TIDE MIC~fG.N tDAIL J l; HE LATEST STYLES ISH. LAST visible Eyelets I $4.00-- $5.00 $6.00 - o* STAT E the Big White Shoe"STET HlM & ,COMPAN Y,. 'TROlL UMIHIGAN ce mn 'the maiiufacttnre of Fraternity Jewelry D ig esol d ISelusive Society Pipes iss Pins and Rings Sainr ed Catalogue, also Price List of B.,dges4 l!uDI'TORIUM SOON TO BE A REAL- ITY.* l (Coininue from Page i.) Wiggins, in. descriptive geometry, to take the place of Assistant Professor Fischleigh absent on leave; John F. Wilscn, in. electrical, engineearing to fill the place of Assistant Professor Higbee, also absent on leave. A number of requests for assistants in various subjects were referred to' the president with power to act. An appropriation of $500 was made to the university Y. M. C. A. in rec- ognition: of its work for the student body. ' At the suggestion of the University Senate the committee, appointed to ar- range for a 'diamond jubilee, decided to consider the plan of .postponing the -olebration for a- year in the hopes that the Hill auditorium will be com- pleted by that time thus affording bet- ter accom'odations for, the crowds than are at present offered by Univer- sity Hail. The .purchase 'of, a burglar "proof safe not ,to. cost over $5'00 was author~- ized. Treasurer.Campbell ,was reim- lbu'rsed for-his- losses in the recent safe jblowing to an amount not exceeding $779.53. ,An invitation was extended through the 'presider. to the Teachers' Asso- ciation to hold its next meeting here 'in 1912... Learmnouth, Elected President. 'W. 3. Learmnouth; manager of the Varsity football team was elected president of the Athletic Association at. a meeting of the board of directors of the association held yesterday af- ternoon.' The ,girls of the university of Ne- braska marched in a body to the depot to cheer the team on as they left for the Minnesota game. The class of 1904 of Pennsylvania will erect a $10,000 statue of B~enjamin Franklin, one of the founders of the university. An old university flag-pole at North- western was recently cut off short, painted with the freshmen colors, and topped witp -a model bust from some Chicago Show window. p" UNIERSTYNOTICES All candidates wishing to tryout for thle editorial staff of the Michiganen- sian meet in rooms in Press Building at 5 p. m. today. Craftsmen smoker 'at Masonic Tem- pie, tomorrow evening, 7:30.. Junior engineer football practice, 4 o'clock Friday. Game with soph en- gineers Saturday at 9:30 a. mn.- Junior lit football practice at 3 :00] o'clock,,South Ferry Field. Senior engineers football practice today at 4 'p. in., South Ferry Field. Candidates for soph engineer foot- ball, team' report today at 3:30 p. in., South Ferry Field. Reading tryouts for speaking parts of "An Awakened Rameses" at the Union, 7 ~o'clock tonight. .B~andl, meet 'at University Hall at 6:45. Bring racks and all music be- longing to band. Architects Have Model House. The architectural~ department has se- eured a model of a steel frame build- ing. It is complete, and consists of foundations, columns, and beams, as well as connections of the modern steel building system. There is also an elevator' and' piping for heating. The model will stand about 12 feet high, and is being Assembled in the basement of the engineering building 'under the direction of Mr. McConkey, instructor' In architecture. History of Art Is Popular. Professor Cross's course in the his- tory of art may have to make another move. About the second week of the semaester the number of students and visitors became too large for the lec- ture room in Memorial hall and the lectures were transferred to room 311 of the engineering building. Now the number of 'visitors has increased so that this roam is overcrowded. There are 125 students in the course. Fresh Lit Notice Vote For is '.'0011 RSHO Pries. of Lit 191t5. I NEW WHITNEY THEATRE Ii Satuday, October- 28 One Performance Only. wILLIAm.A.:BRADY, Ltd., Presents The Funniest Play Ever Written B3Y MARGARE4T MAYO One Solid 'Vear in New York Six Months in Chicago Now in its Second Year in London I Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c,'$1.00 and $1.50 11 &COMPANY.4 ,MD FRATERNITY JEWELERS DETRZDlT, MICH ,1 I, ru Rowe's Laundry .*-406 Detroit St.:' THOMAS I ) VW E Prop . Bell Phone 457 1. a Oldcst Bank in Michigan Establihed 1849 COMMERCIAL All]) SAVINGS ACCOUNTS { SOLICITED IWnot convenient to call at the Bank. Y. e will promptly maillinformation on BANING B'! MAIL, onl request. DIRECTOR* ,OGorge Ilendrie D. C. Delameater C. A. Dean Phillip . it.FlMiWan IE.A.Chapolon,M.D. iStraahearn iendrie Sidney T.FM iller John M. Dwyer Arthur JR. Parker 'Paul F. Bagley .., i > Eyes iire .IGHT --, I Welsbach Gas Light The IDEAL Study Light.. 100 Candle Power Engineers Draughting Lamps iorGas 'Company, iiI TUTTLE & CO. WE SERVE HOT LUNCHES Fine Lineof Lowacy's "and ~Hagley's Chocolates I. N "of the room'Ilies' in its furniture. I's surpri s n forr ing how far your money will go 1n- a store ike our§. Come. in. and let us' show~ you. UGOS, CARPETS AND DRAPERIES il"1 iNo 2 Davis -& Konold's went Fast, "Club Lunch"I M3A CK'S TEA ROOM "Thle pr-oer place to'take your lady friend The best, place ini town for Dinners, Lnnches, or Ref resh- Met. 'Comnbides seclusion with, culinary prefection. Rest room in connection. Servi3e a la carte. Open, from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.,- on Saturdays tiil J P. M Orchestra ,Saturdays-noon and evenings SECOND FLOOR MA CKC&lCO MAIN ST Not one man in a hun- dred can stropa razor on an ordinary :strop. it requires a: knack that few have. Fortunately for Gillette users there is a stropper that strops Gillette blades with mechanical accuracy. A 'will keep' Gillette b lades in. perfect shaving condition indefinitely. 100 to 5C0 'shaves from one blade. Strops both edges at once; reverses itself and strops the other side,-30 seconds and all edges are shajrp. Small, handsome, simple to use, requires no skill. Can't get out of order. Guaranteed for ten years. Sold by all good dealers on 'thirty days' trial. Two _Blades Sharpened FREE Send us 2 of your Gillette blades. We will sharpcn them, free. to demonstrate how perectl y the Twinplex does the work. Or ask your dealer to s tro p them for you. TWIUPLEX SALES CO. °" St. Louis, Id. Free Free Free U; S. L. A. Reservation '' Do not fail to have your seats reserved'. Saturday,: 9 to 12, in U. Hall. I I9 Big Numbers m 4mw hmen two articles of F~ va~ h will need soon, '~e you MEN! Read This Ad We are exclusive agents 'for the 'use Slippcrs and Gym _,Sc [e largest stack in' town, of these articles of Footwear-" TriE V1-RYLBEST MAlU.. Slippers $1.50 to $4.0'per pair. Gym Shoes 85c to ,#.'() per pair. ILL MAKE A MISTAKE IF YOU DO NOT COME TO US 1'^0x2TT1iEV "PUPRILDS Royal .Tai lo rs No doubt you are sick .and tired of readirg the numerous claims of clotbing colrcerns, who CilAIMothaateetEfuROYllh TrcaiLsORo CLIM, thaateTE 10OuYL TrcAImsORo C. H. ALLMAND. Chicago will 'make you a suit or overcoat, just F. D. iORSYT1HE. as- you dictate it shall be made, that will fit perfectly and satisfy Nou in every respect at from $5. co to $xo.oo less than others would charge you, is backed up by THE ROYAL TAILORS who attach to every garment a card that reads: "If t his garment does not fit Vou perfectly 'and satisfy you in every respect do not accept it, don't pay one cent. Fair isn't it ? 400 absolutely pure wool sam ples-2o'C f the latest ,styles-prices Pi8.oo to $35.00. Don't wear ready-mnades when Rcyal Tailored clothes cost no more. I 10 South Main Street I osie'ry 1 IRcdigI ALLAD&FORSYTHE 215 S. Main ro 32 For the BESwT photographs go to G: C. MAEDJ$L 119 East Liberty Str