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October 25, 1911 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1911-10-25

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Teams are Evenly Matched and Goals
Are Not in Danger.
The senior and junior laws battled
to a scoreless tie in the second game of
the interclass series yesterday after-
noon. Though the game was spirited
neither team's goal line was in serious
danger at any time during the play.
Pyle and Leitch starred for the seniors.
Myers and Rabout were the ground
gainers for the juniors.
C- The officials were: Cornwall, ref-
eree; Saier, umpire; Toulme, field
judge; Tribble, headlinesman.
E. No game is scheduled for Wednes-
day afternoon. On Thursday a game
un between the dents and pharmics was
scheduled but as the pharmics 'have
entered no team in the series, and the
contest goes to the dents by forfeit.
.ot On Friday a game between the soph
r- and junior medics was scheduled, but
er as no medic teams are entered in the
id race, the games have been cancelled.
st This will neccessitate a change in the
er semi-final games, and it will be neces-
ot sary to decide them on a percentage
he basis. There will be three teams eli-
ne gible in the semi-finals and each team
ne will have to meet each of the others.
re, Yesterday's tie game between the
-d. junior and senior laws will be played
st off Saturday morning at 9:30, while
t the soph and junior engineers will
n0 play at the same time The officials
will be decided later.-
ce The formal protest on the allowing
e- of the touchdown in the junior-soph
lit contest of Monday, which was won
e. by the Juniors 5 to 0, has been placed
ir in the hands of the athletic committee,
and a decision will probably be given
e out in a few days.
55 ____________
h-1 "Insurgents" Form Club.
.t- In order to interest voters and pros-
he pective voters in the University in the
Progressive Republican Movement, an
organization will be formed tonight at
n 7:15 at Newberry Hall. Similar or-
i- ganizations have been formed at other
er universities, notably at Wisconsin and
re Iowa, where they have been very suc-
id cessful. All men interested in this
to movement are invited to attend.
1- Fresh Engineers to be Advised.
e- Prof. Herbert J. Goulding, and Dr.
at T. R. Running will address the Fresh-
ie man engineers at the Assembly this
ig evening. Prof. Goulding will discuss
to the manner in which freshmen should
c- approach the secretary's office, andi
r- Dr. Running will talk on the mentor
he system, which was launched this yearl
in the engineering department. 1
st Prof. Savage To Give Address.
Ie Professor A. R. Sawyer, of the elec-F
he trical engineering department of
as Michigan Agricultural College, will
ie give an address on "Electrical Prog-
ll reps" this evening in room 348 of theI
in new engineering building at 7:30 p. m.
m Prof. Sawyer speaks under the aus-i
ce pices of the American Institute of+
.s. Electrical Engineers, University of
Michigan branch.




The following are announced as
those successful in the recent tryouts
for the Glee Club: C. Annan, G. L'
Buck, L. Butterfield, A. R. Crebbin,
J. E. Currie, G. L. Codman, L. M. Clift,
C. P. Dorland, M. C. Eaton, W. E. Fel-
lows, C. Ferguson, J. K. Gould, J. P.
Hannah, G. C. Harrington, K. C. Ha-
ven, P. A. Hartsveldt, E. L. Jaqua, B.
Jacobs, E. G. Kemp, F. E. Kohler, G.
Lumbard, W. Metcalf, A. Marowitz, H.
C. Porter, R. N. Ogden, W. L. Ogden,
N. W. Reed, K. A. Scott, H. Spring, S.
S. Scott, H. A. Smith, R. Simmons, W.
C. Trible, R. S. Taylor, J. A. Wilkins,
H. K. Ward, R. L. Waring, K. N. Wes-
terman, M. L. Wagner.
This membership of forty constitut-
es the home club, and out of this num-
ber twenty men will be chosen to rep-
resent the club on the holiday trip.
Fits Himself Out Completely
With Aid of Worthless
Two weeks of frenzied finance prov-
ed the undoing of Leo Herman Wein-
kle, '14 L, of Valdosia, Georgia, and
Monday he left for home accompanied
by his father. The elder Weinkle first
knew that his soi was in the universi-
ty when he received a telegram from
him last week asking for money with
which to pay his fees which was fol-
lowed later by another saying that hisI
son was in jail for circulating worth-I
less checks and that the money be
sent at the earliest moment. Many ofa
the accounts were straightened out by
the young man's father who came yes-
terday but several merchants of the
town are awakening to the fact th I
they possess checks that are worth-
Coming to Detroit from Georgia last
summer Weinkle found employment in
the law firm of Butzel and Company.
Mr. Butzel advised the young man to
seek a legal education in the law de-1
partment here, as Weinkle had posed
as a son of a wealthy man and over a,
hundred dollars was advanced him un-
til his father could be heard from.
The future lawyer started life in
Ann Arbor in fine style. All of the
stores were visited and pictures, brie-1
-brac, sofa pillows, banners, pennants.
fancy ties, everything that was needed
for his wardrobe was purchased by1
means of checks. One by one these
checks came back marked "no funds"
and then a local haberdasher made a
complaint. Before the warrant could
be served, Weinkle appeared before
Prosecuting Attorney Burke and prom-+
ised to settle the whole affair if he was
not prosecuted. He said that a draft
of $300 through mistake had not been
honored by his father. Instead of hon-
oring it his father came himself to set-
tle the accounts.
The elder Weinkle refused to pay
for subscriptions to every campus ac-
tivity that his son had subscribed to
saying that they were out nothing as
they had so far given nothing in ex-
change for the checks. The father is
a comparatively poor man instead of
being very wealthy as his son repre-

Neither the Michigan Union nor the
Y. M. C. A. officials would issue any
statements yesterday, in answer to
the persistent rumor that a campaign
conflict has arisen between the two
organizations for a new club house.,
The authorities of both institutions
are convinced that the true facts of
the situation have been misstated by
the state press and are planning to is-
sue statements to clear up the mis-
understandings, within the next few
days. Both organizations have re-
mained silent so far, thinking that
the rumors would kill themselves, but
so much prejudice has been aroused
unnecessarily, that they felt that
thorough publicity of the real facts
will do much good.
Eastern Michigan Edison Co.,
Plans Dam Above Railroad




Regents Will Settle Matter at Next
Regular Meeting.
Bids for the new Hill auditorium
were opened yesterday in Detroit when
President Hutchins, Secretary Smith
and Regent Beal went to that city and
received the estimates. A number oft
bids were received, some for the whole
amount, and others partial. The mat-
ter of selecting the company and sign-
ing the contract will most likely take
up most of the time at the Regent's
meeting tomorrow.
Besides the routine matter and min-
or details, the plans for the Univer-
sity Extension movement will be en-
larged upon )nd methods devised for
making it a larger factor. The plan
of this movement is to send out men
from the university all over the state
and have them address meetings of
different organizations. The object of
the Extension work is to bring the
people of the state and the university
into closer and more intimate contact.
Dean Vaughan was called to the
stand on Monday at Ontonagon, Mich.,
when the trial of Mrs Laura Stannard,
charged with killing her husband with
strychnine, was resumed. Dr. Vaugh-
an was asked to report on the chemi-
cal analysis performed in the medi-
cal department here and to state wrfat
he believed to be the cause of Mr. Stan-
nard's death. He replied emphatically
that the individual undoubtedly died
from strychnine poisoning.
Prof. D. W. Myers will act as toast-
master at the Homeopathic faculty
smoker next Friday evening at the
Michigan Union. Regent Beal, Dean
Hinsdale and Messrs. Pillsbury, HenryI
and King will reply to toasts. Of these,
the last three are students.
The homeopathic department has de-
cided to give five dinners during the
year in accordance with the plan of
the Michigan Union.
The return of Norman Hackett, a
founder of the Comely C'u:, to hi,
ollege town in a prcduction of "'Sa-'
tan Sanderson" recalls to many of thyj
faculty and residents of Ann Arbo:
how Mr. Sackett secured his first en-
gagement on the professional stage
while still a student. While Rhea, the
famous French actress was playing in
Ann Arbor, Mr. Hackett secured t
meeting with her and recited before
her. She was impressed with the
young student's ability and the 'nex
year gave him a place in her conpany.

Turned C
School in

Yale L

The Eastern Michigan Edison Com-
pany is about to build a dam in the
Huron river for the purpose of fur-
nishing electricity to Ann Arbor, Yp-
silanti, Saline, Wayne, and other
nearby towns. Gardner S. Williams,
who recently resigned from a profes-?
sorship in the engineering department
of the university, is the consulting en-
gineer in charge of the work. The
design of the dam is distinctive and,
has been used only in Mr. Williams' l
A series of piers will be built across
the river and the intervening spaces1
arched' up-stream so as to give the
greatest possible resistance to the
force of the water. The dam will be
built just above the railroad bridge at
the water works and will raise the
level of the river twenty six feet. A
sufficient head of water will be secur-
ed to give the company two thousand
horse power.
For several years there have been
rumors of a dam which would give
sufficient straight away to warrant the
installation of a Varsity crew but this
will not be possible until the Michigan
Central Railroad changes it's line so
that a dam can be built below town
The present project will only give a
straight away of about a mile and a
half, while four miles is necessary for
crew work.
Dean Jordan Addresses Women.
Dean Jordan addressed a gathering
of over 150 university women at the
regular Tuesday meeting of the Y. W.,
C. A. held in Newberry Hall yester-
day afternoon. Her subject was "The
Value of Time." Two vocal selections
made up the remainder of the pro-
'There will be a special program at
the next meeting on Tuesday, October
31. A recognition service for the mem-
bers of the association will be given
besides several musical numbers. The
officers of the league will probably
give short talks as a part of the enter-




(Special to The Michi
Vanderbilt meets Michi&
the team which Dan N
send against the Wolveri
far different aggregation
which Michigan trounce
1908. Without calling thi
weak, Vanderbilt's team
is much stronger~ and w.
modores leave for Ann
day, 17 strong, they will
of the strongest teams
against Michigan.
This year Vanderbilt
balanced and well seaso>
land at tackle, with Metz
if he is selected to play1
will be the veterans of
both now playing their
The other linemen, i
ends, are playing their
on the team.
In the back field, Mori
ter has seen the longest
ing now'in his fourth ye
seasons Morrison was ou
part of the time on ace
ness,- but 'so far this se
been without mishap and
in good shape. Hardage
former Auburn half bac
Auburn two seasons be
Vanderbilt in 1910. Mc(
quartette of backs this
show something in the'm
If Morrison, Collins, 1
Sykes are the chosen fot
send in against Michiga:
who average ene hundred
Commodore stock has g
y since last Saturday c
the showing against cen
tucky whom they beat 4
.squad is relported in goo
\drLmn Iis Strong Tea
Battle is Expee
The All-Fresh team ha




' ' _

over to
iy. As
of the
ame he
for a
his af-
of the

Dean Reed will leave for Chicago
tonight after the Senate reception, to
attend a meeting of the Association of
American Universities. He will be
joined there Friday by Pres. Hutchins.
They expect to return Friday night.
The association includes the larger,
universities all over the country. Pa-
pers will be given by President Judson
of Chicago and other prominent edu-
cators and discussed by the assembly.

Mr. Hackett will arrive in Ann Ar- :f work ahead of it in pre
bor this morning and will play at the t.he game with Adrian cc
Whitney theater in the evenin;. The Maple City next Saturda
Drama League has asked him to spe ;ollege has a strong elev
in the high school at 3 o'clock in the 'n which are a number of
afternoon, his subject being, "Shakes- Arbcr high school stars,
peare Drama, The Pure English." ,ame with the Michigan y
Following the perfor_-ance, Mrs. Jos- cr:e o, the big games on
ephine Murfin will give him a recep- home schedule, Coach Le
tion at her home. ing every effort to have h
in the field. Saturday wit
Graduate School to Be Reorganized. regulars out of the game
The committee on the reorganization feated Ypsi Normal 9 to 0
of the Graduate School will meet this something of the caliber
morning. It is composed of Regents Coach Cole of the All-Fr(
Sawyer, Hubbard, and Beale, and Pro- his men hard work throu
fessors Reed, Vaughan, Wenley, Scott, in order to insure a team
and Ziwet. possible condition.



Reservaton of Seats

Ootober 30

Saturday 9--12


Seats on Sale, Window

in University Hall


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