THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 6. U. WILD , . THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the best tailored suit possible at the most suitable price. Workmanship the best. Every suit built to fit. Our stock of woolens of the highest quality. The largest assortment in the city to select from. Foot Ball GOODS- Shoulder Guards, $4.00 Foot Ball Pants, $1.6 Shoes - -. $0 Head Gears, $2,00-$4.00 Foot Balls, $1,00-$5.00 GYM SUPPLIES A Complete outfit for $2.25 SHEEHAN & COB STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE I 6. B.: WILD CO. 311 S. State St. DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE Limited and Espress Cars for Detroit-7 10 a. Iin. and hourly to 6 :io p. in., also 8:1o p. Ii. Local Cars for Detroit-:qo a. in., 6 :o6 a. in., and every two hours to 6 .o6 P. in., 7o6 p. li., 8:o6 p. m., 9:1o p. in., and o:45 P. U1. '1o Ypsilanti only, t i :1=5SP. iM., 12:15 p, . f 2:30 p. mn., 0 .am. In. Limited Cars for Jackson-7 :46 a. in. and every two hlours to 7 :46 p. in. Local Cars for Jackson-5:12 a. in., 6:5r a. in., and every two hours to 6:51 p. in., also 9:20 p. Inl., 11:15 p. in. J COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered frorn E. D. Kinne S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule President Cashier V. President FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor, Mich, Capital $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $65,ooo. r. I It's easy to secure Clothes ol (authoritative style, per- fect fit and genuine dura- bility if they're made expressly for you. We have the styleand wool- ens that will please you no matter- how ex- ,acting y ou r taste may be. ( $20, UP 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postofce at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy ; University Pharmacy ; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 96o. Maurice Toulme..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson............. Business Manager News Editor Sporting Editor I. Beach Carpenter Gordon Eldredge Assistan* to Manager Fred Foulk. F. M.dChurch ....Assistant Sporting Editor Leonard Rieser ......Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill......... Music and Drama Harold Abbott................. Cartoonist NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett REPORTERS Carhun Jenks Bernus Kline Y. F. J. Hi-su Chester ang F. F. McKinney H. C. Rummel ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson John Leonard BUSINESS STAFF Myron Watkins F. G. Millard SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1913. Night Editor-Bernus E. Kline. A DECLARATION OF FAITH. It is the sincere and conscientious wish of The Michigan Daily to present to The Michigan Regents the, sentiment of the students, faculty and alumni on a return to the Conference. For this reason, be .it known here, there and everywhere, that we want to be fair and give equal opportunities to each faction. Editorially, The Michigan Daily will urge, with all its power and strength, an immediate and unqualified reen- trance into the Conference, according to rules that are now in force in the Conference. Our news columns however are open'' to a discussion of the questions for both sides. We invite communications. Be- cause of our limited space we pray that these expressions of opinion be made concise. We want to run all and any communications and we have run all that have been received up to the pres- ent time. If we 'are to do this in the future, when the number will be great- ly increased, the communicants must cooperate with us by being brief. All communications must be submitted to the Managing Editor before 6:00 o'clock on the day preceding their ap- pearance. Now regarding our criticism of com- imuications. That right we reserve. Whenever there is misstatements of fact, such as there were in Mr. Phillips' communication of Friday morning, The Michigan Daily claims that it is not only its privilege to correct mis- takes of fact in its editorial columns, but it is a duty. If we, on the other hand, make a mistake on the pro-Con- ference side, correct us. Do it publicly by a communication appearing in The Michigan Daily itself. We have offered our opponents full access to the news columns, equal rights to ask and answer questions in the Question Box, have placed the ac- cepting and tabulating of votes in the hands of a balanced board and now we offer them the use of all the material and data that we have collected for the campaign that is now being carried on. Call at The Michign Daily office STATE cor. HURON Rev. F. S. LORING, Minister Trousers, $ 1.5043.50 Shoulder Guards, $1.5044.00 Head Gears, Shoes, SUBJECT, OCTOBER 26th at 10:30 Athletic goods of all kinds. Every article guaranteed. UIVING UP TO TH E RULES OF THE GAME U Y OUN G P E OP LE S W A RM7 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES SOCIETY AT 7 p. L Unitarian SUBJECT THE RELIGION OF GOETHE Speaker: Prof. Boucke $15.00 sAVED Class 2Lrif' TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt, and second- hand, for sate or rent My Rental Sale Proposition Will Save You Money Boys we are making a specialty of a full dress suit at $35.00. Owing to the fact that we bought 300 yards of a very fine dress suiting, has enabled us to give ycu a $50.00 dress suit at a saving of $15.00. We give you the very finest of workmanship, fit and style with a pure silk lining in both body and sleeves. Come in and examine the coat we have made up, then place your order now. A telephone call will bring us to your house with a sample of our work if you find you are too busy to call. 300 yards will not last forever-place your order at once. Suits to order at popular prices Church $1 .50-3.00 $3-50%00 will find our stock Foot Ball Goods the most conmplete in Vashteiiaw GROSS ON LIBERTY COPYA"3T BY COAVP5c aa 11 p. i .1 The Go for Lunch Try Our Morning Lunch Before that 8 o'clock We Promise the BEST CUP OF COFFEE in Ann Arbor or communicate with the managing ed- itor and our files, our Conference mi- ukes, our Conference Code, our history of the situation, everything and any- thing that we have on the question, is at your disposal. If this is not used, or if the Confer- ence adherents are more active than their opponents, is The Michigan Daily to blame or is the vote that will be started on Monday November 3 to be any the less conclusive or less fair? Editorially, then we will attack any communication that contains a mis- statement of fact and urge the pro- Conference side of the controversy. In our news columns, in the Question Box and in the voting regulations and supervision, we are all equal. Are we showing ourselves good sports? Are we unfair to anyone? If so tell us what we can do, without changing our convictions or complete- ly overbalancing the fair play to both sides, and that we will do. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Tryouts for the senior engineer relay team will report to Director Rowe at Ferry field from Monday until Wed- nesday between 3:00 and 4:00. Meeting of fresh lit election board, tomorrow afternoon, 4:00 o'clock,Mich- igan Union. Petitions will be received at this time. Soph lit football practice, tomorrow, Ferry field, at 3:00 p. m. Election of captain. The senior women's section of the Deutscher Verein will meet Monday evening at 7:00 o'clock at Prof. Diek- hoff's. At a meeting of the senior lit class to be held Monday at 4:00 o'clock in the west physics lecture room the so- cial program of the year will be an- nounced and the social committee ap- pointed. The Quality Tailors E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. Raincoats, Mackinaws, and Shirts to order $1 to $25.00 e Pure Drugs Talk Safety Buy Safety Use Safety. . 10 11; LOUIS DEL PRETE FINE TAILORING CLILAN1ING AND PRES ING LIBER'TY STREET. above Liberty Ear- ber Shop Formerly head coat-maker for Dieterle The Proper Place to Take Your Lady Friend for Dinner, Luncheon or Refresh- inents is IMACK'S TEA ROOM Combines seclusion with culinary perfection. Service a la carte. Open 8 a. i. to 5 p. n. on Satur- days till 9 p. m. Orchestra Satur- (1ays. SECOND FLOOR Mack & Co. MAIN STREET TAILORS TO MFN RAZORS ;1 OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE U ALITV that UALIFYS UICKLY Q oarry Druo CO. The Druggists on the Crner 711 N University Ave. HENRY & co. Clothes that are Tailored Right That's the kind that we make." A call is solicited. i WAI KING LOO 1SHOE REPAIRS? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING Come Up and Try JOHN. H. LAMBERT George's Chop Suey 613 EAST WILLIAM Delicious Chinese and American Dishes . Official Shae Doctor to Michigan's 341 South State Street I Football Team an r s a We Carry a Fine Line of Conk- lin's Fountain Pens, 703 Packard Street from $1.50 up. Come in and get fisted. Bishop RoberLtM ulltAyr OKLAIIOI1A Ci TY 607 E. William St. Seoond Floor .... The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $zoo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Officers: Chas. E. Iliscock, Pres., W. D. Har- riman, Vice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier Schlanderer & Seyfried " o~ .* .. .w ....... ..." ARROW YJZCOLLAR Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers A2NOKA 2 r 2 Flethodist Church This Evening SUBJECT: In the Beginning==Go< JEWELRY <'s-Portraits, but you will y 11)A4T" T v