jimmie" had stop-
ped running, he had put 21 football
players and 75 yards behind him, and
had scored a touchdown. Nobody ex-
pected to catch Craig when he started
out on this run, but just enough scrubs
chased him to make it interesting.
The Varsity made still another
touchdown just six plays after the
scrimmage started. Through the me-
dium of a 35-yard run by Galt, and
several other substantial dashes, Ben-
ton was enabled to plunge through for
the first touchdown of the afternoon.
The scrub score came near the end
of the afternoon's drill. It was a
somewhat ludicrous performance, but
it made the Varsity look very sheep-
ish. Staatz, scrub end, sneaked out
of the play and hid himself along the
side lines. It took quarterback Roehm
two plays to see him and Davidson,
three, but when Staatz's frantic shout-
ings had finally reached their ears,
Davidson tossed him the ball behind
the goal line.
Lichtner was out of the scrimmage
with a slight injury received in the
clash with the All-Fresh on Wednes-
lay, and Raynsford occupied his place.
lie dumped all sorts of scrub end
runs, and did his mite toward stopping
what few forward passes the Varsity
managed to spill.
Bushnell was in at quarterback
again from the regulars. Benton, al-
though still suffering from his injured
knee, was at full. Torbet and Hugh-
itt were-on the side lines.
The lineup of the teams follow:
Varsity Scrubs
Raynsford.... . . L.E..........Staatz
Craig.........H. L.......Davidson
Galt........... R.H.........Tuttle

Tickets for the "Cafeteria I-lop," to
be given by the senior lits at Barbour
ymnasium next Thursday, were plac-
ed on sale yesterday, and a large num-
ber have been sold. The function will
consist of a self-serve luncheon and
dance. All members of the class
should go unaccompanied. The lunch-
eon will begin at noon, and dancing
will commence at 12:30 o'clock, last-
ing -until 2:30 o'clock. If the affair
proves popular, a series of luncheon-
dances will be planned. The remain-
ing tickets are on sale by the social
committee at 35 cents.
When the gates at Ferry field are
thrown open to the public on Novem-
ber 15, few reserved seat tickets will
remain for sale. Practically all of the
seats in both stands, which have been
offered to the public, are sold, and the
greater portion of the cheering sec-
tion in the south stand has been dis-
posed of.
"Not in the four years that I have
been here, has there been such a de-
mand for seats for any game. We
are practically sold out of all our
seats and indications point that the
standing room will be more than fill-
ed," said Director P. G. Partelme, yes-
terday afternoon.
The north and south stands will
hold approximately 15,000 people, and
the standing room will accommodate
4,000 more. The boxes contain 608
seats, and only a few of these remain.
Owing to the unprecedented demand
for box seats, the athletic association
will add more in case the demand ex-
ceeds the present supply.
The remaining seats in the student;
section will not be put on sale to the
general public until the Fridiy nightI
preceding the game. The Pennsylva-
nia rooters will fill one whole section
of the north stand having reserved 500
seats near the 45-yard line.
Recital of "The Rivals" Postponed,
Professor Richard D. T. Hollister's
recital of "The Rivals," scheduled for
tonight in. University Hall, has been
indefinitely postponed on account of
Professor Hollister's illness.



t \


N"A E1)FIN 191-0"LA ('LASS.
Senior law committees for the en-
suing year have been announced by
R. J. Curry, president, as follows: So-
cial, L. K. Wood, chairman, J. T. With-
erow, S. S. Symons, J. B. Helm and C.
H. -ippler; auditing, V. W. Main.
chairman, M. H. Tinkham and M'. T.
Davis; finance, John I. Ober and (1 E.
The class will meet at 4:00 o'clcck
this afternoon. Plans for the dance
to be held on Thanksgiving evening,
and for the smoker to be held at the
Union Thursday evening, will be an-
Representatives of working _stu-
dents, boarding house keepers, health
service physicians and employment
bureau secretaries, will discuss the
sanitary conditions, the wforking hours
and the food of Ann Arbor boarding
houses at 8:00 o'clock this evening in
Newberry hall at ameeting of the stu-
dent workers in the university. The
working. students will be organized
after the discussion, and a special
committee will be appointed to further
the campaign for the betterment of
conditions in cooperation with the
university health service, the Union
and the Y. Al. C. A.
Dr. F.I-I.1. Cumminig, head of the
University health service, Mr. Horace
G. Prettyman, proprietor of the Pret-
tyman boarding house and Frank
Olmstead, secretary of the Y. M. C. A.
employment bureau will talk upon
their respective interests, Voluntar
discussions by student workers will
be called for. Melvin E. Case, '15E,
chairman of the campaign committee,
will preside.
Representative waiters at the dif-
ferent houses in Ann Arbor have been
notified 'to invite every working man
to be present at the meeting. The
last copies of the 2,000 circulars drawn
up by the committee were distributed
yesterday, and the committee is con-
fident that practically all the students
interested in the movement have been




Douglas gave his youngsters a half
dozen trick plays yesterday afternoon,,
in the last hard work-out of the young-c
sters before their final test in the
Alma game. The All-Fresh team'
scamped through the new formations<
in a manner which satisfied the coach,
and bodes ill for the northerzn collegi-
The finishing touches on the young--+
sters' attack will be made this after-s
noon, but the workout will be a lightr
one, as Douglas will take no chances
of injuries to any of his stars. Witht
one exception, the jinx has kept away1
from the yearlings all season, and it is
anticipated that the record will be the'
lowest in this regard of any in recent
The athletic association has made
arrangements for play by play reportsl
from the Cornell game, to be read on
the field during the Alma game Satur-
day, and a good attendance is expect-
Michigan's Varsity band, 35 strong,
will leave for Ithaca tonight with the
scrubs. The support of the campus in
donating $600 made this possible. Al-+
though the sum raised lacked $100 of +
the original estimate, the entire band+
will be given accommodations on the,
special train. This was made possible
by the action of the band members in1
making up the deficit among them-
selves by a per capita tax. In addi-]
tion to the members of the band, Car-+
roll B. Haff, Varsity cheer leader, will
make the trip.

As a reward for their faithful ser-
vices during the season, 22 members
of the reserve squad will be taken to
Cornell tonight on the special train,
which leaves the Michigan Central
depot at 7:30 o'clock.
The scrubs have furnished strong
opposition for the Varsity this fall, and
have been an important factor in the
development of the machine which
will battle with the big red team to-
The squad this year has been under
the tutelage of George Kennedy, who
has demonstrated his ability in the
coaching line by producing a team,
which has several times managed to
score on the Varsity.
The men who have been chosen to
make the trip are: Cohn, Crossman,
Davidson, Dorrance, Griswold, Jenks,
McDonald, Myers, Peterson, Rhein-
man, Rosa, Staatz, Tuttle, Warner,
Wells, Wood, ' Diehl, Millard, Morse,
Roehm, Scott and Quail.
All but 26 of the 100 tickets for the
Union Boat club dance on Saturday
night have been sold. These may be
obtained at the Union desk today. The
dance is to take the place of the reg-
ular ' Saturday night membership
dance, and will present a number of
The committee in charge consists of
E. McKinley, '16, chairman, S. A. Op-
pehheimer, '15E, E. R. Theiss, '16, G.
C. Caron, '14, W. W. Watson, '16E, D.
H. Williams, '16E and G. A. Webber,

..icors" and Organized Cheerin
Give Men Ineenti e to Win
Saturday on C'ornell
liii tleficld.
11'11Stop Over in eneva , LeavIN
For Lost Part o Trip
Thiis Noon
With the stirring strains of "Th
Victors," and the cheers of 3,000 col
ege-mates, echoing in their ears
Michigan's 1913 football stuad depart
I( at 9:30 o'clock last night on thi
annual eastern invasion. Twenty
four players, Yost, Schultz, Farrell
Bennett and Varsity Manager Milli
gan, made up the Wolverine contin
"Hap" Haff, swinging on the vesti
bule of the moving train, led cheer af
ter cheer, while the band kept up
continuous medley of Michigan songs
The rooters, massed thickly betwee
the train agdn the stone walls of the
station, rocked with the rhythm of te
The crowd, too large to be agccoinl
modate'd on the' platform, overflowed
upon the high banks flanking the sta-
pion, and even crowded upon the slant.
ing roof, from whence the enthusiasri
of the yelling dislodged a few upor
vhe heads of their less venturesom
:lassmates below. These vented thei
wrath upon the innocent Pullman por
crs, who finally sought relief behind
the glass doors of their cars.
The switching train carried the
wearying cheer leader from one end
of the long platform to the other as
the crowd yelled in relays.
The following men were taken or
the trip: Captain Paterson, Almen-
linger, Torbet, Pontius, Hughit, Craig
Traphagen, Lyons, Galt, Musser
Raynsford, Lichtner, Bushnell, Tessin
Bentley, Cochrane, James, Mead, Bas-
tian, Quinn, McHale, Watson, Catlett
and Benton.
The Michigan party does not hea
.irectly for Ithaca, but stays over i
2eneva until this noon, when it en-
trains again for the last stage of th(
journey to Percy field.
Mr. Raymond Robbins, "a natior
leader," will speak at the Majesti
Sunday night under the auspices of th
Y. M. C. A. Mr. Robbins is active i
political and religious work. He as-
sisted in managing the Progressiv
;arty in Illinois during the last pres
idential campaign.
Y. F. Jabin H su, '14, will lecture to
night in Denton, Mich. This is the
opening number of the series of exten
;ion lectures offered by the Corda-Fra
[res Cosmopolitan club. The subjec
is the "Opportunities of America i
[elation to the Chinese Problem."
lbree other calls for the foreigi
student lecturers have been receive
at the University extension lecture de
partment. Chang P. Wang, '14, ha:
been scheduled, to speak in Allegan
His subject is "Why do the Foreigi
Students Idealize America?" Willian
W. Welsh's lecture on "The Cosmo
politan Movement has a call h
Grand Rapids, while "South America
Its People and Natural Resources, "
subject chosen by John Bonilla, '15
is requested in Evart.

Adepl)h ilPbsIpol Varsity Tryouts
Tryouts for the Varsity debatin
team will be held by the Adeiphi Soci


Tickets for the annual Union foot-
ball smoker on Tuesday, November 18,
will go on sale at the Union next Mon-
day. They will sell for 25 cents, and
inasmuch as about 2,000 students at-
tended the smoker last yepr, a rapid
sale is expected.
The various committees are working
on arrangements. The complete pro-
gram will be announced in a few days.
Karl Mohr, '14L, has been chosen as
the undergraduate speaker. Selden
Dickenson, president of the Union,
will preside.
Music will be furnished by the band,
mandolin and glee clubs, this being
the initial appearance of the latter.
Smokes and refreshments will be sup-
plied in abundance. Lyndon with his
lantern, will help entertain with ap-
propriate slides.
All campus artists, intending to en-
day. They will sell for 25 cents, and
ter the prize cartoon contest, should
hand in their drawings at the Union
before 5:00 o'clock Monday.
To Hold First Fisher Party Tonight.
The first of a series of Fisher par-
ties will be given at the Union tonight.
M. A. C. hop music will feature the
dances. Tickets, selling at $2.00, may
be obtained by calling 319 or 236.
Prof. J. D. Rue and .Mrs. Rue will
rToastinasters Elects Three Members .
Harold Schradzki, '15L, Henry Bo-
gle, '15L, and Paul Blanshard, '13,
were admitted to the ranks of the.
Toastmasters' society last night. The
initiation banquet was held at the

Starving Babies, Pretty Pencils,
Pleading Co-eds. Resist 'Em? No.

Negotiations for the special train,
which will leave tonight at 7:30 for
the Cornell game, have been com-
pleted, and about 40 rooters have al-
ready purchased their tickets for the
trip. Besides the contingent of root-
ers, the special train will carry the
band, one cheer leader, and the mem-
bers of the reserve squad.
There is still room for as many
more as care to-go, and tickets maN
be purchased at the athletic associa-
tion office at any time until noon to-
day. Positively no arrangements may
be made after that time.
For the benefit of those who do not
understand the proposition, the fare.
inculding pullman reservations, is
$16.89, and no men without tickets
will be allowed to board the train.
Doctor Scott Fills History Position,
Dr. John F. Scott, a graduate of the
universities of Wisconsin and Chicago
is temporarily filling the position va-
cated by Mr. John S. Custer, formerly
of the history department, Mr. Cus-
ter, who has been an assistant under
Professor William A. Frayer, has ac-
cepted the position as head of the his-
tory department of Lawrence college.
Lawrence, Wisconsin.
Uiion Ann ounces Bill For Sunday..
The musical program for Sunday
afternoon at the Union is as follows:
violin solo, 13. J. Hildinger, school of

C. J. Conover is Married in Seattle.
Charles J. Conover, '11, of Coldwat-
er, and Miss Marcelle Fennell, of Seat-
tle, Wash., were married October 27
at the bride's home. Mr. Conover com'-
pleted his work in the graduate de-
partnient last June, and is now engag-
ed in the government forestry service
at Washington.
"Cosmopolitan Student" is Received.
One hundred copies of the first num-
ber of the "Cosmopolitan Student," the,
mragazine of the American association
of Cosmopolitan clubs, have been re-!
('iyed by Fred B. Foulk, secretary ofI
the lcal ( hater. All members of!
the club will receive a copy from the
secretary at the offices of The Michi-I

"Won't you buy a pencil?"
The heavy lidded eight
stopl)ped in his tracks. Bef
stood a captivating co-ed, a!
tion Nell, mutely holding for
pled fist-full of bi-colored pen
eight o'clocker had risen fro
zy couch, and gazed wistful
dime which stood between hi
bacco starvation. He had f
lovingly, and saw visions o
wraiths of blue white smok
pictures of the girl at hbm
dime would purchase a tin of
P. A. at 91:00 o'clock. Thus
mined, he wended his way to
disturbing class.
And now before him stoo
cious person, entreating him
chase an instrument of chi
Instinctively he slipped his b
tectingly over the lonely din
his magnanimity triumphed

desire to smoke. He is using that
o'clocker pencil to pen this piece of prose.
ore him When the brazen Throated cock of'
la Salva- the campus barnyard crew eight times
th a dim- on yester morn, a bewilderingly beau-
ncils. The tiful bevy of Jane Addams' proteges
m his co- sallied forth on the campus to wrest
ly at the the sheckels from penurious students.
m and to- Huge piles of money were needed to
'ondled it house homeless children and (to.filch
f curling a -phrase from economics) pencils
e, making were given in exchange for homes,
ne. That through the necessary medium of mon-
f fragrant ey.
Sly deter- So, Mr. or Miss Student, when you
his sleep push a red and black pencil across a
blue book, look into the future vocab-
'd a deli- ulary of Michigan under H. C. and
n to pur- the word, "homeless children" will
rography. not be there.
hand pro- Faith, hope and vanity. And. the
me. {Then greatest of these is vanity, for who
over his could resist 'em?

music, vocal solo, C. Achi, Jr., '14, pi- £1ety, at a meeting Monday evenir
ano solo, D. B Hagerman, selections stead of tomorrow evening, as
by a quartet, consisting of Waldo Fel- ned. A special meeting has bee
lows, '14, J. K. Gould, '14, Cecil John- ranged for tonight, with a re
son, '14L, and George McMahon, '16, program to take the place of the
and selections by a mandolin quar- torical association number, whi'
tette, led by Ralph Conger, '14. been postponed.

gai Daily. Michigan Union.

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