in the be
n thieir pit
ly capable of thlrow ' -d with the university as guest~s or'
Losphere over the en- otherwise and will be given away free.
he rest of the cast The programn will start at 3:30
been built for their o'clock in the afternoon, im~mediately 1
was directed by after the society pageant parade, that
IS. has been scheduled to begin at 1:00Q1
o'clock. The following is a list of tho
VE LAST CO.NCERT , events that have been planned: Quar-te es f o th ma d ln nd g e
aClosed Last INght clubs, oriental gymna~stic exhibition
Ilfered Prgrm under the auspices of the Cosmopoli-1
audience listened to tan club, skit by the Comedy club and
at in the form of an The Mimes, an original song skit by~
;oncert ini university Fred Lawton and Edward Howell.
.ng. The Glee club Max Bennett, famous for his perform-
the Girls' glee club ance in the Crimson Chest will take
club quartette. a leading part, in the Mimes skit which
f the evening were was composed by Francis Riordan and
dolin club quartette and
quartettes. Several of
upon the western trip
di by a jointl
Robert Beck,
W'heatley is lpha _N'uPresident.
Alpha \u society elected the fol-
lowing officers for the ensuing year at
its final meeting last evening: presi-
dent, W. W. Wheatley, '13; vice-p res-
ident, W H. Egly, '13; secretary, J. L.
Primrose, '13; treasurer, W. C. Mullen-
dore, '14; Sybil editor, L. M. Sprague,
'14; oratorical delegate, L. H. Dunton,
'14; marshal, D. C. Grismore, '12,
e Musical clubs
r. Few of the
Le chances are
rganizatio1n next
s will lead the
Tickets for
es will be issi
day, June 22,
from 2 to 4 p.
flece. Each sf
they are for r
do not deman
and there are
9 to 11