THE MICHIGAN DAILY -rW-- i - ., MICHISAN turday Afteroori are we will win--But its 0f Chance--when your spr- s made by LCOlM 4 EA1ST LIBERTY ST.I 1RUMOR OF VARSITY CREWSQUELCHED Refport 'I'irnt on1 Coujiletion of IDam C'r4' %W ould be.E stablishedi LACK 4OF CURRENT IS ONE EVIL \Yhnirt heavarici1ous engineers']' i sear('h of power decied to dam11 the, alrady overdammed 11II-roil, the a(utt- i ci enhu i idabot the (ca1!mus start- edco(1 ur on 1 01 hancc s fora crew at MnhlltgPn. in iaginaion the1y saw Michian dfeatng Y le, arvard, Co rnell, and other cfollegesi famlou1s on xh ' water and their enthu~dsism turn- C(1 thirihoe into 1rumor0Is. Gradually- the story <>rexv ntil several had1 it on good auihoity that lMchigant was to have, a crew anld this rumlor spread ,Iut( desp1ite the misplaced enthusi- asm and Nwild rumlors, M ichig-an is not to have_ a crew andf chanlces for it 'Ire abiout Las; good 2as Yle winnling the InI- (t'erelleg'iat('. Even g1 ran ting the fact thatl the athiletic aut1horiities would be willing!t,- spend the money i'on this splort and the,( other coaches stand( ready toVgiv up their best men to the marne orp, sillinsurrmiountable oh- staucles; lr( vnt such a thlingl. Th,, min >>troublle lies w ith the hurcon it- Established 1872 Reliable for tweer 40 Years -- menwholeae ichIigan this spring wvili renmember this nig4ht as longs as you Ive." DenMrie .(olywas the last speak, tKIngas his topic, "The [uiversity and its Alumunni." After a brief intro>ductio,>lD eanl Cooley read al n mressive (:-aling; with the attitude of The alumni toward their alma mater, '"You w ill always recol- lect college friendsh'ips and the fare- wells made this June," said De4an Cool- ey. "\o matter mwre you roam, Mlich- iganl and your life here wHi always remIlain a sweet memiory." A1fte'r the speeches, the freslhmen ran around the fire and threw= in their gray caps. The program ended wit-h thle singing .-of "Where', Oh Where, Are the Vecrdant F'reshmenli?" and "-The Yellow and the Blue." Following the festivities, the first- year men celebrated their advent into die ranks of sophomoredom by storm- ing the Majestic for the promised 'free shove." NI16H'T RITES. (Continued from page 1.) rune in the af'ternoon. The brother of the famous Mlichigan sprinter was not entered in the high sticks much to the siurprise of Alichigan's friends in the cast. Kohler dlid about as was prophesied for himt in the weig;ht events. Beatty of of Columbia took anl easy first in the trials by heaving the 16 pound weight 46' feet and 1-8 inch, a distance which bcreaks the intceollegiate mark set by JoeIorn~r of Michigan, In then hamnmer throw Kohier's heave of 15o feet 6 inches weon him third place and anl easy qlualication. Cable of Hrar- yard and Mlarden of Dartmnouthl both better K-ohlor with throwes of 154 feet 11 1-2 inches and 152 feet 2 inches re- speutively. MAJESTIC Summer Season opens Mon. June 3 Phetoplays De Luxe Song Features TIIRU SHOWS NIGfHTIV Prices 5c and l Oc Best Seats. Complete Change Program Every Day FOB Two Carl,.,:(',,: f F Trunks, bought atz Price. To be closed out att Do You Like Goodei We serve only the good kind. Our lee Cream, Sundae are absolutely the very best quality. Vernor's Ginger Ale, Parke, Davis & to's Root Bteer, Celerytone and all kinds of Egg Drinks. We go at to be right in every way. The Rmexall Drug 1 E. C. EDSILL~, Prop. 122 S. Main St. Prescript Wholceale. TRUNKS OF OFFICIAL. SIGMA XI KEYS; No. 2 $6.00 r* SENT UPO0N No 2 $6.00 Ko 3 $5.00 F. W. sizes Enampled Monogram bhe !4anlttat\ PRICE Li1 REQUEST dvertisor that you vw it 1,n1 the Daily y'1> C f ' ' , << ,, / J , , fr : ' ' ' ' ! I I ( r t /ji , ; ' II ' I illy = , ., ' Il. I jl t l C / l G I I, {jl; r( I -- . ;,I' RP f ;, f I' rig , ,,, ; f , . ._ _=- --- THwU AD1MJ Whn th.e dam i4 canleted there may h a mie an la haIf of Nwater o Bit trng t 2~ar, t oudbe p( _. vmt er Mand i mm. ac_ ethere 1 ( pi(I 12 e on i n t IUs innling it re( ss and before a year was up the (ew's trafininglak'1(1e NwouIld resemble a eer;arde n. Tlhen to keep it in proper condlition would necessitate a (aill 111)011 some gret philanthropist. Many other irritating little things might be mentioned that hae the effect of dampening the ardor foi tis .sp1ort and those who have a palir ittch{ling to0grspll oar will haAve tc be content withi a paddle aind] allitli.( canoe. For at least sonic time Mli(,h- igan11 will n1t haea crew., FEIGHIl VARSITY MEN COMIPETE IN E'AST TOl)~AV. (Continued from page 1~) ri'lios.Bo)g-le waus on the prog ram for a talkl: abeled',"Lok~ling Forward'' InIt -Toll"-(didnttgiveatalkt- he 1?ltured folrih a regular oration, such as would hv aroused the envy of a igh ' school spll-blinder. "Thre a ,re thlree kinds of students," said Io~,"antediluvialn grindls, men- tal hoboes, and those who combine the g1ood qu1alities of these two types. Mly advice to you freshmen is to mnake an0 effort to get in the desirable class."] "Ca p Ngti the big nightl of the! year for me,"' said Prof. C.1I, Van( Tj ne 1, the nextt speeor. "ly duty is to enthuse. youl to work for the newt Milchigatn 1nionl, but you already know] about that, Wlhat we must do is. to ed-t ucate our alumni so thlat they will be re'ady wvhen we begin to campaig n for funds,"] Fredeick oomis, '12 AT, spoke onI "Aferard."There are a great many[ hieavy hearts under the black robes1 hewre tonig,;i"PA Id Loomis," and you I- Phone 1334-L Sargent of Mlichigan, was one of five men to qualify for the high Jump. The men qualified at 5 feet Io 1-2 inches. A disappointment from a Michigan standpoint, however, was the failure of Cohn and Waring to qualify in the broad jump. The mark: set to qualify was 21 foet 11 inches, and though both Michi,,an umen have bettered 22 feet 6 inches, they were sadly ou[ of place in) today's competition, BesFides these menl who will repre - sent Mlichigman Saturday, the Wolver- ines have 1lainmbaughi and lanavant.r ,cah these men won seonds in their events last year, but though Hlail-t bayugh is scheduled to run next to 11cr- na in the two mile event, it is a ques- tion as to how Ihanavan will finish in the mnile. Predictions are already being made as to broken records. The shotput mark has already gone by the boards. Perna will undoubtedly better the In- tercollegiate mark in the two mile, as hie has already done it several times this year. Jones or Putnam of of Cor- nell will probably set a new mark in the half', while 1eidpath is looked to establish a new record in the quarter. With five mena having cleared the bar at 12 feet 4 inches in the pole vault it would not be a surp~rise if' the rec- ord in this event were also smashed. 'z---z - _W 12 "Ib NASERIEC C17THE V CONS. ECT'IONE.R'S ART I Better than Flowers for uation presents. If you want to order a s1 DEAN Both Phones give tus your order & Cc '71 it t' juilee Ri~~5,a O',0 I TheLain aNN I V,- CHICKEN DINNER 25c Every $'unday A! A. HATHAWAY 331 South"Iaiin St. Widh etch pen? " ,of. a ^, i'm 'o g~it a pCNmia,'l ou ( ' f wh: . N, 1// " Y rr.f Trainer Farrell,"ho will fill Kraenz- lein's shoes hsere in the future, has been ltresented with a siver lvn Iil cup as "the most popular mann that. had ever been connected with Ohio State athiletics." Mention the Michigan ih I c Purte Silk Nosy SENIORS USE 25c --*--- Ie Heel $1.50 per box B1 .ckTim, N .vy rYid Double Toe Colors Gvey MIR. ROOT. DZILLEY, flwi!uss Mfax ager, The Michigan Daily. ur supply of .uimm er liose, while -,c~u ca;n get a chioic ,. A brain of this kilid weavis a oil onl your silk hosiery for ummiler wcear ,eight nmatcria,'s in mtlany Inew'pattern;s of fax cyshirtin- s, iv -('.e ,ith Fxcrch cuffs axid e Salle imatrial, (tiher a:ttached or detched. ;Silk : tlil e Ali (,ttcs, nt eiss ard er- ng In. pirice from $1.00 to $4.00. e of stra ws for tis seasoln, includes several niew ideas Senmts -lits ard f ,ic3 I ainds, d other 1nakes, Pa-,amais and,! Bangaks. ]e.kwvear, silks and cottonls, at 25c and 50c. ;« soft collar made vwith a mohlair interlining, to kep te cllrfurnm ciubii g hile 4ilk, pique and rep goods. fic one pice, the nmost con-fc-rtabhle a ex-sTIVhbt nt r sicpzx1g1gal"i(1xt yet. sole aet for the'_ Tnd struc'o ITrunk. Dear Sir: Enlclosedl to me for the school year free for the balance of the fin (hckmonley o)rdera) for $3.001 i<, i2-i 913"'Tile pa