L l; l']. d Ir * u A L LYN DON "frs 1Hill1Auditori umi I I Latest English Lasts Kodak Films Finishing I VIEW BOOKS POSTAL CARDS Photographer of Convention Indian Moccasins More +Comfortable than Slippers MAY DISTRIBUTE DIRECTORY NOV. lI JNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR ly to wear Dress HATS In the Popular Velvets and rUPlOShe Liberty East DANA RICHARDSON ".lust a little better"$ The managers for the 1913-'14 Stu- dents' directory announced yesterday that the final proofs had been read and that the directory would be off the press in a few days. The directory will be ready for distribution about 25 days earlier than it was last year, when it was placed on sale on Novemn- ber 25. Two professional proof-readers went over the proofs besides the reg- ular student reader. This insures an almost perfect record of students of the University, their addresses, and various; classes. Afeature of the directory will be the names of some of the, sororities and fraternities of the State Normal school at Ypsilanti. -Because there was no quorum, pres- ent at the student council meeting last niight no definite decision was reach- ed regarding the sending of the band to Cornell. WORKING STUDENTS START CAMPAIGN Condemning the present sanitary conditions of student workers in the kitchens of the boarding houses in Anin Arbor, working students have in- augurated a campaign to better their environments and services. The scheme has met. with the ap- proval of the University health ser- vice, The Michigan Union, the Y. M. C. A. and the leading boarding houses. The committee in charge of the~ campaign were appointed recently at. a meeting of the working students in the university, and consists of Melvin E. Case, '15E, chairman, Lewis C. Rei- mann, '15, and Frederick 0. Bishop, 15E. The committee will make a ;eneral canvass of the boarding hous- ~s, circularize the 1,000 or more work- ing students in Ann Arbor, and call a mass meeting for general discussion. MAJESTIC Big Doings!. Thursday Friday Oct. 30-3 1 "EVERYMAN In Three Acts Benefit For ANNO Wornan's Club One Night Only Monday, Nov. Special Attractions lit of M, Moving Pictures See Yourself In the Movies MATINEE-NICHT Wednesday, October 2 t BERG' ST. JOHN'S Merry Musical Fa i ce " it A Cast of COMEDIANS and SINIARS eaddb Qcnie Carilla as floroily Whitney I Tuesday Wednesday .10. Nov. 4-5 Parquet - Balcony Matinee: PRO~50c, 35o, 25c . . . . 25c, 20c Adults .15, Children .10 -rAX Yr .MA] IR - I Ji PHCIi DN F 166 New University Motion Views xLN- '1 I3t 1 When; on hospitable thoughts intent -REME"BER BEY has the most complete line of; ORMS for FANCY ICE CREAMS 1 MOULDS in the city. QUESTION BOX. ifee Roasters and Wholesale Grocers an .& Co., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. COACH TIES OUT IlS NEW FLANKS (Continued from page 1..) for I chi gan in the games to come. The little quarterback hasn't been called on heretofore for this type of football and he is having a hard time Sperfecting him self. His kicks yester- day lacked distance and drive. The coaches also worked with Lichtner at off ensive end. Wihile the scrimmage was going on "King" Cole took a few second string Varsity men, added to them a quar- tette of scrubs and pro ceded to make a Syracuse eleven out of the combi- nation. And in the near fuxture this troupe is to make its appearance be- fore the Varsity in dress rehearsal of the coming~ Michigan-Syracuse battle. d (Continued from page -1.) ed and the division of the gate-re- ceipts.) Marten Ten Hoor, '13. Not so far as is known. There is nothing in the records to indicate this. Tap ping-Myers. 6. Was not the training table leg- islation directed at Michigan since the commons system at Chicago precluded the necessity of any table at Chicago? Was not Michigan the only member to suffer by this legislation. Marten Ten 1-boy,-'13. No to both questions.. Conditions at such universities as Illinois, Wiscon- sin, Iowa and others are practically identical with those at Michigan. Tap- ping-Myers. COMMUNICATION. WHITNEY Three Days Only T hursday, Friday, Saturday Oct. 30-31, Nov., Matinees: Friday-Saturday, 3 P. M. MORT SINGER'S "The Hert I breakers' i EmTP LE H E AT RE Down Town on Main Street Wedne sdaliy, October 29 KAI EM Feature Fill LET THE A MUSICAL GIRL SHOW 35-" PEOPLE -.35 By RESH MAN Press Your Clothes WJE DO LADIES' 0OK The Overcoat Question You can't dodge it Don't shiver and snuffle I Cover up now (Continued from page 1.) and some of which were deemed by the Board to be, under conditions ob- taining at Ann Arbor, not conducive to the best interests of those who par- ticipate in athletic games. (Signed) G. W. PATTERSON, Chairman of Board in Control of Ath- 1etics." s (Signed) E. J. Phillips, '14H: -Triangles, the junior engineer hon- orary society, initiated ten new mem- bers at its meeting last night. The men, who were chosen on personality and scholarship, are: J. C. Abbot, H. {-H. Caswell, V. M. Chatfield, J. E. Hughes, W. D. Johnson, P. H. Middle- ditch; H1. S. Parsons, 1. IL Reindel, F. W. Sheehy, and W. H. Stewart. Newsboys call at Michigan Daily of- fice and find out about the big C1onven. tion Extra. Bough and Adams Production Intact Prices First 13 Rows Orchestra - 50c Balance Orchestra - 35c 1st Four Rows Balcony - 35c Balance Balcony - ?5c Seats Tuesday 10 A. M. Ca 1. KIDD, 917 Lit. Garrick Theater DETROIT, flCRJIOAN Triumph Under Two Flags HELEN WARE, as Mfary Turner in ""Within the Lawe" WASHINGTON THEATRE Detroit, Mich. JULIA HERNE IN "A WOMAN'S WAY" Sacrific at the Spiliway" Admission -10 Cents Ch~CtFlowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Necoraking Cor. 12th St.and S. Univ. Ave. P"hone 119 S ki- 1112 S. University Ave. ARCADI.A ONE-STEP Monday Night Class at PACKARCD ACADEMY Classes every Moanday and Friday 7 P. M. Pri~vate lessons by appointment. All late approved dances will be properly taught. Phone, 1 850 J - 570 L. We are well equipped to serve you. WAGN ER & Co. Importing Tailors state Street 4 o Furniture Pianos .O ra9 +Merchandise Frank Bros.'7 - Fifth Ave. Boot Shop Builders oi SMART COLLEGE FOOTWEAR 224 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y.V Exhibit Shop: 326 S. State St., Anon Arbor, lic h C. E. GODFREY froman inkwell 11 41 0 N. 4th Ave. Phone 82-L ! four Seconds Il I/I 7 / rF - O~P~EUM You, should know the wide assortmnent of II 11 . : 9 a M 1 i "THE HOUSE OF FEATURES" 0u r Self-Filling -Fountain Pen COMING Toilet Soa'ps TO-N IGHT "The Wages Cleans itself while it fills itself. It always writes smoothly-never falters. It won't clog. It can 't leak. Nothing to take apart. $2.50,. $3.00, $3.50. x$4.00, $5.00 and rip. For sale by The Leading Dealers in _ Ann Arbor Conklin Pen Mfg. Co. -- Toledo, Ohio of Sin" Thursday "he Gangster" Friday and Saturday " The Feudists" 2 ...REELS-2 AD MISSION Adults, 1 C Children, 5c A soap for every purse and purpose. i i Delicately scented soaps and unscented ,,, aj ;--we have a -soap to nmeet your purpose. 3- wREELSv -3 The4 UNIVERSITY AVENUE PAM C GOULDING & WIKEL 1219 So. University Ave. Telephone Us, 416 We insist on satisfying MATINEES, 2:00, 3:30 NIGHTS, 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 IF - 1,._ its by t r .. _/rr i1r u r Are :sure to Please Sj