ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TVWSIA' Y2S 42 ; . ':' k. } . +' ._ rz;;: a Ink KE PREPARATION' FOR CAP NIGHTi ~' ~ ~ ~i .:, .:, . Ch1airan "JToe" Purge! of tho corn- mittee of the Stuident Council, whlich hs5 the arrang m uets for Cap Night in charge has ordered a menting of all sophomores intereste in the celbra-I tion to be held this evening at 7 o'clock at the Union.t "Every sophomore interested sihould turn out at this metin,;" Bir ;e stat- ed last evening. We need at least 60I mlen to assist in ftegithering of fuel andl for the red lihtW, so that a good crowd of second yearr men should ap)- piear atthe meeting'," Councilmien "E"(ddie" Sieru and Scot Hlopkins, as well as Chairman Burge,' will address the gathering and explaini the nature of the~ work required oA the volunteers, and thet men will ber divided into tw1o squads of all each, (Continued on page 4.) JIXSTILL HOVER.,,S OVIER TRACK TA I i ('oa 4I~h'cs1 Throa I); a a T: ucI s41 ,iIIF -r 1' 1,:"v, X11!li jl hS l. ruk siIaother b .lowv .t Mil _ halla lieo, contralcted heepdemc es terda :. and frmbrill1;entlll 71idC,;1ixa he 'wl e~~al to mk h rpt Pldelphia w ?, it ti;h,',e fi'".iiin tea d1(icapcompetition of' $u iii rday he ha lw; been considerda ie >at11f.1 y li" rown ranl the(hlf, 1inlthe ex: ceeily g 1 ood time o1' .1:7-5an sinc tha tim Dr.Kraezlei h I Iin the ha 1'll f nile at the intreo l e 1?r. lKralel u s.ta 'otd dast eveahnt: (Continued on page; 4.) I V _ i ~irih '1~ i I '. eiil_ hal, .. ah0 e I hlei , 'P'i l ,. irin ! e o 'my' ,':.a:Nd i h y in i hi h rui w la aei y1ro i atel si [sh.. i. ae.. .,. .. ha.e. toIi -aIitd t d s S '9I NPL : y a 'ri. +.. ,, a y i -- + _. d> ... r. \ iI . Ib ACCORDING TO EASTERNR CRITICS MICHIGAN WILL PLACE THIRD ADD kIT.C;; #.ION REA .mdYk. . Weahe lii~ 5.2iri In a prediction as to the results of etinlg the Eastern Intercollegiate track 1and ,onts, field meet which will bhed01 at Phil- teadelijbia F+riday and Saturday, east- yde-meilcritics give,- Michrigan third rank. sen ,de- lTe taible given.. below sho w s 1the0 prob- )R-able placing in the meet and the pi~nts - f}, that, each col lege'wNill dr; a s vie wed 1. // ly ~ fMichig;an is concedled firsts h the high and llow hur1dle and though he may not come he shonving anticipated for himt, evertheless ag;reed tha't lhe will u the events. tlanavan1 of Mlich- giveni secondu in the mile, with of Cornell the choice for first, Hatimbaugh is given the samve n the two mile event, with only of Cornvell lea din him, Kohler n second in the shlotput, and it third in the r°unning- high Sulrp; i',e'theeastern 1trck followersI. 11_iff, 'hoplaced lstyclr in1 the quar- ter, ought to rijpeat iflhe is in good (onionw. 1Brown lwas expctld to show In thle half Mile, !but!hi115i!i10"" will 11nd(oubted!ly prevent1+1him from1 g01i1. eaSt, A s 1to th(e han-. ativeIy, and if 'oniditions iarc';' o a ble, one of them oug"ht to 1;1:aceo.In the broad jump the Mihigan candi- dates, Waring and Cohn, have not( been juml'ping- up to the records of the( eastrn mlen, but both have atta'ined ~distances that would have won plaes, for theml last year, and it is possible thlat which ever one is t aken east may " land a point or two. At a recent meeting of the Intercol-' legiate association, a quecstion was raised as to Michigan1's entries, which together w ith those of Mtassa1chusetts Tech were alleged to have been one da1y lat. Inasumnuch as the entris wr reeived three Nweeks priorito the la1st day of the meet, they were allow- e'd to stand1 under this const iructionl. Mlichigan is not ,gIven a lacein e midgke distances, nor1 in the broad .mps i ad haimmer throwv, and( it is rpi , 1 it -i 'l hf .t1igt IIn ion xv 11 b li; ii. )lto year ac orIii'. h ar te'i Xe ].t'ICh atd Ownbeen fA o-ahha,,dO._the l i tAl ;Vi 1h; i . hi ('utii t T- d he ulai'a a en eiy -I b k T(hasteesrnowador n wi "-l Li ihoithnmhe ex1fw days Thei stcc w r w 1 1 tarte It! o ,ce and thin side decyat~i on w p . i al gatherngYA ofin terI t to th w ol AS EASTERN CRITICS PREDICT THE RESULTS ( 100 Yards ;; .... .,....... .. .. . in d 20 Yarids ........ .. .... .....l r 440 Yards;.. .................. Syr. ent to fthe In- thde Un- gllbers of'. trier spe- -campums .y, secret 8 80 Yalrd.................. .C'orn., One Mlile ..................... Cor.n. Two AMiles. ...... ....,..,..Corn. 1t20 yd. Hurdles ...............M1ichr. 220 yd. hlurles,..............Mich . l3rf;a 'Jumip. .... ......... .. .Penn1. High Jump..................Iar.v Pole Valti.............)arrt. Haimmer Throw........ .arrt. olho!t Pt , .,.,,, .. .Co l. Penn C'orn. Mich. Col, Col. Da.lrt Mlich.1 Third I 'cnn.1 Corn. II ar, i' Il. Pri t a. Sy r. I 'cnnt. 'w ,jiii 19 ha immittee's plans hlave d their final form oral idea is very well iversity physician, a )r women, free consul- sonable nilght calls, as al ward for sick stu- vill probably be asked e university budg et as I afford. TOTIAL 1POMIT SCOIRE enWho will ity are su:re tt ~cebeginsto t The fre i shc Peonsylv!n................2t6 Syracuse..)11....................14 IHiarvard .,.....,,,,J. 12 Columb11iai. ........... ,,,, I inceton 1 .. ,. . .. ..,. it Brown ,s;( 5 . , .,,,, ..., .. . . A DOLLAR FOR A DIME '51&3° 112 Z"A r: 'Elf low And JKGOY The ODD NUMBER is out today. BuitIL