4 ATTENTION a distinction about Stein Bloch Clothes- that stamps their Quality and Style as Superior. The prices are no higher than clothes not nearly as good. LOOK UP YOUR CASH CHECKS FROM OUR STORE. If they bear any of the following num- bers 010 592 - 1259 be the first to return them to us on Monday, Nov. 3, and a Five Dollar Bill will be yours. Remember, the first one of these returned gets the "FIVER." I I TINKER & CO. Cor. STATE and WILLIAM STRELTS Reule, Conlin & Fiegel C CORRECT CLOT~ ... for Oentlemei They are designed, cut and t.ail the finest and most expert workme k.~>~ business. Better styles, fit and wc. ship than you get elsewhere. Co \\ tI ~more, but worth a lot more. Try tb you will see. Adler Rochester Clot Prices $18 to $30 Styleplus, $17 All the new things for fall await v in Men's Furnishings. Every ne' and pattern, including the famon iattans, at $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50. All correct shades in Gloves, va 5i.oo and uip. Neckwear, Underwe Trousers. Raincoats COPYRIGHT ADLKR ROCHFiESTER ' THE BIG STORE, PHONE Our IIACKINAWS the talk of the town. Furnishers and Hatters LirndcnschmidtApfel & Company Ladies' Sweater Coats IN WHITE, GRAY AND CARMINE BEST VALUE IN TOWN; ALL WOOL, $3.00 H. S. Pinney & Co, 614 E. Liberty St. The store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty IMPARTIAL JIU1)DE RENDERS VERDICT IN FAVOR OF "PROS." (Continued from page 1.) siall be appointed except by university governing bodies on the recommenda- tion of the faculty or president in the regular way and at a moderate salary." The contention that the faculty would not favor the appointment of a high- salaried coach is hardly warranted by the assumption that the faculty would be icalous of the coac-h's superior financial award for services rendered. VL Conference Legislation.-The Conference Code declares: "A major- ity vote of the representatives is sufficient to pass any measure, but all Con- ference legislation must be submitted to the faculties of the constituent mem- bers for approval. If on-e or more of the faculties rejects any measure within sixty days from the date the report of said measure is mailed to said member by the Secretary of the Conference, that measure must be reconsidered at the next meeting of the Conference. If, at such subsequent meeting, the measure passes by a majority vote of the Conference, it then becomes a conference rule, non-observance of which results in suspension." The anticipation of adverse legislation appears to be ill-grounded. The possibility of forbidding intersectional games is hardly a probability. .The fact that Conference author- ity is delegated authority and that each member may demand a reconsidera- tion of any piece of legislation that does not meet with its approval, provides reasonable assurance against possible calamity. There is always the possibility of withdrawing from an afliliation that is intolerable. VII. Eastern Competition.-it is generally agreed that eastern games are desirable. It has not been proved that eastern games would necessarily be sacrificed by a return to the Conference. Football histbry justifies the belief that good eastern contests may be scheduled by Conference teams while com- peting for western championship -honors. A conflict between the Conference track meet and the Eastern Intercollegiate Meet occured only once, the two meets usually being separated by an interval of one week. It must be granted that the baseball schedule would be somewhat restricted by the onference rule, but the addition of Illinois, Chicago, and Indiana on Michigan's southern trip, together with at least a part of the present eastern schedule, would offer an attractive itinerary. Sainstry. -The writer is convinced that the briefs under consideration warrant a decision in favor of Michigan's return to the Conference. . This decision rests upon the probable athletic gain by reason of a resumption of relationship with, western teams. It has been pointed out that Michigan would thereby gain financially, in athletic prestige, and also guard against the probability of further restrictions in its present western schedule. Since Michigan's eastern affiliations are restricted and there is a probability of still further restrictions, and since the objections to Michigan's return to the Con- ference appear to be offset by the superior advantages of a Conference associa- tion, the writer awards a verdict in favor of Michigan's immediate return to the Western Conference. Respectfully submitted, JOHN R. BR UMM. 0 A. 11 ,.I L 'low & Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date 1 S TUDENTS wearing glasses or feeling the need of thei will be pleased to know that Ann Arbor has a modern optical shop where services of an expert optometrist and optician can be had. Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without drugs, appeals to all who demand accurate eye exaninations, -made without loss of time or inconven- ience of having muscles paralyzed by drugs. 1E. H. Arnold, optometrist with Arnold & Co , is a recognized leader in advanced optometrical work. His complete office equipment combined with shop facilities to grind lenses, 4ogethC with years of experience as refractionist and optician, make his Optical System the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold Optical System 220 South Main Street All We I ofi*h ROWE'S LA 4 06 DETROIT se Cut Flowrs Palms and Ferns for Decorating St. and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 1 1 5 DRY GOODS STORE Royal Worcester AND Bon-Ton Corsets OUR LEADERS Schroen Bros. Phone 1000 124 South Main Street The Link between College TUTTL on State Street Serve Hot L -ve Try the Best idles, crackerjack drinks at 613 0. Liberty1 Better Than Blue Serge A Fine Blue Basket Weave at Popular Pi Cote in and let us convince you. rrr i .... . .. i RPHEVM " THE H OUSE OF FEATURES" .. FEATURE PHOTO PLAY Program for This Week MONDAY and TUESDAY "Self Convicted" 2-Reels-2 WEDNESDAY and TVRUSDAY. "High Treason" .2-R ee's- 2 FRIDAY and SATURDAY The Call" 2-Reels-2 MATINEE: 2:00, P. M.; 3:30 P. M. EVENINGS: 6:30 P.M.; 8 P.M.; 9:30 P.M. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY OF Bruce Grover THE WelIKnown Basso For Three Days, Starting Tomorrow, November 3rd Singing at Every Performance I1LL. USE TAG DAY TO SEND BAND EAST -- To raise a fund to send the band to Cornell three thousand tags, at twen- ty-five cents a piece, will be put on sale Tuesday. Special rates have been obtained from the MichigansCentral andcLe- high Valley railroads, to reduce costs to a minimum. It is planned to have the band leave Ann Arbor Friday night with the team. To fill up the special train it will be necessary to have about forty more men in the party. Those who wish to take advantage of this rate should call up J. R. Watkins. It is planned now to send the entire band of 35 pieces. Itemized expenses will be as follows: fare round trip including Pullman, $18.70; three meals at 50 cents apiece, $1.50; making a total expense of $20.20 per man. For 35 men this makes a grand total of $707.00. Small incidentals such as printing the tags, will bring the ag- gregate up to approximately $715.00. SENIORS WIN "BETWEEN THE HALVES" RELAY CHAMPIONSHIP The seniors were returned campus' relay champions of Michigan when the 1914 quartet came out victorious in the fall races held yesterday after- noen between the halves of the Mich- igan-Syracuse game. The race was one half-mile in length and the time for the distance was 1 :36. 1lICHICAN WINS EASY VICTORY OVER SYRA41USE1 (Continued from page 1.) punting of Hughitt. His kicks were no small factor in keeping Michigan out of danger during the last half when Syracuse showed flashes of the form expected. Castle's work, espe- cially in the second half, was com- mendable. The playing of Michigan's forwards was another excellent feature of the play. The Maize and Blue line opened' big holes for the backs on the offense, and on the defensive play, the linemen did yeoman work in stopping the at- tack of the visitors. The lineups and summaries follow: 117 E. Liberty St. Krutsch & Pracht Varsity I Haller Jewely Co. VAI M ....... Will move into new store 306 South State Street ADMISSION Adults, IQ Children, 5c I Syracuse Robbins,........L.E. Woodruff....... L.E. Hilfinger (C).... L.T. McElligot.......L.T. Armstrong.....L.G. White..........L.G. Shufelt, Ransler. C.. Babbit..........R.G. R.G. Propst. Trigg..: R.T. R.T. Farber, Travis.. R.E. Seymour........ Q. 11Q. Castle, Johnson. L.H. . % L.H Forsyth.........F.B. Wakefield.......F.B. Ross, ingsley.... R.H. Michigan . Lichtner .Tessin ....... Musser Traphagen ...... Cochran ... Paterson (C) Allmendinger ... . McHale ........Pontius .... Raynsford ..Lyons, James .Hughitt ......Bushnell ..Craig, Catlett- .Bastian Quinn, Mead .Benton Galt, Bentley Monday, November 3. Temporarily located in 308 S State St., one door south of new building. WILLIAM E. Dw"IETERI FORMERLY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR wishes to announce that he has opened a tailoming estab ment in Detroit at ...... FOR RENT. For Rent-Newly furnished single room. 1101 E. University. Call 359-L. 28-30 Lost--Between 226 S. 12th and Hill auditorium-a small black bead handbag. Return to Mrs. A. B. Wood, 226 S. 12th St. Lost--White gym shoe-on State St. or N. Univ. Ave., or in gym. E. E.' Brooks, Phone 570-J. 30 Lost--A Premo Camera 2 1-4 by 3 1-4 was left under seats where band sat. Finder please call up Norris. 1551. 30 Lost-Between Huron St. and Ferry field a small brown purse, contain- ing about $7. Windsor, Canada, printed across .top. Return to Kath- erine Doherty, 811 E. Huron. Phone 1892. 30 Lost-If person who accidentally bor- rowed Mackinac coat from Union a week ago Saturday, will call 661-L negotiations will be open with him, regarding its return. No questionsj asked. Reward offered. 30 ILyndoni will take Freshman Pietur- es this week. Large grouping stands, which are used each fall for Fresh- man class pictures will be put in place this week and the various class- es will be photographed by Lyndon with his Paneram Camera as follows: Laws.-Tuesday, 12:05 p. m. ;engi- neers-Wednesday, 12:05 p. m.; Lits -Thursday, 12:05 p. m. The laws and engineers usually turn out in full face, but out of the 600 or more lits only about 300 usually get in the pic- ture. Lyndon will have accommoda- tions for the full 800 Fresh-Lits-the longest class ever entered at Michri gan and hopes to see every last one on hand. 94 WEST FORT STREET With a Complete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS The Kempf Music Studios, Division St.- Phone 212-J. Voice, Pipe Organ, Harmony. 312 S. Piano, 1 eod Touchdowns-Craig 4, Hughitt 2, Travis. Goals from touchdown-Pat- erson 5 in 6 attempts, Castle 1. Safe- ty-Seymou r. Officials-Referee, Haines, Yale; umpire, Hinkey, Yale; 'headlinesman, Lynch, Brodi.. Time of quarters-15 minutes Lost-A Moore's fountain pen at Fer- ry field during the Syracuse game. Finder please reurn to The Michi- gan Daily office and receive reward. Special attention given to my College trade. The same pri with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. DIETERLE-VARSITY TAIL( f mmwwlmww MMMMN- Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music House, tf WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00--All wool, hand tail- ored, Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE. Main Street. t For Kodaks and photo supplies, open every evening until 9:30. Sundays 9:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 3:30 only Lynodn. Wed Sun. b d I LADI ES. I l 3 V r just receivied another ship ment of those stylish LOW HEEl DANCING PUMPS. Patents and Satin -black and white straps separate - worn either way Hmear theLttes~t Popular Songs, Ten Cents per Copy. Mandolins, Violins and their acgessories. Guitars, I can also put on these a SPECIAL RUBBWR\ SOI,$ making them unusually nice for Tanao./ Also a new DULL KID STRAP PUMP-low heel $3.4 Best goode for the 1,e kat Money Call and examine our Player Pianos. Good Pianos to Rent. Terms reasonable. Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St 119 E. Liberty St. I I A Arqft ) 14 ?A I I l I k4 Iil Il L l ,. , .,....,.Y. .._