' T MICHIGAN DAI StreetI the city. to those made in this city. *State Street 11 1 1 1 1 order your G CARDS TIME HISLIPIITED and 1 00 Cards I a25 THE 111,0IGAN _DAILY Off~iul Newvspaper atfiler I niiEzk t3 of Michigan. Published every morning except Moa- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. Walter K 'Iowera. t~I SINESS AAN AGEU ,11ert RU. D)ille Editors. SATURDAY 1 , JUNE 1. 191 . Night ditor-_1orton 4. Hunter. The position of the communicant in yes:terda.y's issue of The MKichigan Daily, resp>ecting; the aissumption by the Union of the funiction of locating incoming freshmen, indlicating possi- ble abtus;es that ight accrue at the hnds of the fraternities, is deserving of some consideration. The're isbow'ever, litt~le question that The Micig-an Union is a proper body- to undertake such a duty. The scope of the activity of that organiza- tioni, to promote the- social wel fa re of the' students, requiirecs no extension, to incluide this particular function. Further it is generally con- ceded that the ion10 can bet- ter perform thbis serv ice, than ecan an y other Organlizat 1Ci on on the cam pusc't. , _ 1o i n o ziii appe"'al to arclass ofGmen whohes- .tate to allytemevexi lth thse a0- ready occupying theo field in? stionf. In~~~~~~~~l, adioi ti 'fe'dn htany ion ideaz into the mHinds of the fresh- men is meritorious. That th~e performiande of tl~is office may be accom~panied by abuses of the kind suggested, is not impossible; the connection, however, is no more nec- essary thanm are similar abuses upon the present system. Fraternity -men frequent the Y. MT. C. A., for instance. The suggestion, nev-ertheless, is onie that nay well be born in ifiind by thec Union autthi Tties, as va warin i'- against any such occurrence. ,, '' I , , ,, I I , Is ame m =a, We I have the T CARDS" Atten' No sounds ito hear'-thos;e em'anati!ng from the. School of Mu1s from'1 dawn to dusk.:_ Nothing to wear-Yeh, it;'s gettin' hotter qvery cday. No time for classes-these lovely af- ternoons. No sort of mal-,"THIS l)OES NOT Phi Beta Kappa has a baseball team at Htarvard. Wie would like to see MichigLan P. B. lK. Sports even play fiddle-de-w.inks. Speakin1g of cong;estioni, have you ever timed yourself on the nu;mber of iinutes it takes to get through the Tappan hall door-wayv for a ten o'clock?: PROROO 01111 ;$bS NOIltTIIWAR D Professor Filibert Roth of thle for- estry departmnent, leaves tomorrow ev- ening for the upper Peninsula, whe re he will spend next week in lectulring- at vairiouss cities, on the University Extension course. He expects to be gone utntil the ,12th inst. During his absence Instructors igh 11YOUngand 'Whiting Alden will mneet his cla.ses. Angineers 1Hold '[h1eir La1st 1Dance. Onie hundlredl couplle s who attended the' EnglinCeering Soci;al Club party chaperoned by Mir. and Mrs. Loos and Dr. Hl. LH. Willard, daaiced until three this morning. Coats were checked at an early hour and shlirts of the latest pattern were display ed. This was the last and biggest of a series of diance s given by the engineers. The Jeffersonianl Society will presenlt her distingish(ed senliors withl test i- monials at the laist mneeting of the year tonig>ht at :seveno'lc in Jeffer- soianm hall. The meeting, wiltl take the form of a trial, the issue be ing P1w~tIhwxm PortreAls Wher '1 Portraits 'Cow n ta~ km Time's flyi Vi We have just rcceived St) les. Quality and ieehan's JDENTS' BOOK5TORE I THE Pilo, 319 E. uo Poertr.dt& Pl tI u 1' 1' 1 . W R pI.t 1 I MI I We Do French Dry ai P, lKESING mz Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75o FULLER &O'CONNOR 322 0o. State Str6,1. ES53ED BY HIAND AT 410 SOUTH STATE STREETI rcoats Dry Cleaned and Prep-sed 75c SUITS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRE3SED 25c NCIS, UONIICIIONS, CIGARS BACCO, CIO.AIIIIIS, PIPES Agents for B-B-B Pipes It Qesinersof en'sCloheswil in Exr1i HENY & the very best sat 1sf arion. LARGE LINE OF CLASS PIPES yo« I Io308 S9. State Street, AnuArbor, Mich *** *** * * * whether or not certa in seniors wvill re- . ceive the testimonials. *ALLI SEaNIOR ,SING THUtRSDAY)'*- r .31;' 1 E;, 7: SCEP, M., ON SThFI'S *Frli ~lLiws 1Make tiupieit in Funds.a * OF MEMORt('IAL HALL. A special assessment of twenty-five * *-cents was levied by the fresh kaw class * lSENTOR LIT SING EVERY ZV at the final class mceting of the year T ThUf RSDA Y NIGCT AT SE VEN yesterday, in order to tmake up the *O'CLOCK, TAFIPAN OAK. * standing deficit, caused chiefly by the * * failure of the class to equal the nums- ' SENIt)R ENGiINEERl SING EV- * ier guaranteedl for the clarss banquet *FRY TT*, ;YAN)TIR iheld n Detroit. Reports of the various D DAYAYI'lIT AN)TISI+RS- N class commnittees were heard! and all * 0 L C , EGINERIG *of the routine business finished up. *BENCHES. * 3 iib n ro i-: John Wiereng1Lo, '06, of Mulskeg-on,. * E SEIOR LAW SING EVR * was married to -Miss Elizabeth Forsyth TIIVi{kSDAY SNIGIIT AT S1VEN * Cline, at the St. Atndrews-chunrc , Ann' * O'CLOCK ON STEPIS OPF LAW * harbor, Wednlesday night. M!'rs. Wier- *BUILDING. * engo went to Wellesley and was a stu- * * dent here last year. "Zeb" Wier eng;o ** * * * * * * * * * was prominent in class athletics while; -_______ ____at the university, and has specialized TPhe Ohio State Weekly,three months onl golf since his graduation. old competitor of' the Lantern, has an-. nouced itself ,as an indeopendlent anti- TEnineer 1-Leaves toAcet1otin fraternity mnop[olization news: ~ppr,j Clarence Kahb, '12 I', left yesterday dedictated] to "Proniote a more demo- "for New Brement, 0., where he will as- cratic silrit among the students of. sinme the superintendency of the mul- %Oio State."I nicipal light and powNer lant;. ,. :- r , ,, , , ,. /Fr ,' Qy5e . cox{ SONS & VINING New Yori( m~akers of Academic Costuine Caps, Gowns and floodls for a!1 dAgrees RZepr'esentati -es STRAW HATS, SOFIf SHIRTS, SPRING N"CK- WEAR B, V. D. UINDER - WEAR, POROSKNIT UNDERWEAR p Varsity. Togge ry SHOP 11 1 10O7 S. University, Ave. E. J. Lohr omwammsN onamomwa3 A VIC r--"The Niagara Falls Route" -... Ha' )ails commYencing Good Returning within 30 Days privi lge and opt-ion of boat trip between Detroit onl Hudson River between Albany and Newv York. 00Boston $!. ,S 2 7,- nd return 4d;.I~ ve you seen the $25.00____ We are offering ?____ _______ SEE GIt SUOW WIND)OW WAGNoER& CO. State Street Tailors -t ft 3 v -t, including Thousand ts Don t forget that you can get the best .sodas and Sundaes Detroit United Lines i° Taxicab Company. es and all private calls, also a brand now tour- day and night. ORTH STATE STIR EET I at On information to Division Supef in- tCIent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit 'United Lines, bry officers of Varsity or, o rganizations, the movement, beyond the c ipacity of the regular service, of any g;rup of students to or from Anin Ar- Vur, extra cars and extr-a service will be prom plly Supplied. CIROPODn Lorns,I ~rnnurui nals. veryti tiseptic. 0fice lhours. 8-12 MISS. E. J. 921 E. Huron Street, 2 Blacs East of High Soh COCUS IN Van Doren's Pharmacy NEAR FERRY FIELD I AND 1110 IN 1