THE MICH{IGAN DAILY - ,_ pllar Sh1irts values im D. I to have 'the best on the market' otlhtem. tterns, Cuffs , 123ELIBERTY 51 M ARBOR MItCH. MUAIC AND -DRAMA One of the most famous of legitimate :actors' known to the dramatic stage' will be in the attraction at the 'Ma- jestic theater f or the first three. days this week.. For. years, Porter' J. Wh ite and his production~ of "Fawtst" have been familiar to theatergoers fand his su~ccess.. on the vaudeville stage is now well known. Four times# within .the. past 'two years, Porter J.' '-White has been the star attraction at the Temple Theater, Detroit' where uis.production of "The Visitor" waLs the talk of the town. Aside from this . great attraction, one of the best of comedy male quartets will sing in the act know n as "~Tuxedo Comedy Four." Mss Hardie Langdon, who has been *a popular favorite in the musical com- edy productions at the La Sabo~ The- atre, Chicago, will be another feature,' wihile a. clever pair of fun akers, .Brooks and Young;, will appear in a rural Shit. As an added feature, Joe WVhitelijad, the famocus musical comn- edgy star, willl mnake his second annual aplpearance at the ?Majestic. Joe White- head has, starred in "The Time, 'the Place and the Girl," "The Red Mill," "The 'Umpire," and other well known musical shows. * * * 4' * * * * * * * * * * * ,Ic ~ ~ * * CLA4SSIiED AD)S. - I. erfr ii matter 'for - this e3la sigitd; eolumn must always be Imid-for in advance, an~d, maay be left at the D)AILY officea op- pDOsite tl b Ujestic between tlhe liOUrs Of 12Bnoon and 10 p. wn., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University :and Stagte, at any tinie up tor 9 :30 pr. n These Ads brig Results. * I .' *. * r ..gyp.. -... I4., .1 Dc w 'w LG 5 8. M a im~ Wehave to be wide wake ! Dare riot ffer frcae~s old'-f - gy styles. 1 cr our chitf bt. sin( is sedlinig men' s-- bo) clothes, to pa~. ,cu 1 p :op e. people who exp, LOST . Lost- Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen.-' Large reward offered to finder. No- tify D. B. Spencer, phone No. 403-L., 621 S. Ingalls St. 21-22-23 FOR SALE 1For 'Sale--Onq good Oliver Typewriter. Practically new and it is going at half the price. Telephone 825 L and ,leave name and address. 22 & 23 For 'dale- Dress Suit, frock coat, And overcoat. All of finest material and in p~erfect :condition. Call ..80'4'L. 22 & 23 WANTED. Wanted-Five or six young mien who desire family board. Call No. 434 Maynard' Street. 2i-22-23 Wanted-Private lessons in: dancing, wranted by a beginner., Adress, R. T. Norman, City. 20-21-2-2-23 FOR RENL. For Rent-Nice single room° and suite. Aill modern conveniences. .-Short walk from campus. :Terms reasona- bile. Desirable for medics. 314 N.# State. ; ...,23 AND HAND MADE GARMI NT S The clothes of wide-awake gent itm r ,at prices. 'We know that your visit to our store will be mutuiAly pr, PURE WOOLEN FA RICS Jr. U Your Nirty .;.; : f the. Season" tc apprnpriate'y-=veia cettb latest-in r cGods rdpePapers, Lunch Sets, Tally and; 'awou ttes, 5Siel Engraved Post ~FOR ALL. OCCASIONS 1 UNIVERSITY NOTICES t ITLRS chairer Co BINDERS B~ell Phone 1404. is 71 ges in sonA'fiuir ones ini the stook' ju~t received. Beauty of form and quatlity- Man druka Forms $2 00 to $4.00 :Qxi.~r-,y Drug Co.r Musical Clubs picture. at Randall and' Pack's tomorrow -at 12:15. Meetin-g of the student's Y. P. R. U., Unitarian. church, 8 o'clock tonight Subject for 'discussion, - Ibsen's "An Enen*~ of the -People." Everybody welcome. Sophi Eng. football practice, 3:30 p.. in' Monday. Ce'rcie Francais meeting, Monday evening at 8:30., :Meeting of* business staff of Michi- ganensian in office, 11 o'clock. this morning. Meeting of the executive commit-~ tee of the musical, clubs at Union, Mon- d ay, 7 p. m. (3A I I'%OYLE IS11"WLL RE( E VE 1. 31an agemient Well Pleased, Promises Bigger and Better Magazine. ' The Gargoyle had an exceptionally large' sale yesterday" said Managing Editor Francis Riordan last night, "and the are more than pleased with the way the first number has beent re- ceived 'by everyone, The cartoons seem especially popular, and we intend to continuie featuring this department making the magazine at the same time' larger and better- than ever bef ore." Over 300 copies of the Gargoyle were disposed of yesterday, and. judging from the demand, the, sale of the in- itial' issue promises "to,.he the largest ever put out. J UMIO ItLAWS BEAT SEIOR l.iS WH"IIL EXENINFERS PTLAY IrIIE (Continued fromPage i.) ably be held today,, and the result of the decision will be posted ion the inotice board at the athletic association oflice.. If the game stands_ as it is, the i1 w. hplayed off. Monday after- noon. The regular. Monday conitest j ,;weua the junior. and senior lits. Harvey Cornwell, Thomas Loran and Paul Morton wvill act as officials. Typewriter BalBeaing-La~g Weari. g You'll nleed a Ty-qpwriter later. Gtt the best now and haVv i 's u:se While in college Ask us to show You FIELBER & ZEWADSKI For Rtent -2 room :suite, steam heat new rugs and 'furniture. Price $3.50. 632 East. University -Ave. Roy. L. Hogue. 23-25-29-31 sweaters cut ever 'at the 'Valais Royal, 209 E. Lyiberty. 1-tf ("GermP- OeIcap, 'COR LIBERTY AND MIA A mnost c onvenrient ph ban king'. Cor. State aids! Block from Cam Mrs. C,. A. RI AUTO LI'VF.RY BELL PHONE 1141w Ann Arbor Garage, 206 West Huron 310 S.- State St. Rosenberg calls and delivers. 12tfI All 'the latest popular song hits at Grinnell Bros. Music House at ,Ten cents per. copy. A complete, stock of the latest Opera hits at popular prices also." Everything in college Ysongs and ollections. '' 18 tf FIor a afternoori or 'rvening gc ur the Huron. 'U. of M. BOAT A - GRANGER'S School of hand Classes for Ladie '-and G.-ntlemn nTue-Cdavand lihurslay Evenin,-, s 10: t J7oi n(ow. Turmn b -gin-. when you do. Private' lessons- given ty a poin Fo'r palrti -ulars cal. ut Academy or P1horxo 246 Office flowuc-s 113-12 A.. M., 2-4 1 Coalleg e Laud r Up Stairs] 5 an-d 7 Ptasenger Prices Rea-onai HOME PHOfIL 452-Mlace Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. 12tfj FINE HANDI)W RK, 606 E. Lib Pianos to Rent. Terms reasonable Schaeberle &i Son,. Music House, 110 S.: Main St. ' tf ~Rosenberg jrycleans sweaters. 12tf' Have you seen those nobby Oxford blues at Milward's? Tailor, 330 S State St. 19 tf, Rosenberg dryclean suits. I2rf, Shoe repairing; laces and polish for sale. J. H. Lambert, 613'EI. William St 3 eot tfa "4' - I AML Wadr a'saaiz., Couikltx Self Bt Bi Iti-, Rgea*t-rs. Alarnns ast .S N'tvcaty .A arx ITORII AN JEI ATELRY and NO' ELTIES.' ttlrv end-,ach- Repairing' s Jewelry Store Bell phorxe 534 L MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY I #J STIL, Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, '222-96o"State ,St:3tf. STJBSCRIBE FOR, THE FOLDS .AT HOME AYD PWRITE FEWER. LET- TEIIS. Rosenberg presses suits-25 cents. 12tf Exe usive Engagement Ther.'Pd ter I. bie TeCelebrated Dramatic Star in his greatest success olie~ Yiichigan Pins, Fobs Frr~4 pi cI~ogoJewelry Btg Ben alaY' $2.50 Arnold. ~wemer - alarms 3,n )'our P( trowtqe i reldfoc Iker , , , nand St. :,Next,:(dvor to UnJiversity: Gdhdil of Music lome of Music-=For the College $tudent * Thie New, 5 ' - C Chafi ng ,Dishes 5 o'clock Tea, Coasters Egg Boler,, "I or $-D'oeu'vre - Dishes, Fruit and Bread Basket. All finishes to be found at SCHUMCHERHardware 308-310-312'S'. Main "The Visitor'' I Phone 175 175 ,Red I P, r F LNE Impicrted and Dom esdo 'MCoths-Priced from $1.50 #o,$4.00 The entire line is oPenl for your inspectioni, even tliough 'you do not wish to purchase at the- presenlt time.j Interpreters of "FAUST" Extra Feature Tuxedo Comedy Four The Greatest of Male Quartets Miss Hardie Langdon Young and Brook Talking Songes Comady Sketch Added Attraction .' Annual hieh a nm late star of "Time, Place and Girl," Red Mill." Presenting "Bunch of Squirrel Fruit" Coming Thursday, Friday, Saturday Adam &GOhi o. Te Two Admire Lots of Girls- 20-People-20--Remember the dates Novemiber 2-3.4----7-8 Big Musical Goi 'ASITIY" ,h:. -- By- _ La**~o n. ;th Cart V.Mor TINKER~&', COMPANY Furnishers and Hatters to Jniveroity Men COO. S. STATE and WILLIAMS STS, WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR NEW IDEA S ow Ready Cloth es of College11en at Allen"'s Good Clothes Store I