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October 30, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-10-30

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ich igan



WE HAVE 6,1000


Vol.XXIV, No. 27.




____ 1 i

I.111ireun M I'enity Iow% for Scrubs to
Carry aBil Over For Only
iow l During
Ser'i image.
Yost's newest Wolverine Varsity,
minus Torbet, Craig and Traphagen,
yesterday afternoon had an easy time
spilling ,Syracuse formations in the
hands of the scrubs. If the real thing"

Tentative arrangements have been
made for a special train of rooters to
accompany the team to Cornell. 50
men in addition to the 25 players and
coaches will be needed to insure the
special train. Round trip fare will
be $16.89 and as soon as the special
is assured Pullman reservations can.
be made, which are not included in
the fare. The train will leave Ann
Arbor Friday evening and arrive in
Ithaca about 9:00 o'clock Saturday1
Those who intend to go can insure
the special by leaving their names at
the Michigan Union desk.;

You ask why a Conference at all?
The east does not need one?
But the west does, and Michigan is
in the west. The west tried up until
1906 to get along without a Confer-
ence. The west failed, every president
in the west agreed, including Presi-
dent Angell, that a Conference was
necessary to western college sports.
The Conference was thus formed.
But the east? The east does not
need a Conference because it has "tra-
ditions" that have been handed down
for years as to what is right and
proper in athletics. These traditions
have been sufficient in the east.
We tried the eastern scheme up .un-
til 1906. We failed.
Can Michigan have Yost and go
back into the Conference? We sayr
Why? Because Coach Yost was em-
ployed first by Michigan when the fac-
ulty was in control. Coach Yost wasi
retained for eight years, until 1908,f
under faculty control.
But jealousy arising out of his sala-t
ry? Minnesota pays Coach Williamsc
and Chicago pays Coach Stagg, ast
large, if not larger salaries, , thanl
Coach Yost is getting. These men arec
appointed upon the recommendationr

Editor, Michigan Daily:-
The little "boxed" notice which
graced the upper right-hand corner
of the Tuesday edition of The Michigan
Daily encourages me to contribute to
the general melee in which pro- and
anti-conference men are engaged. Tak-
ing for granted that Michigan does
actually stand opposed to eleven uni-
versities in this difficulty, it must be
remembered that it stands opposed to
them only in its athletic policy. No
one will deny that the athletic policy
of a university should be adapted to its
general policy if athletic activities are
not to detract from the effectiveness
of the university at large. If we re-
enter the Conference and confess.opr
sins, real or imagined, we openly
avow that the west and not the east
is our proper sphere. An attempt to
compromise with both will only result
in dissipation of energy.
No one will deny that Michigan is
"growing into" the east rather than
into the west. The number of students
from the east is constantly increasing
and more rapidly than the percentage
from the west. The records at the
office of the general alumni associa-
tion and at the university offices will
bear out this statement. The hun-
dreds of alumni which the university
is pouring into the east are all fight-

-At a meeting of the senior lits, Pres.
Waldo Fellows announced the commit-
tees for the year:Social-Robert Stur-
tevnnt, Leo Burnett, Gaylord Chizum,
Herbert Wilkins, Beatrice Merriam,
Louise Robson, and Ellen Earle Riggs.
Auditing-B. A. Bartlett, chairman,
Frank Rowland, and Julius Lechner.
Finance--W. C. Mullendore, chairman,
and Margaret Eaton.
It was announced that a series of
dinners would be given at the Union
during the ensuing year. Also that
four dances will be given. Discus-
sion on the cane question was post-
poned to a future meeting .
Whole Student Body to (ather Again
Its illAuditoritm Before Team
Fights Syracuse.
,l% EGN A ,:1 OC CK



is to be jud;,d by the "dress rehears-
al, Michigai will have but little'
trouble Saturday with some of the
Orangemens' best.
To be sure, the scrubs managed to
squeeze over a touchdown during the
scrimnmage, but it required about two
dczen downs inside the Varsity 15-
yard line for them to do it. When
Y-st.saw that the reserves were une-
qual to the task of making a score in
the due course of events he ordered
]Zeferee Schulz to stop counting downs
and yards to go and wait until some-
thing happened. it took a long while
but eventually Quail plunged over for
a score from the Varsity 10-yard mark.
Pontius, Lyons and Musser fairly
fed on the best kind of Syracuse shifts
which the scrubs served up to them,
and Hughitt, playing at a defensive
halfback, grabbed everything that got
away from the forwards. The old-
time shift, seen every time Syracuse,
has come to Ferry field, was the piece
dc resistance of the scrubs, and with
the single exception of a 20-yard run'
by Roehm and the touchdown by
Quail, tho formatiens failed to yield-
anything. ]
The rooters, on hand for a prospect-
i inid-veek game, were disappoint-
ed in their hopes of seeing Torbet and
Craig in action. "Squib" was still suf-t
(Continued on page 4.),

,000 Are Already Here'and 1,000 More
Are Expected Before
Friday Noon.
Fully 5,000 teachers from all over
Michigan are in Ann Arbor today to
attend the annual convention of the
State Teachers Association. At least
1,000 more are expected to arrive by
Friday noon, making this one of the
three largest conventions the associ-
ation has ever held.
The convention will be formally
opened this afternoon when President
Hutchins delivers his address of wel-
come in Hill auditorium. Mr. Earl
Barnes, a former Cornell professor,
will speak at this meeting.
The landladies of Ann Arbor have
responded generously to the call for
rooms for the visiting teachers, and
provisions have been made for all who
will attend the convention. Meals will
be served by the Michigan Union, Y.
M. CA, city churches; and boarding
house:. Class and college banquets
will be held starting this noon.'
Hernry Lane Wilson, ex-ambassador'
to Mexico will deliver an address on
the "Mexican Situation" tomorrow
morning at 9:00 o'clock in Hill audi-
torium, and again at 2:15 o'clock in
University Hall. Governor Ferris will1
also speak at the morning meeting
and Dean James R. Angell of Chicago
University, will. speak at the meeting
of the college section of the conven-
tion tomorrow morning in the Pres-.
byterian church.

of the faculty or the president. ing for Michigan in the east, and the
EASTERN TRIP. past has proved that they are the men
Michigan annually has two baseball of influence and means. The east is
trips, one into the south and one into the source of our contributions and
the east. donations. Compare the alumni ban-
Why not leave the eastern trip just quet held in New .York in 1911 at
where it stands and substitute for the which a thousand alumni sat down at
southern trip a trip around the Con- five dollars per plate with the ban-
ference universities farthest south. quets held in Chicago, the strong-
Why not, we ask? Where there's a hold of the west. The Daily constant-
will there's a way. ly urges its readers to remember the
BALANCED CONTROL. distribution of alumni and to consider
Faculty control in the Conference their wishes in this difficulty. Can we
amounts to this: a complete control afford to reenter the conference and
by neither faculty nor students. dissipate our energy which the eastern
Faculty control in the Conference alumni are seeking to concentrate in
amounts to a balance of power. The the east? Can we afford to openly
faculty can veto any measure, but they and finally declare ,our allegiance to
cannot initiate any measure. The stu- the west, even if we keep one or two'
dents can initiate any measure, but games with the eastern schools which
cannot pass any measure without fac- the other members of the conference
ulty support. may forbid the day after w6 reenter
The control is in neither. The con- the conference? We must not forget
trol is divided. that we were unknown in the east
Minnesota, a Conference university, while we remained in the Conference
operates under the above condition'. and that since that time-in six years
Michigan as a Conference university, -we have established ourselves na-
can do the same. (Continued on page 4.)


Syracuse's appearance on the Ferry
field gridirdn is to be prefaced by a
mass meeting, to be held in Hill Au-
ditorium Friday night at 6:15 o'clock.
This early beginning is made neces-
sary because of a concert for the vis-.
iting pedagogues the same evening.
Arrangements for this second mass
meeting in the Hill auditorium are
well under way, with Walter Em-
coons, '14E, in general charge. It is
assured that the band will be there.
to help start the spirit bubbling, and
Earl Moore will be at the organ to
add to the musical end of the meeting.
It was found at the last mass meeting
that the students sang better with
some one to lead them, so "Eddie"
Kemp will be asked to be on hand.
'Hap" Haff will be the one looked to
for leading the cheers. Some member
of the faculty will be.asked to be pres-
ent, but to date no selection has been
Slides, both humorous and other-
wise. will be thrown on the screen
from the camera of the ever-present
Lundy." All students with any ar-
tistic ability, or ambitions, are urged
to cooperate with Mr. Lyndon in mak-
ing new slides, as the ones now in use
are growing to be an old story with
the student body.

Mudent Council, Board in Contro
Pblications, Cosmopolitan
('lub and Sphinx Are
"We petition thle Miehigan regi
for an immediate return to the (ion
ence uander the present Confer(
riles. Answer an unqualified "i
or "ino '
The student council, the board
control of student publications,
directors of the Cosmopolitan c
including faculty members and 2
Arbor citizens, gave a large majo
of affirmative votes in the can
conducted by The Michigan Daily a
terday. The results are as follow:
Student Council.
Y ,es: John I. Lippincott, Art
Kohler, 1H. Beach Carpenter, P
Blanshard, Waldo Fellows, *Ia
Gault, Harry Tait, L. J. Keliher,
bert Fletcher, T. F. McCoy, G. C. G.
more, J. S. Books, Harold S. Hulb
F. C. Daniels, C. W. Farley and S.
No: Kenneth S. Baxter, A. T. Ri
etts, J. Blakey Helm, Cyril Quinn I
George C. Paterson_
Board in Control of Student i'ubli
Yes: Professor Gordon C. Stor
Prof. James W. Glover, Charles
Crowe, Rowland W. Fixel and Edw,
G. Kemp.
Prof. F. N. Scott declined to st;
his position.
lbean J. R. Effinger personally
vors an immediate return under I
Conference rules but as a member
the faculty declines to affix his na:
to the petition.
Cosmopolitan ClubD irectors.
Yes: Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, Prof.
P. Bird, Fred B. Foulk, Prosecui
George Burke, '07L, Mr. A.. JE
nings, '89, and A. Scheerer.
No: John Bonilla and W. M. Joh

1 I Ella Yoiimg Addresses Teachers.
Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, Superin-
tendent of Public Schools of Chicago,
and one of the leading women educa-
tors in the country, was the chief
speaker at the banquet of the County
Normal Teachers at the Union last
night. Superintendent of Public In-
slruction Keeler acted as toastmaster,
and Mr. L. L. Wright also spoke. Mu-
sical numbers were furnished during
the dinner with dancing afterwards.
As a result of the competition for
new yells recently instituted by The
Michigan Daily, three new cheers have
been chosen and will be tried out for
the first time at the Syracuse game
mass meeting to be held in 1ill au-
ditorium Friday evening at 6:15
The committee of judges met yester-
day afternoon and after hearing dem-
onstrations of new yells by several
contestants, chose three. One yell
was written by C. H. Davis, 09, and
one by W. C. Achi, Jr., '14, a student
from llawaii. The latter yell is an
adaptation of a native Hawaiin battle
cry. The third yell is by an anony-
mous contributor.
'Ihe new yells will be thrown on
the screen by Lyndon at the mass
meeting Friday and Carroll B. Haftf,
\Va1rsity cheerleader will demonstrate


Lit l)epartzn enit Chanmplonship Decided
senior lits defeated the freshmen
yesterday by a 13 to 0 score, but no
scoring occurred in the junior-soph
lit struggle and the game ended 0 to
Kohler was the man responsible for
the senior's victory, the husky full-
1a sc-ad both touchdowns. In the
junior-soph scuffl( there were no par-
Ltular stars, all playing a steady
This afternoon the fresh laws will
play the soph medics. The game sched-
uled between the junior and senior
laws will be played tomorrow morn-
ng at 10:00 o'clock.
* * * * * * * * * *
* , -0- *
* A Convention edition of The *
* Michigan DIaily, published for *
* those interested in the school- *
' teachers' convention, will be on *
* sale this afternoon at 4 o'clock. *
* There will be niany items of in. *,
lerest in regard to the campus *;
* i general, as well as the partic- *
* ulars of the conuvention. Watch *
for the "Orange Wuxtra." It *
* will fit well into your srap *1
* book. *t
~* * *I * * * .* * * *

(Editor's Note-In order to avoid any possible criticism which may
arise as to the non-partisanship of the answers given in this Question Box,
two replies to each query will be given. One will be given by T. Hawley Tap-
ping, '11-'16L, a member of The Michigan Daily force, who will represent the
Pro-Conference side of the dispute. T he other answer will be given by an
Anti-Conference representative.
The questions should be addressed to the Question Box Editor and should
be short. The queries must be signed with the name of the author, although
upon request editors will sign the questions with the initials and class num-'

Acolytes, the honorary philosophical
society, elected the following new
members at a meeting Tuesday: H.
J. Weigand, Paul B. Blanshard, Ban-
ham Ewing, Albert DeGreeves, W. E.
Bingham, Leon W.-Frost, Glen Munn,
Hessel Yntema, C. S. Morgan.
Martin Ten Hoor, '13 Lit, was chos-
en arch acolyte and J. . De Cant
copyist. The next meeting will be in
two weeks when Professor R. M. Wen-
ley will read a paper.
Union Receives New Supply of Buttons
Union members who have not ob-
tained membership buttons may get
them at the desk today, as a new sup-

At its meeting last night, 13 S:
members voted "yes" with three
ative ballots, Other campus soc'
will poll on the question before
In a letter received yesterday,
Atkinson, '05, secretary of the I
Creek alumni association, stated
a strong pro-Conference seliti
prevails among the members o:

1. If Michigan rfturned to the Con- year to year so as to play with all
ference would she be allowed to con- the members of the Conference." This
tract games with such universities as was rescinded June 6, 1913, but it
she wished each year or would she could be re-enacted by a simple ma-
have to take on the smaller and weak- jority immediately upon Michigan's
er ones such as Indiana, Iowa, 'North-' return. Its effect still remains also,
western and O. S. U. in turn. W.G.H., for no Conference college now sched-
'15E. ules intersectional football games and
Pro: There are no rules in the Con- it is quite probable that the Confer-
ference relative to the selection of) ence would not allow Michigan to be
teams to be played, with the single ex- the only team represented in the east.
ceptiorg, of course, that Michigan is Myers.
not to be scheduled. Michigan could 2. Is there any regulation in the
pick her opponents from among the Conference Code making it obligatory
Conference as she chose, scheduling upon a Conference team to play every
only the more powerful elevens should other Conference team within a cer-
she wish. Tapping. tain period of time? L. P. '13.
Anti: The old Conference rule was The answer to No. 1 will probably
that "Each member of the Conference answer this query. There are some
shall schedule not less than four foot- elevens in the Conference which have'
ball games with other members of the not met for many years and who will
Conference and shall endeavor as far probably not clash for many more
as possible to rotate its games from years to come. Tapping-Myers.

ply was received yesterday. The to-
tal number of members is now about
2,700, and a campaign is being plan-
'ned to get members from among the
faculty, which will be started early
next week.
Botanical Exhibit Will Open Today.
Featuring a 'complete exhibit of
f large and vari-colored chrysanthe-
mums the second annual university
flower show will be formally opened
in Memorial hall today. More than
3,000 species will be shown during the
four weeks of the exhibit, all of which
have been grown in the botanical gar-


Coach Douglas, disgusted with t
showing of his men in Tuesday afte
noon's scrimmage against the Varsit
will give them a long grind this we
in an effort to get his team back
shape for the critical game with t
University of Detroit.
The All-Fresh were going at t
speed against Adrian Saturday, b
Tuesday the yearlings put up t
weakest argument they have ever gi
en the Varsity. This week's game w
be the hardest one of the schedule, ar
Douglas is determined to bring h
men back to their true form.
George Lawton, a former Michigi
fullback, coaches the U. of D., a]
Coach Douglas has his mind set c
raising the scalps of the former Wc
verine's proteges.




General admission $1.00-Students admitted on coupon No. 6. Students desiring to attend the game with friends not holding season b
may do so by purchasing general admission tickets, which will admit to any part of the sands,except a few sections reserved for mall order

, i

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