THE MICHIGAN DAILY ----------- v. CRAVATS' s of room for the exercise of good ir selecting from our stock of ney Cravats. Stripes, bars, color ibinations, changeable effects or plain des, as you prefer. All tubular, rsible, unlined and pin-proof. {. W. Gross, 123 E. Liberty St. Elgction cards printed at Ann Arbor Press. 16-17-18 Strictly all wool suits to measure $15.00. Fit guaranteed. Varsity Tail- oring Parlors, 336 S. State. Roy P. Henry. tf For a quiet afternoon or evening go up the Huron. U. of M. BOAT LIV- R Y. 1-25 Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. ' 12tf Elea tion cards printed at Ann Arbor Press. 16-17-18 Rosenberg presses suits-25 cents. 12tf Get your tickets now. 3 for $1 for shampoo, facial and scalp massage. Just fo: one week beginning Monday. Mrs. R. J. Trojanowski, 1110 South University. 11-17 A new line of Browns Grey suitings just arrived. ward, 330 S. State St. and nobby M. W. Mil- 7tf S$$ THE 3 (& SCHMID 'Uafinr d Dishes 20358. Mait Pianos to Rent. Terms Schaeberle & Son, Music S. Main St. reasonable. House, 110 1-, tf CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST Lost-Red Leather Wallet, containing money and important University re- ceipts. Please return to 226 S. 12th. 702-L. Reward. 16 & 17 Lost--On South Ferry field during Fresh-Soph rush, a blue coat-Jersey. Please call 513 W. or return to 507 S. Division. 17 Lost-Slide Rule, W. C. Pomeroy, 546 Packard St. on leather case. Call 207-L. 171 Lost-Saturday, jeweled Delta Phi pin. Finder' please notify Rubin, 1599-L. Reward. 17 Lost-Laughlin fountain pen Friday night on State St. or campus. Finder please phone 1247-L, Bell. 17 FOR RENT.: For Rent-Large pleasant front suite, heat and light in both rooms, in- stantaneous heater, 832 E. Unviersi- ty Ave.., price $4 17 For Rent-One large single room, fit- ted up for one or two people. One very large suite, fitted up for two or three people. Prices reasonable. 609 Monroe. 17-18 To Rent-Large double suite, reason- able. Apply Mrs. Hlurley, 604 E. Madison St. 15-16-17 Benedict Loses Home. "Chick" Lathers, former star Varsity, baseball player, now with the Tigers, who was married in Detroit last week, returned from his honeymoon just in time to find out that his beautiful new residence, near Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit, had burned to the ground. The house had been a gift to "Chick" from his father, and was not insured to the full value. Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. .State St. Stf For Rent-One suite half block south of campus. Nicely furjished. South- ern exposure. All modern improve- ments. Cut price. 636 S. Thayer. Royal Tailors at 215 South Main. 12eod tf .... ,, ;, PURE WOOLEN FABRIC AND HAND MADE GARMENTS The clothes of wide-awake gentlemen at rr prices. We know that your visit to our store will be mutually profit diier People who We have to be wake ! Dare not offer f old-fogy styles. For our chief 1 is selling men's or, clothes, to p a. people. Rosenberg drycleans sweaters. 12tf Three Indian Motorcycles, slightly shopworn,, never used, for sale cheap. Staebler and Sons 119 W. Washington St. 13 to 18 Stationte-'ry d and Embossed Rosenberg dryclean suits. 12tf i Plate, Script . $1.25 2. 00' 3h 2.00 aded . . 3.00 h Shrded . 3.00' . . . .75 Special prices on Mayflower, Wash- burn, Bacon and other leading makes of mandolins and guitars at Grinnell's Music House. 14tf COR. LIBERTY AND MAIN STREETS .A most convenient place for your banking. Cutting Cafe Cor. State and Monroe Block from Campus Mrs. C. A. RANSON L. You'll need a Tye the best now and h college FUELBER & 310 S. State St. : Cards, n Cards, Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Etc. Rosenberg calls and delivers. 12tf INTERS hai rer .Co. BINDERS Bell Phone 1404__ VERS of choice sponges in the bath ill Find some fine ones in the stock just received. Beauty of form and quality- Mandruka Forms $2.00 to $4.00 Q'sarry DrIA Coo Election cards printed. at Ann Arbor Press. 16-17-18 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Educational Club meeting, Tappan Hall, Monday, 7 p. m. Prof. Whitney speaks. All men out. The executive committee of the mu- sical clubs will meet Monday evening at 7. Tryouts for union opera will be held Monday evening, 7:15 p. m. In Sphinx room, Press building. A meeting of students interested in the liquor question will be held in Newberry hall this evening at 7:30. J law football practice, 3 Mon- day, South Ferry field. All soph lit football candidates out Monday at 3:30. Game at 4:15. All '12 football men report for prac- tice at South Ferry Field, Monday 4 p. M. All tryouts for Union opera, caste and chorus, hand in eligibility cards at Union, Mon., Tues., or Wed., 4:30 to 5:00 p. m. Senior engineer football practice, Monday, 4 p. m., South Ferry field.! Will Speak at Newberry Hall Tonight. Prof essor Henry C. Adams of the economics faculty and also chief sta- tistician of the New York Central Rail- road, will deliver an address at New- berry Hall tonight at 6:30. His sub- ject will be, "The value of the Chris- tian Religion to the practical business man." GRANGER'S School of II; Opens October 10th. Classes for Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesd: day evenings, 7:00 to 8:00. For particulars call at Academy or Phome 246 Office Hours 10-12 A. 1 CollegeLun AUTO LIVERY BELL PHOIE 1101 Ann Arbor Garage, 206 5and7P. Prices HOME PHONE 4! :1 __ Sweaters cut over at the Palais Royal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tf Election cards printed at Ann Arbor Press. 16-17-18 Shoe repairing, laces and polish for sale. J. H. Lambert, 613 E. William St. 3 eod tf BESIMER'S GRILL - Charcoal Grilled Porterhouse Steaks, 113 W. Huron St.. Upstairs, opposite Inter- urban Station. 1-24 eod Election cards printed at Ann Arbor Press. -"16-17-18 IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Detroit Evening Journal Agen- cy has been changed. All orders and other business should now be sent to Stofflett's News Stand, 110 E. Wash- ington St., Phqne 364. tf Soph Candidate Will Withdraw Miss Margaret Melvin has with- drawn her name as candidate for the vice presidency of the soph lit class. FINE HAND WORK a Majestic II. 606 E. LIb 4HALLER'S t* lo 10t1S aerrman's Ideal, Conklin Oolf Filling, Moose's No Lakabi. dS n, Repeaters. Alarmus and N..ovelty Alarms ge line of MICHIGAN JEWELRY and NOVELTIES Finest Jewelry and Watch Repairing laller's Jewelry Store t St. Bell P hone 334 L SCollege MNichigan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity Jewelry. Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold J lO 'alarms. $1.00 it. Your Patronage is Well Cared for Here yrdst. dbusit mhousi I ig Maynard St. Next door to University School of Music Announcement Extraordinary It is my privilege to announce that this show will su others. It is without exception one of the GREATEST Al Vaudeville Talent ever brought to the State of Michigan. I a Positive Feature. The demand for seats will be enotmo yours during the day. ARTHU Those Three Rubes Dxovn, Bowers and Di, Direct from Klaw & Erlanger's New Amsterdam Theatre, New Yo Late features of Frederick Thompson's Production of "Cirlies" John Zimmer Dramatic Star Juggling Expert Miss Julia Redmoi In a Farce Come I Fraternity ManagersI I I We handle every article in the Hardware, Heating, and Plumbing Lines Ranges and Cooking Utensils a specialty Phone us your order Seymour and Robinson The Mir and the Schmacher Hardware 508-510-312 South Main Company The Rovie of Music-For the College Student The New Song "VARSITY" FLANNEL SHIRTS Imported and Domestic'Cloths-Priced from $1.50 to $4.00 The entire line is open for your inspection, even though you do not wish to purchase at the present time. TINKER & COMPANY Furnishers and Hatters to University Men COR. S. STATE and WILLIAMS STS. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR NEW-IDEAS Shown for the First TIi Photo Plays "THE LITTLE RE Extra Added Feature Berry& Wilhelm Character Imitations-One of the most artistic acts o American stage Coming Next Thursday Arizona Joe Wild West Sh Cowboys, Girls, Ponies, Broncos-Two car loads of scen effcts. Sensation of ti By- J. I~r4 Lawton. Earl V. Moore Now Ready r' ., It Clothes for CollegeMen at Allen's Good Clothes S