4PTHE MICHIGAN DAILY s. We are again receiving ac Diariilds CHOCOLATES F1ormerly Martha 11at4hifnutt Fresh every Wednesday and Friday Y. IV. C. A. CLASSES BEGAN YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Classes in the courses which are to be given in Newberry hall this semnes- ter by the Y. W. C. A. were opened- yesterday afternoon. About 150 worn- en have entered in the various sec- tions and it is expected that the roll will reach the 200 mark. The courses are open to all university women. Most of them are series' of "lectures on various foreign countries and are given by ladies who have spent con- siderable time in the countries. In addition there-are lectures on. religion and social problems. The time of the sections has been arranged son that there will be no con- flict with other meetings of the asso- ciation and also to give everyone an odpportunity to attend at least one of t he classes. The schedule of the course follows: Wed. 5-6. India-Mrs. Samuelson. Wed. 4-5. Our Arabian ,Sisters-Dr. IFrenelh. Sun. 9x:830. The Awakening of China-M1Vrs. Dr. Headland. Mon. 4-5. t Challenge of the Country-Miss Buell. Thurs. _7-8. South America-Kathar- ine King. Mon. 4-5. Challenge of the City-Mrs. Lindquist. Sun. 9:15. Com- parative Religions-Mrs. Tinker. *, *, *, * *i * * * CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op- posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon. and 10 p.:in., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time uip to 9:30 p. M. These Ads bring' Results. * 4 * * *-* * * * * * * * 3h' ... * ....... .......... * * *: also cary a full line of and Johnston's Nome Made Chocolate FRESH EVERY DAY Creams il parts of the city f ~FOR RENT., For Rent--Three room_ flat for house- keeping, at 426 Maynard. Price $12, per month. Enquire at house.. 18-19-20-21-22 FOR SALE For Sale-Ten volumes (complete set) "Messages and Papers of the Pres- idents," good as new, at a bargain. Call at Daily office, or J. T. Sprad- ling, 414 E. William St. 20 & 22 LOST. Lost-Note book, Criminal Law. Find- er phone or return to owner. Ar- thur Buckner, 223 S. Ingalls, Bell Phone 69-J. 20 WANTED. Wanted-Private lessons in dancing wanted by a beginner. Address, R. T. Norman, City. 20-21-22-23 Shoes repaired while youi wait. An-, fres, 222 So. State St. Stf 4.0 SPA i DJNG & BIROS The Spalding Tradek are the argestmauM r f c es in eNvo - iOI of OFFICIAL EQUIP- ,p q g MENT,foraIlathletic TRAE0 sports and past imes. i If ! )u are mi c rested1 LDI ') -ilfl. 011etic SI)OHt130~ MARK should have aC opy of 3% toq~ue. It's a conliete iknwthogotelccoeiofthe world as aO What's New in Sport Gtuaro.xte,. of cent fs sent free oa~ re- Qvma.liv y quest. A. G..SPAR DING (Cam BRO S. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit l i TheVarsity TOGERY 1107 S. University Avenue Announees the arr ival rf a fall link of +Gent's Fumil--iris in the new Fall I ty les. Pleasure to Show t'lerchandise Our Fdall Styles in Flats and Cal s are sImply garea*. E. J. Lohr, Manager W hi R Scrap-Boy (at L; Beautifl Weightb 20c each, with any5 A New oneE 25 weelks, a:l wsood one.7 beautalul Jrt UNIVER! You can buy tanres, Scrap- Photo Suppl other thing PAxR r 3 270 LYI 719 D [CEMENT GO to field & Co .ls rin~g Servie to be had Amywuhere. s Clothes we acknow ledge no ur superiority in every instance. d1& Companyj Whenl All Others' Fall Buy Makes University a' Subject The University of Michigan has )eon the subject of a series of three, articles by Arthur M. Evans' in the Chicago-Record Herald. The accounts ::ell of the growth of the univer .ty, various phases of university life, and the athletic situation with reference, t~o the western conference. j s]GLISH 1PUMP IS TESTED IN HYDRAULIC LABORATORY Tests were recently made of .an En- , fish pump, manufactured by the Rees Zloturbo manufacturing com )any of iWolverhamnpton, England, in the hy- lraulic laboratory of the mechanical nineering department. The pum~p was sent to the university by a prom- inent Michigan firm that' contemplates t.aking up the 'manufacturing of this type of pump' in America. Four of I he company's engineers and two well- mnown engineers of Detroit witnessed ~he tests. Strictly all wool suits to measure ?15.00. :Fit guaranteed. Varsity Tail- -)ring Parlors, 336 S. State. Roy P. Henry. 4tf 40 good pictures of the Fresh-Soph rush. Lyndon, 719 N. University. 17-22 Have you seen those nobby Oxford blues at Milward's? Tailor, 330 S. State St. Royal Tailors at 215 South Main. l2eod tf Patronize the new print shop, Davis ,md Ohlinger, Job Printers, 109 E. Washington Street. Bell Phonle. 432-J. 18 eod tf Royal Tailors at 215 South Main. 12 eod tf Clevr Royal, 209 E. Liberty. Rosenberg calls and delivers. Palals 1-tf, For the Cashing, Daring C' l1tf All he latest popular song hits at. Grinnell; Bros.- Music House at Ten cents per copy. A complete stock of the latest Opera hits at populiar prices also. Everythinig in college songs and ollections. 18 tf Fresh Laws Notice; Meet at 12:05 Thursday, front of Law Building for big class picture. Lyndon, Photographer. 20 IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Detroit Evening Journal Agen.- cy has been changed. All orders and other business should now be sent to Stofflett's" News Stand, 110 E. Wash- ington St., Phone 364. if Strictly all wool; suits to measure $15.00. Fit guaranteed. Varsity Tail- oring Parlors, 336 .5. State. Roy P. Henry. t f F'or a quiet afternoon or evening go' ur the Huron. U. of M. BOAT LIV- ERi Y. 1-25 Come into the Store today and g of the swellest line of college togs y+ eyes on. The real leaders among the w young fellows of this town all wear WADHAMS & CO, CLEVER SU Overcoats, Hats ane Redmnan C~ollars Holeproot Hosiery Spalding Sweat Barker 'Collars 'interwoven Hosiery and Jerseys b ,II wsh~m SCHAFFNER MARX WOOL CLOTHES HERE 121.1235S. Main St. i 217 Sty. Main uits and Overcoa's $15.00 up Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. Rosenberg presses suits-25 ltitf. rlLroo cents.I l2tf LET T RU BE Furnish the Ice Cream for Your Party 1 Cater To Clubs and Frats Pianos to Rent. Terms reasonable Schaeberle & Son, Music House, 110 S. Main -St. tf; Rosenberg drycleans sweaters. l2tf Rosenberg dryclean suits. l2tfI THM CUP AND SAUCER SIGN When you see this sig-n it means that the Home' Tea Room is located on the second floor of 109 E. Washington St. It is the only place where everything is h owe cooked. and you cannot find a more quiet, retired place in the city. Besides our .L.[a car te servie,. we sell meal tickets, also board by the week. Our specialty is catering for banquets. For information call 13$1-L. ill If you want STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, ENGINEER'S -,UPPLIES, ..tc., go ade n Mhi-to headquarters for Student's Supplies Mel ehiese IThie Student Suppy Store ________GILBERT & MORSE CANDIES ITelephone 'your orders to VJERB' freshman wrants to start right. E Put him 'next to Velvet-the college smoke. It's the real,' time-matured tobacco with a smooth, delightful flavor; - a, taste that never pailsti on you-doesn't. burn hot.a Velvet is superb tobacco- aged two years-an ideal smoke. Today-tomorrow -whenever -you do smoke it, that day will bring you a new version of pipe pleas- ure. You will become a Velvetarian. just keep it in mind. At all dealers. 46 r . oGOODVYEARS DRUG STORE,- Fall BELL PHONE 11I We deliver goods promptly and guaranltee quality.I ,1I SPAULDING & MdERRiCK CHICAGO 41 r i I ( ake it to your measure-from tile season's i:L k:'t .y only, can you have distinctive looking clothcs ce. * Jieterle, Varsity Tailor 117 East Liberty Street Boys!! Girls!! Full two ounce Quick Service and Fresh. Home Made Candies Daily at the. SUGAR B3OWL WA I 109 Sy Meant p 1 ian Clothes for CollegeMen at Allen's Good Clothes St o