i I 2 c r t'linute L At Winter weightl Rulbeir Slsfor WHITMAN'SCAD When you buy candy buy the best. It does not cost much more and it gives much more pleasure. Whitman's Candy always pleases. The prices vary according to the assortments, hoc, Soc and $i .oo a pound. We have all the new packages and assort- ments-up to $5.00 a box. M na w ,E o~n Society 0Brand Clothes Have "thai different air" of dis- tinction thai places thenm in a class by themselves, if you've vainly hoped that some day you would find a suit that measured up flush with your ideas, your desires will be more than realized in snappy models we are showings - Styles that smack with the smartness of the boulevards and college campus, yet are is strict kesping with refinement, See them today. Guaranteed Soles Calkins' Pharmacy / 324 South State Street 1-1-1 o iAe, Shoe Co. (')Tt' NI'1 IO}T. ;I Pringree Made 119 S. Main Siredt STL)D We can save you money by trading at our store. We Carry thle- best le of Men's Suits, Overoats, and Raincoats. We also carry the largest and most corn= plete lire of M b't urnish= ings, Hats an-d Caps. Ask to see our line of all wvool Mackitiaws. ammommalmnum mmawkwarrawm (11-eIfihigan aily ussuies' no re- slpoiisiblily for sentimetls explress- ed ,111 Co)l fl~l ca1liofl.) Editor, The Michigan Daily:-- I wish to male a correction in the figures given in issue of October 28 of The Daily, for paid admissions at Pennsylvania-:Michigan games played at Philadelphia in the seasons of 1906, 1909, 1110. and 1912. TPhe figures giv- en in The D~aily were absolutely cor- rect except that they failed to include the student admission on student books in 1906, 1909 and 1910. The correct figures for the four games arcs substantially: 1906...... ..1.3,179 71909. ................ 12,006 1910 J................11,838 1912..................9,71 'Phe agreement between Pennsylva- uia and Michigan covering our first six games provided that student ad- miss ions should not be counted in the settlement with the visiting team at either Philadelphia or Ann Arbor, up LOST. Lost--Pearl Crescent and Star Stick ]'in, Return to Daily for reward. 27-8-9 THE ,STATE WAINGS BANK Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus and Pr'oits $100,000.00 ANN ARBOR, MICH. Win. Arnold Win. J. Booth C. John Wolz, it vi ce-lies. President Cashier ztrirfil r ttt (rilafffe COpyr4ht 1913. Alfred De k r M Cuba WAll.!Z5 121-123 SouOt Mlai n Street 1 # MARK IN r . 'a .F. UE-RT OMPANI A ,SQUARE DEAL"' for e verybod)(y is the "Spald- irng Policy." We guarantee each brayer of an ar ticle h r i heepll~ Tvc Iam that such ,article will give satisfactiona 11an ireat ontabi e ; a11o111t of service. A. G. Spalding &Brus. 254 oodward Ave. S(nd fr Detroit, 'Mich~. oUrl' 40(lWj U suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Gus, Min and Hluron---Over Farmer's aid Mechanic's Bank. Lost-A Waterman fountain screw tlop. Finder please 1267. Reward. FOR RENT!. F'or Rent-Newly furnished room. 1101 E. University. 359-L. single Call 28-30 pen, phone 2 8-29 -! If you want the best try Liggett's, Edsill's Stare, 122 So. Main St. in .Chocolates, Rexat' J rutg eod to the number of 3,500. Pennsylvania, though having the season book sys- tem for -years, nevertheless must be considered as obtaining revenue fromn each and every student admission at every athletic event to which, these hooks grant admission. Hence to the paid attendances of each and every one of the first three Pennsylvania- Michigan games, played at Philadel- phia must be added 3,500 paid student ad missions. In short the Penn-Michi- gan gamnes including both those play- ed at Philadelphia and Ann Arbor, average more than 14,000 lpaid admis-- sions, instead of 11,000 as given in The Daily of October 28. (Signed) P. G. BARTELME. 1VOIA\ IS .PRESIDENiT OF TEACHIERS FOR FIR-ST TIME Mrs. (Cornelia Ihlist of txraud Rapids Elected to Hghes4 office in 3L S. TI. . The Michigan State Teacers Asso- ciation yesterday elected as president, Mrs. Cornelia Hulst, of Grand Rapids, the first woman to gain that honor since the beginning of the association 61t years ago. Oither officers elected were: First vice-president, S. . lHartwell, Kala- mazoo; second vice-president, Julia King, Ypsilanti; third vice-president, Fl. D. Lee, ancock; treasurer, C. L. Goodrich, Allegan; executive commit- tee, D. L,, MAlpine, South Haven, and kV H . Henderson, Ann Arbor. .MUSI('AND) DRAM. The miusical hit of three continents, "Th~le Quaker Girl,", will be presented at the Whitney theatre, November 22, matinee and night. Victor Morley, conspicuous for his work in "The Three Twins" and "Louisiana Lou," will head the cast, playing the part of Tony Chute, American attache at Par- is. Bernice McCabe, an attractive young actress, will appear as the he- roine. Since "The Quaker Girl" has never played in Ann Arbor, and as there is only one company now pre- senting it, the Whitney engagement is sine to be highly snccesst~l. UN\IV'ERsITY NOTI1CES. Union membership dano will be held tonight as usual at 9:00 o'clock. 'P'ickets that are left may be obtained at the desk today. ,The Graduate club will iod its first meeting of the year this evening in Barbour gymnasium. Dean Guthe of the graduate department will be the speaker of the evening. The Architectural department is holding an exhibit of drawings and designs in room 201-205 in engineering building. The exhibit will remain open until tonight at 6:00 o'clock. 'All men who were out for and re- hearsal Monday must appear in uni- form today, meet in hill1 auditoriunm at 1:00 o'clock. Have you gotten your directory l ThupplU'y is imrited. a1ler JB. 'EIBLER 109 W. Liberty Street Across from Mack's side entrance Company I IT'S e Park and Tilford JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Candies at reasonab~le prices.. is all we ask, Will be located ine Stor, A trial 306. S'N, State 5t. Weoffer an extensive dis- play of fine duality jewelry I SUDEN DRUG 302 S. STATE sWr~ this week. NOWADAYS I; Jew el Temporarily .ocated ir301 S. State n orsouthQ new building Geo-~c ish fI_ FlovastLiberty and Main Sts. 220 Napin Sireet Phone 809-C Choice cut flowers a d plants A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking bsiv r~at;a-asx- £ sr u ic ott PRI~8 UIL1NGAAYARDST Acos rr r~J~ im Modern Methods give me best re- sits for printing and developing. Vis- it our work room and see for your- sl.WE SLLGOD CLOTHING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf. Liggett's Gilbeirt's and Fenway choc- olates in perfect condition. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 S. Main St. eod We are offering a loose leaf book,! full leather book for $1.50 at Shee- han's. tf Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Sehaeberle & Son's Music lie use. t Michigani pennants and pillow coy- ei's at Sheehan's.. tf Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf' Michigan scrap books for $1.00 and $1.50 at Sheehan's. if (! V . " ° _ . _. __. y { ,i ! s r i - I ~ r' 5 q . " ,, ._ ;, x Exclusive Agqency for GIso Mandoi 's aud Guitars 'T'he Only Ins trui es fo r Club Men l+ p a VOL~ POPULAR IIITSg, iO CENT PER COPY rtm. : :,, , .®,: d R _. ri. avawn.3lrr e >_ ,: t ,.,n ;^ :.'s= 'a : w ,l d SPECIAL E°QUIPMEN T FOR GAS COOING Money on valuables, 108 East Huron.1 19-331 1 d For Fraternity and Club Houses. Hear the Latest Popular Songs, Teni Cents per Copy. Mlfandolins, Violins and their accessories. Rest Goods for th e Le eist P Call and examine our Player Pianos. Good Pianos Terms reason able. rThutsS l r A 1,11j1"y13ia~llows that you canf heap the briar bo.wli good toldt Velvet.- S!upov erb leaf-y te~eSt ef edoert ofa leaf harsnss--leavingL th4 rare degas mlons-uuPao--h mness so enjoyable. Velvet is free f all harshness. Smoke Velvet as ofte you like, always cool burning-"g old tudl " At all dealers. Increases lCleal- iin-ss and tliie cy. lehn for our RepresenitatIve to call an d ive you exp(,eNrt advice for your Kitchen Eqip- ment Guitars, Woriey >s to Rent. Grinnell Bros., 120-122~ E. Liberty St. Full Two 9A C Ounce Tbins10 l ci zya(o 7" U' owl C 4 ss Portr hm-1 !. 119 EAST_ LI