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June 08, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-06-08

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* * * * * * * * * thepresent time, it wfiu ot fail for
& the same reason as the club did this
e . * * . . * * * * * * Jf You Would Xnow teWor~st Attend. We serve only thegood kind. Our IceCraude ndrit
All students who wish to receive re- ate ab$solutely hie ver beit qa a
h~esaew ilwin-But its -Graduate Reeltais. ports on their semester work should VeTUOT'S Giinger Al ke Pa~v & Rof . Bee Coca
Announcement Is made of the recit- ea addressed and stamped envel- to erigt and eve ofEg nny.~nte
- m 1Cane- hen your spr" als to be given in the coming two opes at Registrar Hall's office ilmedi- ~i~tU
week bymembrs f te grduaingately. The ,envelope should bear the
cesbybrs of the Schol fuIn July address as the reports will not 1110 ROXaJI Drus otore
Tuesday evening next, Miss Ethel Liv- be gotten out till ~after Comimenee- B. EDSILL, Pro~p.
eranee and Howard Porter will give amet12S.Iuvt
joint piano recital. On Friday e*1en-
ing 1i'sses Ethel Webb and Katherine Ch ar e, Jn1 Wedsh S honn n
Burjingame will give a program of a h a o h edn fMs
piano music. On Monday evening, ajthe da orthewdn of GrndRas
04 EA T I I ERTY T. 6"sigadn esdayevning the 18th Chase S. Osborn, Jr., a former studentAGTS.F RA E
there will be a program of Concertos, and son of M~ichlgan's governor.
played by various members, of the W A NTE D Two Carloads o is ls
ciass. The recitals will all be given UNIVBRSITY NOTICES
N tont"E.IsthaeI 18I72 in Frieze jMemorial hall at 8 o'clock, I n every tow*.. Betg lrnk bouget t Sarfc
and are free to the public. The annual selling iIcle, 6tawt PrIce.
placeen te eevenin ciof June 20ti the stff tonight at 6 o'clock at the Un-Oe. Wie1- T i lsdota esta
-High School Auditorium. ie. day, address
DETROTIT<R4HETA IL im o~rtant meetin of the busines w4 4ar
TUPATMNOI LB eo make party rat to summer camp i
Pie Wildes PanRadcalChage psble, junior civils who are plan- ERIN Ch.
KEYS N 3W$ich Rere Mchl. communicate with McGee during next F W i n o
~f~ 1ton~r~i Swepig cangs i th pesonel Tryouts for businiess staff of Miehi- KalaiuazOO, Midl).
Two sizs Enaitfed Motof theeMaoin cae sated trontae ganensian report at office in Press 35S M i
plache nti year, acre std te state building today at 1:30.
pae nt I.E.r Laimeorn '12 thaer tt All candidates for Wolverine staff
mentof . E Latimo, '2, lade ofcall at Daily office, 11-12 a. mn. today.
. . the club for thie ensuing year. Under__________
P~o ATeN PNtQETthe proposed play t club will be Bu rs ~n~n eetLaes
changed so that it is entirely a plec- Bu rs eiesSlc edr
~,u or~ietra rahertha a ombn-~ The Kentucky club elected the fol-
tIu rhsrrthrta obn lowing officers for the 'ensuiing year The Ann Arbow Tni a Coaa y
A~verti ndandlne faour econd mdols at a meetig lst night: 3. . McEilry Oet .utTaI f r~5that opa los ad .11 a es, l rndn tu
2 ~three tenor mandolas, three mandocel- '1president; . B. em, '14, icey iELg oar E. slgh6l 11lps OR~TH S~T AT T.E
los; one clarinet, and one trap sman Npsimst '14,. tr~es1ecretar E PirONE 1860 11 NITI
will be the number of pieces to coin- N .Sm,'4 raue.~RF3N
poae the club. oko.yuromeeetgfs
Howeyer, the club this yeai' realized Lo o orcmecmn it
- e the situation and attempted to install here at
the new system. But the plan fell .THE PALAIS ROYAL,
through because of a lack of instru- 2Q9 E. Liberty St. ~n t r
S ments in school. The club has signi- BRENNAN'S RESTAURANT
fled its approval of the installation ENAANPoei4-A.GYPodas
of the new system, and it is thouhtN AGAORIN PoeasG
that by mainjg the matter known at FRIDAY, JUNE 7. ~
Everything Good THESMM C O
in the line of Sniokers' Supplies
y at the City Cigar Stor e
W. S. Chapmpn____ _____
was used to complete the Union Offors Compieto CotresI
Pacific Railroad. We do not
Y know the value of the Gold Spike
used for this purpose, but we do SflO unhand
know that EAGLE Y'S GOLD
uremnSPIK1E is the BEST Cigarette Bokepu
T obacco in the world. 0 0 O
u slo-~ The Made from the finest leaf
* $$$ ~~grown hn Virginia and North W
Carolina, carefully selected
and blended by men with a
Wuh hal f century of experience.
......Every student who expects t9 be in the city dir-
Fdr prompt and courteouxs treatment ing the sumtner would find it to his ad4at g to
S:1try Hoppe. tf take qae or 'mare oU these CQ~nrSe. Al of ths
~u ~ ~ I IK I O SC 2 ~ orpropt nd oureou tratmntcourses are especially valuzale to every udn
try Hprpt cut u te tn who expects to enter any of the~ professions, en-~
___tryH____._t_ gage in eoxmicial work or to heowe ,atahr
D___________peroxDubeTeOur school oiffers as thrugh 'courses >as may be
J~1 N vy ~u GreyLOOK for your Conmmencement gifts obtained anywhere.4
Buy our uppy af suguner hose, while ycu can get a choice. A bargain of this kird means a 209 E. Liberty St. We also have the
sa;gtoyuo y u i hos'ery fora zuner wear largest and best line of Fancy Goods,
colar f he amemaerileither att<ached or detac ed. Silk s tripes in soi'ela s, madras ard r er- city. Buy now for Xmas gifts and
caleh ngingi lie from$t.O0to $4.VQs.mrwrk 74t
Ou ieofsrw for' ihis seaso,, includes se veral ncw idea.s. Sennets phits and fancy braids, sumrwk.14t
SIoadoter ma1es, Panauma~s andBgas. BRENNAN'S RE STAUTRANT
Wahncwasil~s and cotfons, atd5 Sn 5c. OflEN AGAIN
Th e ot colar niade with a rnqbair interlining, to keep the ecl1at from crtishing while 'THIS ?MORNINGi .-
erninskpque and rep gOOd$. FRIDAY, JUNE 7.
citfi r~epec p nbiaS, th~ed mos con fiabje and sensible hot wealhecr sleepilig garnlevt For full partioulars QRII at h col
n h akt oeagents for the Thdestri cio Trunk. For prompt and courteous treat-
ment try Hoppe.
R u C onlin Fiegol ,For bright and? brilliant prints have Offlo. Hour 243 P.M. S$@byA.M rnP n
them made on Gyko paper at Hoppe's.
InIuoOur ew Idea *I AEL"

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