THEl1 iCHIGAN D*AILY. 311 So. State Street - DISPLAY THE FICHIGAN,,,DAILY Official Newspaper at e ,nersy of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. .. colors desperately, The sophomores, who went into the rush, may well be proud of their deserved victory. They fought for their class and fought well. We congratulate 1914,-and we con- gratulate 1915. Class -Teams Will finde.-stook of 'oolens of coats and" Exclusive Styles Trousers. 11 . State Street TAILORS [iful a TYPEWRITING. LAW OUTLINES, TYPE e faIce rocess, WRITER SUPPLIES, TYPEWRITERS, t after rvey's (new and second hand), for sale and rent.' ' or this -- )ohl 0 . D. MORWILL' taie OVER BALTIMORE LUNCH BELL582-J I r J 17 Ie P. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert I. Dilley Editors. News Editor ........Harry Z. Folz Assistant .............Frank Pennell Athletic Editor ......F. E. Shaw, Jr. Assistant.. ........G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama ....Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files ..... ........Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Mack Ryan Loren Robinson Karl Matthews Wallace Weber. Reporters. John Townley Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler ....Robert Gillett Frank Murphy William Daugherty J. Selig Yellen. BUSINESS STAFF. Assistant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard Advertising Mgr ...Elmer P. Grierson Circulation Mgr.....E. Ray Johnson A. R. Johnson, Jr. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. m., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Phones 960. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00., The Student Council, under whose, auspices the rush was conducted, is desirous of making formal presenta- tion of the captured flags to the sophs who climbed the poles and pulled them down. This proposal is most* com- mendable and should become a cus- tom. The men who captured the flags should be allowed to retain them, as mementos. If they could be assured that they could keep them the fight for possession of the banners after they had been pulled down would be obvi- ated. Only one of the flags used Saturday' is now in the possession of the Coun- cil, the others being in possession of those who have no right to them. The Council officials desire that these& flags be left at the Union clubhouse where the formal presentation is to be held, and their wishes should be regarded. I town . all According to our immemorial cus- tom we refuse to. exercise our mind on a Saturday. We hasten to add that those who don't believe that the com-j pilation of this monument to Pure Reason is work are invited to attend in the office any morning while Ye Ed is assaulting his locks. SOPHOMORES ANNIHILATE CLASS OF 1915. Platinumn Portraito Foot Ball.Gods and Athletic Suppies In general, complete in every detail ' WH R'IS University Bookstore Whem 'YouDesire Platitantt Prtralta Note Books,- Portraits of Quality Go t. SPECIAL PRICES On all Sizes' 319 E. u latinum Port-all THE PHOTOGRAPHER ron Phone 981.L Pla~eun~v I Gym Supplies SHEEHAN & Company STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE I_ I I n I 1 p. 1 Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski FASHIONABLE AIRDESSER Elair Goods, Hairdressing, Manicuring and Face Nlasame Rain water Shampooing a Specialty. is (1t IIr ri i 3- Bell 696-W | ROTH ERS SS CLOTHES BY HAND S DRY CLEANED 75c ESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRESSED 25c SOUTH STATE STREET Van Doren 's Pharmacy 703 PACKARD STREET Drugs, Candies, Soda Supplies, Cigars, and Students' Supplies We nake the best chocolatetsoda in town. Drop in on your way to Perry Field. Want Ad Stations. Press -Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North. Uni- versity. UNON Aar SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1911. Night Editor-Mack Ryan. Underclass Spirit. The second trial of the day rush proved a distinct success. It is ex- tremely fortunate for failure would have caused new regulations, more confusion and the possible loss of an event in which is the feature of every- one's underclass days. A day rush can never approach a night conflict as a spectacular contest but that class spirit and class loyalty can be demonstrated regardless of re- strictions was proved conclusively by the underclasses yesterday. The soph- omores, in particular, deserve praise for their plucky fight against odds. Contrary to custom, they turned out almost to a man and with eager en- thusiasm attacked the freshman de- fense.' Strategy was responsible to a certain extent for the victory of the sophomores but it was their determin- ed spirit which really decided the con- test. The freshmen, who went in to the rush, have no reason to feel ashamed of their defeat. They defended their (Continued from page 1.) the march until the Memorial building was reached. Here a crowd of fresh- men who had gathered on the steps were dispersed and the sophs posed for a "mugging." Not a single serious injury was re- ported either during or after the rush. The sophomore leaders at the request of the Councilmen called upon the class to disperse and their order was immediately complied with. Proclamations. are Posted. Many old timers suspected their eye- sight when they beheld yesterday morning on several. trees .proclama- tions which reminded them of their underclass days. Early yesterday- morning some sophomores scattered a few of these about State street but they were quickly gathered up as cu- riosities. Fresh Leader is Kidnapped. The first year men were somewhat chagrined this morning when Sou- ter, the Shelby star of last year's in- terscholastic meet, who was elected leader last night, failed to put in an appearance. The reason, which they did not know, was that a party of sophs called upon him late last even- ing and, forcing him into an automo- bile, took him to a house in Saline where they kept watch until late this morning. He retul'ned in time to meet the victorious sophs in their march-from the field. Prof. Tealdi Unable to Meet Classes. On account of illness, Prof. :Aubrey Tealdi will be unable to meet his class- es on Monday or Tuesday. We Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning PRESSING. .nd REPAIRING Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75o Suite Pressed 26o FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 E. William St. Ann Arbor Ckfoa~ Calahai 6&Comnpany 5408.SStat. St. Oppoalte Law uildiagt LawBooks, New and- Second-Hand .0d14 ooks-Taken in Exch aage-New hooka Calladghan (& Company OppositeDeor of Law 514g.-Next to Corer a Harry Lenox, Wishes to advise the U. of M. students that he has secured his complete stock of Fall and Winter fools. 56 Lafayette Ave. Detroit, Mich. BVY Your M Books & "Rush" Pictures 1 PRESSING CO. TIMPOIBLE a skirt presentable during rainy weather. ract is not an ordinary condition, how- re accustomed to having them pressed, .oo we contract to press 3 skirts during >n of strictly up-to-the-minute Sanitary noth business we are doing, make these of our finished work will explain our mon one of our representatives. We Collect and Deliver FROM E. Jo SCHMIDT 707 N. University Ave. Up-Stairs .. r . I ERTAINMENTSI I "'One can never be a scholar by 'going through' college- in one door and out the other. Neither can he take a short- cut to gentlemanly appearance." HAVE WAGNER MAKE YOUR CLOTHES STATE STREET I I R' I HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. E WEEK LEFT- In which to secure TICKETS Bowlers like a long "run- a-way." Ours are 3 feet longer than regulation size. FOR HIRE 7 Passenger Touring Oar-Sight: * seeingand joy rides to Whitmore Lake, Ypsl, Detroit, etc. SpecialrRates towStudents CALL H.: B. PECK A.G SPALDING & BROS The Spalding Trade are the largest manu- facturers in the world DINg of OFFICIAL EQUIP. QP ~lVQMENT,for alt athletic TRADENsports and pastimes. f IfYou are interested U in Athletic Sport yiou MARK 8houldhave a copy of IN )9 the Spalding Cata- logue. It's a complete is knownthroughout encyclopedia of the world as a What's New in Sport Ouar t.. of and is sent free on re- Qua elity quost. A. 0. SPALDINOG f &DROS. 254 Woedward Ave. Detroit Mich DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Detroit Llmlted-8:13 a. m., 10:13 a. m., 12:13 p.m.. 2:13 p. m.4:13 p. mn., 6:13 p. m., 8:13 p. im. Kalamazoo Limited - 7:46 a. m 9:46 a. m., 11:46sa. zm1:46 p. m., 3: 46 p. m., 5:46 p. m. -Lansing 7:46 p. m . Local Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a. om., 6:45 a. m., and every two hours to 10:45 p. m. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a. m. and half hour- iy toll: 15p. m., alsol12.15 a. mn., 12:.30 a. mn., 12:50 a. m. To Saline, change atYpsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5:40 a. mn., Z:15 a. m ,andeverytwohoursto 11:1 5 m. ts at S. L. A. Window All This Week. DO IT NOW HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. Phone 633 J 413 Thompson St. R ANDALL & PACK, Photographers I -PHC