4 an English W IHITMAN'S CA NDY When you buy candy buy the best It does not cost much more and it gives much more pleasure. Whitman's Candy always pleases. The prices vary according to the assortments, 6oc, Soc and $1.oo a pound. We have all the new packages and assort- ments-up to $5.00 a box. I B h Society Brand Clothes proper shade and shape, for the who care for style and comfort. boys Have "that different air" of dis- tinction that places them in a class Iby themselves, If you've v ainlY hoped that some day you would find a suit that measured up flush with your ideas, your desires will be more than realized in, snappy models we are showing. Styles that smack with the smartness of the boulevards and college campus, yet are in strict keeping with refinement. See them- today. P- Calkins' Pharmacy 324 South State Scree Imore Shoe Co. (AMIPUS IN BRIEF. W NT I1) Cpjipt I1913. £"red D.c a .4 119 S. Main Sireet hi f 'UDENTS drw We can save you money by trading at our store. We carry the best line of Men's Suits, Overoats, and Raincoats. We also carry the largest and most com- plete line of Men's Furnish- ings, Hats and Caps. Ask to see our line of all wool Mackinaws. IADHAfIS CO. LI 121-123 South Main Street - 9 G? TRADE a SSA ING 0 ~ MARK. , A "SQ UARE DEAL" for everybody is the "Spald- ing Policy."- We guarantee each buyer of an article bear- ing the spal~ing Tra(leAMark that such article will give satisfaction and a rea-onable amount of service. A. G. Spalding & Bros. Woodward Ave. Send for Detroit, Mich, our aGiut ge A.MARUV"'AROT The issuing of the university bulle- tin the first par-t of this week, marks the beginning of the work for the pres- ent year. Hereafter the calendar will be printed each week as was the cus- tom last year. An urgent request is made by the university news editor that the bulletin be used by any stu- dent or university society to make public any announcement that they may have to give out. --Ann Arbor physicians will address the seventh annual convention of the Michigan State Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis.: to be held at Western State Normal, Kalamazoo today and tomorrow. Dr. V. C. Vaughan will speak on "The County :health Officer" and Dr. A. S, \arthin on "Some Observations on the Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign in England." -Posters telling the. location of the new infirmary and describing the treatment offered have been put up on all the bulletin boards of the campus. -President W. P. Thomas, of the fresh engineering class announced the fol- lowing conmittees yesterday: social, 11. Whittimgham, R. G. Day, S. Falden, Reginald Rose, T. Shea; auditing, M. Patterson, Braxton licks, J. Newman. Class officers and chairmen of these committees will make up the advisory committee. -The "Lounger" will be held as usual at the Michigan Union tomorrow night. All interested in bridge whist should attend, as 'the annual tournament will soon be started. --All Knights of Columbus, who are not members of the local chapter and also all the regular members are cor- dially invited to attend the installa- tion of officers to be held in the' Knights of Columbus home this even- ing at 8:00 o'clock. "A study of the inland lakes of Mich- igan" will be the subject of Assistant Professor I. D. Scott's talk this even- ing before the class in Current Litera- ture. This lecture is open to the pub- lic and will be illustrated by lantern slides. The meeting will be held in Russell Seminary Room in the muse- um building at 7:00 o'clock. -Prospective teachers will be given the opportunity to enroll with the Ap- pointment Committee, Monday, Novem- ber 10, at 4:00 o'clock in the lecture room in Tappan hall. If enrollment is made later than this date, a fee of one dollar will be charged. All stu- dents in the university are at liberty to enroll with the committee. --Owing to illness, Prof. J. R. Brumm, of the dretoric department, wvas unable to meet his classes yesterday. Mr. Brumm's condition is much improved and he will be able to meet his classes tomorrow. GLOES-Wagner & Co. State St. 31-3 Waitited x-400 Fresh Lpits to tell the other 400Fresh bits that today at 12:05 p. in. a, great meetingo will be held on Lyndon's big grouping stands in front of U. Hall for a photograph of probably the largest class in any university today. There were over 350 in the engineer l)ieture yester- day but if you get out as you should they will look like a small family beside the 1917 Lit Class. 33 Wanted- -Ayoung man to canvass for ne ,article. No money for deposit reqiuired. Good profits. Apply ed nesdav or Thursday before 5:00 p. in. at 315 Catherine St. 32-3 L0ST Lost---Monday evening, Nov. 3, on WVashtenaw avenue or in Hill audito- rium, a small, old-fashioned gold' pin. Finder please notify A. I1. Lloyd, 1735 Washtenaw avenue, phone 256-L. *32-34 Lost--Monday, somnehere between East University and l1ll auditorium a gold chain. Reward. Telephone 696-W. 33-35 Lost-Tau Beta i key at S. Ferry field. Name W. Cook on back. If fcntnd return to 411 East University. Telephone 820-J. Reward. 33 Fresh Lit Class Picture at 12:05 to- lay. Front of University hall. Buy your films at the nearest place -but for careful finishing bring them to Hoppe, Photographer, 619 East Lib- erty St. Best printing paper used. Why? Because we believe in quality and not cheapness. 33-34 Photographer Hoppe wishes to thank his customers for circulating the ru- mor that his amateur finishing is the best In Ann Arbor. 33-34 Fresh Lit Class Picture at 12:05 to- day. Front of University hall. Dress making neatly and promptly done. Mrs. E. W. Finkle, 213 So. Thay- er St. 32-34 Another lot of Blue and Black Soft Rats )ust received. Wagner & Co. State street. 31-33 SHOES--Wagner & Co. State St. 31-33 Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tf Money on valuables, 108 East Huron. 19-33 We offer an extensive dis- play of fine quality jewelry at reasonable prices. is all we ask. A trial SUGDEN DRUG 302 S. STATE STR . F. WUERTH COMPAN J. B. eIBLER 109 W. Liberty Street Across from Mack's.side entrance d rrrwr rr '.',. SOWADAYS WTS Park, 'aildTilti JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Candies I FEA TU~RE'S" " THE HOUSE OF' Jfiu aitotin Suits Cleaed and Pressed and repaired Cor. Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS THIS WEEK TNICHT "High Treason" 2-Reels-2 Extra Special Pathe Weekly FRIDAY and SATURDAY "The Call" . 2-Reels-2 Interesting Story of Canadian Forest EXTRA! Bruce Grove High Class Bass Singer will remain the rest the week MATINEE: EVENINGS: 2:00, P. M.; 3:30 6:30 P.M.; 8 P.M.; T ADMISSION Adults, lOc ( . mm The hibdose 209 Soxith SteteStr-eet Gives clean, wholesome board at $4.25 per- week. Safe drinking water. C. C IFreenr.an, Proprietow rL J z It Fills Itself! There's never any trouble with this real fountain pen-just di'P it in any ordinary inkwell, press the "Crescent-Filler,", and it fills itself in four seconds. Self -Filling Fountain Pen fi Ls itself and every time it does that it cleans itself at the same time. That's why it doesn't clog, nor balk, nor act mean. It always writes smoothly and it never leaks. s2.50, s.3.0, s3.50, $1.00, $5.00 and up. Jc'~ Sake by THE SMOOTH EST TOBACCO 1 The Trouble-Proof Fountain Pene! Liggett's Gilbert's and Fenway choc- olates in perfect condition. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 S. Main St. If you want the best in Chocolates, try Liggett's, Edsill's IRexaa Irug Store, 122 So. Main St. eod Modern Methods give me best re- sults for printing and developing. Vis- it our work room and see for your- self. Lyndon. eod. Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Sits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25,00--Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf VER the hills with dog and Velvet is companionship indeed J Velvet, the finest leaf from old Kentucky-. aged by time--the only make-sure process. The leaf hangs in the old warehouse for over 2 years--gradually changing from green to mllow-then you get the smooth, full flavored, good tasting smoke that the southern planters themselves like. Never a bite in such tobacco. VelvetI Don't forget I .J 4 a , o q Iv.q J i v n; -- -.,.....,. 4 ; 1 .i 1 -_ ' + I } THE LEADING DEALERS IN ANN ARDOR Hear the Latest Popular Songs, Ten Cents per Copy. Mandolins, Guitars, Violins and their accessories. Best Goods for the Leskst Moiey Call and examine our Player Pianos. Good Pianos to Rent. Terms reasonable. Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St. The ConkUn Pen Mfg. Co. [oledo, Ohio. 100 a.,' M-r- - -- -- - * Full 2 ounce tins I Ss Po: 9 119 EA 11