i T' distinction about THE NEW DERBY Reule, Conlin & lit= Stein Bloch Clothes that stamps their Quality and Style as Superior. The prices are no higher than clothes not nearly as good. Our MACKINAWS the talk of the town. Lindenschmi&tApf &Companly From the Shops of : i, J . r ,, ' ;,; J J, 1 ' 1 c .r" rya',, a CROFUT AND KNAPP $3 and $4 I I TINKER & CO. Cor. State and Williams Sts. ©Th Ca oP]YRIGHI' .ADLER-ROCHESTER 9 ........:::: CORRECT CLOT for Gentleme They are designed, cut and ta thie finest and mnost expert workm business. Better styles, fit and vw ship than you get elsewhere. C more, but worth a lot more. Try t you will see. Adler Rochester Clo Prices $18 to $30 II Styleplus, $17 { ionas! Kimonas! Kinonas! Fleece Lined and Crepe vies Daluty Colors The Price Will Surprise You. H. S. Pinney erty St. The Store Where & Co. a Dollar Does us Duty iI heA Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date Lost--A gold wattch fob with "Gail" engraved on it. Finder please phone 691. Reward. 21-23 Lost-Between Washtenaw Ave. and Tappan hall, a, Waterman fountain pen. Finder please retutrn to 1224 Washtenaw or call 2119-L. Lost-A slide rule marked H.J. Ailing- ton. Please return to 702 S. Univer- sity. 22 Lost-Tuesday morning between 73 S. Thayer and corner of Washington and Thayer or between corner Wash- ington and Thayer and University Library, a gold barrette. Finder please return to 730 S. Thayer. Re:- ward. 22-23 Wanted-By an expert chauffer and, repair man, now a student, a posi- tion for evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. Best of references. Ad- dress R. E. B. Daily office. 22 Wanted--opportunity to supply home' cooking for "feeds," banquets, etc. Doughnuts for smokers a specialty. Mrs. Julia Proctor, 411 E. Univ. 820- J. 20-22= Wanted-Two students to take care of furnaces for suite. Do not apply un- less you are willing to work. Call' between 6i and 7 p. mn. 110 Twelfth St. 21-22 Wanted-Room-mate. Save a semes- ter's room rent. A fine electric light- ed,steam-heated suite,one block from law building. Inquire 238 S. Thayer St. 1310-L. 21-22 Wanted-50 students to sell Students' Directories on commission. Call to make arrangements 10:30 to 12:00 Saturday. Zewadski & Levenson's office. Wanted-Two or three girls to work for room rent by Girl's Cooperative Club. Campus Point Tea Room. 1106 Washtenaw. 22-24 For Sale-Motorcycle at bargain. Four cylinder 1913 Henderson equipped with electric light and horn. Has 1914 clutch and low saddle position. Guaranteed perfect condition. Sell- ing to make room for 1914 demon- strator and stock, Great chance to secure one of these wonderful mo- torcycles at low price. Stofflett's News Stand, 110 East Washington. Distributor Washtenaw and Livings- ton counties. 21-22 For Rent-Single room at 715 Pack- ard. Conditions such as to make rent low. Enquire. 21-22 TONGHT. The Band Tango Dance at Granger's from 9 to 1 o'clock. Tickets $1.00. Limited to 75 couples. Anything in the home cooking line furnished on short notice by Mrs. Julia Proctor, 411 E. University. 820-J. 20-22 WANTED-50 students to sell Stu- dents' Directories on commission. Call to make arrangements 10:30 to 12:00 Saturday. Zewadski & Levenson's of- lice. 22-23 Pianos to Rent. Up-to-date stock of Musical Instruments of every descrip- tion sold at reasonable prices at Schaeberle and son's Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf N i I i i , i i All We Ki of is the BI 22-23 All the new things for fall await vo in Men's Furnishings. Every new and pattern, including the famous hattans, at $1.50, $2.oo, and $2.50. All correct shades in Gloves, val $1.00 and lup. OPTICAL SERVICE THE BIG. STORE, The efficient DRUGLESS method of eye testing togeth- er wvith the making of glasses in our own shop appeals tossll who need expert optical ser PHONE Neckwear, Under Trousers. Rainca Board $4.00 and $4.25 a Day $3.50 and $3.75 . Liberty St. Phone 164 Morrow DRY GOODS STORE Royal Worcester AND Ion-Ton Corsets OUR LEADERS Schroen Bros. Phone 1000 124 South Main Street We grind them. SArnold ;Optical Systenm 220 S. Main Streetj ROWE'S LAUNI 4 406 DETROIT STR The Link between college an TUTTLE on State Street We Serve Hot Lui Rest, Try the Best e-made candies, crackerjack d fountain drinks at 613 E. Liberty k_ _ Better Than lu WE have the essentials to make a students room comtortable, as well as the accessories to make it attractive and homelike. Famous Ostermoor Mattresses. Big easy chairs, convenient desks as well pretty curtains rugs, draperies. MARTIN HAL LER A Fine Blue Basket Weave at Pop Come in and let us convince you. We are offering full leather book han's. a loose leaf for $1.50 at book, Shee- tf Krutsch & Pracht 117 E. Liberty St. Varsity Tail l' We Have the Largest and Best Stock of Pianos for Rent Popular Songs, 10 Cents Per Copy WE ARE FIRST WITH THE LATEST ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST FIGURES Grinnell Bros., 120-122 E. Liberty St. Ho your Clothes Are cleaned. See, ( new cleaning works open for your i spection. One of the finest equipped cleani plants in the world. .wi AN I I We call and Deliver 189 WILLIAM E. DIETERLE A FORMERLY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR wishes to announce that he has opened a tailoring establish- ment in Detroit at I I F, I I 'm --l- t :I I 94 WEST FORT STREET With a Complete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS Haller Jewelry Co. Guaranteed Clocks, 75c Big Bens and Little Bens, $2 4 The Secret of Good: is similar to the secretc to some and just misse If there ever was Fatima, the Turkish-b who conceived this ble was first lined out in th body quickly proclaim Fatima is the biggest s( The secret is-pur expense in the packag -"Twenty. Batt g of good business-it happens s the others. a commercial home run it's lend cigarette. The expert nd was some batter ! Fatima he college towns-the student zed them winners. Today elling cigarette in this country. e, good, choice tobacco-no e-quality all in the smoke CIGARETTES Special attention given to my College trade. The same prices with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. F'ouxitail Pens Conklin's Self Filler, $2.5o up Our Special, ir. Michi an Jewelry Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Phone 534 308 5. State S DIE rERLE-VARSITY TAILOR v no" Shirts & Neckwear in Distinctive and Original Treatments SMART ENGLISH RAINCOATS New for MCI a English Styles n and Women are right in style ai price. Leather or ru ber soles. Ladies' $3.50 to $5.00 per p rlen's $4.00 to $6.00 per p A Complete Showing of Accessories to Men's Most Recent Importations Wear, Including IMPORTERS aTouse ? O kr15~ 119 E. Liberty St. "Distinctively Individual" SHIRT MAKERS DIME BANK BUILDING DETROIT j V ________________________ WW4 '"q1.*wr I lki frami I "1