THE MICHIGAN DAILY 9 i POLE-VAULTER INJURES ANKLE. C has. Barton, Varsity Track Man, May Hare to (4ive up Work. Charles P. Barton, Michigan's best pole vaulter, will probably be kept out of track work for the remainder of the season, owing to an injury to his right ankle received yesterday. In trying a few household gymnastlcs, Barton turned his ankle severely, tearing a ligament to such an extent that he will not be able to give his ankle strenu- IF hYovR. Graduat'ini I8 NOT MADE BY Suit The Royal Tail You loge and we lose, yoiv ill los Hligh-grade made-to-measure suit of Co. white shoe ous use for several weeks. can, ti i 4l UUanu u llar U HUID CarlJens, cndiatefor he ll- made, hand-mes-downs will cot you. CarlJens, cndiatefor he ll- line of woolens and take your corre+ fresh track team, also injured himself right. Prices $22, $22.50, $265 yesterday by straining a tendon in his left leg.' hatncp ichuy iga'schnct ers.yhA L atndi sp ichjury'willanotesierisly Intercollegiate, owing to the fact that - eastern pole-vaulters have attained ex-, treme heights. It is nevertheless dis-21SMi P couraging to the Michigan team to learn that one of its number is pre -____________ vented from further work this season. )e because these master Tailors of Chicago and New Yo It supreme style, quality and fit-hancl tailored in the; .ions at a price $5 to $10 less than you usually pay or no i.Then let us show you today before the selection is b ect measure and if the suit is not satisfactory- do not acc adep lAND & .FORS.YTHE AGENTS Packard Shoes & Oxfords 215 S. Main .expert workmen. hus every detail of upervision. Designs according & Coo his Cor. Farmer St. f' X SCRAP-HEAP IS END OF "OLD BEN," '1 I wit in the- Daily. Vw "Ben" Franklin has disappeared. Not the eminent and long-deceased philosopher himself, but his replica as represented by a time-worn pewter and gilt statue which stood sentinel in front of the old law building, long years ago. The discovery of "old_ Ben's" final end comes as a result of preparations for the Seventy-fifth Anniversary Cel- ebration. Plans had been made to res- urrect the revered "Doctor," in order that the old "grads" back for the fes- tivities might again look upon their ancient and battered friend. Only one thing prevented the carrying out of this idea. "Old lien" was no more. Once night sone eighteen years ago, when "Old Bet" stood resplendent in his garb of bronze, on a .pedestal 1o- cated near the northwest .corner of the campus, some sacrilegious student threw a bottle and hit the dignified gentleman In' the middle of the back. But the missile did not stop at the~ spinal column-it went right through the pewter casing of the statue and dropped down in one shoe. Old Ben Falls From Grace. Following the bottle incident, " Old Ben's" self-respect was at an end. He had always been regarded as imp reg- nable, pt d when it was discovered that his bode ,i~vr.s only an affair of thin pewter, -many a brick-bat was hurled at the innocent preteader.; It soon baeean~e necessary for "Ben" to. undergo a severe operation which even specialists hesitated to attempt. The skull of the old gentleman was chiselled open, and several barrels of cement poured into his innermost depths, After that, he was gilded anew, and for several days "Old Ben" looked much as in days of yore. Early Frost Ends the Doctor. But the reincarnation was brief. The operation had been performed late in the fall, and before the cement could dry, a frost struck .Ann Arbor, and proved to be the final undoing of "Old Ben." The cement in the statue froze, bulging through the-pewter casing at every joint. The arm holding a hat dropped Off, and the "Doctor" became unrecogni~zable, even, to friends who had known himt in his former dissi- pated state. When "0ld Ben's" condition was found to be irremediable, he was un- ceremoniously hoisted from his ped- estal and stored in the university paint shops. There he remained, covered with dust and grime, until last winter. Then one day, a wagon backed into the distorted body of the "Doctor,"! and he fell down in a heap. Nothing remain- ed but to shovel him up and cart his ashes away to an ignoble burial in the dump-lot". So "Old Ben" will not be "at home" to receive old friends during Coin- mencement week. Photos for Applications Try our Karbonells $1..00 per doz White's STUDIO 110 E. Huron St. Two Carloads To be closed Wholesale. TRUNKS OF F. ' 325 s of FOR Trunk~s, SPrice. It ...., . i"Co ~you t, the per2 cess. _. _ ... __ .., _ . ........ ...... ... . .. . _.._,._. __. ,,. .., ,,. ... ,,_...,,. .,,, ,-,ti. ....Y.. .,,,, I bags 5c, unt for t Ex-Regent Barbour M1akes Visit Here, Formler Regent Levi L~. Barbqur, Qf Detroit, w}-o recently compiettd 4 journey around the wopld, was in the city yesterday on matters of bugineos and pleasu re, MAJESTIC COMING NEXT MONDAY #More Girls!U Harry Lyons and his girls Matinee Decoration Day at 3 P.M (C 04 nuecI from page The summaries; Princeton, AB RH ~ld c f.....21. 1arkerIf... ..3 0 1 White ss......20 1 R~ee rf.........$09 Wort4 i gtpn 3b .. 2 2 Rhode 11......3 2 1 Shaw2b.......41 1 411le .........20 Greegbaum p....1 ยข00 lRoger p . ......4 1,.) O 4 4 1 0 6 2 6 0 l A 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APIVENFICITIS FORCES SMITil TO IFEAVE BOX. STUDEf have a fine line of Rubber eels or witlhout, that are 0 COY op Totals.... ...6 6 8 27 8 1 tichigan. 7 c . AB R HIO AFE Duncanson 2b....220C Bell l ...,"..,... 12 01 0 Munnre 4.. .:...01 (1 0 0 Lavans s.....,.. Q01.V63 1 Rogers c .... .r. 40Q7 4 1 Blackmnore 8b. ..f 0 1 1 400 Snadirib ,.. . ..... 209 0 50 1 Smith p..........$00 1' 24 Corbin p ........ 0 .0 0 0l 2 0 Scully2b ......,...0 0 0 001 Totals...........29 3 6 24 14 9 WVie have territory left for some 125 stu 35 of whom will be accepted from the Ut ity of Michigan. Our"Product is gt high class Alurmilriun ing Utensil Specialty which appeals ins to every American Housewife. This c~t 4 Piece Cooking Set is a regular. $3.00 seller big sompie 250 college meni will this m @rse the pomplete set for 1-.98 as vertisig feature. We pay 40 per cenl mission on the advertising sale price and bonus of $X0,00 to $100.00 Oct. 1st to student (or. partnership) producing ae volume of business. and ever other way, Students who are not write at once stating age and territory desired. "Esigned (experii it to you. us from us this season and save money REPAIRING ~URF I EL DS 119 S. Main Street Michigan......2 0 10 000 00-3 PrIaceetpn ...... 10 010 2 0 2 ---6 I LNIVORSITY NOTCES( Band meet at bn-tand atx645 to- night. Bring racks, but no #niforms. Fresh engineer baseball men meet at Ferry field, 3 p. ri today. Laws wishing to _joii jeffersonian society will attend meeting tomorrow evening at 7 p. M. W1 ,-A. [HASTING, Superintendent of Colle Aluminum Products Address application At4 r . -- , C1 vment Styles Ideas in Portraits. 0.0C. AE