THE MICHIGAN DAILL ID cnGE- AADING [TAILORS Text-Books T IE MICIGAN, DAILYf 80. C0O@PER Official newspaper at the University of, Mich- igan. A Full Line of Fresh and Salt Poultry and Fish Meats Text-ooksI New and second-hand, all departments Published every morning except Ionday dnr- I 19 E. ing the university year. An %St. .hoa. 660 For all Departments. Scond-Hand Books in great quantities, to you the uit possible itable price. > the best. uilt to fit. D R A W I N G INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the ichter Brand. entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, -Mich- igan nder Act of Congress of March 3, Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by m~ail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 960. Drawing Instruments and Engineer's Supplies Loose-Leaf Note Books of all sorts. Fountain Pens, etc., etc. Make our stores your headquarters. I :ect woolens of uality. The ment in the from. 1111 CO. tate St. LOG LOG SLIDE RULES Ask to see our Special $i 50 FOUNTAIN PEN I. P. NOTE-BOOKS The Original Loose-Leaf. All kinds of Students' Supplies at SHEEHAN & CO. STUDENTS' BOOK 'TORE I I S'S UNITED LINES 3OR TIME TABLE ress Cars for Detroit--7:10 ly to 6:10 p. n., also 8:1o troit-.:4o a. in., 6:o6 a. n., hours to 6:o6 p. M., 7 :o6 p. quio p. n., and 10 :45; p. in. ly, 7i :1, p. i1., :1 5 p. 111. o a. In. Jackson--7 :46 a. m. and to 7:46 p. in. kson-; :1! a. In., 6:;1 a. 11., ours to 6:51 p. ni., also 9:20 r I f it's $25.00, or so, you care to pay for clothes, by } all means have them tailored to order by USEVIPrice i ~ clo Five hundred hand- some Autumn and Winter Wooles, to select from. Maurice Touline...........Managing Editor Adna Johnson .............Business Manager WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1913. Night Editor-Leo N. Burnett MICHIGAN WAYS. Strangers to Michigan's campus and customs are wont to wonder. And we are not surprised. We boast of an in- dividualism, a democracy, and a hu- man sympathy that is rarely lived in everyday America. Our idiosyncracies are certainly at war with many of the business ways of workaday life.. Does your democracy work out as a practical, living method? This is the natural question that confronts the Michigan enthusiast. In reply we need but point to the Michigan Union. If the answer falls short of conclusive proof, it is no fault of ours, but rather the impossibility of an ideal. At least we approach attainment. And your human sympathy. Is it useful, is It also practical? Yes and more. It has become our measuring standard. A man has come to be so much a Michigan man as he interests himself in the Michigan Union or ac- cepts the Advisory system.' Truly this is a life well spent.. If it is worth while for four years, for four years of the formative period of your life, it is worth while for the time that it is to come. If these principles are not on all fours with the principles of many businesses, possibly the many businesses can be improved. Possi- bly graduates of the Michigan Union will aid materially in this. second- Sr rent You ITING R RILL -e Lunch L. FRED WS GROSS Exclusive Local Dealer 123 E. Liberty .Aotch C L A A Graceful High Band Notch Collar 2 for 25 cts. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers at their first social meeting at 6:00 o'clock Friday evening, October 3, in Barbour gymnasium, immediately after Dean Jordan's reception to the freshmen. Benefit Play to Appear at Whitney. An unusual amount of interest is connected with the coming engagement of Norman Hackett, '98, in his new play, "A Double Deceiver" at the Whit- ney theater next Saturday, matinee and night. The proceeds of these per- formances will be given to the women for the benefit of their athletic field. This is also of interest to the men as they use the field for the celebration of Cap Night. Special interest in the performance is taken by all students, foi Prof. Don- aid C. Stuart of Princeton who did the dramatization for Mr. Hackett was a University of Michigan graduate in 1903 and a member of the Comedy club which was founded by Mr. Hackett. O. Henry, who wrote "A Double Dyed Deceiver," upon which this play is founded, is being studied in Ameri- can colleges as the greatest example of modern short story writers and is accorded a position today with Edgar Allen Poe and Hawthorne. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dolph, Funeral Directors, best equipment in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 98. tf You can buy films many places, but you pay the same here for Fresh East- man Kodak films. Lyndon. Wed eod For lessons in dancing go to Gran- gers. 312 Maynard St., next to Majes- tic, 2-4 For Kodaks and photo supplies, open every evening until 9:30. Sundays 9:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lynodn. Wed Sun. Guaranteed self-filling, non-leakable Fountain Pens $1.50. Cushing's Phar- macy. 2-5 WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING Suits at $10.00--All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE,, $17.,50 to !TNA $25 State St. WAHR 'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES BEYOND akny QUEST ION Withstanding Every Com- parison---Ours is the Best Popular Priced Tailoring in America U Main We shew none but thoroughly good dependa- able fabrios--and the Fit, Style and Workman- ship of our garments are guaranteed in every . verybody Knows The way. ]busy The Old. Mission Shop .5 * * OF INTEREST TO W04REN. Edited by Stylus. * * * * * * * * * * * * Cream Soda-The Best. Lunches-Most Delicious Home-Made Candles-Delightful 315 SOUTH STATE STREET - ~~r ORS TO MEN S OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUIT0 HAVE UALITY that UALIFY S UICKL Y ~cow, Junior Advisory System. The junior advisory system for the benefit of the freshmen women, is now firmly on its feet and is proving to be a successful innovation. Headquarters for the juniors have been established in room 202 in University hall, Fresh- men women who desire advice of any kind may apply there. The system is an outgrowth of the faculty advisory system which was es- tablished some years ago. In this the freshmen were in direct touch with the faculty, whose varied interests and limited time made more difficulties. The present plan in which the junior women act as direct advisors to the freshmen with the cooperation of the faculty was begun last year. Prospective freshmen were assigned to juniors early in the :summer, and since that time have been advised and intsructed by means of letters. In this way the freshmen were given a cordial welcome into the university and many difficulties were overcome. Dean Jordan has found the system to be of inestimable value in simplifying the work of registration. We can save you $10.00 to $15.00 on your Suit or Overcoat this fall. Step in and let us show you how we do it. All garments fitted to you before finishing. QualityTaeilors 209 E. Liberty St. RAIN EARON COATS ~ ACKINAWS University Ave. HENRY & , 4 Myles Cop IPure Drugs ic Tailoring and Designing D Kinne S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule President Cashier V. President FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor, Mich, Capital $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $65,ooo. The Proper Place to Take Your Lady Friend for Dinner, Luncheon or Refresh- mnents is Everything in For the College Trade. Juaiors and their advisees will meet Main Street. t tf Toilet Articles and Brushes, We have a very complete he Fall Trade, in the most !ou are invited. Respectfully, 307 E. Williams St. Second Floor e Ann Arbor Savings Bank i Stock $3oo,ooo Surplus $soo,000 Resource; $3,ooo,ooo General Banking Business Transacted rS: Chas. , Hiscock, ires, W 1). Hai Ian, Vice-Tres. M. . Fritz. Cashier line of Woolens for fashionable colors. MACK'S TEA ROOM STUDENT, Fountain Pens F. A. Myles OUTFITTERS- Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner Combines seclusion with culinary perfection. Service a la carte. Open 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. on Satur- days till 9 p. m. Orchestra Satur- days. SECOND FLOOR Mack & Co. MAIN STREET Freshman Caps Gym. Shoes, Suits, Towe's, etc. Laboratory Coats and Aprons Engineering Overalls and Jackets Hold Caps Meisterschaft Shoes J. & M. Shoes Hawes Hats Holeproof Hose Redman Collars Arrow Collars Sweaters Rain Coats Mackinaws pptm I OMMOMWO I_, lowers usins ( HeIll olo. Cyst Flowers it of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Varsity Tailors Are you in line for a Fall Suit or Overcoat? Come in and let us show you our stock of Fall Woolens. The latest shades in fancy suitings. The Only Tailors that make High Class Clothes at Popular Prices. I SHOE REPAIRS? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Offilcial Shoe.Doctor to Michigan's Football Team WAGNER & COMPANY STATE STREET All Clothes Made by us Will Be Free of Charge for One KRUTSCH & PRACHT, i t . 1'