Vol. XXIV, No. 25.
Star Half Gets
After Tra
in L
GaIlt Picked as
T eservi
"Jimmie" Cra
position at left1
Into Regular Lineup *
ling First Team *
ong Signal *
Drill. *
Craig's RMnning Mate; *
$s Beat Scrubs *
18 to 0, *
ig appeared in his old *
halfback in the Varsi- *
* * * * * * * *
Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
This excerpt taken from The
Michigan Daily editorial of Jan-
uary 22, 1907, is the foundation
on which we stand. Arthur C.
Pound was managing editor at
time and represented anti-Con-
ference sentiment.
"Now we consider the Confer-
ence as outgrown, and propose
to draw away. We have seen the
folly of a great university plac-
ing herself at the mercy of three
or four small schools. We
have learned from the east,
where they do these things bet-
ter than we do in the west,
that the ideal position in athlet-
ics is to stand alone, provided
we are strong enough, we have
no doubt, just as Harvard, Yale,
Conrell, .Princeton, and Penn-
sylvania have proved themselv-
es 1
s *
(The Michigan Daily assumes no re- later found it led to probable disrup-
sponsibility for sentiments express- 'tion and bankruptcy. But more of
ed in communications.) !this later.
I hope the, editor is not disingenu-
Editor, Michigan Daily:- ous. He states that I favored Gov.
In my article last Friday I assumed Osborn's suggestion. I did not. I
that the editor of the Daily was asfa- would have him read my article again.
What I did say was "they appeal to
ty signal practice late last evening. . J. PHILLIPS, '14H.
All afternoon Craig trailed the first *
team during the long drill on the
plays, and a short time before the Refercnce' to Back Files on Confer-
practice was over Coach Yost sent ence Question.
him into the lineup. Back files of the Daily may be had
The other important development in bound volumes in the Library:
of the practice was the shift of Torbet Oct. 19, 1905; Dec. 5, 1905; Dec. 7,
to fullback and Lichtner to defensive 1905; Dec. 10, 1905; Dec. 17, 1905;
end in accordance with announce- Jan. 10, 1906; Jan. 12, 1906; Jan. 19,
ments made by Coach Yost just after 1906; Jan, 23, 1906; Jan. 25, 1906; Jan.
the Vanderbilt game. Torbet, at 1906; Jan. 23, 1906; Jan. 25, 1906;
fullback, will be able to take care of Jan. 30, 1906; March, 7, 1906;
the launching end of the forward-pass 27, 1906; April 7, 1906; May 1, 1906;
plays, without calling undue atten- Jan. 5, 1907; Jan. 8, 1907; Jan. 13,
tion to himself by dropping back from 1907; Jan. 15, 1907; Jan. 16, 1907;
his end. If the shift is a permanent Jan. 17, 1907; Jan. 19, 1907; Jan. 22,
one, Lichtner, who has previously 1907; Feb. 26, 1907; March 3, 1907;
been used at guard or center, will March 8, 1907; April 11, 1907; April
play the flank station on offense. His 25, 1907; Oct. 3, 19007; Oct. 12, 1907;
experience at loose center on defense Oct. 22, 1907; Oct. 24, 1907; Nov. 17,
will make it easy for him to 1907; Dec. 3, 1907; Dec. 14, 1907; Dec.
play defensive fullback in the Michi- 20, 1907; Jan. 10, 1908; Jan.
gan system of play. 11, 1908; Jan. 14, 1908; Jan.
Galt was in at right half on the 15, 1908; Jan. 16, 1908; Jan. 21,
first string, and after his wonderful 1908; Jan. 29, 1908; Feb. 29, 1908;
showing at Nashville, critics are pick- Oct. 27, 1908; Jan. 23, 1909; March 9
ing him as the certain running mate of 1909; Nov. 24, 1909; Dec. 12, 1909;
Craig. Michigan will then be in the Dec. 18, 1909; March 3, 1910.
unfortunate predicament of having These are a few ofthe dates. Every
two halfbacks with bad knees, but in issue contains something relating to
Bastian, Catlett and Bentley Yost has Michigan athletics and . if carefully
worthy substitutes. read by the student, I hardly think he
J-ughitt ran the first team at quar- will want any outside help in his de-
(Continued on page 4.) cision. E. J. PHILLIPS, '14H.
(These differences have been formulated by The Michigan Daily after refer-
ence to the Conference Code and minutes of the Conference meetings, up
to the last meeting of June 6, 1913. The results have been.thoroughly ver-
ified and no mistakes were found. The Michigan Daily stands ready to
make the necessary corrections where a mistake is proved.)
1. Training Table, i. e. the payment by the Michigan Athletic association
of the excess above $4.00 for the candidates' board.
2. Freshman team competition, i. e. playing with teams outside their own
3. Home rule, i. e. the Michigan Regents have demanded that the central
government of the Conference shall have only the powers that are expressly
delegated to it by a unanimous vote of the members of the Conference.
4. Faculty Control. In the Conference universities this means that the
faculty or the president of the university must have, at least, a veto power over
the board, which contains student or alumni representation. It is not neces-
sary that the faculty have an initiative power of legislation.
a. Appointment of Coaches. At Michigan the coaches are appointed by
the Board in Control after advisement with and consent of the president of the
university. Under Conference rules, "No coach shall be appointed except by
the university governing bodies, upon the recommendation of the faculty or
president, in the regular way and at a moderate salary."
6. Preliminary Training. ,At the Conference universities there can be no
preliminary training before September 20. Preliminary training starts at
Michigan two weeks before the opening of the university session. (The uni-
versity seldom opens before October 1.)
1. Local control of athletics to Conference representatives. This rests
upon the principle that nine great western universities have found it neces-
sary to combine in protecting amateur college sports, instead of leaving this
question, as has Michigan to the jurisdiction of single, isolated governing
2. Competition of fresh teams with outside institutions.
3. Training table, i. e. payment of excess over $4.00 per week by athletic
4. Alumni and student control for, at least, a veto power vested some-
where in the faculty.
5. Start preliminary training on September 20, rather than two weeks be-
fore the opening of the university session.
6. Change the selection of the coaches from the Board in Control of Ath-
letics to the appointment upon the recommendation of the President or the fac-
ulty. The Michigan coaches, however, have never been appointed without the
sanction of the president.
1. Eastern relations, in track, baseball and football.
2. A seven game football schedule with what universities she pleases..
3. Twelve baseball games with Confere.nce teams and with no limit on
number of outside games.
4. The present coaches and the present coaching system.
5. A definite standing in athlt'ics at the end of the session.
A championship is always possible.
6. Competition, with rivals that are hers by nature and distribution of
students and alumni.
7. Competition with teams that are under the same training and eligi-
bility rules.
8. Basketball reestablished.
9. More track meets and more home track meets.
10. Can be host at big all western meets.
11. More frequent interchange Hof friendly relations 'between student
miliar with the past as well as the
present history of Michigan's Con-
ference question, as in the columns
of the Daily he professes to be. I en-
deavored to give a resume of the ques-
tions most mooted, past and present.
I will answer the specific instances
alleged to be misstatements in your
editorial and then show that the oth-
er statements obtain today, according
to articles printed by the Daily in
Saturday's issue.
The editor says: "The Conference
does not rule with whom any particu-
lar member shall play; except to say
that no games shall be scheduled with
a University formerly in the Confer-
Is not this a distinction without a
difference? 1% it not a contradiction
in terms? The Conference ruled by a
majority that no member of its body
shall play with a "former member,"
meaning Michigan. Let us consider
this from the point of an uninterested
party, and the fact still remains that
no member of the Conference may
play a particular outsider, even
though they live up to all the rules of
amateur and collegiate athletics, as
adopted by the national rules com-
mittee and other bodies governing
these sports outside the Conference,
and these bodies are repre-
sentative-I say the fact still remains
that no Conference'team dare play
this particular team-happening to be'
in this case Michigan. You say this
is the only exception. Nevertheless
it is the exception that proves, the
rule and we have no guarantee that
some day there will not be another
recreant? Suppose Michigan were a
member of the Conference and some
other college were expelled for rea-
sons which Michigan as a Conference
member did not object to, yet Michi-
gan being in the minority would have
to boycott that team. Suppose Michi-
gan had a contract with said school
and it was a great institution, as
Michigan is now, and we desired to
play them. We would have to drop
that school and wear the yoke of the
Conference. (By the way this is one
of the reasons that the Regents re-
cently asked for unanimous vote in
Conference for the adoption of laws
and 4their. request was turned down.)
I ask is not this ruling with whom
Conference teams shall play? The
editor may reply by saying this Z a
'conclusion' or even a 'personal view,'
the latter being attributed to the writ-
er in the Illini Daily. Whether it be
a conclusion or not, it has a firm foun-
dation and the concrete .fact cannot
be wiped out. Let the students de
cide. Why should Michigan assume
the yoke again?
In further support of this: 0. S. U.
played with Michigan and Syracuse.
O. S. U. joined the Conference and
both Syracuse and Michigan were
dropped. Again Minnesota played with
Michigan in 1909 and 1910. Minne-
sota was threatened by the Conference
and dropped Michigan. (See Mich.
Daily Dec. 18, 1909).
Further in support of this. On
March 3, 1907, Judge Lane said he
had communications from Conference
schools (three) intimating that they
would not schedule games, if Michi-
gan remained obdurate. You say that
this is a disciplinary measure-boy-
cott. Yes, dictation; and prohibits
Conference colleges from playing
whom they wish to play. There is no
guarantee whatsoever that the same
situation will not rise again. Why
should Michigan give up this "home
rule" principle?
Therefore the statement that the
Conference does rule is correct, un-
less we split hairs?
It is true that there may be no rule
now in the Conference limiting the
number of games, but there was. I
was giving some history for the sake
of future judgment. How can we
judge the future except by the past
and present? In spite of Michigan
they retained the five-game rule and
all,and to, me seem to be diametrically
opposed to the principlesnow prevail-
ing in the Conference." Nowhere did I
say that I favored them. Gov. Osborn's
ideas seemed to be the best advanced
that evening. I enclose what the anti-
Conference men favor and ask you,, as
a "good sport" to give it place on the
front page every day till the election
is over.
As to the article quoted from the
Daily Illini, The Freshman team and
"home rule" questions are far from
being the personal view-point of that
editor, and which he ridicules as be-
ing "ancient issues." To us Michi-
ganders they are very, very pertinent,
important and precious.
These are all the questions the edi-
tor challenged, and yet they are true.
As to my other statements: Let us
turn to Saturday's issue of the Daily
and see what Michigan is asked to
surrender to the Conference and let
them rule us.
Comparing my article with Satur-
day's Daily, I presume that the editor
admits the other statements not spe-
cifiically challenged are correct.
Was not the editor a little prema-
ture in his Sunday editorial charging
mistakes and errors?
Editorial-Mr. Phillips argues that
our exception proves the rule. The
Conference universities cannot play
one university, they can play any other
in this broad country, there are hun-
dreds of them, including the colleges.
Yet he says that the exception proves
the rule. What kind of reasoning is
Yes, Michigan must live up to the
Conference rules if she goes in the
Conference. Organiations must have
* * * * * * * * * * *
* TION. *
* -0- *
* Voters: Students, faculty, and *
* alumni. Each allowed one *
* vote. *
* Question:"We petition the Mich- *
* igan Regents for an immedi- *
* ate return to the Conference, *
* under the present Conference *
* rules." *
* Vot : Unqualified, "yes" or "no." *
* Method: Students: sign name *
* and class on back of athletic *
* coupon number 35. *
* Faculty and Alumni: Any sign- *
* ed form. *
* Time: Monday, Tuesday, and *
* Wednesday, November 3,4, and *
* 5, 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. *
* Places: Ballot boxes will be lo- *
* cated as follows: Michigan *
* Union, The Michigan Daily, *
* Waterman and Barbour gym- *
* nasiums, University hall, En- *
* gineering building (2), Law *
* building (2), Economics build- *
* ing, General library, Chemical *
* building, Medic building, Den- *
* tal building, and Huston Bros. *
* Judges: Maurice .Myers,. anti- *
* conference; Maurice Toulme, *
* pro-conference; Dr. A.G. Hall, *
* mediator. *
* This board will count and tab- *
* ulate all ballots, rejecting those *
* which are not in strict accord- *
* ance with the regulations. *
* *
* Purpose.: This an earnest, con- *
* scientious effort to ascertain *
* the real sentiment of the stu- *
* dents, faculty, and alumni. *
* The vote will be presented to *
* the Regents at their Novem- *
* ber 14 meeting: *
* Nooecncncetosy*
* No one can ~conscientiously *
* vote until e has familiarized *
* himself wi h the issues. *
* (Signed) *
* A. G. HALL, Registrar. *
* MAURICE MYERS, '11-'14L. *
* MAURICE TOULME, '12-'14L. *
** * * * * * * * * *