75th Anniversary Souvenir Edition
Latest Happening
'anniversary Cefel
* *' * * * * * * *
emic Procession Was a Feature
of the Mornings Ex-
e climax of all the public festivi-
if the week was reached last ev-
when an all-senior sing,, a con-
by the 26th Infantry band, and
senior promenade were given.
the completion of these practi-
everything concerned with the
ity-fifth Anniversary Celebration
t the Commencement Day exer-
comes to an end.
campus was beautifully lighted
many hundreds of Japanese lan-
hung in rows above the walks,
twined in and out from the li-
to the law building on one side
to the Memorial hall on the
and when viewed from a dis-
while gently swaying in the
made a decoration unsurpassed
ne, in both beauty and simplicity.
He the band was discoursing its
to the several thousand appre-
e listeners, a searchlight played
the crowd, while the nearby'
of both the chemical and med-
uildings showed up the scene
great brilliance. Several pieces
rendered by the musicians, and
enthusiastically encored.
iior Promenade and Reception.
rring at the same time as the
t was the senior promenade,
part in by many of the near-
ates. Forming in front of Me-c
hall the line passed through
stiy hall, down South University
engineering building and down
agonal walk, ending finally at
A bequest of $100 has been
made to the Michigan. Union by
Carl 1H. 0. Adam, '10, whose la-
mented death occurred last Mon-
day. Word concerning this one
of the last wishes of the well
known and well beloved young
man, was received at the Michi-
gan Daily office last night in the
form of a telegram from Victor
Jose, '13 L, at Indianapolis.
No notice of the gift had been
received at the Union last night,
and it is not known whether it
was made by a will or by verbal
request. Adam's bequest is the
second ever to have been left to
the Michigan Union. Last year
a like amount was left to t or-
ganization by Logan Cheek, '10
L, of Kentucky. The sum was
made a part of the building
fund, and Manager Heath ex-
pressed the belief last night that
a like disposition would be made
with the amount lately acquir-
Prof. Jeremiah W. Jenks, '78, 1V
Principal Speaker at the
Alumni Were Out in Bunches
Furnished Much Pepper
and Features,
Nine years of persistent and consci-
The Michigan worm turned, and a entious service for the good of Michi-
2 to 1 victory over the Quaker visit-
ors is the story of the turning. The
contest was a thriller and so was the'
crowd of old boys that packed the
Ferry field stands.
To Baribeau must be given a large
portion of the credit for the much ap-
preciated and much needed victory.
But two clean hits were made off'his
delivery during the ten fiercely con-
tested rounds that it took to decide the
issue. Those two hits fell together
but even at that he might not have
been scored on had his support been
perfect. A single, immaterial pass, is-
sued after two had expired in the
tenth, speaks for his control.
Alumni Furnish Pepper and Features.
The "old boys" did as much to make
the afternoon a banner one as the
ball players. They turned out in
bunches and yelled and sang as fans
ought to. The '02 parade, much in ev-
idence on the campusallday, appear-
ed on ,the diamond just after the game
(Continued on page 3.)
gan came to a close yesterday when
the Alumni Memorial Hall Committee
of the alumni association was given a
vote of thanks, accorded three lusty,
cheers, and formally discharged at the
annual meeting of the association. The
association accepted the offer of a De-
troit alumnus, whose name is not an-
nounced, to provide funds for a bronze
.tablet bearing the names of the com-
mittee, to be placed in the building
J to commemorate their work. The
members of the committee are: Claud-
ius B. Grant, '59, Victor C. Vaughan,
'75, Edward W. Pendleton, '72, Charles
B. Warren, '91, Charles M. Burton, '73,
F. H. Walker, '73, Martin L. D'Ooge,
'62, and William N. Brown, '70 L.
Names were adopted for four of the
rooms in Memorial Hall as follows:
"Ezra Rust Room," for, the lecture
room on the second floor; "Arthur Hill
Room," for the reading room on the
north side of the main floor; "Dexter
Mason Ferry Room" for the north gal-
(Continued on page 2.)
Led by their class president, Fred
Dewey of Detroit, fifty loyal wearers
of the crimson '02 marched the streets
of Ann Arbor yesterday to the melo-
dious strains of an imported hurdy-
gurdy, loudly accented by the mellow
but noisome tones of fifty ancient cow
bells. Each member of the class was
costumed in "purple and fine linen
duster," and a white slouch hat bear-
ing the class numerals in brilliant
* * * * * * * * * *
The rooming agency installed by the
From morning till night the class- Michigan Union for the purpose of
mates stuck together, in one grand providing accommodations to visiting
celebration of their tenth anniversary. alumni has had no difficulty to date
When there was nothing else sched- in finding places for all who applied.
uled-such as the class meeting, the At no time was there a rush'at the
class- picture, the baseball game, the desk, and the number of applicants
class smoker at the Hotel Allenel, or was far less than expected. It is sup-
the fire-works display in the evening- posed that the list of rooming houses
they simply paraded the streets in to- published by the Union some time ago,
ken of their claim that they are as and sent out to all prospective visitors,
much "alive" now as ten years ago ( enabled many to engage accommoda-
when they applied a pail of red paint to tions in advance.
the law building, which, they say, is The Union authorities say that nev-
still in evidence. er before has the attituae of the alum-
"Pep" in '07 E, Too, ni been better providenced toward the
(Continued on page 2.) institution.
The seniors today are the chief ob
jects of attention and the "old grads
will sit back and watch the youin
blood pass before the platform of the
big tent and receive the coveted sheep
skins. Nine hundred and forty-sevei
diplomas will be presented this morn
ing at the sixty-eighth annual com
mencement of the university.
Prof. Jeremiah: Whipple Jenks, '78,
LL.D. '03, of Cornell University, wil
deliver the principal address at the
exercises. Prof. Jenks took his mas
ter's degree here in 1879 and received
his Ph.D from the University of Halb
in 1885. He was professor of socia
science and economics at the Univer-
sity of Indiana from 1889 to 1891 and
since that time has been professor of
political science at Cornell University
Prof. Jenks was also an expert agent
of the United States Industrial Com-
mission and has been a consulting
agent to the United States Department
of Labor.
The order of march will be similar
to that of yesterday. All of the sec-
tions will assemble at 8:30 at the same
places as yesterday morning. As it is
the big day for the class of 1912, they
will head the procession and will open
ranks at the tent for the Guard of
Honor section to pass through and
then countermarch into the pavilion.
"Colors" will be sounded by trump-
eters at 8:15 a. m. and the procession
will start at 8:45. After the addresses
the bachelor's degree will be conferred
and then the advanced degreesand the
honorary degrees.
At 1:15 p. m. those attending the
commencement dinner in Waterman
gymnasium will assemble under Tap-
pan Oak and march to Barbour gym-
The Wolverine Appears July 2.
The first regular issue of The Wol-
verine will appear July 2, and assign-
ments will be given out July 1 at 1 p.
m. The staff is as yet but meagrely
filled, and there is much room for
summer students who desire to dab-
ble in journalism.
starting point.
Following shortly after this was the
nate reception, given to delegates,
'ited guests, graduates and seniors,
the UniversitySenate. It was large-
attended, nearly twenty-five hun-
d guests being present. Music was
'nished by the military band.
Campus "Cops" on Duty.
ro do away with small boys appro-
ating the Japanese lanterns and to
serve general order, Chief of Police
fel officially swore in sixty under-
duates to act as a vigilance com-
tee. No trouble, however, was ex-
ienced, as all the small boys were
mingly not desirous -of "starting"
Academic Procession Unique.
)ver five thousand people lined the
lks of the campus in the morn-
to witness one of the most unique
ctacles ever seen in this city, when
rly two hundred academic guests
i faculty members, accompanied by
r a thousand alumni and five hun-
d seniors, marched in stately pro-
sion from Memorial hall to the big
vas pavilion. The visiting dele-
es from other schools presented a
rel and impressive appearance in
ir vari-colored academic robes,
Hle the new Michigan colors were
ch in evidence on the costumes of
ulty members of the university.
'he procession was headed by the
h1 United States infantry band, and
owing were the alumni of the uni-
sity. Next in the line of march
Geo. M. Lane, '53, a former secretary
of the Detroit Board of Commerce,
found a comfortable chair in Memorial
hall and proceeded to tell about some!
of the stunts that happened while he
was in college.
"Back in those days they made us
go to chapel every morning," he said.
"The boys didn't like the idea so nat-
urally they concocted many little
schemes to give their absence a plaus-
ible appearance. There was a large
bell on the campus and when we heard
it ringing we knew that it was time for
the chapel services to begin.
"One cold morning in the middle of
winter a number of students jumped
out of their beds before daylight with
a fixed determination to stop the old
bell from sending out its daily sum-
mons. They made their way to the
little belfry each carrying a bucket of
water. The old bell was turned upside
down and filled with the contents
of their pails. In a half hour the
water had become a solid mass of ice,
the clapper could not perform its ser-
vices and there was no call to chapel
that morning."
E. Bancker, '60 L, who has practiced
law for the last twenty years in Jack-
son, tells this one: "One of our pro-
fessors insisted on delivering long and
prosy lectures and they were so dull
that we determined to take some dras-
tic measures to suppress them. At
that time an old donkey was roaming
about the campus so the boys captur-
ed him one morning, lead him into the
lecture room, and gave him the place
usually occupied by our instructor.
"When the professor arrived and
found the platform occupied he was
exceedingly abashed but recovered
sufficiently to say to the class: "Gen-
tlemen, I find that you have chosen
one of your own number to address
you this morning so I shall postpone
my lecture for the present."
'76 Was a Live Class!
Out in front of the museum enjoying
the shade of the tall maples, a reporter
found a number of alumni wearing
badges of the seventies.
"Why .the class of '76 was the live-
liest bunch that ever left our Alma
Mater,' they said.
"Forepaws circus came to town one
day, and all the boys went and sat to-
gether," said one of the veterans.
"Whenever a clown came out and
cracked a bum joke we showed our
disapproval. Then Forepaw himself
made us a littte speech and said he
wanted the disturbance stopped. If
they wouldn't let us enjoy their fun
in the tent we decided to have our
own outside so we left the place and
proceeded to play havoc with the show.
"The nuts on the wagon axles were
taken off and carried away, bottles of
sulphuric acid were thrown on top
of the tent after the corks had been
taken out and then the acid ran down
and ate the canvass. When the tents of youth eternal, and years have only
were taken down and placed in boxes, served to increase the sprightliness
the boys got several gallon bottles of acquired by classroom contact with
acid from the laboratories and poured the huskier sex.
them over the folded canvass. Medics of '62 Are Steadfast.
"Finally the old circus wagons be- Five members of the seven living
gan to move but they all stopped when graduates in the medic class of '62 at-
the wheels started to come off. Other tended the fiftieth reunion of the class
nuts were obtained and they got on yesterday. They are Benjamin-Harri-
the road again. They were going to son, Dunkirk, N. Y.;- Samuel Perkey,
Ypsi but we burned the bridge down Chicago; Preston Rose, Ann Arbor;
before they could cross the streams Norman Johnson, Ionia; and Peter
and there was no show the next af- Schuyler, Evansville, Ind.
ternoon." One Roosevelt Responds From Cuba.
Who were these men? Well, all John B. Roosevelt, '72, "oh! yes,
they would say was: "The men who quite a distant cousin of T. R." who
told this story are the men who did hails from Scuntias Stritis, Cuba, has
the stunt. We wouldn't give our nam- journeyed from that southern clime
es to the faculty then and we can't: to reunite and jubilate in Ann Arbor.
give our names to the public now."
First Girl Grad Back Too.
IFats off, ye grads of early days.
Hats off, ye stripling undergrads, for
back to the old town has come one
of whom you speak with deference.
The first girl graduate of this univer-
sity has returned for the reunion of
the class of '72. And the name Made-
line Stockwell Turner is by no means
a forgotten one, for this Kalamazoo
graduate, after braving the sensations
of being a co-educational lassie before
the advent of the turkey-trot, is fam-
ous throughout the country as a club
woman and authoress-of no little note.
Like many of those returning Mrs.
Turner seems to have found the spring
"The revolution," says he," amounts
to no revolution at all. It's mostly
newspaper (?) talk." .
Four Regents Graduated in '82.
The class of '82 deserves to be en-
titled the "Regents' class." Regents
Beal of Ann Arbor, Clements, of Bay
City, Leland, of Detroit, and Grant, of
Manistee, all left the university at one
Commencement to go out and win for
Michigan dignity and prestige.
Regent Beal entertained his class-
mates at a reunion dinner last even-
ing. During the afternoon the august
persons of the class of''82 were watch-
ed by an interested crowd, as they
cake-walked up University hall cor-
ridor by way of celebration.
4~ * * * * * * *
This is the last of three color-.. *
ed souvenir issues which The *
Michigan Daily has offered dur. *
ing Commemoration :Week. All *
three-red, green and yellow- *
may be purchased at news- *
stands, book stores, and drug *
stores, as well as on the street. *
The three contain a complete *
record of the week's events with *
biographical and other items of *
interest when combined, and *
make an attractive souvenir of *
the occasion. Don't fail to take *
them home with you. *
* *
... i
" w
Gti _.__
Bound in full leather Buy at Michiganensian Office Press Building
650 pages Wahr's Book Store F. J. Schleede
Special Jubilee feature; Sheehan's Book Store L. C. Schleede
Tae the
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