1 lichigan Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1912. or ' Schultz, the former otball star and captain, American center, may be coach at Wisconsin to suc- Richards, who has recent- Although his appoint- certain he.has the support. rsity authorities and will the man who is recom- the position. s assistant coach at the >f last fall and had charge men there. As soon as rds resigned he made an and prospects are fair secure the job. LEIN IS ET for at Farewell Dinner Training Table >r of Dr. Kraenzlein, I with Wol- at the close of the son, and the Michigan last Maize and Blue raenzlein will take to Willets of the Oyster Bay tendered a banquet to the track team, the mem- bers of Michigan football teams, and several invited guests last evening. A feature of the gathering ,was the presentation to Dr. Kraenzlein of a gold witch fob by the athletes he has had in charge during the last year. The banquet was in the nature of the regular training table meal for the track athletes who leave for the east this evening. The other guests were treated'to a substantial spread. At the conclusion of the dinner, Captain Pat Gamble of the track team arose and presented Dr. Kraenzlein with they watch fob engraved with the initials of the trainer on the outside, and bear- ing the legend "From his Boys at Mich- igan, 1911-1912," on the inner case. Dr. Kraenzlein made a response to the presentation, and after a rousing Mich- igan song and yell the gathering broke; up. Those present besides the athletes' and Dr. Kraenzlein were Director P. G., Bartelme, Dr. George May, Coach Branch Rickey and Assistant Director George Moe. STUDENTS TO BE EMPLOYED AS WAITERS DUING CELEBRATION Thirty students will be employed by the Michigan Union as waiters Our- ing the Seventy-fifth Anniversary Cel- ebration. The majority of the posi- tions have not been reserved as yet. Application should be made at the Un- ion at once by those desiring the po- sitions. The waiters will probably be employed for the whole week. Women Representatives to be Chosen. Independent representatives of the board of the Women's League will be chosen Friday afternoon, when a meet- ing will be held in Barbour gymna- sium at 5 o'clock. The president of the League requests that all inde- pendent women be present. ENGINEERS STAND BY FUTURE UNION Committee Reports Show that Thirty One Seniors Have Taken Out Life Memberships CAMPAIGN TO CLOSE SATURDAY. Reports, extremely meagre, from the campaign that is being carried on among the senior engineers for Mich- igan Union life membersfhips, point to the one ponclusion that the "Big Idea" of the unionizing of all Michigan men has taken firm root. Thirty-one future tripod carriers and one instruc- tor already have signed the cards that will make them stockholders in the new 'Michigan Union clubhouse. The list includes the returns from but a few of the committeemen who have charge of the work, and the total num- ber of life memberhips will be in- creased greatly within the next few days, when all'the returns have been handed in and tabulated. The campaign is slated to end Sat- urday evening after the all senior frol- ic that is to be held at Whitmore Lake. The canvasses that are being made in the other departments will also be brought to a close at this time. A complete, list of the results will be, published in the Daily as soon as they have been collected and revised. It is expected that at least a hundred memberships will be secured among the engineers, and at least this num- ber is assured among the literary stu- dents. So far it has been impossible to gauge the results in the law, medic, dental and the combined departments, but as soon as the committeemen have finished their work the results will be included with the other departments. The following is a list of the seiiors who have already signed the member- ship cards.' C. W. Hannon, A. Duffy, S. S. Law- rence, C. W. Wright, Joe Hudnut, Roy Campbell, H. S. Steinhauser, R. S. Van Dyke, W. S. Heald, Jerry Collins, J. D. Burge, Herbert Trix, G. W. Cooper, J. B. Webb, J. P. Otte, H. J. Saladin, R. H. Slaymaker, Jack Henning, H. Ros- enfield, Francis Letchfield, G. W. Ky- hock, John Eckhart, W. Davidson, Car- lyle' Fliedner, Robert Lazear, Earle Hoover, M. S. Sloman, H. E. Sloman, M. K. Baer, R. T. Ruetnik, P. S. Cham- berlain, D. S. Patterson. E. E. Ware, an instructor in the chemical engineering department, has also taken 'out a life membership. The membership is not being pushed among the faculty, but Mr. Ware join- ed voluntarily. DEUTSCHER VEREIN PLAY IS READY FOR DETROIT TRIP. The last rehearsal to be held in Ann Arbor for the Detroit production of "Die Journalisten," the Deutscher Ve- rein play, took place Monday evening. At its conclusion, Director Townley remarked he was delighted with the splendid manner in which the play went. A final dress rehearsal will be held at the Garrick Theater Friday af- ternoon, prior to the evening perform- ance. The production has aroused a great deal of .enthusiasm in Detroit and a heavy advance sale is reported. Dr. Fey spoke informally on the Franco-Prussian war at the meeting of the senior men's section of the Deutscher Verein last night. This was the last meeting of the year. INDISCRIMINATE READING OPPOSED Librarian Koeh Thinks Ellis' Works Should be Withheld From General Circulation. FACULTY MEN DFFER IN VIEWS Editor, The Michigan Daily:- To every librarian there comes frogs time to time the delicate ques- tion as to how far he can or should try to regulate the reading of his cli- entele. Inasmuch as the great ma- jority of books that come into a uni- versity library are selected by the teaching staff, the university librarian is not so much concerned with book seljetion as is his colleague in the public library. Yet even in a univer- sity library the question of fitness will sometimes arise in regard to certain books needed by the specialist but viewed with interest by the curious eyes of those for whom the books were not intended. To such a class belong some of the editions of the early nov- elists and dramatists, English as well as Italian and French, and certain editions of works like The Arabian Nights annotated for the use of the student of comparative literature and folklore. Inasmuch as the majority of these classics have been carefully and judiciously edited by, scholars with ripe judgment and good taste, the li- brarian can usually find an edition suited to the needs of the average mod- ern reader. The class of literature to which be- long the works of Havelock Ellis under discussion furnishes a more complex problem. "Studies in the Psychology of Sex' by this writer is without ques- tion a valuable contribution to the lit- eraturd of -the subject. But so is Krafft-Ebing's "Psychopathia Sexual- is." They are, however, hardly fit books for our red star cise. Mr. Ellis was well known as the editor of the Contemporary Science Series before he issued the first volume of the "Stud- ies." With the appearance of the sec- ond volume the work was suppressed by the English Government, and as judicial opinion rendered it impossible for English booksellers to sell the volumes without risk of prosecution, Mr. Ellis resolved to issue the series in the United States. The volumes are now published by a Philadelphia medical publisher, with the express understanding that they are to be "sold only to physicians and lawyers." I was fully posted on the run which this work was having among certain students and had discussed the matter with various members of the medical faculty, who held different opinions as to what ought to be done in the case. When the doctors disagree who is to decide? Last fall a member of the faculty, who has had a son in the university and knows our students in- timately from daily administrative contact, spoke to me about the advis- ability of putting Ellis among the re- served books. I discussed the matter informally vith the Director of the Psychopathic Hospital and he was so decided in his opinion that the books had an unhealthy influence on the mind of the average youthful unscien- tific reader, that I was glad to abide by his advice and retire the books so that only those who made clear the fact that they needed them for sci- entific purposes could get them at the desk. In this decision I am support- ed by the London Lancet, a high med- (Continued on page 4.) MUSIC COMPOSERS FOR OPERA HAVE BUT THREE DAYS LI )Iusic Contest for 1913 Opera 014 Friday; Eighteen"Students Will Submit Work. Competitors, who have entered music contest for the 1913 Michi Union opera, have but three days which to complete their manuscri The contest will be closed on May and a committeeman will be at Union clubhouse from 4:30 to 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon to rece the composition. Eighteen stude are writing for the contest and e will be expected to enter at least and not more than three pieces. The results will be placed in hands of the music committee at on the members of which will select winners who will write the rest of music. The committee is comnpc of Professors Stanley and Howla Earl Moore and Selden Dickinson SENIOR -FROLIC TO BE "SOME" PART Races and Contests of Every Dese tion Will Keep Near Grads - Busy. "Something new and interesting ev- given out ery minute" is the slogan of the com- of Regent mittee in charge of arrangements for likely tha the annual senior frolic to be held at cided to Whitmore Lake next Saturday. Every taken. last year man will leave his cap and . gown and four years of college be- hind, prepared to gambol on the green ALL with all the abandon of the first-year lambkins. FDI "Andy" Smith will be announcer and chief mechanician, and in that ca- pacity will see that the festivities are kept running at high speed. Among Every I the events scheduled are the fat men's graduate race, class president's race, three-leg- enty-fifth ged race, swimming race, sailing race cording t and row-boat race. The pie eating completec contest, however, is expected to de- The part velop unusual interest owing to a of a para unique prize which is offered. Four- Wednesda teen prizes are to be awarded to those Michigan who succeed in renewing their youth on Ferry sufficiently to win first places in the The pa races. A "dark event" is promised hall and which the committee will spring on the street toy field. . sity gues The tub race will have to be elimi- carriages nated, as there are no wash-tubs to be both side found at Whitmore. Likewise the posed of wrestling and boxing contests will be ing to c called off in order to leave time for dressed I the other events. tarboards It is suggested that everybody put a along Sto bathing suit in their steamer trunk as fall in l there are many aquatic events sched- lowed by uled. The university band will be classes i present and dispense melody impar- universit tially and whenever necessary. A Ferry fie pushball contest is expected to close' be held. the ,festivities. A special train will leave over the CHICAG( Ann Arbor at one o'clock, returning at seven-thirty in the evening. Only the special tickets for senior day now on Over o, sale will be accepted on this train and partment the committee will adhere strictly to in ChicaF this rule. A badge accompanies every urday ni ticket which entitles the wearer to the Eight me privileges of the day. ulty atte grads on New Edition of "Yellow and Blue" Out fifth Ann Resplendent in the glory of the new "Changes varsity colors, the title page of the gineering second edition of "The Yellow and tended w Blue" is most attractive. It was drawn H. C. An and colored by J. H. Meier of local A. H. W fame. The edition, coming out in its Prof. C. new dress for Jubilee week, is on sale son, and at the University Music Store. 11feld arade will wards ts wil , whi s by grad lasses in aca s. A, ate st ine b the n ord y. T ld wl 0 EN( ne hundred al of engineeril go, held a ba ght at the E mbers of the e nded and spc "Michigan," niversary Ce4 in the Depa ." The facul ere, Dean M.' derson, Prof. hite, Prof. ,. Johnson, Prof Prof. W. T. H Read ."As it might have been" for A full account of recent election returns ,e And get a. dollar's worth of ples ODD NUMBER blistered the,-press.