he Michigan Daily A Reliable Directory Reliable Bus I Ao ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1911. .. t * * * * * * * * * * * * *f * * * * * * * * * * *I WHAT THE COACHES SAY. We were defeated-that's all. As to the Michigan team, I have no- thing to say. I have all that I can do to attend to my own. Possi- bly my boys were out-weighed. Vaughn. It was a fairly well fought game Ohio was plucky; they fought when their line was being torn to pieces. We nae lots of mistakes and our play w"as far from being satisfac- tory. There was some improve- ment over last week but there is room for a lot more. Yost. I Battle ,f 1i. VIDUAL STAR. Show Best Bi, flogle >f past scores s the Wolver- e yesterday by1 h for the first ough the game of those of the risitors seemed wares at first ninutes of the eatening all of . Foss tried for a the ball went ch of the other d however and tle that saved he ball was on ey were on the MOTHER WOULD SAVE HER CHILD "My Daughter Must Not Hear Burns," Cries Tortured Parent. (The Daily assumes no responsibility for sentiments expressed in com- mnications.) Editor, The Michigan Daily:- >I see by your paper that Mr. Burns, a detective, has been appointed to speak in University Hall by the S. L. A. This is undoubtedly an outrage. To think that, after I should buy two tickets, they could do such a thing. I can't see how they could. a girl, here, to educate. I have spent a girl here to educate. I have spent my whole life keeping such influences away from her. She has never been allowed to read "Nick Carter" orbany of those horrible blood and thunder novels about detectives. And to think now, after all my pains, I must either sell my tickets or bring her to this. My daughter must not hear Burns. I demand that Mr. Burns be recall- ed. Can't the authorities do something? These boys, there are ten of them in my house, will no doubt go. They all have tickets. I hereby demand now that this mat- ter lie put up to President Stanley and Regent Yost, and if these gentlemen or some of the other men who are run- ning the college won't do anything, I am going to sell my tickets. Very truly, AN ANXIOUS MOTHER.,, WOULD ADVISE GERMAN'TRAINING' Mme. Gadski Thinks Students of Mu- sic Should Study Abroad. I believe that Germany offers a bet- ter opportunity for American singers than does America," said Mme. Gadski in answer to the question, "Should American students go abroad for their education?" "In America, we have two opera houses," she said, "the Metro- politan in New York, and Mr. Dippel's place in Chicago. In Germany, how- ever, every little town like this (Ann Arbor), has an opera house in which young singers get their start. "Of course, I don't want to say that there are not very good teachers here, but still the student has no chance to get the necessary' experience. If a young singer is preparing for the ccv- cert stage, then there is not so great a need for her to go abroad. Mme. Gadski said she was delighted with her reception here, and she would much rather sing before a university audience than any other. SELECT MANAGERS OF VARSITY TEAMS Good, Williamson and Moehl- man Chosen to Guide Des- tiny of Our Athletics SOPH PATER THINKS RUSH FINE * Visiting Westerner Likes Michigan * Ways and is Rush Enthusiast. * Mud, showers of flour, and all those other flying accessories of yesterday's * underclass flag scrap, didn't trouble * Mr. F. H. Fogerty, of Portland, Ore- * gon in the least. Sheer excitement * brought him from the side-lines out * into the thickest of the conflict before * the smoke had scarce cleared from * the opening pistol shot. And there he * stayed until the fall of the last flag. * "No, I'm not an alumnus," were his * words to the man who pinned an offi- * cial's badge on the lapel of his coat. * "Wish I were though: Came all the * way from Portland-two thousand* miles-to see this rush, and the team, * and the school. Got a boy in that * scrap-don't know where-but in that * pile somewhere. He's a sophomore- * second year here. "How do I like this rush? Fine! * Best thing I ever saw. And the team? * Well, : m going to see the team this * afternoon. The school? Just you wait till I get back to Portland. I'll * have half the town back here in Ann * Arbor attending school. It's - got * them all beat to death." * * * JURISTIS CHOOSE CLASS OFFICIALS: Senior and Junior Laws Hold Annual Elections, Large Vote Cast He Who Swipes The Daily Once there was a Red-Haired Philosopher who ruminated thus within himself: "If I expend Two Bones Four Bits upon the Daily, I shall be out exactly Two Bones Four Bits. Why not cop the Sheet next Door?" Which he did every morning at Seven Bells. A certain good Philanthropist, with Anarchistic Eccentricities came down to the Office where basks the Titled One of our Pa- per. "Advertise" he roared "for a Red-Haired Private Secretary, Salary Forty Plunks and Pick- ings." Now the Sheet next door to the Philosopher's Domicile was the property of an Auburn-Topped Contemporary, who arose in his Might at Six Bells and at last managed to get his Paper. So when at Seven Bells the Red- Haired Philosopher came across to cop the Daily, the Enraged One of the Auburn Top handed the Philosopher a Black Eye. A week hence, as the Philoso- pher was convalescing, he heard that his Auburn-Topped Con- temporary had accepted the An- archistic Secretaryship at Forty Plunks and Pickings. Moral: Buy your own Daily. 1914 Has EasyTime Wi men in Annual Ruw turing _Three Poh Mark for Enthusias SOPHS GET 17 CANES I Freshman Leader is Kidn day Night and Impri Until Rush is OT For the first time in ma freshman class yesterday n Ferry field after an unde *r *# * * CAMPUS FABLES by our own George Ade * * * * * $. * * * * * * * * * SOPHOMORES ANNIHILATE CLASS I Fre- e for RUSH KEEPS MANY VOTERS AWAY I NO SENIOR PRESIDENT PICKED * * * * * te first touch- es of the sec- all had been Conklin was no od but eye ter- en time ie Ohio- 5 yard 15 yards second quarter an over it till three minutes of the [ichigan scored again, air route when Bogle from the 36 yard line c formation. Thomson .ck-off 25 yards. The irough an interchange was a see saw affair in the centerof the ides punting frequent- Jarpel and Craig had 1 to the 20 yard line i failed to gain and led back for another hie ball was blocked Pontius recovered it. ) to Ohio's 5 yard line 3rs held for downs and from the Wolverines. ed to punt from behind- ine but Bogle blocked -onklin fell on it for hdown of the day. He point when he kicked e were but a few plays uarter as time was all period ended with the in's possession on her ed on Page 4.) Elect Officers for Coming Year. About 75 Ferris Institute alumni held their first 1911-1913 meeting Fri- day night at which officers . for the, year were elected, and plans for future events were discussed. It is the in- tention of the club to hold a banquet the early part of next semester at which Professors Ferris and Messe- link will speak. The officers elected are: P. L. Potter, president; A. G. Alber, vice-president; E. M. Sharpe, secretary, and G. C. Tremmel, treas- urer. S. C. A. Cabinet To Dine In Detroit. Members of the S. C. A. cabinet will attend a banquet to be given at the Wayne Pavillion in Detroit tomorrow evening, under the auspices of the "Men and Religion" movement. Invites Large Crowd to Pennsy Game. With the idea of drawing a record crowd here on November 18, the Ath- letic association is sending out over eight thousand circulars concerning the Pennsylvania game to the alumni and alumni associations throughout the country. Inter-Class Football Begins Monday. The first of the inter-class football games will be staged on South Ferry field, Monday, October 23, at 4 P. M., when the senior and junior lits clash. Karl Matthews will referee and Clar- ence Sessions will umpire. The annual fall election of the ath- letic association held yesterday morn- ing to fill the offices of baseball, track and interscholastic managers resulted as follows: Baseball manager-Earl F. Good, '12 lit, of Nahma, Mich. Track manager-Harold B. William- son, '13 E, of Detroit. Interscholastic manager-Arthur B. Moehlman, '12 lit, of Detroit. Each of the successful candidates was elected by a comfortable majori- ty. The number of votes cast was a trifle less than last year when between eight and nine hundred members .vot- ed. The per cent. voting was not as large as expected as the Athletic As- sociation now consists of about eight- een hundred students. The rush pre- vented a large number of underclass- men from voting. Manager Announces Engagement. Homer Heath, manager of the Mich- igan Union, and Miss Katharine May Rider, announced their engagement be- fore the girls of the Pi Beta Phi soror- ity at a luncheon given at the Union at nine o'clock last evening. The girls at Oklahoma are practic- ing organized cheering for the football season. Out of the 179 votes cast for presi- dent in the senior'law class yesterday, R. O. Bonisteel received 57, R. H. Fryberger 45, B. H. Reck 39 and R. Tipping 38. As no candidate polled a majority of the votes cast, another election will have to be held to vote{ on the two highest men, according to the amendment to the class constitu- tion that was adopted Friday. The men elected to the other posi- tions are as follows: First vice-pres- ident, J. D. Thomas; second vice-pres- ident C. A. North; secretary, G. E. Braid; treasurer, Gilbert Sanders; sergeant-at-arms, N. A. Tracy; foot- ball manager, P. T. Gaynor; track manager, G. R. Madison; oratorical delegate, T. J. Davis.' The junior law elections resulted as follows: President, Burke Shartel; vice-president, A. S. Newhall; secre- tary, J. R. Conley; treasurer, W. H.. Kuhr; oratorical delegate, G. D. Kel- ly; sergeant-at-arms, R. E. Bostick; football manager, V. L. McCarthy; baseball manager, L. H. Barringer; basketball manager, W. P. Nelson; and track manager, E. J. Mercer. A department of Oriental Language has been established at Pittsbpirgh University. Siamese for missionaries will be among the new subjects. * * * * * * 'I Canape of Sardines. Chicken Okra a la Creole. Celery. Queen Olives. Fried Filet of Trout. Shoestring Potatoes Roast Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Roast Prime Rib of Beef, Natural Gravy. Potatoes Permentier Stringed Beans. Candied Sweet Potatoes. Union Serves Special Dinnet. Following is the menu offered the Union today: * ate test, utterly vanquished. It class of 1914 which broke t otonous chain of freshman v administering to '15 a drubbir established its undoubted su over the yearlings. The f were literally "wiped out" events, thesophomores notho turing all. three poles in the winning the cane spree as we] While an unusually large c sophs turned out for yesterda they were outnumbered by t men and the contest became of htrategy and grit against : Scarcely a minute after the i Referee Conklin's revolver nounced that the contest had sophomore had torn the "M which streamed from the cer The west pole fell after nine m utes of fighting and there w nine minutes left when the was taken. The freshmen were the fir rive. The line divided into t tions, one surrounding 'eacl poles in a position of defen first year men were all ready fore the sophs appeared. Immediately upon arriving omores formed two sections each side of the field, and the began. Contrary to the exp of the freshmen and the ec second year men advanced to dle pole. Here another surpri store for the unsuspecting for as soon as the attackir were within a few feet of each sophomore drew from his jersey a small bag of fio he threw at the freshmen. Z which formed blinded the for the moment and before t .recover a soph was well st wards the top of the pole. A wild rush then began for pole where a fierce battle en soph had climbed more than up the pole when his strer way and unable to go highe to the ground. Finally after utes the banner was torn dc last pole fell after about ter of hard fighting on both side Sophs Clean up in Ca Thirty of the huskiest me class were matched in pairs gle for the three-foot canes Council had provided. Whes lutes of "spreeing" were over Imen had won nine canes Salad Macedoine. Pont Neuf. Maple Ice Cream and Cake. Demi Tasse. 11rsb'terian Churcb FREE COURSES FOR STUDENTS, FIRST SEMESTES 1911=12 Select Girls to Pass on Junior Play. Four members of the Junior class of girls have been selected as follows to compose the committee on this yyear's Junior Girls' Play: Ethel Jones, Dorothy Maier, Ruth Post and Julia Dillingham. A number of girls are at work at. present in competition to write the choice play, which will be selected by a committee composed of Mrs. Jordan and Mr. H. R. Kenyon. The Junior Girls' Play will be pre- sented on two occasions this year for the benefit of the Senior Girls, and once at the Women's league Banquet in the spring. 1. 3. 3s Life of Jesus. Men's class, 12:10, Dr. French. Class for University Women, Sun. 12:10. Applied Christionity, McMillan Hall Thurs: 6:45 for men and women. Rev. L. A. Barrett 4. 5. 6. India Awakening. McMillan Hall, Mon. 6:45. Dr. French The Preparation for Christian Ser- vice. McMillan Hall, Dr. French. The Moslem World, Newberry Hall, Wed. 4-5 r t sophs, seventeen, while were still struggling. Following the conch spree a series of petty f gan which continued al (Continued on i i M. C A. PERHAPS you don't'care a plugged nickle about the present day value of the Christian religion ,to the tical business man. In that case, quit reading this and roll another pill; chances are that he give the same leaded coin of the realm for you when you strike him for a job. But, in case y care to know something about a factor that is daily becoming of more and more vital inter business men, both from a personal and a business standpoint, it might pay you to hear wh chief statistician of the New York Central lines, Prof. Henry C.- Adams, has discovered and i about the subject, Dewberry Hall, Tonight, Sunday, Oct. 22, at 6:30. 1 1 ,.